The State Senate Candidates Answer: What Have You Done?

Continuing the comparison of responses to questions submitted by OIB readers, State Senate candidates Ed Gomes, Andres Ayala and Ernie Newton answer: Q. What specific pieces of legislation were authored or co-authored by you that became law that directly helped Bridgeport?

Ed Gomes
Ed Gomes

Gomes response:

A. I have worked to bring home millions of dollars of bonding and grant money for the city. Housatonic Community College building renovation–$4,669,770, an early childhood per-school grant called “Total Learning” for $900,00 awarded in this year’s state budget to ABCD and coming on line in September, and as Co-Chair of the Housing subcommittee I was one of the principle architects of this year’s Urban Revitalization Pilot Program, these are just are three examples of what I have delivered to Bridgeport and Stratford!

Ayala, Malloy
Andres Ayala with Dannel Malloy, 2010, at Steel Point redevelopment area.

Ayala response:

A. Over the years I have authored or co-authored numerous pieces of legislation to benefit my constituents. Most recently I authored the current Steel Pointe Tax Incentive Funding legislation which was used to attract significant investment and infrastructure improvements to the site. I also authored the bond bills which helped bring $2.5 million for the planning and development of a second train station in the East End and East Side of Bridgeport. I also authored a bond bill which brought $2.5 million to Optimus Healthcare which they used to build a garage for their clients relieving traffic congestion on the East Side and provide more parking for their East Main Street business.

Ernie Newton
Ernie Newton

Newton response:

A. In my time in the House and in the Senate, I worked on a lot of legislation that helped Bridgeport. In 2002, we were able to get a bill signed concerning illegal dumping, clarifying that a person must be authorized to use property for illegal dumping. In 1999, we were able to establish a Fatherhood Initiative and Fatherhood Council which promotes public education concerning the financial and emotional responsibilities of fatherhood; assists men in preparation for the legal, financial and emotional responsibilities of fatherhood; promotes the establishment of paternity at childbirth and so on. In 1997, I was a proud co-sponsor of the legislation that established the Husky Plan, providing Health Care for uninsured children. Also, I was a co-sponsor in bringing attention to racial profiling in traffic stops. We were able to get a bill signed that set guidelines for policies to be established by local and state police departments which states clearly that the race or ethnicity of an individual should not be the only factor in determining the existence of probable cause in a traffic stop.



  1. When you look at the overall claims of accomplishment by all three candidates you just have to shake your head on how little they accomplished based on the number of years they all served.

    1. Good grief!!!
      Andy, you hit the political nail on the head. None of these three mentioned anything about unifying their legislative or senatorial work that actually was effective to the benefit of Bridgeport.
      1. Housatonic Community College is at the old Lafayette Mall …
      2. Anything coming out of either the legislature or senate for Bridgeport having to do with urban revitalization or education has been a dismal failure.
      3. The area now known as Steel Pointe is going to have extraordinary trouble attracting clientele; and, in my observations of over 30 years with multiple administrations and myopic legislators, it will fail.
      4. Co-sponsorships means the individual claiming it didn’t initiate or write it. They just attached their names to it to make it look like they were actually the sponsor.
      5. The issue of racial profiling that is mentioned came out of an investigation of Alvin Penn (then state senator) who was approached by a Trumbull police officer at the far end of the theater parking lot while sitting in a car with an unnamed, non-espousal woman.

  2. *** Does donj ever ask anything else besides what the numbers will be at certain polls? I think there will be “one” winner out of the “three” running in the election Lennie, how about you? *** FORGETABOUTIT ***


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