1. *** Sidestep Linda will not release any tax info before the primary, that’s obvious by her answers and no answers, no? *** VOTE SHAYS, THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THIS JOB! ***

  2. I shelter my money in Havens. East Haven! West Haven!! New Haven!!!

    How many of our soldiers died while Shays was flip-flopping over two years on Iraq?

  3. *** Easy to criticize after the fact, but harder to make on-the-spot, timely decisions that deal with soldiers’ lives. No one person is to blame for the Iraq or Afgkanistan war on terror especially after the 9/11 murders. The cost of freedom is very expensive in many ways and it’s not always cut and try when it comes to decision making; hopefully America is learning from their mistakes, everyone! *** Crystal Balls Needed ***


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