The Bridgeport political establishment’s chief lapdog Anthony Musto is at it again. The Democratic state senator so terrified of the political payroll serving on the City Council in defiance of the City Charter whines Bridgeport voters should decide whether city employees should serve on the council. It obviously has escaped Musto, a lawyer, city voters have already decided this question long ago. The reason the City Charter bars city employees from serving on the City Council is because voters approved it. Voters oppose the conflict-of-interest gravy train of city employees approving their own wages and benefits.
Musto has blocked the government reform bill supported by a majority of Bridgeport’s State House delegation to enforce the charter provision City Attorney Mark Anastasi claims is trumped a loophole in state law. In Musto’s hometown Trumbull, it’s illegal for town employees to serve on the board of finance as it is in other likewise communities in Connecticut. Bridgeport’s City Council, however, functions as a board of finance. The bill that was proposed simply calls for bringing consistency to state law to include all municipal bodies that serve as boards of finance.
Here’s what Musto told the Connecticut Post:
“This is basically a local issue–a local vendetta, really–by people angry at some on the City Council. They can’t vote them off, so they want to try to get them fired by state law. I think it’s completely inappropriate to use state law for that. People should be able to run for offices and, if the voters don’t want them there because they see a problem, then they won’t vote for them.”
Translation: screw the City Charter. Musto’s schizoid logic says let’s have two sets of rules, one for most of the state and another for his political pals in Bridgeport. So all members of the Bridgeport delegation and the majority of state representatives in Hartford who support the bill are on a vendetta?

Here’s what’s really going on, the part Musto won’t tell you. He’s terrified of alienating City Council President Tom McCarthy, a city employee. Musto has rationalized if he kills the bill he will forever enjoy the support of Big Mac who had once contemplated that senate seat. Musto’s district covers Trumbull and portions of Bridgeport and Monroe. Ironically, in trying to avoid a primary jump-started by the political establishment, Musto has drawn the ire of reformers who support the City Charter such as Marilyn Moore who is now waging an August primary against Musto.
In 2008, Musto squeaked a primary win over Moore. In his nearly six years in the State Senate, Musto’s had an interesting voting record. He was one of two state senators (out of 36) who supported public release of the images of the slaughtered Sandy Hook kids. He championed the floodgates of dark money special interests in defiance of Connecticut’s program of publicly financed elections. And yes, he has used his public position as chief lapdog for Bridgeport’s political establishment.
Stay tuned for the Musto-Moore primary.
Didn’t I read somewhere around here this guy really wants to be a judge? If this guy can’t figure out these conflicts are bad, how do you think he would do in the Superior Court on Golden Hill Street?
Brian Lockhart of the CT Post and Lennie are on-target.
I once felt Musto was a reasonable person, but his position on this issue demonstrates his compromised logic and morals. Great qualities for a judge.
State Statute clearly states municipal employees cannot serve on municipal boards of finance. The Bridgeport city council since charter revision of 1988 has the role of a board of finance.
Jack Hennessy is to be complimented for his commitment to correcting this wrong. Hopefully, Jack will be in office next session to complete this mission.
So far I am still supporting Anthony Musto. This time around I will only be supporting candidates who support major economic development and stand firmly on that platform. I am not going to be clouded by smaller issues and put people in power who do not see the bigger picture. Marilyn Moore has yet to address economic developmental. Scott Hughes also seems like a great candidate against Andres Ayala, however I need to hear support of economic development. I am not interested in giving Mayor Finch adversaries to deal with so nothing happens. I can honestly say I am speaking for most of my neighbors. If you are clueless about development, you are wasting time and money. Bridgeport is ripe and we need aggressive pro Steelepointe, pro South End and pro Remington woods candidates. NO PERSONAL NARROW-MINDED AGENDAS.
Steve, fair enough, but did it ever occur to you conflicts of interests that Musto supports scares away developers? Can you think of one development project in more than five years since Musto’s been a state senator that has aided the district he serves? Steel Point’s not in his district. Name something he can call his own, that he initiated in the legislature on behalf of his district.
Go ahead Stevie, and keep wondering. Here’s one, Lennie, he got $350,000 for Solar Change and two years ago claimed the money was going to create 31 jobs. Two years later and Solar Change is still eclipsed and no one seems to know its location. Where are the funds and jobs, Stevie? You’re so blind, Stevie Wonder could be your driver and do a better job getting you to places.
Joelie, is it the drugs? You want to tell me something you like about Marilyn Moore?
No Steve, I think you do peak at your neighbors.
Please don’t tell me you define it as a “personal narrow-minded agenda” when the current state senator doesn’t know a city issue from a state issue. That man is dumb.
Secondly, do you really choose to jettison morality for economic development???
That is so Bridgeport …
Musto Mustgo.
Musto’s got no Gusto!
Mr. Auerbach: As far as my eye can see Musto has not come on this blog to position his reelection campaign platforms either. There are no platforms in the Post article, merely excuses for positions unpopular with Bridgeport residents and no substantial reasons, actually, no reasons at all, why he thinks Charter rules should differ in Trumbull and Bridgeport. And he does think different rules apply, as reputations are built based on actions or lack thereof. With no lobbying FOR charter change in Trumbull and active lobbying AGAINST charter enforcement in Bridgeport, that is the rational and logical conclusion that is drawn. Now, you may argue this point all you want, but the fact is Musto is not making his platforms known either. That is a public double standard and with Musto’s extensive education as a lawyer, one would think he knows better than that, but he does not. It leaves one to wonder where his interests really lie, and if he really cares what anyone thinks of him, as long as he wins his election by any means available to him.
Marilyn Moore is in the throes of trying to qualify for public funding. That task, with the criteria that need to be met, is daunting and all-consuming in and of itself. I am left to assume Anthony Musto is also in the throes of fundraising, and that fact would be enough to explain his silence regarding any campaign platforms that would turn voters around in Bridgeport. When and IF he does decide to speak, he will be asked why he thinks the charter rules for Charter enforcement should be different in the two largest voter-turnout municipalities in his district.
It is as grossly unfair and biased not to hold Musto to the same standard you are holding Moore to. Is this action a direct result of your approval of double standards as Anthony Musto seems to approve?
Marilyn Moore is not looking to be anything more than a voice for the people. She has no agenda beyond finding out what is troubling potential constituents and how she may try to bring in some remedies or acceptable compromises to close those gaps. She is in favor of enforcing Municipal charter rules in each of the districts. She is an open, honest student of life, and a shining example of the diversity that should be represented in our area. She is respected, she is a wonderful listener and public speaker because she actually gives a damn what voters think. She is educated and knowledgeable regarding health, wellness, civil rights, women’s issues, minority issues, and many more areas that are relevant in the state and city today. She is also a Bridgeport taxpayer, and is keenly aware of the need for Bridgeport to grow its tax base in OTHER ways than on the back of the residential taxpayer.
Musto is to be held to the same standard that Marilyn is in the capacity of publicizing campaign platforms, and the double standard needs to be checked at the door.
While I am at it, color me a half wit and assume I have no idea how to gather research on Musto’s stellar accomplishment list, and please provide it for me.
The bottom line for me is Anthony Musto may fit the profiles for the needs of Trumbull and Monroe, but he is not the right Senator for Bridgeport’s needs and never, ever will be.
Bond Girl, your post was most eloquent and thoughtful. I have to admit your post was the only post talking about Marilyn Moore’s merit. I am open to listening to both candidates. Charter revision is not my most important issue. Bridgeport’s economic development is. All I want to hear from Moore is her stand on economic development. Anthony Musto and the local Democratic party as well as the Democratic Town Committee know they have issues. I have friends on all fronts. If they cannot make the case for Musto then it will be sayonara. I have no problem being the only vocal person on this blog with Local Eyes in support of Musto. We do not even know if there is a Republican candidate. Do we? The basic fundraising is done. Marilyn Moore is a candidate. Now let the cards fall where they may. WHERE DOES MOORE STAND ON MARINA VILLAGE HOUSING BY THE ARENA? Medicinal marijuana? Minimum wage? Economic development? There is no question in my mind Marilyn Moore is a great communicator, determined and intelligent. And she certainly has more charisma than Musto. I want to see a debate. I will wait and see. I will not waste my vote, I never do and I am not on the streets supporting or undermining any candidate. But for all who know me, they know my concerns as I am also an effective communicator and care deeply about the City of Bridgeport without conditions.
SA: Thank you very much for the compliment. From my vantage point things all tie together. If we continue to perch our city on a foundation of circumventing the voter in favor of mining for legal loopholes to justify conflicts and cronyism, how can we expect good and honest businesses and developers to think they have a chance at making a living in an honest way here? We can’t. Development is slow because no one wants to deal with the political muck and mire one has to wade through to do business here. The foundation is built on questionable practices, and how can those practices produce anything not tainted in the form of a business contract? When ducks reproduce, they don’t hatch squirrels, they hatch other ducks.
Hey Steve, did you forget Musto proposed a women’s prison where the old Kennedy Center was on Virginia Ave? When you say you favor development in the South End do you mean low-cost housing near the arena and ball park?
Andy, everyone knows I believe the Marine village replacement housing across from the Arena is a huge, huge mistake.
Steve, did you forget about the women’s prison he wanted to put on Virginia Ave?
That’s what he means, Andy.
Musto could be mincemeat, but who’s chopping him up?
I think he is doing a pretty good job all by himself. Maybe we should offer to sharpen the knife.
This blog is unduly harsh to State Senator Musto. He is not dismissing the city charter, he is upholding the law.
We’re here to pontificate, right?
Mr. Grimaldi sounds like he’s picking a fight on his own blog with Mr. Musto. Journalistic neutrality takes a backseat on this one. When he tells you what’s really going on, he’s expressing his opinion. Here’s mine: Musto has had many good things happen in his district during these terrible economic times.
Name specifically those good things.
Inside Musto’s district is a state-of-the-art server farm that is the envy of towns everywhere. There are other specific examples, too. I’m not his spokesperson. However, I disagree with your credit/criteria/ownership system for economic development. Musto’s district is active and moderately healthy. His pro-business stance is understated.
Local Eyes, you are full of shit, plain and simple. Dumb ass.
Solar Change? That’s why Local Eyes now wears sunglasses.
Lennie, Bob Walsh, Carolanne Curry. Let me be perfectly clear. I WILL NOT support a candidate who does not support Bridgeport Development. Carolannne, with all due respect you live in Westport and you are totally anti-Finch. I GET IT, he fired you. Bob Walsh, I get it, she is anti-Finch and you are part of the Caruso/Ed Gomes group. Andy, if in fact Musto supported the jail at first, I can assure you he responded to my letter and was at the protests. You are also totally anti-Finch, I get it. Your wife, whom I hold in high esteem, was not reappointed by Finch. Lennie, as much as I respect your blog and appreciate the assaults, I really do. I stand firm and have not changed my position from day one. If Mary-Jane Foster is supporting her, I am deeply disappointed. The difference between those on this blog who I worked with on the Foster campaign was simple. I was supporting Mary-Jane and believed she could put development on the fast track. Everyone else had a personal self-centered problem with Finch. I try to vote for an individual, not against. I have asked Ms. Moore or one of her surrogates to give me her platform on development. I am not sure supporting Marilyn will help alleviate the Bridgeport taxpayers’ burden. But to all my political friends supporting her, good luck. IF she wins the primary I will support her. I am hoping MUSTO wins, but I am willing to listen to both sides and look forward to a healthy debate. Lennie, I do not need to address Musto’s record. MOORE has to give the voters a reason to vote for her. I am listening.
Steve, if you think Musto’s done such a great job, I welcome your input. Please tell us.
Steve, you have taken this too far with your lapdog comments, especially about Musto. You know damn right well he proposed the jail and its location on Virginia Ave. You know he bragged about bringing jobs to Bridgeport until he saw the uproar against it. Steve, you were in the front lines fighting it, now you seem to think this was a small oops by Musto.
You’re right about my wife and the zoning board, it wasn’t the fact she was not reappointed, it was the fact she was lied to and it was the fact at a meeting with Finch and Adam Wood in which Wood tried to intimidate her and came on strong.
Yes I am anti-Finch and have not hidden that fact. I have pointed out time after time the things that are wrong with this administration but you seem to be okay with that and you seem to be okay with steel point which has been on the drawing boards since 1987. Stop wearing rose-colored glasses.
You forgive Musto for almost really screwing my neighborhood, well I don’t. Finch, Musto, Paoletto and Curwen all knew about this jail proposal one year before it became public.
That is true, and so did John Fabrizi. Again Andy, I must state although Musto and Finch initially supported it, Musto did respond to my letter and did show up at protests. Evolution on ideas is a good thing.
Lennie, again I do not need to list Musto’s accomplishments, but as a Moore supporter, perhaps you can tell me what her stand on economic development is. I want to make sure our city has a team working together for the common good of Bridgeport. Not an individual who will stand in the way of Bridgeport’s well-being. So Mr. Grimaldi, as a voter please tell me why Marilyn Moore deserves the vote of Bridgeporters and what is her take on Economic Development. Tell me why I should vote for her and refrain from telling me why I shouldn’t vote for Musto.
Steve, you won’t list Musto’s accomplishments because either you do not know them or they do not exist. I’ve not declared myself a Moore supporter, you’ve decided I am simply because I dared to disclose Musto’s not telling you the truth about why he has blocked a government reform bill. You’ve come on OIB on numerous occasions to write you support Musto but you will not list accomplishments. Why not? By the way, Musto is welcome as well to share his accomplishments on OIB. He has a history of taking credit for initiatives advanced by others, especially State Rep. Auden Grogins. Full disclosure: I am a Grogins supporter and campaign adviser.
Lennie, you are a Moore supporter because you have given her a platform on more than one occasion. I respect that. In fact, if it weren’t for your blog, Marilyn Moore would have received zero coverage. Again Lennie, I am not a spokesperson for Anthony Musto. I will leave that to his campaign and workers of which I am neither. But seriously Lennie, can anyone who is supporting Moore tell me her platform for economic development?
Say it, Stevie, you can’t list what you haven’t seen and can’t see.
Joel, any halfwit can go to Musto’s website to extract information on how he voted, what he voted for and what he cosponsored. Again, all of you anti-Finch, anti-Musto individuals are supporting Marlyn Moore and not one of you cares to pontificate on her positive qualities. That could be good for Musto. People want to vote for a candidate, not against one. So Joel, if you do not like what you see on Musto’s website, either stay home or vote for a candidate who shares your vision. If you are using Jack Hennessy’s bill as your reason for supporting Moore, well vote accordingly. That bill is not on my agenda.
Steve, in spite of what you say about me, I support economic development. But just because I won’t bend over and kiss the asses of bad developers like you do, you say I am anti-development.
And just because I challenge developers’ plans and seek more from them then they care to give, you claim I am anti-development.
So Steve, tell me the truth. Do you really think I want to see Steel Point remain in the pathetic state Ganim created and Fabrizi and Finch have allowed to fester? Do you really?
Actually Bob Walsh, I believe you want to see Bridgeport prosper.
Senator Musto
to me
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your letter regarding HB 5724 An Act Prohibiting Municipal Employees From Serving on Certain Municipal legislative bodies. It is always a pleasure to hear from constituents who take the time to share their opinions with me.
I was not in favor of this proposal as I don’t believe the solution to the City’s struggles will be found by barring people from public service. While there is a certain potential for a conflict of interest, members should recuse themselves when appropriate and if this is a problem it should be rectified by the voters, not by arbitrarily denying someone the ability to run for a chance to serve in their local government. At the local level, barring people from serving seems unfair as there are many issues facing the City Council that have nothing to do with the budget.
If the City Attorney has incorrectly interpreted the law, a lawsuit would be the appropriate way to address the issue, although the law has stood for several years without a legal challenge.
I am focused on efforts I know will make a difference for Bridgeport, like attracting and fostering job creation, securing much needed state resources for education, brownfield remediation, municipal aid, and the public nuisance abatement bill, which I am proud to co-sponsor. You may be aware that this week the State voted to allow the City $22 Million in aid for SteelPointe. I, along with the entire delegation, supported this, and will continue to make these issues my first priority.
I will be happy to meet with you to discuss your concerns. Please call Rob in my office to set up a time. The number is (860) 240-0498.
Thank you again and please feel free to contact me with any comments or concerns on future issues.
Geez Peter, thank you for posting this letter. Everything he said I agree with and appreciate the time he took to write that letter. Lennie, that letter speaks for itself. I have friends on the council who work for the City and serve us well. If they are non-performers, I am sure Human Resources has ways to deal with it.
Then ask Musto why he doesn’t move to repeal the law so Trumbull employees can serve in office. Why didn’t he ask McCarthy and Finch to include such a Charter change?
That bastard! 🙂
It all comes down to three words, Steve: Follow the charter.
The state senator representing our district recommends perpetuating sub-standard, charter-breaching governance for Bridgeport … but not for his hometown of Trumbull or any other municipality in his district or in CT.
That’s OK?
The city charter was approved by the voters, or in Musto’s words “rectified by voters.”
The state senator representing our district recommends if I don’t like it, I take the city to court?
That’s OK?
Did you miss what Dr. Funkhouser wrote in Nov 2013?
“Regardless of what’s legal or illegal, however, the weird arrangement in Bridgeport violates the most basic premise of effective governance: the principal-agent relationship. The city council represents the principals, and the city’s employees are the agents, hired to carry out the work of the city. It is the job of the city council to control the purse strings and oversee the work of the agents on behalf of the citizens.”
See: www .governing.com/gov-institute/funkhouser/gov-why-fundamentals-of-governance-are-important.html
Finally, in the recent CT Post article, State Senator Musto is quoted:
“This is basically a local issue–a local vendetta, really–by people angry at some on the City Council. They can’t vote them off, so they want to try to get them fired by state law. I think it’s completely inappropriate to use state law for that.”
“Local issue” … and yet Musto is saying it’s fine for Bridgeport political leaders to use a loophole in state law to circumvent the local city charter.
That’s OK?
And number 4 we are a home rule state.
Of course you agree.
“So Anthony, is your nose long enough to win another term?”
Lennie, the Bridgeport Machine has a plan and it goes like this. The Machine will take advantage of Musto’s very long nose. On the very first day Musto publicly announces the opening of his Trumbull headquarters, he will be facing Bridgeport. The nose will be in front of Steve Auerbach’s home where Steve will be outside–marker in hand–and write “Vote for Musto” on the nose. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Joel, no offense but you sound like an ass to me. You just might see a Musto sign, however.
On a sidebar: Happy Easter to my Christian friends. Enjoy!
Hope you are having a good Passover and good Seder! How I long for Marilyn’s brisket and kugel and her ecumenical fellowship!
Be Well!
Thank you, Steve.
This is a easy race to look into. Musto is ripe to be picked off but the candidate running against him doesn’t like to work, just have everyone else do the work for her.
Musto wins in a close race won by the ‘burbs. I’m not saying I support Musto, I’m calling it like it is. Truth hurts.
BTW, Full Disclosure:
If I were Ms. Moore’s age I wouldn’t want to work either, nor would I run for office where you campaign hard and if you win have to drive over a hour to get to your office, if you go to your office and earn your app. $40,000 for doing the job.
Full disclosure???
Why don’t you start with your real name and how it is you know Ms. Moore so we know what to make of those statements!
It looks to me like a low blow from a lowlife.
The Machine does the work for Musto.
Maybe someone should remind the senator there is a state law that prohibits state employees from serving in the legislature.
State law bans state employees from state elected office.
State law bans municipal employees from serving on Finance Boards.
But in Bridgeport where the council serves as the board of finance, “it’s a local issue–a local vendetta.” You cannot make this up.
Please Senator Musto, please, please, please explain this distorted logic.
Senator Musto,
In Monroe town employees cannot serve on their board of finance. In his home town of Trumbull, town employees cannot serve on their finance board, in the entire state of Connecticut, State employees cannot serve in the state legislature, in the entire state of Connecticut municipal employees are banned from serving on local land use boards BUT Senator Musto trusts Bridgeport voters to decide when a city employee should be prevented from serving.
Mr. God, is Trumbull a different planet or just a different town?
Maybe someone should remind Bob Walsh the thing we’re talking about exists Only in Bridgeport.
Musto’s first election win threw the Democratic machine for a loop. Musto was to be a sacrificial lamb, he was expected to lose the election. He was nominated to make the ‘burbs happy. The DTC figured Musto to lose and in two years they were going to run Tom McCarthy. Well so much for that, we have been stuck with this do-nothing for a few years now. He Must go.
I have reconsidered why BPT REBEL wrote and now realize what he was saying was a middle aged, white male from Trumbull is more qualified to represent Bridgeport than a female African American who is close to retirement age AND lived in Bridgeport her entire life, works in Bridgeport and runs a non-profit that helps women find treatment when they are diagnosed with cancer.
Keep it up, REBEL. With posts like that you just might be singularly responsible for putting Marilyn over the top.
I speak from experience, but obviously no one’s opinion counts but yours.
I work for the City of Bpt and have been retaliated against four times for speaking the truth so it is none of your business who I am as I have young kids I need to feed and shelter.
Let’s see how hard Finch, Testa and McCarthy work to secure Musto’s nomination for his State Senate seat. When he loses Bridgeport, Nancy may have a very hard time selling Musto to Trumbull and Monroe’s delegation after his Newtown morbidity statement.
I would agree with Musto in the employees serving on the council thing. The Bridgeport charter clearly states ‘no member of the council can also receive a city paycheck.’ Let them serve on the council. We wouldn’t want to interfere with their right to serve or work for the city. Just stop giving them the paychecks. You CAN still serve and work. You just can’t get paid. There is more than one way to skin a cat.