Former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker is ripping mad over the tax increase on his Black Rock home. He intends to air out his lungs during the public speaking portion of the City Council meeting Tuesday night.
Walker and friends have issued this call to action:
Former Comptroller General of the United States and Black Rock resident David Walker is strongly encouraging all residents to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 5th as a show of our unified outrage and strong disapproval of the recently passed municipal budget which has resulted in a 29% mil rate increase. David Walker and others are expected to address the Council between 6:30 and 7:00 with calls for specific actions to address this disastrous situation so it is imperative that residents arrive by 6:15 to show their support. Please make every effort to attend and please distribute this announcement to your respective distribution lists.
Mayor Joe Ganim and city finance officials say about two-thirds of city homeowners will see flat or cuts in their tax bills following revaluation of city property while higher assessed areas such as Black Rock, North End and city businesses must pony up more.
CT Post report Brian Lockhart has more:
Community leaders and activists — Democrats and Republicans — living there plan to storm Tuesday’s City Council meeting to protest the spike in their tax bills wrought by the new municipal budget.
“What I find unconscionable is that the mayor and City Council somehow thought that a budget that would cause a 29 percent increase in the mil (tax) rate was appropriate or even rational,” said Mary-Jane Foster.
Foster, a former mayoral contender, and many of her neighbors, are furious over $2,000-and-up tax hikes.
Ex-U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, a Republican, said, “People want to pursue a lot of options, including seceding from Bridgeport.” Some Black Rockers are calling for a “Brexit” on social media.
Full story here.
I will be there. Some of the city council members just go along with Joe.
Don’t want to call anyone a liar, but I am highly suspect of the 65% no-tax-increase number being tossed around.
Mayor Ganim, show us the proof 65% of real estate property owners saw a reduction in their tax bills. This claim does not pass a “straight face” test. What about the proof Finch left a $20 million deficit? What happened to your promises for transparency, accountability and fighting tax increases? You have a huge credibility gap and the City Council is way over its head and not doing its job. The status quo is unacceptable and unsustainable. It’s time for major changes in Bridgeport.
Every secession needs a starting point. You gotta think of the future. If Black Rock wants to become its own town, here’s a place to start:
www .BlackRockCTUSA.com
One option is for Black Rock to return to Fairfield. Fairfield voters never had a chance to vote on Black Rock’s spinoff when it joined Bridgeport in 1870. Maybe it’s time to do the opposite now–let Black Rock residents and Fairfield voters vote on our return. Black Rock property values would increase significantly, taxes would decline significantly, and we would finally have decent schools. Bridgeport would also immediately file for bankruptcy. Other parts of Bridgeport may seek to spin off and join Fairfield, Trumbull or Stratford.
Yeah right, grow up and answer questions with valid answers. Joining Fairfield is a joke. It will never pass in Fairfield. Why would they? What are they getting from Black Rock, a bunch of elitist assholes who like to moan but do nothing else. Want Bridgeport crime? Why would they want to add to their city services?
Actually Andy, elected officials have been discussing the advantage of that in Fairfield for many years. They get the federal requirement for section 8 housing taken care of, an interdistrict magnet school, two yacht clubs in Marina, and a pretty big tax base of the houses.
That had to be Bridgeport telling Fairfield this. What people don’t understand is this idea must include the tough areas also.
Nope. Sorry Andy, I was a hired hand on the last First Selectman election, my guy won! And it was presented to me as what do you think as a Bridgeport resident.
Black Rock only needs our State Reps to join this fight, we don’t need to join Fairfield to become a new town. Black Rock for 170.
Or alternatively,
Since one of Bridgeport’s challenges is its relatively small size, you could do what most states would do and fold Fairfield Trumbull and Stratford into Bridgeport.
You sir are a dreamer. You moved here from wherever for reasons known only to you. When you go to Fairfield don’t forget to pay Bridgeport for the school buildings, the fire house and ellsworth park just to name a few of the debts you will inherit. Don’t forget the fire trucks you need to buy/
Now let me ask what shared services. Police That wont happen, Fire that wont happen what other shared services. To bad you people thing you are going to only take white black rockers to your new town. More likely it would be the voting district that would include
PT Barnum and State t. You people are self centered assholes.
Len, refresh my memory. Remember when I was probably in my second term there was a North End gentleman who led a coalition that threatened a tax strike. It was encouraged that no one pay their taxes until a resolution was reached. I remember it didn’t happen at that time, but can you imagine all taxpayers holding back their tax payments (put the money in escrow)? It’s impossible to lien the entire city, then for sure bankruptcy would occur.
And that is what a lot of taxpayers in Black Rock are going to do. People are beyond grumbling and throwing up their hands, they are in the mood to hit the city in their checkbook for a change. Bankrupt the city and not the citizens resonates.
That is total bullshit. If people don’t pay their taxes that’s an easy one. Take their houses.
It’s a pretty long process these days to take their homes, and just how many homes does the city want to own, and selling them for tax liens doesn’t recoup the cost to process the delinquent taxpayers. I will give you the point the city will take their homes, but a lot of damage and cost to the city is a big factor in deciding to withhold tax payments.
Andy, as long as a mortgage payment is made to a lender, there is no action for foreclosure. If taxes are due a municipality, the recourse is to lien the property. That’s a big difference from foreclosure. If enough homeowners withheld taxes (while putting the money in escrow), it would be a legal nightmare and the cost would be prohibitive to the municipality.
But Jennifer, the City does not own the real estate, the banks and lenders do. Taxes are included in some mortgages as a matter of convenience for the owner. The mortgage and taxes are two different issues. The City can lien the property, but if enough owners agree to pay their mortgage, but not their taxes, the City would go broke before they can even begin the process of placing liens.
Brilliant! Don’t pay your real estate taxes and be subject to 18% penalty. Doesn’t make too much sense or cents!
Andy, even a broken clock is right twice a day and this day I’m in total agreement. I wrote a letter to the editor over 25 years ago saying Black Rock should try to be a part of Fairfield because the 130th district is Black Rock and then everybody else. You have PT Barnum Apartments and then the State Street area and those in Black Rock have no dealings or concerns with their issues. It’s truly a separate and totally not equal district. A real Tale of Two Cities.
Lisa, I’m talking about if the city decided to foreclose on properties for a tax lien. In a bankruptcy, tax liens have to be paid before mortgages.
You’re right Jennifer, actually municipal taxes trump federal taxes, however there is a process that requires more manpower and the time is lengthy, the City would go bankrupt before the process was even completed. It’s a sad thought, but how much could the average taxpayer absorb?
And that is the point, the city would be paralyzed. The real question is what is the tipping point for withholding taxes.
I WOULD NOT recommend to anyone they not pay their taxes. The Tax Collector of the City of Bridgeport, especially under the tutelage of Ken Flatto, will screw you.
And Mark Anastasi.
Are they marching, has anyone told them what the route is? I would truly be impressed with the residents of Black Rock if they walked down State St. turning left on Park, right on Washington left at St. Augustine’s Cathedral over the bridge. How many Birkenstocks would make it pass the Railroad underpass on State St.? (I sometimes wonder how many have passed Ellsworth St., but this march is Impotent, so who knows? (No, that’s not misspelled.)
Bridgeport’s version of BREXIT, love it. We could be like Guam or Bahamas, vote Walker for Prime Minister, the options are endless.
Hector A. Diaz has a vivid imagination. Instead of a separate town, Black Rock might secede and become a sovereign nation.
I’ll be there on time because I don’t want to miss that train.
The B.R.Exit? Here’s what’s in it for Fairfield: an increased tax base that mirrors existing Fairfield characteristics, an increased shoreline in Fairfield County, a longer stretch of Route 1 and an embedded grammar school with other school needs absorbed into existing schools. Under this proposal, existing public housing in Black Rock would make sense for both sides.
“Bring The Black Rock Turnpike back to Fairfield” sounds like a rallying call to me.
The City Council and the taxpayers of Bridgeport will hear and see a bunch of rich white folks crying about their taxes but who have no concern about PT Barnum and the State Street area where blacks and Hispanics live. They’re just trying to put food on their tables. Dave Walker and his group need to go to those areas and spend some time with them and hear what their needs are but no way, just as long as nobody comes into Black Rock.
Ron, I feel you are painting Black Rock with a pretty broad brush, it has an active food pantry that helps put food on those tables, no questions asked, a lot of local businesses and individuals hire people from PT, a lot of people volunteer in the schools and mentor students in need, write checks to support citywide organizations that give goods and services to those in need. We are one of the highest taxed areas in the city with higher property taxes, and many families struggle to make ends meet. Black Rock has a couple of high-profile people of means, Foster and Walker. They both have put themselves into Bridgeport politics and government, offering their help and vision of how they think the city can be improved. The citizens of Bridgeport said thanks, but no thanks. Foster has been trying to sell her house longer than Walker. They both give financial support and time and effort to many causes in Bridgeport no one in the public is aware of. So if this is what being a rich white community looks like well shame on all of us who have extended our checkbooks, time and effort for trying to help those who both ask and those who do not.
Hey, Ron Mackey. How are you and I hear you!!! 🙂
People are frigging idiots. Walker came to Bridgeport hoping he would be a senator and when he saw that was not going right he put his house on the block. You people in Black Rock are idiots, you keep voting in the same group of people and when JML ran you did not vote for him. After Tuesday you will still be part of Bridgeport.
You don’t know what you are talking about. If I had wanted to run for U.S. Senate I would have stayed in Virginia. I didn’t want to run and twice declined overtures by the NRSC to run in Connecticut. Those are facts.
I know what I said is the truth, are you still interested in being Lt Governor. You sir are full of it. BTW make sure you give JML credit for providing you with any facts and figures you use.
You are full of it. Ignorance is bliss? Communicating with you is a total waste of time. Goodbye!
Andy, when did you join the RTC and Republican state central committee in order to “know” this? Your storyline of Walker’s motives, while interesting, has more than a few gaps in the facts to back up the narrative.
**** Why Black Rock residents or their neighborhood town committees have not tried to get JML to run for any local political office in Bpt is beyond me, no? He’s exactly what all the city council districts need, someone who keeps up with the day-to-day financial political B/S, understands it and seems to ask many of the right questions concerning it! Don’t get me wrong now, there are times I understand the city side information better than JML’s breakdowns, however it’s nice to have someone there shaking the mockingbirds out of the city’s money tree, no? ***
JML did run, and sadly, Danny Roach’s sister defeated him. Imagine that!
*** Also I appreciate someone like Mr. Walker also shaking that city money tree with JML and addressing things from a different political perspective and point of view! Like them or not; how many other city residents or activist do we see or hear about in the city’s public speaking chambers addressing public issues that affect residents of the Park City? I for one am thankful to have them, and whether I agree or disagree with their personal political views, I’m glad they continue to do what they do, bringing a voice and a face that represents city taxpayers in general. ***
Thank you. I appreciate JML’s efforts as well.
If people were really riled up I would have gotten 20 phone calls about this or 30 emails. People would be knocking on my door and asking me to sign a petition.
Yet I see and hear nothing.
This call to action is being issued by a man who cannot sell his house and a woman who did and has moved to Indiana. I wish them well. I love grassroots. But I also know grassroots campaigns do not react well to Miracle Gro.
I will be the first to congratulate them both if there are 300 standing room only residents there Tuesday. But if I were a betting man I’d put $20 on the under of 30 people.
Don’t talk big unless you can produce big.
Spend the weekend on the phones. Activate your phone tree if you know what that is. Turn out the troops or you will lose all credibility.
I would argue Walker lost all “credibility” in your city the moment it was made public he was a registered Republican. Regardless of the FACT President Clinton appointed him, and he had 100% approval from congress. Only one of the most prosperous times in recent history for both citizens and our government. He next lost “credibility” when this city government discovered he was respected expert of government accounting. Imagine letting an expert look at Bridgeport’s books and finding ways to get that house in order. Eight years he offered the Mayors and city council budget committee membership free help and they did not even want to hear one idea. Why? What did they have to lose, or gain? So you have received no phone calls or emails? Considering Foster is a founding member of “Walker’s” group, and many of our strategy meetings (while I was still in town) were held at her house, and her quote in the paper, that seems very odd to me. Perhaps like those of us who have worked so hard to support people who are relevant, honest and honorable to get elected and right this sinking ship, she too is hoisting the white flag.
Thanks for wishing us well. And you are correct, the phone tree and emails need to get activated to a much broader audience.
Jennifer, you are right. Once Walker made it known he was a Republican he lost credibility plus the fact he was a true carpetbagger, he had no roots here, he just comes in and convinces the white residents in Black Rock he would be their front man. How many of those meetings were there blacks in the meetings? Jennifer that’s nice there’s a food pantry but come on there is no real contact, that’s the easy way out, write a check and donate some food, then you can say we are helping.
Seriously Ron, just what do you want the rich white Black Rock people to do? Go sit on the steps of the other parts of the city and say please talk to us and be our friends? Because that part of the city comes to us, door to door, meeting to meeting and about all they ask for is our money, because time and time again we give it, we introduce those asking to our friends and neighbors and convince them to write checks also. Yes, both blacks and Hispanics have attended and are active in “Walker’s” group. One of my favorite was a Finch plant who shouted and challenged and disrupted a meeting. Foster invited more than a few prominent blacks, one actually said this just looks like another group of white men trying to tell me how to run my life, and I am too old, too tired and too busy to take the time to see if they are any better than the ones we have in office now. Yes, that was the response from your Senator Moore. So Walker is a carpetbagger, because he had a job in New York City and spent months looking for a waterfront home in three states and chose the most diverse city and attractive home he could find. And yes, we good ole white folks looked at his credentials, his actual accomplishments, spent time getting to know him and rallied around his ideas that working together citywide there was hope all the city wanted better schools, better quality of life and better understanding of each other’s neighborhoods, their needs and wants. Yes Ron, it was really fun walking with Walker up and down the Green apartments looking at the human excrement in every stairwell, the bullet holes and having the residents giving us the look of get out of here or else. Did you notice shortly after those stairwells were cleaned, would we be better in your eyes if we did this every week? Yes Ron, please tell all of us how writing checks and giving free food to those in need is the easy way out, easy for whom? Should we just stop writing those checks and stop helping the hundreds of families every month that get the help they desperately need? I will make sure they know the idea to stop came from your comments. You were invited to those meetings. You not only refused, you bashed and ridiculed and degraded every effort we made, so on the one hand you fault us and on the other hand you make it almost impossible for any openminded black to even consider joining the group. Ron, I have a great respect for you and the history of your struggle to just get a job, and a few years ago when you, Donald Day and Andy Fardy had that long, raw, heated honest exchange about that whole process and what it was like for you, well it brought me to my knees. I had a greater understanding and empathy for what it was to be a black person, not that I will ever know, but I got it. I know what we look like to you, and it saddens my heart that you give the collective white peoples of Black Rock and Walker the biased and narrow unkind treatment year after year blog post after blog post. Because you have never taken the time or effort to sit down with any of us and try to understand or see if we are the devil or just people like you, trying to do the best we can to help our fellow man.
Jennifer, Google “white guilt” in the 1960s streets and ’70s it was white liberal Democrats who played that card, we were told to vote for them and they would work for us but when a number of blacks said hell no, they would run for elected office. What are some of the main concerns of people of color in the 130th district and do you and Dave Walker know? No, you don’t know, where are your voices on crime, drugs and drug dealers, how about gangs or lack of jobs so they can take care of their families? Time will tell (JML).
Ron my trusted friend, I’m not devaluing your comments, but I want to share my limited time with Dave Walker. He was genuinely gracious and friendly, politics was not the center of his conversation, I was pleasantly surprised when I left with a positive impression of him. Our meeting was not in any way political. I wish there were more Republicans who took the time to try to change long-standing practices in Bridgeport. If he had or has politic aspirations, so what, most people do. At least he’s qualified. He’s the first person in years who is attempting to wake up the people of Bridgeport, get them to fight back and be willing to become knowledgeable again. I’m sure Dave is aware Bridgeport is at least 70% minority, you and I know our so-called leaders don’t want anything to do with someone who is willing to bring people together to try to change the same-ole-same-ole. I don’t know Dave well, but I like what he’s trying to do. I’ll be there Tuesday evening.
Respectfully, get serious on this topic. Were we to have time to have that cup of coffee and the offer is still open, I would ask you to consider such contacts with other parts of the 130, and other districts, through NRZ activities for over eight years, through PT Partner activities for a third year, and most recently as a member of the NAACP of Greater Bridgeport and Communications Director for that organization for over 12 months. Our Volume 1, Issue 1 edition has just come out and I would like to put a copy in your hands and ask you to read it. More than that I would ask you as to whether it covers the silence on officer Blackwell, the outrage by Councilman Banta over Fire Department appointments, about education, political and other topics within its four pages in a reasonable manner? (Residing in Black Rock, white, black or brown neither qualifies you for automatic profiling as an elitist, a Republican, rich, or out of touch with the rest of the community, so why continue that ‘rap?’ It does not serve the majority of people who are in need of an alternative group of leaders who are unified in dealing with the corruption, in my opinion.)
And I would ask for your spotlight and contribution on future subjects of interest. And you will say? Home phone this weekend 203-366-3667, leave a number if I am out, please. Time will tell.
JML, I’m as serious as a heart attack with my comments, again, my comments. The NAACP of Greater Brideport has done nothing and has said nothing about anything. The Firebird Society is a lifetime member as an organization and I was a member until they lost their legal standing with national chapter and I did not renew my membership. I have no problem calling someone out no matter if it’s the mayor, the fire chief, anyone black or white. The outrage by Councilman Banta over Fire Department appointments was just one person’s view that has power behind it, now if it were the majority of the council then that’s different. What good are studies and position papers when there is no action plan to make something happen? The NAACP is the oldest civil rights organization in America and some of their founding members were white. JML, tell me something the NAACP of Greater Bridgeport has done in let’s say the last 25 years. What about the silence on Officer Blackwell?
JML, it noble that you are involved in the NAACP, but like Mackey said, “what have they done in the last 25 years that benefits the Black community of Bridgeport? It’s a toothless tiger with no balls and a president who lacks the capacity to even feign outrage.
*** As an ex-member of the NAACP in Bpt I must say they’re all about the due$, the board members and not much of anything else locally unless it’s something that’s caught the attention of the media statewide or nationally. Never got memos or letters about monthly meetings, once in a while, like board voting time I would get a call from my good friend Mary B. to vote but really nothing else that I can remember. It’s all locally political and during elections times there seems to be a lot of finger pointing and negative talk that only makes the local seem “not” together. However this is just my personal opinion from my past experience and others may have a difference of opinion. But good luck to you JML during your membership in the organization. ***
Whew! Bet you’re glad no one took you up on that bet.
Back to the future Black Rock 170.
If Black Rock secedes from Bridgeport and rolls its tax rate back to 2013.
We can become the next free Town in Connecticut, #170 with a grand tax base of $60 Million.
Black Rock is 2.3 square miles
Houses and condos 9800 units
Population 25,000
Occupied apartments 6,000 units
School grants and subsidy from the State we can do this on $60 million a year.
With shared services from Fairfield and Bridgeport we can become the next new town in Connecticut #170.
That option should be on the table too. The status quo is unacceptable and unsustainable.
There is a section of a neighboring district that looks remarkably like Black Rock and is sitting right on (and I do mean ON) the Fairfield border that should be a natural inclusion to this proposition. Not that I am convinced any of these options will come to pass, but just in case, don’t forget Brooklawn Avenue.
You are absolutely in the mix, a very attractive piece of Bridgeport to Fairfield.
And I hope you attend Tuesday night and bring your friends and neighbors.
Of course.
That option is a legal fantasy. A better approach would be to combine Fairfield, Trumbull and Stratford into Bridgeport. But that too is fantasy. Now, can we get back to reality?
Please do and secede.
You sir are a dreamer. You moved here from Fairfield for reasons known only to you. When you go to Fairfield don’t forget to pay Bridgeport for the school buildings, the fire house and Ellsworth park just to name a few of the debts you will inherit. Don’t forget the fire trucks you need to buy.
Now let me ask, what shared services? Police, that won’t happen, Fire that won’t happen. What other shared services? Too bad you people think you are going to only take white Black Rockers to your new town. More likely it would be the voting district that would include PT Barnum and State St. What would you call your new town? Elitistville! White Heaven! Richville! You people are self-centered assholes.
I wonder how many of those planning to attend on Tuesday night actually testified when the City Council held hearings on the Mayor’s proposed budget.
Other than JML and maybe David Walker my guess would be zero. It’s easier to bitch from home.
Wait, what? Pretty sure you wrote you were the A$$#0!£ for staying, Andy.
Jen, that is exactly right.
Okay, I get it. If we stay we are a$$#@!#$ and if we want to leave we are a$$#@!#$, so we are all a$$#@!#$. At last, something in common!
I wonder how many of those planning to attend on Tuesday night actually testified when the City Council held hearings on the Mayor’s proposed budget.
FF would not have to pay for the schools or firehouses since they belong to the people and would go with. Also, the schools were paid for by the state and feds. I am not sure about the firehouses.
If Black Rock returns to Fairfield, then in my view PT Barnum should be part of that spinoff. I would suggest spinning off the portion of zip code 06605 below I-95. In the interim, we should pursue an Independent Financial Control Board to try to avoid bankruptcy.
But wait a minute, is it a march? Are we standing as a group on City Hall steps with speakers addressing our concerns, or are we doing what we should have been doing for the last 20 years, ATTENDING a meeting of the Council?
Black Rock also paid for those buildings, schools,,fire and police services. While being the highest taxpayers in the nation!
Will be more than happy to take PT with its state mandate for affordable housing at 10%.
Bridgeport will cut Black Rock a check to secede.
Jim, make up your mind. First you live in Fairfield then you move to Bridgeport now you want to go to Fairfield again. You may have paid taxes way back when but that’s been over for eons. You will pay for those and other buildings. You elitists then can all go where the white upper class goes to eat and moan. Screw all of you moaning Black Rockers. The only ones out there actually fighting the battle are JML, Pete Spain and a few other friends of JML. BTW Jim, you have to pay taxes before you moan.
Andy, you can move to Black Rock once we secede. I’ll find you a nice place to live on Bostwick Ave, next to O&G.
That will be better than living next to the snobs in all Black Rock. Why is Black Rock such a big deal? With a few exceptions it’s made up of multi-family dwellings and 5&10-cent stores on bar-laden Fairfield Ave. BFD.
Need some time with Pat and you on our porch. It provides a reason why people move to Bridgeport in the first place. Because I live in Bridgeport, in the 130 District and so identify myself to all and sundry. And my governance view does not change when we sit on that porch together. Perhaps we can do it at a time when Ron wants a chance to share some info. All of us have to deal with the “red rubber boots” phenomena of this past year.
(Black Rock is a “state of mind” promoted by real estate brokers and then bought into by some residents. But we all pay the same mil rate, have been let down in major ways by Public Safety leadership that has allowed police force employment to decrease allowing (per the latest contract) members to book overtime in big chunks that will affect their retirement income and our taxes for years to come that was not necessary as those officers to a major extent live outside Bridgeport, and face a school system that is responsible for more than 20,000 youth but has been made anemic with inappropriate funding levels and major challenges of poor, undereducated families, with employment problems, health issues, housing stability concerns, etc. You and I know these things and we are just touching the surface. It gets darker the deeper you look. And that does not bode well for the youth today who will become adults, with expectations of responsibility over the next 20 years, does it? It’s not really about Black Rock, is it? It’s about respect, basic respect for other folks who live around you, and it’s about sharing your gifts and competency daily with others, as much as time and talent allow. Is that too much to expect? Time will tell.
In 1991 the $300 million budget had a gap of $18,000,000. The unions refused to participate in any effort to reduce costs, the governor told the mayor to go back to Bridgeport and raise taxes, and yada yada yada, the story goes on.
I opposed the effort to file bankruptcy. When the city council was forced to vote on it I joined the other nine Republicans (yes, 10 Republicans on the city council) to vote to proceed. The ten Democrats staged a walk-out. As they exited the council chambers, entered Joe Ganim and the rest is history.
Twenty-five years later the budget has increased by 86%, the city council is of one party (appointed by the Democratic town committee), less than half of the 20 council members own their homes (based on information in Vision Appraisal) and pay property tax and arguably, few council members understand the budget and their duties.
The value of my house is down and my taxes have increased.
Will a gathering of angry taxpayers send a message to council members? What is the message? A few will make statements saying they feel the pain and understand the anger.
Then, the meeting will proceed.
All in favor of approving items on the consent calendar? ‘Aye.’
Motion to adjourn? ‘Aye.’
*** In the same time period we learned that Government Accounting Standards Board rules now require pension plan assets and obligations to show up on the city balance sheet. Once again that pushed us into the “red zone.” Underwater in the operating budget and on the balance sheet. That latter fact means if the city attempted to sell each item at a value posted on the balance sheet for the value so posted, when the last piece of property, building, fire engine, Segway and public art owned by the City is gone, we will still have hundreds of millions of obligations.
DOES THIS NOT MEAN WE ARE TECHNICALLY BANKRUPT? I have advocated the City of Bridgeport is BANKRUPT since at least December 2015. I have verbally stated my position at Black Rock NRZ meetings in front of our two CC reps and State Rep Steve Stafstrom and have placed this opinion here on the OIB site. One member said we are NOT financially qualified for bankruptcy. I beg to disagree. In fact, if you add all the money Bridgeport REALLY needs, especially for infrastructure (housing especially), we are even further in the red.
BTW, I live in Black Rock and I think all this talk about secession etc. is silly, 100% IMPRACTICAL, and a total waste of time.
Of course it is. It would require the approval of the General Assembly and the Governor and the chances of that happening are roughly equal to my chances of being elected President this year. It’s technically possible, but it’s not going to happen.
Would vote for you early and often, regardless of party affiliation.
*** It does not bother me one bit that Mr. Walker is Republican, a voice is a voice when it comes to speaking on government matters that are not in the best interests of its citizens! *** Keep on doing what you’re doing Mr. Walker; SA DA TAY! ***
Mojo, how does it sound if your pension were reduced to help your former employer?
*** That’s why I still pay my retiree union dues and keep an active eye and ear out on the State Budgets and pension rumors because it seems every four years the sitting governor or the ones running for the office seem to all have crazy money-saving ideas that always hurt the needy, the seniors or those who did their years of State service and have since retired. In other words, it’s nothing new! ***
I’m at loss to explain why would Bridgeport just give Black Rock to Fairfield. Let’s see, they are not a drain on city resources, they probably pay their taxes on time and here’s the capper, they pay hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of dollars in taxes to Bridgeport. What’s in it for Bridgeport because I know what’s in it for you who live there, a little prestige in having your mailing address as Fairfield.
You are correct Donald, other than losing a voting bloc that does not always vote lockstep with the machine, and a community that rallies and occasionally effectively blocks some administration plans we feel harm our community, Bridgeport would lose the ability to meet their financial obligations without the Black Rock tax base. It has been noted by many multi-generational Black Rock citizens they have never seen the community this angry and motivated to fight city hall. If this administration does not address the 29% tax increase and get real relief to this community soon, expect a very long and costly (to the city) court battle to ensue. While the 18% interest on taxes not paid sounds outrageous, there are many who would rather incur that than give the city one dime before a court order.
Jennifer, you are right but that’s really sad. Think about this, over the years the 130th district gangs, really big-time drug dealers, murders, robbery and where were the voices of those in Black Rock when all of this was happening in your district? Total silence but don’t dare talk about raising their taxes, they are willing to march.
We have a very successful and active crime watch citizens group, we have even, with police assistance had civilian volunteers drive the neighborhood at night on patrol, we have gone to other neighborhoods and given examples of how to achieve this in their neighborhoods, recall it was the group of women, called “The Black Rock Bitches” by city council members who got legislation passed to close 12 Bridgeport massage parlors (and I think the number is 86 state wide), known prostitution, drug and money laundering facilities, which freed up police to focus on gangs and drug dealers. Black Rock has endured and paid tax increases along with the rest of the city, usually paying more in dollar amounts, this time we are being asked to pay 29% more, not just a citywide tax increase, but 29% more than the majority of the city. That’s hardly “raising” our taxes, that’s literally taxing people out of their homes, and will most certainly impact the amount of those checks the rich white people used to write to support many citywide very important charity organizations.
Bridgeport would not give BR to FF. BR would forcibly leave. It would be more like a foreclosure than you selling your house.
Fairfield did not vote when Black Rock spun off from Fairfield and joined Bridgeport in 1870. This time it would be Black Rock and Fairfield voting. A spinoff would result in Bridgeport immediately filing for bankruptcy. It’s headed there anyway absent an Independent Financial Control Board.
Dave, really. You are leaving when you sell your house so how about you shut the hell up? BT, do you think Bridgeport is just going to give you the assets it has in Black Rock? I think not so where does the money to buy them come from?
Ron Mackey, I had the first gun held to my head in Black Rock in 1983, I was 13. I had the second gun held to my head in Black Rock in 1990. I was 19. Both incidents were reported to the police and nothing was done. My grandmother was mugged on Fairfield Ave in 2001. Police were called, nothing was done. In 1990, I was in my car and hit from behind on FFLD Ave., the car took off into PT Barnum apartments. We called police and gave them the plate #, nothing was done. My house was robbed in 2014, by someone I knew. Called the police, nothing was done. You see Ron, you expect outrage, why? Crime in Bridgeport is the norm for everyone. Crime is not colorblind and knows no boundaries. You ask what have Black Rockers done. We have complained, bitched, called the police, argued with the police, reported the police and nothing gets done. Crime is not about color and not the fault of a specific color. It is a Bridgeport norm that no single or group of people have ever gotten help with. All of Bridgeport should be outraged. This is not an issue of rich white people turning their heads. It is an issue to be addressed with the Bridgeport PD and all elected officials. You sir, have a good day and stay safe.
Mary, I’m sorry to hear about that but that in no way changes anything I said. Where are the voices from Black Rock when there are murders and drug dealing and when residents especially the elderly who can’t leave their apartment in PT Barnum for fear of something happening to them. They look out of their windows every day and they see drugs being sold.
*** How do the residents of Black Rock have anything to do with by knowing or actually getting involved into the crimes that happen all over the 130th district in general? I don’t know of anyone in PT or Twin Towers who really gives a rat’s ass about the crime in B/R or in other districts in Bpt. When citizens complain about anything in general, it’s usually concerning where they live, work, schools, shop or spend a lot of their or their family’s time. Not other neighborhoods’ problems or concerns. But one thing is for sure, when it comes to local or State taxes, it’s everyone affected’s concern, no? One last thing, out of the 10 districts in Bpt, which are the top three districts that seem to always complain or speak on issues at city hall, etc. that affect Bpt citizens in general, I wonder? ***
Mojo, you were a council member and your district had a lot of crime and it still does, so what has changed? Nothing.
Mary, I wish we had more writers like you.
Ron, I grew up hanging around with friends in the PT apartments. I am well aware of the issues and so are elected officials and the Bridgeport PD. I have been to safety meetings in Black Rock and the dangers of what is going on in PT are constantly addressed by all Black Rockers. The one thing I will say and you will not like is I rarely have seen anyone who lives in those apartments come and speak up. Maybe they are like the rest of us and are exhausted with talking about and not getting help. Maybe they too see it as the norm. This is a Citywide issue and everyone needs to talk about it. Everyone needs to call the PD and Mayor and City Council to yell about it. That’s you and me and every Bridgeport resident on this blog. I hope I get to meet you someday. Seems you have been around awhile and might know a thing or two to get the help we ALL deserve.
Mary, I see you do recognize part of the problem and the question is why the residents of PT Barnum are not attending those meetings. One, there is a mistrust issue, why not have those meetings in PT Barnum or at the Gary Crooks Center? The only time whites come to PT is election time.
*** Elections, time to take pictures, or maybe to buy drugs, no? How about Politics or news events? But then again, it is what it is; Black or White! ***
Of course, because the food pantry is only open at election time, and the Black Rock schools their kids attend are only open election time, and the Burrows Center is only open election time. Many of the meetings are held at the Black Rock Library and Burrows Center, both facilities used and very familiar to all of Black Rock.
You have a lot to say now that you moved to lovely Indiana. Write op eds there.
Yup, it’s pretty nice here and not much to complain about. Thus, my time to share what I know about Bridgeport. Somehow the narrative in my head is, I “know” if I was writing what Andy agreed with, he would be encouraging me to write on, sister.
If it were factual and not whimsical.
Lisa, I believe what you said about Dave Walker and that was your feelings towards him. I’m sure Dave is a good and honorable man. Let me make a few points. First, Walker started dealing with the issues in Bridgeport from the time he moved here and he never goes into the history of how we got where we are today and if he did then he never mentions it. One of his earliest post was cutting police and firefighters pension with no background on how the City had gotten to the financial mess it was in.
Next, it was Republican Mayor Nicholas A. Panuzio (1971-1975) who ran for mayor with his pledge to firefighters and police officers they would be able to retire after 20 years of service. The late Assistant Fire Chief Joesph DeCarlo who was IAFF Local 834 union President led the effort to get union members to support the Republican candidate for mayor, Nicholas A. Panuzio because at that time police and firefighters lived here in Bridgeport and they used their voting power to elect this Republican to become mayor.
Lisa, you said, “I’m sure Dave is aware Bridgeport is at least 70% minority.” Lisa, really? Lisa you know if you want to make change then you need people to view your position as right and you need their help to make the change, well do you think Dave Walker reached out to this 70% to help him to make change? We know the answer to that one.
Lisa, here is a little background, David M. Walker served as United States Comptroller General from 1998 to 2008, and is founder and CEO of the Comeback America Initiative. He was considered a potential contender for the Connecticut U.S. Senate seat that Joe Lieberman left in 2012, but chose not to run, and said he would maintain his status as an independent. Similarly, he had been promoted as a potential candidate for president, through Americans Elect, before that organization’s decision to not field a candidate in the 2012 election.
Lisa Parziale, this my reply to your post // Jul 3, 2016 at 7:17 am
Lisa, Bridgeport was going to be his starting point for political career, now he’s going to dot the “i’s” and cross the “t’s” but this Dave Walker. Lisa, if there is a person who rubs Andy Fardy and Ronald Mackey the wrong way it’s David Walker and that’s saying a lot.
Ron, you know the facts better than I, and I believe what you say, always have. I was speaking about a personal exchange I had with Dave and most of our discussion was about a mutual friend of ours. I found him to be pleasantly engaging. My knowledge of his background is zero, I defer to you and Andy. I’m surprised Andy hasn’t yelled at me yet. LOL.
Here is what David Walker doesn’t want you to know because he has never spoken about this on OIB. The question I have is, why? Don’t trust me, just Google “Americans Elect” and read all about this organization, “Americans Elect.”
Draft David Walker for President of the United of States 2012: Americans Elect Backers
www .americanselect.org/
This is what the real David Walker is all about. Just read what’s in the HUFFINGTON POST
and you will find what his plan is for not only Bridgeport but for America. The article states, “He (David Walker) fits Thomas Friedman’s definition for what Americans Elect is all about–launching the candidacy of a “viable centrist” who can be the Great Deficit Cutter and, by extension, the friendly face of entitlement program destruction.”
I read Ron, and one of the entities that is listed as soon being in a partnership with Americans Select is Koch & Hoos LLC. The assistant treasurer of Americans for a Conservative Course is Ted Koch, principal in the firm of Koch & Hoos, LLC. Koch & Hoos specializes in the accounting and setup of PAC/527 groups like Stop Her Now, a committee funded to attack Hillary Clinton when she was the junior senator from New York, the Tommy Thompson for President 2008 committee, and the really awful attack ads funded by the National Republican Trust at the end of last year’s election against Jim Martin in Georgia. Is this a case of Birds of a Feather?
Buckwheat and Farina are at it again, Otay!!!
Does Mackey ever sleep?
Ask your mother.
Jimfox, that’s funny because your mother said the same thing to me the other morning when I left her house.
Rumor Mill: In 1975, the producers of James Bond movies had a problem: they needed stunts done that were too complex for Hollywood stunt men. Their research lead them to David Walker. He’d received special training at that stage of his career. In 1975, it was David Walker, stunt doubling for Roger Moore, who jumped out of an airplane wearing a tuxedo with a built-in parachute designed by Q. His safe landing (with voice-over from Roger Moore) is considered a Hollywood classic and he has a signed photo to prove it. This explains his James Bond-themed license plate and why friends sometimes refer to him as Double-O Dave.
Local Eyes,
Very creative. Actually, my license plate refers to the fact I was the 7th Comptroller General of the United States.
Jimfox, first it was Amos and Andy, now it’s Buckwheat and Farina. If you want to call Ron and me a nigger just go ahead and say it and quit beating around the bush. Those names are just more of your dog-whistle politics.
How about The Cudabuck and the Blue Gum Slibb???
JimFox, that’s okay because the other night when I left your mother’s house I left my shoes under her bed.
Hey Cudabuck, when you come back for your loafers, make sure you take your jar of Dixie Peach Pomade and your box of Depends with you, Otay!
Mackey and Day don’t use pomade and those racist comments are wrong, it must be your Fairfield upbringing. Ron and Don, I am speaking for myself only.
Andy, I checked with O&G today, they said they have a contract with the city that reads No Assholes within one mile of the plant.
So moving you to Bostwick Ave is totally out of the question.
Then I also checked with the Burroughs community Center and I told them you were a retired Bridgeport Fireman who would love to move into Black Rock, and they said “we in Black Rock have enough retired Firemen picking through our recycle cans at 2am looking for soda and beer returns every second Thursday!”
Maybe I can talk to Maria P. to see if she will let you stay in the 138th, after all she does have a big heart.
You know Jim, it is really sad you denigrate retired firefighters living in Black Rock. You punk, any one of them would kick your ass. Maybe if you collected cans in Fairfield you would not have had to move to Bridgeport. Tell Maria what you want, who cares? She is going to win up here.
I took his loafers when I left, asshole.
You should have taken the Depends!
I could not take the Depends, you were wearing them. Fox, if you want I will save you the cans and then maybe you could move back to Fairfield. God knows you haven’t done anything of good since you moved here.
Thanks Andy, make sure you wash them out first, that’s if you can bend over, I’m sure you did that a lot on your way up the ladder!
The only thing I’ve done is to pay my taxes so you, Buckwheat and Farina can enjoy collecting your Mega pensions!
Oh that’s right, I don’t pay taxes!
Just remember this, if this city goes the way of Detroit, you’ll be standing in line like the rest of the vendors!
And then you will want your cans back.