Super Pay Or Super Value? Assessing The Worth Of School Chiefs

Paul Vallas
Paul Vallas

Paul Vallas recently told OIB he’d be open to an extended contract offer from the Board of Education beyond the end of the school year in June. If he works out a contract with the BOE it would likely make him the highest paid school superintendent in city history.

This report from Register Journal newspapers shares insight into the salary structure and perks of school chiefs from around Connecticut.

Take Bridgeport, for example, a district with about 20,400 students that was temporarily taken over by the state after fiscal and student achievement problems. Bridgeport hired Paul Vallas as interim superintendent and his contract states that in a year’s time, he has to write a five-year reform and restructuring plan for the district. He must also find a new superintendent, chief operating officer, chief financial officer and chief academic officer for the district before his contract is up.

To do so, he is offered $4,500 per week, or $234,000 for a year, and has the ability to leave the district for periods of time to do volunteer work in Haiti–he just won’t get paid for days he is not in Bridgeport.

Full story here.



  1. Lennie, the BOE can get him for $234,000 a year or anything near that. Paul Vallas will NOT sign a long-term contract. As when Vallas leaves the district for periods of time to do volunteer work in Haiti he will not lose a penny, he negotiated his per day pay into the contract but it will not be listed as such. Let’s remember, Paul Vallas is not here as a social worker, he is here to get PAID and move on to the next city. I don’t think he will stay because Bridgeport will not be able to pay him.

  2. Mr. Vallas has done a lot of good things for Bridgeport but I think the staff he brought with him are falling short. The 6th grade in one school received new math books to start the year however they will not start using these books for the first 13 weeks. First they must go over 3rd, 4th and 5th grade math then they start with the new books. The state tests are based on the new text.
    A week after the Newtown shootings we had a gun brought to school. The student was quietly removed from the classroom and a pellet gun was found.
    The school did not go into lockdown, no evacuation took place, most of the teachers at the time of the incident were unaware of the incident. To top this off access to the school is easy, none of the doors are kept locked.
    I think we have to see some results before we offer a new contract.

  3. Mr. Vallas has stated publicly he would be willing to stay as long as he was able to keep things moving in the right direction. The issue with the new books, and more specifically the math curriculum is the kids were more or less passed through. The Singapore math curriculum is way more challenging than what used to be taught in our schools. I have talked to other parents who were frustrated about the fact their child was coasting through math last year, and this year they are struggling. There will be a learning curve, and those parents who get involved with their child’s education will help their child tremendously.

    As for the “team” Vallas brought in, they are all administration-level personnel. He didn’t bring in any teachers with him. Quite frankly I wish Dr. Kase were the heir apparent, she is as effective as any I have seen.

    My final two cents … In my opinion the last two Superintendent hires were affirmative-action pacifiers. Ramos, although a nice guy, was clearly over matched for what the city needed. The same for Salcedo. She clearly proved Bridgeport made a mistake hiring her when she didn’t last a year at her next position.

    Mr. Vallas has initiated effective change. Yes, he has taken credit for some things that were already in the works (i.e. Fairchild Wheeler), but who wouldn’t? I hope he stays, and I am sure the money will be there. Isn’t his current salary being paid by outside interests currently?

    I am a parent of two children in the BPT school system.

    Happy New Year!

  4. *** Was there really any doubt he was going anywhere so soon? Elected or mayor appointed, Vallas is here to stay for at least ’til the next mayoral election. After that it will depend on what’s been accomplished in Bpt’s educational system, money available and maybe “who’s the Mayor,” no? ***

  5. Mojo, NO. Just look at Vallas’ past employment in other cities, the BOE with have to break bank to keep him here plus he never stays anywhere for a long period of time. Vallas is a hired gun, he will follow the money.



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