Board of Education Chair Jessica Martinez at Democratic Town Committee endorsement session July 2019. Her hand is on shoulder of Albert Benejan who was endorsed for school board and subsequently elected.
City Councilwoman Maria Pereira on Monday filed a complaint with the State Elections Enforcement Commission alleging Board of Education Chair Jessica Martinez violated state law when she voted at Marin School in both the 2019 September Democratic primary and November general election when she was legally required to vote at City Hall precinct based on multiple documents showing her residence at 50 Milne Street in The Hollow including recent court filings Martinez submitted fighting off a rent eviction for non-payment for more than two months.
Voter check-off sheets show that Martinez, also a member of the Democratic Town Committee from the East Side 137th District, voted at Marin School when her current address required a vote at City Hall precinct in the 131st District.
Check off sheet with line showing Martinez primary vote at Marin School September 2019..
Pereira, in her complaint, cites state statutes that led to the 2014 arrest of former State Rep. Christina Ayala for falsifying her voting address. Ayala was charged with felonies that eventually led to a plea deal avoiding incarceration.
Check off sheet with line showing Martinez general election vote at Marin School November 2019.
In the caustic world of Bridgeport politics, where grabbing someone by the figurative shorthairs is common practice, Pereira has added a new vernacular to the conversation in a written statement to OIB about her complaint against Martinez: “I guess some might say I have Jessica Martinez by the Camel Toe.”
City politics is not for the feeble-hearted, it requires resiliency to fend off charges and counter charges that sometimes leads to courtrooms.
Screen shot of lawsuit opening page from landlord Sam Pierpont seeking eviction for nonpayment.
Martinez, representing herself, seeks court delay challenging eviction. Under her signatures she lists her address as 50 Milne Street. A court hearing on the eviction matter is scheduled for January 17.
Martinez and Pereira, two passionate political warriors, have gone after each other for years: Martinez, an intense advocate of charter schools, Pereira a gladiator defending traditional public education against charter school interests seeking to privatize education. “The spawn of Satan,” Martinez has often called Pereira in social media.
On November 14, 2019 court records show a judgment against Martinez for failure to appear in court and non-payment of rent for more than two months. She signed a lease in April 2019 with Pierpont for the 50 Milne Street apartment at $850 per month limiting occupancy. Pierpont asserts she violated that condition.
For several weeks Martinez engaged in dozens of text exchanges with the landlord seeking resolution to avoid eviction. She filed a motion to quash on January 7 claiming after the judgment date the parties made a new agreement that allows her to stay. She also claimed she had no suitable place to live if evicted.
Pereira’s complaint also cites fraudulent endorsement votes Martinez cast at the July 2019 Democratic convention as a town committee member from the East Side while residing in a different district in violation of election law.
Their is no real advantage to be gained by residing in the 137th versus the 131st as far as the BOE is concerned.
The town committee is a different matter but I really don’t see the state getting too involved with that.
In the case of Christina Ayala the difference was one address was in the state legislative district the other was not. Since State Rep is a paying position the difference has significant implications.
Really, Bob. Which CT statute states that the crime of voting in a district where you do not reside is only egregious if the individual is a compensated elected official?
Please copy and paste it for all to see right here on OIB.
Voting in a District and serving on the DTC where you do not reside are felonies.
Jessica Martinez attended the DTC Convention on July 23, 2019 as a member of the 137th District TC, cast a vote for Joe Ganim over Marilyn Moore, nominated Albert Benejan for the Board of Education, and voted to endorse Aidee Nieves and Maria Valle as City Council candidates in the 137th District when she had no authority to do so. The minute she moved to the 131st District in April 2019 she vacated not only her DTC in the 137th District, she vacated her seat on the DTC period.
In addition, she cast votes in elections for 137th District candidates that she had no authority to do so.
These are ALL felonies as per the SEEC. I consulted and me with an SEEC investigator not you, therefore YOUR assertions are baseless.
In addition, Jessica Martinez is already intimately involved with my Dennis Bradley complaint as she served as his Campaign Treasurer.
I know what I am doing. Unlike you and others, I don’t just whine and complain on OIB. I actually conduct thorough research and take the necessary steps to expose and hold accountable those that make a mockery of our democracy and fair and honest elections.
What an interesting point of view. Funny, the SEEC has commended me on my complaints because of the factual written complaints I provide with numerous supporting documents that corroborate my claims. In fact, an investigator told me he really appreciates my Exhibit Timeline which details the exhibit, the purpose or relevance of the exhibit, and how each exhibit is labeled.
One investigator told me that he/she wished more people would put in the effort that I do because my complaints are so comprehensive.
On a side note, Jessica Martinez, ChaIrperson of the BBOE, is being investigated for anew complaint about attacking her boyfriend, or former, with a knife.
There is more to the story regarding Jessica Martinez and the assault of her boyfriend Orlando Baez. I was contacted by a family member of the Baez family. Lennie is working on that story as well.
Let’s just say that Jessica Martinez is absolutely lying. I suggest she and everyone else involved fully understand it is a felony to offer false verbal or written testimony to the police.
At what point do the FOOLS on the BBOE say they care more about the education of the children than they do the overlords of the DTC! It can’t be good for education in Bridgeport when you let someone serve on the BBOE that you know don’t live in the city! It can’t be good for education in Bridgeport when you elect a Chair of the BBOE that you know isn’t in the best interest of educating children! It can’t be good for education when you appoint an Acting Superintendent that was the least qualified for the position passing over two individuals that possessed a Doctorate and had School Superintendent experience and then to add insult to injury they made the least person qualified to be the Acting Superintendent the New Superintendent of the BBOE.
The children of Bridgeport deserve better than what they’re getting and it’s those that were elected to give them the best that they deserve, that are now playing politics with the children’s education. Nothing will come of this complaint like many in the past, but it will remove the blanket of deceit and trickery off the players and then it’s up to the parents and the people of Bridgeport to say, HELL NO, NO MORE!
We have a criminal cabal instead of a Board of Education appointing and supervising the mot unqualified Acting/Permanent Superintendent to serve in the last 40 years.
Chris Taylor is a resident of Southport, CT serving on the school board. He was just arrested for impersonating a police officer and attempted kidnapping with a weapon.
Jessica Martinez was arrested for three separate incidents in a 9 month period which included felonies. She plead guilty to lesser charges which included a felony to enter and complete a Domestic Violence program. Her charges were just dismissed last week. She has been serving on the DTC and committing voter/election fraud and is being investigated for stabbing her boyfriend on Saturday morning.
Sybil Allen was convicted of absentee ballot fraud, forced to resign from the DTC and was not allowed to run for any elected office for two years.
Hernan Illingworth lost his Bronx Avenue home and is also a member of the DTC. He filed multiple appearance in court utilizing a P.O. Box in Fairfield. He may be residing with Chris Taylor or Mike Testani for all we know.
A recently passed City Ordinance requires EVERY elected and appointed official to file an address change with proof of residency within 30 days of moving and by January 31st of each year.
Neither Hernan Illingworth or Jessica Martinez filed the forms within 30 days of moving.
And, as of this morning not a single member of the nine member Board of Education has filed their required residency form with proof of residency due by January 31st.
The only qualifications needed are to be local to the Mario Testa and the Democrats to show that you are a team player for them and not what’s best for the 21,000 plus school children who are predominantly black and brown.
Their is no real advantage to be gained by residing in the 137th versus the 131st as far as the BOE is concerned.
The town committee is a different matter but I really don’t see the state getting too involved with that.
In the case of Christina Ayala the difference was one address was in the state legislative district the other was not. Since State Rep is a paying position the difference has significant implications.
Really, Bob. Which CT statute states that the crime of voting in a district where you do not reside is only egregious if the individual is a compensated elected official?
Please copy and paste it for all to see right here on OIB.
It seems as if Maria spent more time digging into the personal living arrangements than in factual differences.
Please focus on the suburbs where you reside.
Voting in a District and serving on the DTC where you do not reside are felonies.
Jessica Martinez attended the DTC Convention on July 23, 2019 as a member of the 137th District TC, cast a vote for Joe Ganim over Marilyn Moore, nominated Albert Benejan for the Board of Education, and voted to endorse Aidee Nieves and Maria Valle as City Council candidates in the 137th District when she had no authority to do so. The minute she moved to the 131st District in April 2019 she vacated not only her DTC in the 137th District, she vacated her seat on the DTC period.
In addition, she cast votes in elections for 137th District candidates that she had no authority to do so.
These are ALL felonies as per the SEEC. I consulted and me with an SEEC investigator not you, therefore YOUR assertions are baseless.
In addition, Jessica Martinez is already intimately involved with my Dennis Bradley complaint as she served as his Campaign Treasurer.
I know what I am doing. Unlike you and others, I don’t just whine and complain on OIB. I actually conduct thorough research and take the necessary steps to expose and hold accountable those that make a mockery of our democracy and fair and honest elections.
You also nit pick like no other when it’s to your advantage.
Right, Bob.
When I held you accountable for your statements by urging you to post a CT state statute that supports your baseless assertions I am “nit picking.”
I simply call it “put up or shut up.”
What an interesting point of view. Funny, the SEEC has commended me on my complaints because of the factual written complaints I provide with numerous supporting documents that corroborate my claims. In fact, an investigator told me he really appreciates my Exhibit Timeline which details the exhibit, the purpose or relevance of the exhibit, and how each exhibit is labeled.
One investigator told me that he/she wished more people would put in the effort that I do because my complaints are so comprehensive.
On a side note, Jessica Martinez, ChaIrperson of the BBOE, is being investigated for anew complaint about attacking her boyfriend, or former, with a knife.
There is more to the story regarding Jessica Martinez and the assault of her boyfriend Orlando Baez. I was contacted by a family member of the Baez family. Lennie is working on that story as well.
Let’s just say that Jessica Martinez is absolutely lying. I suggest she and everyone else involved fully understand it is a felony to offer false verbal or written testimony to the police.
Board of Pardons!
At what point do the FOOLS on the BBOE say they care more about the education of the children than they do the overlords of the DTC! It can’t be good for education in Bridgeport when you let someone serve on the BBOE that you know don’t live in the city! It can’t be good for education in Bridgeport when you elect a Chair of the BBOE that you know isn’t in the best interest of educating children! It can’t be good for education when you appoint an Acting Superintendent that was the least qualified for the position passing over two individuals that possessed a Doctorate and had School Superintendent experience and then to add insult to injury they made the least person qualified to be the Acting Superintendent the New Superintendent of the BBOE.
The children of Bridgeport deserve better than what they’re getting and it’s those that were elected to give them the best that they deserve, that are now playing politics with the children’s education. Nothing will come of this complaint like many in the past, but it will remove the blanket of deceit and trickery off the players and then it’s up to the parents and the people of Bridgeport to say, HELL NO, NO MORE!
We have a criminal cabal instead of a Board of Education appointing and supervising the mot unqualified Acting/Permanent Superintendent to serve in the last 40 years.
Chris Taylor is a resident of Southport, CT serving on the school board. He was just arrested for impersonating a police officer and attempted kidnapping with a weapon.
Jessica Martinez was arrested for three separate incidents in a 9 month period which included felonies. She plead guilty to lesser charges which included a felony to enter and complete a Domestic Violence program. Her charges were just dismissed last week. She has been serving on the DTC and committing voter/election fraud and is being investigated for stabbing her boyfriend on Saturday morning.
Sybil Allen was convicted of absentee ballot fraud, forced to resign from the DTC and was not allowed to run for any elected office for two years.
Hernan Illingworth lost his Bronx Avenue home and is also a member of the DTC. He filed multiple appearance in court utilizing a P.O. Box in Fairfield. He may be residing with Chris Taylor or Mike Testani for all we know.
A recently passed City Ordinance requires EVERY elected and appointed official to file an address change with proof of residency within 30 days of moving and by January 31st of each year.
Neither Hernan Illingworth or Jessica Martinez filed the forms within 30 days of moving.
And, as of this morning not a single member of the nine member Board of Education has filed their required residency form with proof of residency due by January 31st.
The only qualifications needed are to be local to the Mario Testa and the Democrats to show that you are a team player for them and not what’s best for the 21,000 plus school children who are predominantly black and brown.