Talk about a party chair with a finger in the dike, that’s the case of state GOP leader J.R. Romano.
From Daniela Altimari, Hartford Courant:
The arrest of Connecticut Congressional candidate Thomas Gilmer on the eve of this week’s Republican primary threw the race into disarray. But details of his alleged violent domestic assault were known in Republican circles for more than two months before anyone contacted authorities.
Gilmer’s primary opponent, Justin Anderson, spent weeks showing a graphic video of the alleged attack to his fellow Republicans as he worked to defeat the party-backed Gilmer. The state party chairman, J.R. Romano, acknowledged he knew about the allegations as early as May.
Full story here.

Everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves from Thomas Gilmer who committed this horrendous act, to Justin Anderson who knew of this horrendous act, to J R Romano did absolutely nothing when informed of the horrendous act to GOP Vice Chairwoman Sue Hatfield who when she find out tried to make Justin Anderson the heavy instead of calling the authorities herself. But what do you expect from the republican party when they supported a president who said about women, ” You can do anything. … Grab ‘em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Don, this is do sad and this woman needs support and treatment. Rep Themis Klarides did showed leadership but these Republicans are following their leader with this disrespect towards women by President 45.
And in other news….. why did I just know that the headline ‘councilwomans grandson arrested in shooting’ referred to a Bridgeport council person? Lol!
Of course the councilwoman turned it around and said that the police are the ones who should be investigated!!!
The judge didn’t see it that way and let the $500,000 bond requirement stand. Good for him. The defendants attorney “Frank Riccio left the courthouse without comment”.
Very nice.
Typical Repubicain, change the subject when someone calls attention to the reprehensible actions of your party and its LEADERS! Your response doesn’t surprise me when you supported a president who said about women, ” You can do anything. … Grab ‘em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
That has to make your wife and daughter proud of you, your party and your president. What if someone said that about your wife and daughter? What if someone beat the hell out of your wife or daughter? Just grab ém by the pussy, right Rich?
You’re such an asshole!!! LOL!!!!
I am and have always been an independent and vote for who I believe would do a better job for all depending on the circumstances of the time period. Your response is typical in that you change the subject of the comment made which was ONlY about the “alleged” shooting suspect not the defense of the republican who is “alleged” to have done something.
I’m an however shocked that you didn’t add a racial tone in your response.
You may now go back to take a shot of your “knottty head”…lol.
For those of you who may not know what that means just ask him to explain it. LMAO!!!!
And Don I would you expect you to be a Biden supporter. After all he’s “promised” the minority community over his almost 50 years in politics why wouldn’t you be. Look at all his accomplishments for the people who you tirelessly fight for with your blogging!!! Big lol.
Didn’t he just recently say that black people lack diversity as compared to others? Keep giving your votes to those who keep promising you that they’ll do something for you. It’s been working fine right?!!!
How’s the knotty head feelin?
This is called fun in a rainy afternoon.
Don, this fool is no different that Robert, always shifting the topic. You will never hear supercop say anything about those cops who are thugs and who make it hard for the all of the good hard working police officers.
Yes, and your the other idiot that I expected to hear from!! Lol!
Shifting the topic you say?!! Ha!
Why should I talk about the .01 percent of cops? Ask the people you supposedly are speaking for about people like me who spent their careers protecting them from all the thug drug dealing criminals in those “disproportionately” affected areas. All those hard working law abiding people who are stuck in those neighborhoods. Was their life made better or worse for that kind of service for them and their environment. What are YOU doing for them. Your lip service is not helping any of those good people who are affected everyday by the assholes you seem to be talking about. People such as you and Don are quite evidently self serving individuals who are pushing a false narrative that you can’t even define. Who are you fighting for? Are you seriously going to say that you’re advocating on behalf of the criminals who disrupt and drag down those areas affected?
You don’t even articulate what your end game is. You never make any sense. If you guys are EVER really seriously interested in fixing the issues you say that you’re concerned with, there are people who will actually listen. All you do is turn off the people who will be able to help.
Don, supercop post on this topic shows why there is social unrest in America. Cops can’t do anything wrong and they do supercop is scare to open his mouth.
Lol yeah sure! Your eyes and ears are closed to the reality of what happens in the hood but your mouths just ramble on saying absolutely nothing that makes any sense of moving forward. You guys are stuck in the 60’ s before the civil rights movement.
Anyone who listens to your shit either on this blog or elsewhere just roll their eyes. Just so you know, in case you don’t realize it, I just bring out the best in you!! The whistle you respond to!
As someone who knows you very well told me: “oh him! He just complains about everything and always has.”
Cheers men!!
Here’s another story that may have been ignored here..I didn’t realize Joe kept Danny on the payroll after his tax issue,he “deals with blight clean up” for $81,000 a year……3/4 of the city has a “blight” issue,don’t see much happening to improve it..Another Ganim admins patronage job..
BRIDGEPORT — City Hall has paid $20,000 to settle a lawsuit against one of Mayor Joe Ganim’s aides, Daniel Pizarro.
Pizarro was behind the wheel of a municipal Chevrolet Tahoe just after noon on October 17, 2018 when he drove through a “stop” sign in the North End and struck a Honda Accord driven by city resident Erin Jones.
Pizarro received a “verbal warning for failure to obey (a) stop sign,” according to the police report obtained by the Connecticut Post.
Jones filed a lawsuit in May 2019 against Pizarro and the city, accusing the former of “negligence” and “carelessness” that resulted in injuries to Jones’ spine and left shoulder, gave her headaches, and additional physical, mental and emotional pain and suffering.
Court records show that Jones withdrew her complaint on July 28. City Attorney R. Christopher Meyer on Thursday confirmed that the matter was settled before an arbitrator in part because of the court-delays resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.
The city paid Jones $20,000 — the maximum settlement amount, Meyer said, that his office can approve without a vote from the City Council.
“It was a situation where Pizarro misjudged whether there was a ‘stop’ sign. By the time he braked it was too late and there was a minor collision,” Meyer said. “We knew the city had some legal responsibility.”
Jones’ attorney, Michael Skiber of Norwalk, did not return a request for comment.
Both Pizarro and the Tahoe he was driving have colorful histories.
Pizarro, who owns multiple properties around Bridgeport and downtown, campaigned for Ganim in 2015, driving the then-candidate around town, and afterward frequently accompanied the mayor and Democratic Town Chairman Mario Testa to events.
Ganim in 2016 appointed Pizarro as a non-union project manager. Pizarro was temporarily suspended in 2016 for owing property taxes, but the mayor eventually returned him to the payroll when those debts were paid. His duties have varied over the years. Most recently Pizarro has been assigned to deal with blight cleanup and is earning $81,000, Ganim’s office said Thursday.
As for the Tahoe, based on the license plate from the accident report, it was the same city-owned SUV stolen in 2016 from the downtown government center’s rooftop parking lot and recovered in Kentucky.
The keys to the Tahoe had been left in the vehicle and the doors unlocked, though City Hall never made clear who drove it last.
Yep. Pizarro: the thug looking and acting ass that drove Mario around all the time and acted like his bodyguard. He drank for free at the pizza place on suburban ave. People like him get well taken care of by Mario and Joe…. at the taxpayers expense.