1. John Marshall Lee says:
    December 1, 2023 at 2:41 pm
    Attended the event and the comments from dignitaries were generally brief and ever positive, though they did not betray a timetable to raise considerable additional funds, find the land that can accomodate a manufacturing location with likely 200 opportunities for good employment with training as necessary, design and build, then open the plant and begin manufacture. More time, lots more money, and more people contributing muscles and mental power down the “green line of the energy economy”.

    And recognize that Bridgeport was selected by the “powers on high” because the conditions of the City geographically, industrially, available and educated workforce, and technical learning centers at University of Bridgeport and more are such as to make us attractive as only one of seven such awards around the US.

    Will there be a benefit to the Bridgeport community? Is there a “community benefit agreement” as part of this specific resurgence? Do “community benefit agreements” post a final Executive Summary of how and when they met the expectations at the beginning of the process ever? Who enforces such accountability of process? Time will tell.

  2. Robert Teixeira says:
    December 1, 2023 at 8:51 pm
    John, if I am understanding your use of the word “Betray” correctly. Are you saying they didn’t reveal a timetable to raise considerable additional funds, find the land that can accommodate a manufacturing location with likely 200 opportunities for good employment with training as necessary, design and build, then open the plant and begin manufacture?

    Though I believe Lennie betrayed it.

    If so, this might be a “majestic” thing that is just political “theater” 🤣

    Considering. 🙃 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSLscJ2cY04

    BTW “Time” is “Short” is that like a coded/side thing y’all got going on in this world? like God is “Great” or God is “Good”. That I literally witnessed tow people going at each other throats over. Asking for a friend.

    You Think? Povit.😇



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