1. I’m not voting on this OIB poll. I will vote in the City Council Elections in November 2017 and the mayoral election of 2019. I want to get rid of ALL of them.

      1. Maybe if the usual vote Dem. voters were to vote Republican just to shake up the old status quo, Bpt might have a chance at really sending a political point about backing the right person, not just a political party instead! However, if Dracula were a Dem. in Bpt he would probably get elected; bloodthirsty or not! It’s ingrained in the brains of Bpt voters, that’s why the city has the reputation of being the “armpit” of CT. *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

  2. No, the names are meaningless. The proposals should be known. I don’t care who builds, it’s what they build. It’s the proposal with the most value you want know.

    If you’re just looking for a name you’re just looking for drama. When you’re not on a side names don’t matter the value of the proposal does.

    Nepotism is not the issue, it’s inherited. It’s when nepotism supersedes a greater project and underdevelops the city it’s problematic, and you need to be concerned about it. It leads to a substandard city.

    Case in point, take this liquor store zoning change. Nepotism’s failure at its best, the variance for the liquor store wouldn’t have rendered the city in a substandard way. It was only one store.

    Unfortunately a higher power superseded it and took it way. Now Nepotism wants to lower the standard of the city in a substandard way by changing the zoning laws.

    In a city that have been sold out and underdeveloped for years where each districts fights and blocks meaningful developmental plans, not because it’s ruinous for their district, but because it’s beneficial for another district. The whole city functions like the BBOE.

    PS In my opinion, that’s why I think Maria was/is always being attacked. I read people’s posts on how Maria in some way will enjoy or connected to, Perera’s dropping out, causing all this latest drama on the BBoE. The fact is, what we learned about Perera was because of Maria. Maria’s so called bullying and disruptiveness on the BBoE was in part due to Fran attacking Maria about her giving people informational packets that she was legally bound to do. Does anyone see the irony?

  3. I voted “Yes,” not because I believe there was secrecy in true form and meaning. I have the names of three of the developers vying to renovate the city’s Downtown theaters. I understand there may be more and there were others who failed to meet the deadline.

    I will not release the names either. It has nothing to do with fear or respect. There has been very little respect and consideration given to some OIB friends of ours who made great contributions and sacrificed to deliver a Democratic primary victory.

    I do think at this point it’s good to protect or shield developers from the potential vitriol common in social media. There was a time I believed that OIB was, “never biased always fair.” But when I put that to the test, it turned out to not be so true. I’ll give two examples: Auden Grogins and Senator Moore. I blogged some serious stuff and it was never allowed to be published here. They were factual and clean, yet OIB did not clear the postings. It’s Lennie’s blog and he makes the calls, so I didn’t make as big of a stink as I could have. On this issue, it’s Joe Ganim’s administration and it’s his call. I just hope this loophole or newfound tactic by the City Attorney’s Office doesn’t become a regular practice or some kind of set precedent.

    The city’s Downtown theaters are our crown jewels and should have always been treated as such. Ever since the Bridgeport tornado years ago, the damage to the room of the theater has gone ignored and water has been leaking into areas of the theater. I posted two pictures on my Fb page and sent a message to Joe Ganim via the City’s Fb page. I’m giving the City 10 working days to fix the leaking areas or replace some roof shingles of the theaters.

  4. If they are not releasing names it’s because they have not figured out how to cover for the political shithead they want to give it to. Watch, you will see.

  5. You will understand when I use this vote to AGREE with TRANSPARENCY and OPEN governance.
    It has always seemed to me the more info each of us has learned, reflected upon and connected to our way of looking at the world, the better off we are when those same folks begin discussions, and others become students.
    ??? Why does G2 have vacancies on important Boards and Commissions for years at a time? Does he have any regard for time wasted waiting for quorums and meetings canceled???
    ??? Why aren’t City monthly financial reports on City operations placed on the Finance Director’s site so people can see how their funds are being spent this year? TRANSPARENCY tracks along with ACCOUNTABILITY, doesn’t it???
    ??? TRANSPARENCY would reveal the cause of rapid increases in recent years of the City Attorney budget, and the cause is not increased personnel, so what gives here? Suits lost??? Settlements entered into??? Outside counsel to handle matters that drag out over the years??? Where is the info presented in a manner that would be considered OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT, and HONEST??? Time will tell.


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