Turkey Of The Year Nominations

Bush and turkey

Where do we start? So many gaffes, blunders, gobbledygooks.

What are your Turkey Of The Year nominations? I mean, we cannot give out just one award can we? The obvious one, Bridgeport’s Registrar of Voters Office, shouldn’t be led to the slaughterhouse without a little company.

We’re egalitarian about these things at OIB. Lots of stuffing and fat drippings to go around.

Oh my, how can we not include (see video above) the battle royal at the Bridgeport City Council in May between gadfly speaker Cecil Young and City Council member Evette (finger-wagging) Brantley that triggered a bench-clearing brawl. Linda McMahon must’ve been so proud. Speaking of Linda …

Patrick Sullivan and Paddi LeShane, those high-powered Hartford lobbying flacks with the battle cry “We Make Things Happen” turned $50 million of Linda’s money into turkey roadkill. The good news for Pat and Paddi, who walked away with enough of Linda’s dough to solve the state’s unfunded pension liability, they may get to do it all over again in 2012. Word of caution Linda, lobbyists are good only when you get into office.

Oh yeah baby, leave it to the campaign consultants to figure out the right message like Ned Lamont crowing a Republican message in a Democratic primary. Nice work boys. Splat!

Or like Congressional candidate Dan Debicella, born in Bridgeport, dad a Bridgeport cop, but we don’t want anyone in Bridgeport to know that. Thud!

Or like Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa supporting Ned as his candidate in the primary because “He’s got the money and I don’t like Stamford politicians.” Word of caution if you’re from Stamford. Always assume Mario’s supporting the other candidate.

And then there’s Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz who went from gubernatorial frontrunner to (no wait, I wanna be attorney general) to (no wait, I have the legal qualifications) to (no wait, I’m really not this stupid) to (I think we have the final vote count, maybe, possibly, I think I don’t remember). See what a Duke and Yale education can get ya? Makes me happy I barely got out of high school.

Gee, I could go on and on and on, but why should I spoil your fun? Fire away!

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving.



  1. The Oracle of Omaha Steaks!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all and hope you put a good feedbag on today.

    I’ve already donated 2 turkeys for next year’s presidential pardon. Cy and Nora!

  2. NO BRAINER *** national news for Bridgeport ***
    Appropriate for Thanksgiving

    rated xxx for BIRDbrained



  3. *** All OIB bloggers need to “chill,” no? It’s Thanksgiving! And there’s enough Turkey to go ’round for all! So stop with the Gobble, Gobble & have some Pumpkin Pie or Apple! (wink) *** Life isn’t fair but it’s still good. *** J.E.T.S. ***

  4. I think the firing, and settlement with, Ralph Jacobs, then inserting the “enemy” of Civil Service as its director, has to be the original incident for Turkey of the year. Was that 2010, time flies?

    On another note, I don’t post much, but I’m here … eagerly reading the “Only news in town!”

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!


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