See Video from news conference above

News release from city:
This afternoon Mayor Ganim joined Superintendent Testani, BPS Board of Education and School Building Committee members, State Delegates, City Council members, Bassick High School Principal along with the Presidents of the University of Bridgeport and Goodwin University to announce the new site of Bassick High School to be located within the University of Bridgeport Campus. The site offers an ideal learning environment with connection to the university campus; an education model that allows students to take advantage of the college atmosphere and progress from high school to continue their education.
Mayor Ganim stated, “Today, we are here to officially announce the new home, new location of Bassick High School in the City of Bridgeport. This huge announcement starts a chain of events that will transform this site into a state-of-the-art high school for Bridgeport students that is well overdue.”
Superintendent Testani stated, “I can’t think of a better location as a former graduate of University of Bridgeport. This will be a great experience for our kids, eye-opening experience for many, but also motivating as students will have the opportunity to take advantage of programs and facilities.”
State Representative Steve Stafstrom stated, “This project here before us today is not just about building a new building. It’s not just about incorporating with a University. It’s about changing the model of high school education here in the City of Bridgeport and making sure we are building upon the advanced manufacturing back-log of jobs we have in Connecticut and making sure our kids can get those careers. It’s about changing the economy and ecosystem of this City.”
City Council President and School Building Committee Chair Aidee Nieves stated, “It’s very exciting that we’re building equitable children who can work in our City and build new stock in our community for economic development.”
State Representative Antonio Felipe stated, “This news will bring real results and a holistic education to kids right here in Bridgeport in our South End and West Side.”
Goodwin University President Mark E. Scheinberg stated, “We are thinking right now about the future–what’s bigger than us and bigger than now–where our kids will be in the next twenty years. The interrelationship between a forward thinking, comprehensive high school and a University on the same campus–the possibilities are endless.”
The development of a new Bassick High School has been in discussion and planning for a number of years. This effort has been a combination of state and local partnerships to find a premium location that will provide students with optimum academic space, an athletic field as well as conditions for students to remain in school while a new facility undergoes development. Most exciting and noted by local officials is that Bassick athletic teams will finally have the opportunity to practice and compete on their own field.
The transaction negotiated between the city and the university culminated in the city acquiring all parcels of land for $6million dollars, with the sports field leased to the city for 99 years at $1.00 per year.
So, broke Bridgeport — which had a campus for Bassick and only needed playing fields, which could have been added less expensively, from within the Bassick neighborhood — was in on the arrangement of the UB, sale-for-parts fire-sale all along… No surprise… We’ll see more, and dirtier, land deals as our university is disbanded and sold for parts to various “private parties” in third-party deals…
The CT AG and Governor’s Office appears to be complicit and fine with UB’s dismantling and the ensuing fire-sale of assets. They really should be investigating the whole situation — but Ned was at the propaganda conference and thought everything was fine… Perhaps our state government should be investigated — when we have a functional federal government again…
Something smells rotten in “Denmark!”
Side note, Comrades they took down the statue of Columbus in the park and I heard he was a Jew. Steve did you know that. 🙂 Or is it more of shewed history? Good job Comrades Joe. 🙂
Robert , I will leave that up to historians. Whether he was a Jew or not is not is not relevant. He may well have been a Jew as there was important clues written on his will. It doean’t matter if he were a Catholic or a Muslim, Spanish or Italian. The Jews never claimed him as their own.What does matter is historical fact and how his presence is hurtful to many.
The Italians do not idolize him for what History has recently taught us. Generations are still confused and in shock. I would hope that we as a nation are smart enough not to destroy there statues as artistic works of great artisans. I would like President Biden to create another huge historical museum in Washington D.C. I would like it to house all statues that are being removed from the Confederacy to Columbus and G-d knows who else. It should state the History we were taught in school for generations and include the indisputable facts. Before we got here – The Native Americans had a relationship with the earth and to appear nature. When we arrived – we contributed disease and death and slavery.
It would be nice to see more statues that reflect our Native American History as well as Leaders in Black History. So many hero’s never acknowledged. I’m still waiting for Harriet Tubman to appear on our money- Thank you Donald Trump as well as her name on schools. Especially in Minority neighborhoods. So many cultures have made so many contributions but never acknowledged. I guess now is the time.
Was Columbus a Jew? Who gives a @#$$#@.
Just asking, You’re right about our history books it never mentioned Columbus was a Jew or a genocidal maniac. And I bet most calling for its removal didn’t know he was a Jew, right comrade Ron? probably most Italians too. 🙂
Like said Italians sure can pick’me. 🙂
Councilman Cruz did you know that killer and was a Jew? I read about how the Italian community was considered in the discussion of Columbus removed. Was the Jewish community considered as part of the discussion too?
The Italians would give a @#$$@ takes some paint of them. Who knows, maybe if they knew he was a Jew they wouldn’t have been fighting over the removal of his statue?
P.S How knows true history maybe the South won the war against the North and was actually against black suffrage and for their progress because they sure didn’t tell the people Columbus was a Jew or a killer, right Councilman Cruz?
Well, My first choice would have been the Hubbell Site on State Street. However, That site would do well to be a business and stay on the tax rolls. This is a great day for Bridgeport. Congratulations to all involved in making this happen. To the naysayers- The University of Bridgeport isn’t going anywhere but now the City has 3 other Universities to be a partner. Bassick will have a state of the art facility. They deserve the best. To be able to walk on the beach after school is just icing on the cake.
The Mayor gave a brilliant speech as well as all of the offiicals that did not expect to speak. The naysayers can be critical but if the Council members on the Westside- Marcus Brown and Yvette Brantley think Basssick deserves the best and support this move as well as Southend leaders Jorge Cruz and Denese Taylor Moye support this move Then I think it is a brilliant move and keeps U.B alive and exposes the students to a college campus. This is a big deal. I just can’t wait to see the design. This leaves the old Bassick in a few years open to new life , Perhaps apartments or a total brand new development after all of the time wasted decided do we or don’t we keep the old building intact. Congrats to Marcus Brown who fought for this as well as the entire Bridgeport Team. Very Proud today!
I give you that Steve. I like the location considering the length debate on preserving the old historic school and it location even over the plot on State and Fairfield. It may seem like some people are looking out for the Port. That foresight. However, UB died back in the 1990s, the moonie keeps it going with foreign students. Once they were removed it’s gone. The question is what’s its future or should I say what the future of the location. JS
Robert , I will leave that up to historians. Whether he was a Jew or not is not is not relevant. He may well have been a Jew as there was important clues written on his will. It doean’t matter if he were a Catholic or a Muslim, Spanish or Italian. The Jews never claimed him as their own.What does matter is historical fact and how his presence is hurtful to many.
The Italians do not idolize him for what History has recently taught us. Generations are still confused and in s
hock. I would hope that we as a nation are smart enough not to destroy there statues as artistic works of great artisans. I would like President Biden to create another huge historical museum in Washington D.C. I
would like it to house all statues that are being removed from the Confederacy to Columbus and G-d knows who else. It should state the History we were taught in school for generations and include the indisputable facts. Before we got here – The Native Americans had a relationship with the earth and to appear nature. When we arrived – we contributed disease and death and slavery.
It would be nice to see more statues that reflect our Native American History as well as Leaders in Black
History. So many hero’s never acknowledged. I’m still waiting for Harriet Tubman to appear on our money- Thank you Donald Trump as well as her name on schools. Especially in Minority neighborhoods. So many cultures have made so many contributions but never acknowledged. I guess now is the time.
Was Columbus a Jew? Who gives a @#$$#@.
I give you that Steve. I like the location considering the length debate on preserving the old historic school and it location even over the plot on State and Fairfield. It may seem like some people are looking out for the Port. That foresight. However, UB died back in the 1990s, the moonie keeps it going with foreign students. Once they were removed it’s gone. The question is what’s its future or should I say what the future of the location. JS
To me, this might not be an ideal setting to drop and urban school into.
We should be concerned about placing High School freshmen in the mix with college seniors. Quite and age and demographic mix.
This is a very dirty deal that will expose the regional shysters that are drooling over the UB, seaside property and its residential/entertainment-value prospects. There were casino speculators drooling over dissolution propspects when it was experiencing labor pains back in the late 70’s and legalized gambling was getting traction in Connecticut…
The University — which produced much of the engineering expertise that powered the regional/state industrial base during the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s — and even to this day (what’s left of it) — was one of the few real assets left in this city that had the potential to create an economic future for us, with a Bridgeport-centric focus.
The failure to save the University of Bridgeport, as such, is a glaring indictment of the Ganim Administration’s lack of a plan and vision for the city, as well as a total lack of leadership and focus of Joe Ganim in his role as mayor, and it probably represents the last nail in Bridgeport’s coffin. It is also an indictment of the The Lamont Administrations lack of commitment to Bridgeport and it’s general lack of an understanding, much less a plan, of how to turn the state’s economy around, and where to start.
And the failure to save the University is also an indictment of the lack of proper commitment — and the lack of honest motives — in regard to the paltry, incompetent efforts to save the University by the present interim president and board of trustees…
Powerful people wanted this university to fail, for truly immoral, unethical, and criminal reasons that will present themselves as we continue to see this university literally sold for parts…
Look first to see the players involved in the relocation and building of the new Bassick High School. These political and business-community players will leave a money trail that will expose the other dirty dealers involved in the University’s demise…
This deal stinks and will help to dissolve Bridgeport in similar fashion to the dissolution/deconstruction of the University (and fire-sale for parts)…
Bridgeport-UB=JG Failure/Death of Bridgeport