“Non-Partisan” Generation Now Blurs Lines Of Political Activity On Moore’s Behalf

Bridgeport Generation Now

claims to be non-partisan, but the organization’s involvement with State Senator Marilyn Moore’s campaign for mayor is taking on a significant partisan glow that’s raising questions about its credibility that could also lead to legal repercussions for the community group’s 501(c)(3) status under the Internal Revenue Code.

— The organization’s offshoot entity has leveraged its financial resources to file a lawsuit seeking to overturn the results of the September 10th Democratic primary in which Moore won the machine count but lost via absentee ballots to Mayor Joe Ganim.

— The group’s co-director Gemeem Davis has taken “a leave of absence” to manage Moore’s campaign.

— Callie Heilmann, the group’s co-founder, hosted a fundraiser for Moore.

— Several members of Generation Now have contributed to Moore’s campaign.

— Moore was honored by the organization at its first annual fundraising event in May.

(Full disclosure: I was a guest speaker at the event.)

There’s nothing wrong with a community group advocating on behalf of a candidate, but claiming non-partisanship when the group is blurring lines as a shadow organization raises at the very least questions about its credibility, fundraising efforts and status under IRS regulations.

It’s hard to claim non-partisan when group leaders–under the guise of individuals–are advocating for Moore.

News 8 reporter George Colli ambushed Generation Now during its news conference extolling the filing of its primary results lawsuit.

See the video above and full report here.

Bridgeport Generation Now describes itself is a “nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization.”

Internal Revenue Code regulations:

To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.

Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) are commonly referred to as charitable organizations. Organizations described in section 501(c)(3), other than testing for public safety organizations, are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170.

The organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, and no part of a section 501(c)(3) organization’s net earnings may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposed on the person and any organization managers agreeing to the transaction.

Section 501(c)(3) organizations are restricted in how much political and legislative (lobbying) activities they may conduct. For a detailed discussion, see Political and Lobbying Activities. For more information about lobbying activities by charities, see the article Lobbying Issues; for more information about political activities of charities, see the FY-2002 CPE topic Election Year Issues.

Niels Heilmann, treasurer of Bridgeport Generation Now and husband of Callie Heilmann shares this observation:

The legal action is being supported by the work of Bridgeport Generation Now Votes, a separate entity from the 501c3. No 501c3 protected donation dollars have been used in this endeavor. You received a press release in August announcing the formation of that entity and why it was being established. I’m unclear why that information was ignored in the writing of this post. The laws and regulations governing c3 and c4 interactions have been followed and are summarized in this document: https://www.afj.org/press-room/press-releases/bolder-advocacy-the-connection-new-edition-is-vital-guide-for-nonprofits-in-election-year-2



  1. I am honestly questioning whether Generation Now is violating their 501(c) 3 status.

    This news reporter came off a bit like Jerry Springer, but he made some good points.

  2. George Colli is a fine investigative reporter. He broke the faulty cement case in Northeastern Connecticut. He is all that he is cracked up to be. Caile looked like the Cat that Swallowed the Canary. Feathers were flying out of her mouth.

    1. This complete video only portrays the leadership of Generation Now in an even more questionable light.

      The reporter asked reasonable questions and was being heckled for doing so. At the end it looks like he was being surrounded in an intimidating manner.

      Gail Janesch states on the video that she had nothing to do with absentee ballots. I repeatedly witnessed her in the Town Clerk’s office handing in AB applications which is perfectly legal.

      Why the denial?

  3. In my opinion, he was asking an inane question. The press conf. was for the organization, Generation Now Votes, not about the members personal beliefs or lives. I feel he was trying to set up a narrative (and which he did) that BGNV is not non-partisan. That is not case. I believe the group is standing up for the residents of this city to make sure their actual voice is heard. Remember there are members from different parties in this organization, so to say they are setting up a framework that they are backing Marilyn Moore (as an organization) is incorrect.

    1. I believe I already know the answer, but
      have you read one word of the legal complaint on behalf of three voters which is being funded in part by Generation Now?

    2. Bridgeport Generation Now for several years has offered the only continuing and meaningful citizen/voter/resident governance education ( in high school it used to be called Civics) in the entire community. It’s a weekend event with a program, guest speakers, and opportunities for folks to become involved. Activism is encouraged, rather than membership. Listening is rewarded to give all opportunity to speak once before those with more to say speak again. Participation is easy and fun and a great way to encourage the young of the community to don responsibility at a grassroots level. Want to know more. They have a website. Time will tell.

      1. I am not saying that Generation Now hasn’t done some good work in the community.

        I am saying that Generation Now is 100% supportive and helpful to Marilyn Moore.

        They shouldn’t try to message they are “non-partisan” regarding the Mayor’s race

        It is obvious they are not.

        1. Maria, their is a distinction.

          Bridgeport Generation Now Votes is a 501c(4) and is an entirely different entity and different mission of engagement than the 501c(3) BPT Gen now.

          Maybe their guilty of using too similar of a name but their 501c(3) status is not in jeopardy by a different entity governed by 501c(4) laws.

          In summary , 2 different legal entitites.

          1. That is very interesting, Kevin. I have looked numerous times on the state filing website for a 501c4 for BPT Gen Now, Bridgeport Generation Now, BPT Gen Now Votes, etc and nothing. nada. zilch.

            It also does not change the fact that on their BPT Gen Now Votes page they specifically state “We are a nonprofit, non-partisan group. We do not endorse candidates.”

            Generation Now is looking as incompetent as Moore’s campaign.

          2. Kelvin,

            Were funds from the 501c(3) transferred or mixed with funds in the 501c(4) in order to fund this litigation?

            Can Generation Now Votes please release their financial reports to Lennie?

            I for one am quite interested in both Bridgeport Generation Now and Bridgeport Generation Now Votes funding sources.

            Is it your position that the 501c(4) can utilize funds to endorse or fund candidates the organization supports while also asserting they are a non-partisan” organization.

            I am just trying to understand.

          3. Maria, absolutely not on your funds question. BTW, I am not here to support GEN NOW, I am not a member, but my community development firm, I LUV BPT has worked with them and their leadership is pretty damn knowledgeable.

            Steve, per your question, the filings you are looking for are at the IRS federal level not state.

            Finally I hope this helps.

            501(c)(4) organizations may engage in political campaign intervention activities so long as such activities do not represent their primary activity. Interpreting the limitation with a high risk tolerance, some 501(c)(4) organizations spend 49% of their resources on electioneering and assert that because 51% of their activities are in furtherance of their exempt social welfare purpose, they are primarily operated for the promotion of social welfare.

  4. If you haven’t read the complaint please to do so.

    The entire complaint is against Mayor Ganim . Every person subpoenaed is on his line and/or part of his campaign.

    Berry Chappell,Troy Stevenson and the parole Tro Chappell aren’t identified in the complaint..

    The Republican candidates are not referenced once.

    Generation Now is 100% with Marilyn Moore. They would earn more respect by stating so, however thay are a non profit.

    1. Maria, are you sure about the 100%?
      Meetings I have attended in the past couple years were also attended by Constance Vickers. Does she play a role statewide or locally?
      And if the action and the press conference focused on the actual canvassing effort and subsequent suit, as a subversion of voting practices, how is that part of the Moore campaign per se? As many have pointed out, both operations had AB sponsors, ballots and results.
      What we did not hear yesterday were PT residents who worked for the Ganim campaign claiming that they were not paid for their efforts. Would George Colli’s investigative technique succeed there? Perhaps you have to stand around the bus stop to hear what folks are saying and thinking? Time will tell.

  5. Maria, “Generation Now is 100% with Marilyn Moore. They would earn more respect by stating so, however thay are a non profit.”
    Much like you and Mayor Ganim and Mario! Are you now declaring your support of Mayor Ganim and the DTC?

    1. C’MON MAN, that $1000.00 that Maria got from Joe Ganim and Mario Testa good friend and financial supporter John Ricci makes her down with the DTC, Mario and Ganim, that was the price to rent Maria and for her to keep her mouth shut and not say anything bad about Joe Ganim and Maria is earing every penny of that $1000.00 because all she does knock Marilyn Moore.

    2. Ron and Don,

      Let go of Ricci’s $1000 donation to the Pereira campaign. Ms. Ricci is a private individual that can give money to whoever he cares to. Without hard evidence you don’t know if the G-note was anything more than a campaign donation. Maria Pereira has many supporters.

      Maria didn’t support the weasel Ganim and cannot be coopted. In fact he and Mario wish would just go away and leave them alone.

      1. You are welcome, Maria.

        All of the news about the Moore campaign does not change the fact that Hearst Connecticut Media’s reporting on AB fraud and Little Joe Ganim’s lopsided AB count triggered an SEEC investigation.

        Day and Mackey keep harping on a thousand-dollar campaign contribution as if that will change the facts: Marilyn Moore signed apparently fraudulent petition documents; and that Bridgeport Generation Now may have violated the terms of their tax exemption. Hold your water, gentlemen.

  6. Donald Day,

    Keep using Donald Trump techniques which is to repeat the same lie over and over again in the hope it is believed.

    If I was with Ganim, Marilyn would have been decimated in the 138th District.

    You should be thanking me for NOT working against Moore. 🙂

  7. Leadership members of Bridgeport Generation Now have been integral to Senator Moore’s campaign, whether they have been on the payroll or not. The group falsely states that they are “non partisan” while clearly using their influence as an organization to help a candidate for office. This goes beyond their first amendment rights as individuals and bleeds into their responsibility as a 501c3 organization.

    On their page for “BPT Gen Now Votes” their about section clearly states that “We are a nonprofit, non-partisan group. We do not endorse candidates.” Yet, they repeatedly only invite politicians who are “anti” to their events, meetings, etc. When they do meet with elected officials who do not agree line step with them, they bash them and try to publicly humiliate them.

    BPT Gen Now leadership was present when Senator Moore announced her campaign in January. They have been present at nearly every fundraising event hosted by the campaign.

    Callie and Niels Heilmann hosted a fundraiser at their home in Black Rock in February to support Sen. Moore’s campaign. The event was attended by many members of Gen Now’s Action Council including Maggie Gotterer, Adhlere Coffey, Takina Pollock, Ellie Angerame, Jason Chacon and Moore’s current campaign manager Gemeem Davis. Members can also be seen at other fundraisers hosted by Senator Moore’s campaign, as so graciously posted on the Marilyn for Mayor facebook page.

    During the summer, Gen Now organized two candidate forums- one for mayor and one for the city council. Gen Now leadership was at the table when these forums were organized, meaning that they knew every question that the candidates would be asked. I do not believe for one second that when Gemeem Davis “took a leave of absence” from Gen Now that she didn’t take those questions with her to prepare Senator Moore for the mayoral forum on August 21st. The same should be said about the city council forum. Leadership of Gen Now, including Callie Heilmann have been generous supporters of Kyle Langan and Cynthia Torres’ campaign for council. Can we trust that select candidates were not given access to questions for the forum ahead of time?

    The moderator of the city council forum, Shamare Holmes, gave Sen. Moore’s campaign $500 on May 18th. That is a substantial amount for someone who felt unbiased enough to moderate the forum.

    Action Council members and contributions:
    Callie Heilmann $1,000
    Niels Heilmann $350
    Gemeem Davis $250- $150 before being hired as campaign manager
    Jason Chason $200
    Eleanor Angerame $180
    Maggie Gotterer $100

    Leadership members donated money directly to Senator Moore’s campaign but they also were integral in other ways. If you take a quick glance at the Marilyn for Mayor facebook page you will find members of the action council actively liking, commenting and sharing the campaign’s posts.

    If these tactics were used by any other organization, BPT Gen Now itself would be in an uproar, probably organizing another useless petition. Apparently transparency and accountability is only applicable to those who Gen Now disagrees with. It might also be interesting to look into who is funding BPT Generation Now.

    1. Well said my friend. I was at a downtown Thursday where one of the BGN operatives where Gen Now shirt at the table said to a person asking for information about the group, that they support MM for mayor. I heard it loud and clear.

  8. Maria, you’ve lost a lot of your pull, your stello, your influence in the 138th because you had to resort to AB’s to win your way on the council. You’re more like Mayor Ganim, Mario and the DTC then you care to admit.

      1. I have written Op-eds “dogging” Ganim that have been published on OIB and the CT Post.

        I have posted hundreds of comments on OIB “dogging” Ganim, Testa, DTC members and City employees.

        You are just silly.

        1. Maria, PLEASE, you write something one time against Joe Ganim but you dogged Marilyn Moore every day from six to ten time a day. That $1000.00 goes a long way doesn’t it. Those developers who gave Joe Ganim money didn’t want anything in return did they Maria? Has your John Ricci given you money in the past? A man doesn’t give a $1000.00 to a woman for nothing but maybe in the company that you keep giving a $1000.00 is no big deal.

  9. Every single person on Marilyn Moore’s slate LOST!

    Samia and I were the only petitioning candidates that WON in the entire city. We did it with three volunteers and about $4,000.

    Damn wer’e good!

    That’s driving YOU and Marilyn Moore supporters CRAZY!

    By the way, I am smiling as I am typing this because I LOVE that it is pissing you, Ron and others off. 🙂

    1. Maria, that $1000.00 from Joe Ganim and Mario Testa very good friend and financial supporter, John Ricci, really helped you, 25% of your campaign budget came to you thanks to Mayor Ganim and Mario Testa.

    1. Derek.I’ll take a guess…The lawsuit goes nowhere,Marilyn goes back to the job she really wants back in Hartford,Joe wins the election,he gets 900 AB’S again.The AB probe gets forgeotten about,Joe proposes a huge tax hike next year,the Council passes it,the taxpayers get screwed once again.The End.

      1. Harvey, you left one thing out, Maria Pereira will have no say so on anything with the City Council, she will be just one vote, oh excuse me two votes because he Council partner will do whatever Maria tells her but it won’t mean anything.

  10. Derek, you are certainly entitled to your opinion about Maria as I am to mine. Nothing politically in Bridgeport is done by accident or in a vacuum. “Let go of Ricci’s $1000 donation to the Pereira campaign.” You do that because I’ve heard you over the years make unfounded comments about Steven and Paul based on nothing other than your opinion.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the $1000 contribution made by John Ricci was a payoff to Maria to get her off Mayor Ganim’s ass for the election. Think about it, she supposedly hates him yet during this whole election cycle she said NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Mayor Ganim. NOTHING about his unrealistic win through the AB process, NOTHING!

    Her only comments were about Senator Moore which is her right, but oddly odd! I’ve learned in my life that if it doesn’t sound right it’s not true and her nonchalance about Mayor Ganim and his run for mayor doesn’t sound right. Think what you want, but everyone ever involved with her will tell you she can’t be trusted, EVERYONE!

    1. If Ganim and Testa wanted to coopt Maria Pereira she would have been endorsed by the DTC. She would have rejected it, told them to stick where the sun don’t shine. She didn’t need to kiss the ring to get elected. Maria served on the BOE, an elected body; now she has been elected to the City Council. Elections don’t occur in vacuums, you’re right about that: Maria Pereira went out on the streets, door to door and face to face. That’s how she earned her votes, by campaigning the old fashioned way.

      As far as what she did or did not say about Joseph P. Ganim… You don’t know what she said on the campaign trail or anywhere else.

      Now, about that thousand-dollar campaign donation… If you look at donations to political campaigns in Bridgeport (and anywhere else in America) at least half of them come from people looking for some influence. You of all people should know Maria Pereira is rock solid in her views. Ms. Pereira wouldn’t have accepted money from anyone connected with Il Signore Oscuro of Madison Avenue. She knows it comes with strings attached.

      I don’t know John Ricci from Adam. He wrote a check for $1000.00. BFD, and I don’t mean Bridgeport Fire Department. Next you’ll be complaining about fluoridation in the public water supply.

  11. I’m far from a rocket scientist and know nothing about this group who file the lawsuit that claims to be a nonpartisan organization or the legal aspect of it. But if you listen to the lady in the glasses she says “our candidates have uncovered a systematic and manipulation of some of our most vulnerable citizens”.

    Clearly they are on the side of Moore. What it all means. I don’t know? Everybody seems to be on aside. Even those on who claim it all about the kids or the city. You can be in the political game without being on aside. JS


  12. How can you or anyone else say with any level of integrity that
    “everyone ever involved with her will tell you she can’t be trusted, EVERYONE!.” You continue to behave like a child acting out. There are HUNDREDS of people I have dealt with for years that trust me implicitly.

    That trust people have placed in me is why I have significant influence in the 138th District.

    When politicians ask for my support to get elected based on specific campaign promises I hold them accountable to keep those very promises.

    Once I know a politician is a liar, and their word means absolutely nothing, they will NEVER get a second chance to lie to me.

    That includes Joe Ganim, Dennis Bradley, Andre Baker, Dave Henessey, Anthony Paoletto, Nessah Smith, Karen Jackson and more.

    I hold politicians accountable and I have done everything in my power to teach voters in my district to do the same.

    Now, I promised a spanish speaking resident in my District that I would help him with a problem he has had with completing a background check for employment. Do you know what that means ? It means I actually have to fulfill my promise.

    I keep a list of every campaign promise I make as I door knock, and then I do this crazy thing where I actually do everything in my power to keep that campaign promise.

    I may not be able to resolve their issue, but I do my very best to help with their specific issue.

    Every single politician should be held accountable to keeping their campaign promises.

    1. Think about this, imagine one donator made a campaign donation to a candidate that was 25% of their entire campaign, what if Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris to just name a few Democrats who are involve in a primary for President had one person give them 25% of their campaign or Barack Obama getting 25% of his campaign funding from one person? Holy hell would break out because the “dog whistle” to EVERYBODY is that donator has a certain amount of control of that candidate. Now think about this, a City Council candidate gets a $1000.00 from the good friend of candidate that they hate, plus who gives $1000.00 to a candidate for the City Council. Imagine the current President of the United States or Governor Ned Lamont got 25% of their campaign donation from just one person.

  13. I had 9 donors and raised about $4,000. You could never do that.

    I had another donor that gave me $1,000.

    I had a donor that I barely know give me $400.

    25% of $4,000 is a big deal. Really?

    Both you and Donald Day are pretty toddlers.

    I had nothing to do with Marilyn Moore’s or Joe Ganim’s campaign. Marilyn Moore lost because she ran an inept campaign.

    Tony Barr was responsible for delivering the 138th District to Marilyn Moore, however he failed to do so.

    The only person who should be held accountable for Marilyn Moore’s loss is Marilyn Moore.

    1. Maria, you are delusional when you said, “25% of $4,000 is a big deal. Really?” Your good friend and Joe Ganim and Mario Testa good friend, John Ricci gave you $1000.00 which is 25% of your entire campaign budget now imagine if John Ricci gave Joe Ganim 25% for his campaign budget for governor and mayor holy hell would break out with question of why 25% because no one gives any candidate 25% of their entire campaign budget. The other 18 City Council members didn’t care for you when you were on the BBOE and now watching you during this primary they see and read for their self what a liar you are. There were two Democrat candidates for mayor and you think that it was Marilyn Moore who flat fund the education budget, Marilyn raise the property taxes of he home owners, Marilyn Moore who serve time n federal prison for lying and steeling taxpayers money, oh, wait a minute, that wasn’t Marilyn Moore, that was Joe Ganim but all you hear and read from Maria is that Marilyn Moore was the devil herself in trying to destroy the city. Maria, where are the numerous derogatory comments from you about Joe Ganim and his action as mayor, Maria your attitude towards Joe Ganim shows what a liar you are.

  14. I am proud to be one of those 9 donors to Maria’s campaign and was also a donor to Marilyn Moore.
    One donation has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Both of these women have performed well in their current elected positions. Maria constantly exposing wrongdoing by others on the BOE such as non-resident Chris Taylor. Moore as a state senator helping my district and responding to my needs.
    As a non-resident Bridgeport taxpayer, I can’t legally vote or hold office, so I make donations to those I want running the government that taxes me.

    1. Marshall Marcus, I have no problem with someone donating money two both candidates. You said, ” Maria constantly exposing wrong doing by others,” well Marshall let’s look at both Democrat candidates for mayor and please tell which candidate has done more wrong do to Bridgeport, was it Mayor Joe Ganim or Senator Marilyn Moore?

      1. Ron,
        I have no idea what ‘done wrong do to Bridgeport’ means.
        Ganim2 corruption and lack of funding for public schools has harmed generations of Bridgeport residents and taxpayers.
        His allowing non-residents to serve o. Commissions (Gueddes) is inexcusable.
        Appointing an unqualified police chief endangered the public.
        I want Bridgeport to thrive. I’d like it to be so successful that it doesn’t rely on the rest of the state to fund it.

  15. Marshall, like you being a nonresident I don’t have the luxury of voting, but I have made donations to Senator Moore’s mayoral run as well to Ernie Newton and Enida Martinez during their council run.

    I watched Maria and others excoriate Senator Moore for her campaign failures and insinuate and intimate that she isn’t fit to lead the City of Bridgeport as it’s mayor and that Bridgeport deserves better. That she can’t get Bridgeport out of the whole that is on today.
    The fact is that Bridgeport’s problems can be laid at the feet of White Men who have torn this city up from top to bottom as its mayors. I watch Maria and others complain about the ex-con mayor leading this city and wondered how he could be better that an intelligent and articulate State Senator who happens to be Black.
    I wonder why this dissent when they are saying that a thieving ex-con would make a better Mayor than Senator Moore?
    I remember back in the day when Paul Newman referred to Bridgeport as the armpit of Connecticut and is it destined to stay that way when you would rather vote for an thieving ex-con than an honest, intelligent State Senator! Bridgeport, you’ll never have better until you begin to think that you deserve better!

    1. Don, “The fact is that Bridgeport’s problems can be laid at the feet of White Men who have torn this city up from top to bottom as its mayors,” EVERY mayor of Bridgeport has been white including one white female, power and the direction of this City has been control and run by whites, there’s “no,” “and,” “if” or “buts” about that fact. Don, now because there have been problems with Marilyn Moore’s campaign that didn’t help her run for mayor but still with all of that mismanagement Marilyn Moore still beat the incumbent mayor, Joe Ganim at the voting polls but Don according to Maria and a few others State Senator Marilyn Moore is the worse thing to every happen to Bridgeport. “Second chance,” these people are giving the “golden boy” a third chance but they’re not willing to give a black woman who is a elected State Senator a first chance. And what Maria, Joe Ganim and Mario Testa good friend John Ricci, well let’s take a look.

      “Sex harassment complaints filed against Bridgeport official whose department is under FBI probe”
      By Brian Lockhart Updated 11:28 pm EDT, Thursday, April 18, 2019

      1. Sorry,
        It’s not all about race.
        New Haven has had Black mayors. Daniels who was nice but ineffective. Harp who came from a corrupt political family and did her best to only appoint her sprite sisters to destroy the public schools.
        A bad mayor is just that, no matter what color he/she is

      2. That’s it, Ron. Blame the white devil as Elijah Mohamed liked to call us. Blame the petitions on the white guy. Blame it all on them honkies. Marilyn didn’t get on the ballot. Blame them evil honkies. Joe Ganim gonna be re-elected. Blame them honkies. Marilyn Moore’s campaign may have broken the law; blame them honkies. Can’t distract anyone’s attention from the subject? Blame them honkies, those evil white men that exist only to fuck up your shit.

        Guess what, Ron? I didn’t vote for the weasel Ganim.

  16. Derek, Maria won her council seat just like Mayor Ganim, through the AB’s route. In fact she did a far better job at harvesting AB’s than Mayor Ganim or Senator Moore. Maria had 183 AB ballots in that one district. Mayor Ganim had 900 AB’S over the ten city districts which is 90 AB ballots per district. Senator Moore had 300 AB ballots which is an average of 30 per district.

    You can think what you like Derek, but sometimes a duck is just a duck and if you think John Ricci isn’t in the pocket of the DTC and Il Signore Oscuro of Madison Avenue then you’re a bigger fool than Paul and Joel have been saying for years!

    1. My mother didn’t raise no fools, Donald. Your myopia is showing. You don’t know Maria Pereira which is surprising considering how often you have sparred with her on this blog. If John Ricci or anyone else connected to the DTC tried to use that thousand bucks to leverage something from Marie Pereira she’d be on the phone to the Post so fast it would make your head spin.

      I’ve said it once before and I’ll say it again: Ganim and Testa coopt other elected officials by giving them the DTC endorsement. That’s what they did with Moses and Mary McBride-Lee whether you want to admit it or not.

  17. Derek if you were half as smart as you think you are you would still be an asshole. Ernie Newton got the endorsement of the DTC this time around, but when he ran the first time he got NOTHING from them except two atta boys and a pat on the back. You or Maria still didn’t address my concerns of how she received more AB’s per district than both Mayor Ganim and Senator Moore, twice as many as the mayor and three times as many as the senator. Do you think John Ricci didn’t give her this advice on how to win an election on Bridgeport along with that $1000 check? You must be Boo Boo the fool!

    1. Moses is in the pocket of the DTC. Maria Pereira took $1000.00 from a private individual. I’m not a fool, Donald. you and Mr. Mackey are the clown princes. Your candidate for mayor is blaming her staff for the petitions becoming FUBAR. Your sexism is showing. I’ve addressed how Maria Pereira received twice as many ABs in her district than the Weasel Ganim: she went out door to door and face to face, met with constituents-old fashioned retail politicking. Go back and reread my previous posts.

  18. The reason that I received 183 AB votes is because I know my neighborhood and constituents thoroughly.

    I drafted and implemented a plan which was incredibly well executed. I repeatedly refine my strategy after every election.

    It’s okay to lose an election as long as you truly give it your best effort. However, when you lose you should analyze that loss, learn from it and make necessary adjustments.

    At least that is what I do.

    What is clear is that the Marilyn Moore campaign did not do the same. That is her issue not mine.

    Maybe she should have had Tony Barr run her AB operation. 🙂

  19. Marshall, this is about race when you have individuals stating that the Senator isn’t fit to be mayor of Bridgeport. It is about race when every mayor since 1839 have been white men with the exception on Mary Moran and Bridgeport still isn’t shit. It is about race when white men have made Bridgeport the laughing stock of Connecticut and you have other white men saying that this Black lady isn’t fit to be Mayor as opposed to an ex-con, that stole and sniffed cocaine on his way to City Hall. Yet he’s a better choice for Mayor than an intelligent, honest and articulate Black woman.

    It has always been about race in this city when, God rest his soul, Charles Tisdale won the democratic nomination for Mayor in a city that is overwhelming democratic and lost the election. It is about race when if asked, every Black person in Bridgeport will tell you that there wasn’t a chance in hell that they thought we would have a Black president before we had a Black mayor! It’s very easy for white people to dismiss the race issue in politics and life because talking about it would mean that they have to come face to face with their own racist beliefs.


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