Former Bridgeport Republican Town Chair John Slater is vying for vice chairmanship of the state GOP organization setting off a debate over gender politics, according to a story by CT Post reporter Neil Vigdor. If elected by State Central Committee members Slater would hold the number-two slot to state Chair J.R. Romano.
From Vigdor:
Backers of the incumbent vice chairwoman, Wilton’s Annalisa Stravato, fear that her potential ouster by hard-charging former Bridgeport GOP boss John Slater could perpetuate the narrative woven by Democrats that men rule the Republican Party.
… Slater’s supporters, which include a number of women on the Republican State Central Committee, say that the June 27 leadership vote should be based on merit, not gender. They say Slater has distinguished himself in Bridgeport–the equivalent of Siberia for Republicans–both through fundraising and organizing events, including one that brought a Benghazi attack survivor to the state’s largest city last year.
Full story here.
A debate over gender politics in state Republican Party is nothing new plus they have problem worse than that, they no blacks.
To your point Ron, yes. The local RTC has not done enough to grow the party base. While Slater is a very nice guy, and is given credit for Party planning and raising money for the State Republicans, the state delegates would Be wise to equally consider Looking at the growth of the district he represents as well as local races and voter turn out. However, it’s all about the dollar$ in elections these days, much as it was when VIP wrestling passes were handed out during a senate primary.
I don’t think they view that as a problem at all.
Where is Republican candidate for governor David Walker, where is his voice on this subject? His silence tells us that he has no problem with women and blacks being left out. At least they have some white females but forget about blacks.
Ahem, the Republicans also have a Black Woman in Bridgeport serving on the BOE. Just sayin’
Wrong again! I am all for diversity and have a track record of achieving it, especially as Comptroller General of the United States and head of the GAO. John and Annalisa are both friends and good people. I do not have a vote on this part matter since I am not on the State Central Committee? Why not two unpaid Vice Chairs with reimbursement for travel costs? When are you going to take me on a tour of your side of town like I did with Joel in 2914?
Dave Walker, I have not seen one word or heard anything from you about this matter, nothing. As long as you have been in Bridgeport I’m sure you know a lot of black resident in different sections of Bridgeport who would have no problem walking with you. Dave, how many black churches have you attended? Maybe you should try what Mary Jane Foster does and just show up at church by yourself and not just around election time like most white candidates do. Trust me if you create and foster a relationship with black church goers like Chris Shays would do you might find some supporters but I can assure you by not know being comfortable around blacks will get you no votes.
Robert, your point is?
The GOP in Connecticut doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Bridgeport. The party is moribund here. Any GOP candidate for public office can expect and will receive only tepid support for the Republican Central Committee. They refer to spend money in the suburbs, the well-to-do country club communities down county from here and clustered around Hartford.