1. *** Shays and many in DC were singing the same tune concerning the economy in 2008, no? What was Linda saying while preparing to run for public office about her personal economy before spending millions on her campaign? *** VOTE SHAYS! ***

  2. Lennie, President Obama maintains the economy is fine. Where were you when he made that statement? Sure he tried to backtrack. He explains it (watch how ABC edits the interview by cutting the clip) by stating he meant when compared to the public sector, the private sector is doing fine. Isn’t the Federal Government “the public sector”? What’s the Federal deficit now? Did he not bail out private-sector companies? Why bail them out if the public sector is doing worse?

    www .youtube.com/watch?v=DvUMvknc228

    www .youtube.com/watch?v=H-AmUVPAEDk


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