Q Poll: Murphy Leads McMahon By 6, Barack By 14 Over Mitt

The U.S. Senate battle between Democrat Chris Murphy and Republican Linda McMahon continues to be close. Two other public polls this week had the race a dead heat. The latest from today’s Quinnipiac poll:

Women and older voters are shifting away from Linda McMahon, the Republican candidate in Connecticut’s U.S. Senate race, giving U.S. Rep. Christopher Murphy, the Democrat, a 49 – 43 percent likely voter lead, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

This compares to the results of an October 4 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University, showing McMahon with 48 percent to Murphy with 47 percent.

In today’s results, women back Murphy 52 – 38 percent, compared to 50 – 44 percent October 4. Men are at 50 – 46 for McMahon compared to 52 – 45 percent earlier.

Voters over 55 years old shift from a 48 – 48 percent split to 51 – 42 percent for Murphy.

A total of 62 percent of Connecticut likely voters have a “strongly unfavorable” or “somewhat unfavorable” opinion of this Senate race in general.

The race remains fluid as 11 percent of Murphy voters and 14 percent of McMahon voters say they might change their mind in the next 13 days.

Presidential Race

President Barack Obama buries Gov. Mitt Romney in the run for the White House, leading 55 – 41 percent, compared to 54 – 42 percent October 4.

Obama leads 60 – 36 percent among women and gets 49 percent of men to Romney’s 46 percent. The President leads among every subgroup except Republicans.

Only 5 percent of Romney voters and 6 percent of Obama voters say they might change their mind.

“President Barack Obama is running stronger than Murphy in Connecticut, holding steady with a 14 point lead over Gov. Mitt Romney. The President’s coattails are helping Murphy,” Schwartz said.



  1. All that wasted money she spent on two campaigns. Her children’s inheritance. Go Chris go! Linda, Linda, Linda. Is she voting for Obama? You would think so. Conservatives must be wishing they had Chris Shays.

    1. You said the same thing about Bill Finch when you worked so hard for Mary-Jane Foster and changed your mind around eight o’clock the night of the primary. Is the Murphy campaign paying to blog or make phone calls? Who is substituting for you at the schools? So many questions, so little time.

      1. Why is any aspect of my life of interest to you?
        I supported Mary-Jane Foster. She did not succeed. Finch did. I support the city and our Mayor. I do not wake up every day as a disgruntled, miserable anti-administration waiting for its demise. Get over it, Joel!

  2. *** Voters had their chance for Shays as a candidate and decided on Linda which is still a nice change from the same old “work in progress” career politician Murphy. Step away from the usual party voting and simply vote for individual change, no? *** VOTE LINDA ***


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