Governor-elect Dan Malloy thanked a packed audience of city pols–some who love each other, some who can’t stand each other, some who stick pins in
Read moreTag: Mario Testa
John Stafstrom’s Governor’s Grin
Politics is rarely a game of instant gratification. It requires patience. You win, you lose … you lose, you win. Former Democratic Town Chair John
Read moreLine Up The Body Parts, Frankenstein’s Monster = The Budget
OIB friend Hartford Courant columnist Rick Green writes “The folks at the Connecticut Lottery Corporation apparently think that a $3 billion deficit is the right time
Read moreWhy Foley Wanted Lamont
I’ve met a boatload of folks in politics and I can say definitively that most, put in the same shoes as Tom Foley, would have
Read moreNow What, For Bridgeport: Will Malloy Be Like Weicker?
It was a screwy election, with the state’s largest city at the center of a ballot storm, the city’s Registrar of Voters Office vilified for its myopic election management, Connecticut
Read moreWinners And Losers, Bridgeport Kingmaker (maybe), Debicella’s Lame Strategy
On a day a whole bunch of souls made it to the polls, who were the goats and who were the toasts? Yes, Bridgeport can
Read moreUgly: Running Out Of Ballots, Poll Hours Extended For Some City Voting Precincts, Plus: 8 p.m. Returns
11 p.m. update: Unofficial numbers show Congressman Jim Himes blowing away Republican Dan Debicella in Bridgeport while running competitive in several suburban towns. Superior Court orders
Read moreBridgeport’s Trifecta Satellite Campaign: Stafstrom, Testa, Caruso, Plus: Public Logistics For Barack’s Visit
In a short time the president of the United States will touch down in Connecticut’s largest city to urge, implore, inspire voters to support the
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