From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:
Sharp dressed, smooth talking Uri Clinton of Las Vegas was there to spread the gospel of his employer, MGM Resorts International, and convert skeptics of its development plans for where this lower-income, minority neighborhood meets the harbor.
He even brought along copies of a sort of business bible, “MGM Cares: 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility Report,” that touts the international company’s diversity in hiring and philanthropic, education and environmental initiatives.
“We can have another 100 of these here tomorrow,” Clinton said, urging audience members to take copies.
The evening was hosted by the East End NRZ, an influential planning organization that could help make or break MGM’s plans.
Full story here.
Let’s hope East End NRZ knows to ask the right questions.
What questions do you suggest they ask?
Bridgeport has long suffered from a variety of sicioeconomic ailments, much of it rooted in a failed public education system and lack of public oversight in the governmental process. If MGM is good toits word it will invest in the Greater Bridgeport Community will the money be given to City Hall without strings attached or will it be earmarked for specific purposes? Education and career training programs. Urban revitalization, rehabilitating abandoned factory buildings and rundown neighborhoods.
The CEO of MGM Resorts is a Bridgeport native. How much does he really intend to give back to the community?
I’m sure the man is busy but if he is sincere about “giving back” to Bridgeport he ought to be making the pitch himself.
Some NRZ’s have done good work in BPT but the support or lack thereof from the East End NRZ will not make or break any BPT casino. That remains in the hands of State Legislators,the Governor and the CT gaming tribes. Despite a bruising battle,MGM should try to have some behind the scenes discussions with the CT tribes. The economic/financial prognosis for the CT tribes/gaming is not rosy. The prognosis is for declining business and declining payments to CT.
The gaming tribes ill never allow this to happen unless they are involved.
That is what i am saying.
The biggest potential problem is legislators and the governor and the local mayor and City Council looking at the potential windfall as a bottomless barrel of pork.
There may be other issues beyond the standard retort of “pork.”
With the failure of five casinos in Atlantic City and none of the gaming money going to the area outside the casino ,why is this still being talked about? It will be the same that happend at Atantric City. None of the patrons of the casino are going to by anything from El Coquito. All the gaming money will go back into the casino and not into the surrounding area of Bridgeport
This is not going to happen and Amazon isn’t coming either so what is a plan that will create jobs,taxes and something everyone can agree on?
I have a feeling the status quo will be undergoing some change after the elections in December. Robert Keeley’s legal challenge resulted in court ordered supervision,
To recap this week blog.
Lisa, those who voted will be forever in the city archives but nobody is going to look it up or even really care about the vote by next week. Also what’s the difference between the abuse by the City Council or the Mayor’s Office, when giving a 40 year tax abasement?
Andy, if the council always votes as the Mayor wants, which every blogger has always complain about. What’s the difference who has the power?
Jim. Steve is correct this is a democracy. Ganim is not King. Just like Finch wasn’t when he made the deal to give a 40 year tax abasement. Practically every blogger on here will be dead by the time the city gets if fair share of taxes.
JML Like it or not Steve is correct. This is a democracy no matter how you describe it. I believe since you are a member of the NAACP you should know this is the same democracy that said blacks were 3/5 of a human being etc. and who fought a war to change that. PS why are you thanking Ron for asking about why Denise and Martinez were absent for such an important vote if this is not your prescribe democracy?
Bridgeport’s city motto of democracy, “democracy is ok if the vote goes your way. If it doesn’t it’s disgusting”
Ernie, A, Who are they? B, Please tell me the war is not to keep 40 year tax abasements?
Steve you are correct this is a democracy; however, I will not confirm or deny that you are the city’s biggest cheerleader, but I will say you don’t ruffle many feathers in any city administration.
TBK, do any of the guidelines put any controls on the Mayor’s Office on the amount of years the Mayor’s office can offer on tax abasements? PS stooping to Steve’s level of name calling when you said Steve is a sheep in a pink tutu. Or Steve’s a “STUPID ASSHOLE” and he can’t have a ‘informed rational discussion” says a lot about you and your “INFORMED” “RATIONAL” “DICUSSION”
Bob Walsh, INFORMED” “RATIONAL” “DICUSSION” White racist
Lennie you have been very vocal on the Amphitheater deal, while I’m in agreement with i.t MGM is a much larger development for the city and I haven’t heard much from you on it. Just sayin.
Did I miss anybody? The dynamic duo.
Day, Say what you will about the damn fool in the White House. That fool is going to lead the Republicans to a Medicare for all health care system. Think about it this way Obama Care gives billions of taxes payers money to insurance companies to help subsides coverage. The private insurance companies make 100s of billions. Yet they don’t do anything to treat a patient. They are able to make these profits because our current health care system privatizes the profits and socialize the actual health care cost in the country. By the government paying for the poor and subsiding or tax credits (whatever the come up with) to the insurance companies for those that are not too poor but can’t afford health insurance. Let’s not forget the elderly 65 and older who are the many recipients of health care and the cost, in this country, that the government pays for.
Not to mention they have no incentive to cure anybody. I hear a lot about science in the climate debate, and the need to put coal miners out of work of clearer energy. But I hear little about the science in putting hospital, while not out of business but to end the revolving door in our current health care system. Where we treat an prolong ailments instead of curing people with stem cell and immunotherapy etc. to CLOSE THIS REVOLING DOOR, so while everyone puts their pink shirt on and takes a walk to fight against something that has already been won where you have kids and people suffering and dying needless in hospitals for things that are curable. Like baldness right Joe? Please remember that, when you pose in your pink shirt for a photo op.
As for the sound tigers, the gaming industry has one thing to say, “This ain’t hockey”
Forget about Maria. 🙂
Say what you will about us, Mr. Texiera. We may not agree on everything but we all have the best interests of the people of the city of Bridgeport at heart. Your recap of the week’s threads is… mildly amusing at best. It also shows you lack imagination and intellectual insight.
Mr. Auerbach’s enthusiasm for the city of Bridgeport is admirable but for one fact: he doesn’t want to know about the people of the city of Bridgeport. You know, the people living below the poverty line, subsisting on EBT/WIC and Medicaid benefits, their children attending substandard schools, living in close proximity to property contaminated by industrial chemicals, the people living in fear of drug dealing street gangs. Steven Auerbach doesn’t want to know about any of that. When I brought it up he became angry. Every time I saw Mr. Auerbach’s name on a post I knew it would be stupid. By the same reasoning when I see a duck I expect it to quack.
You neglected to comment on North korea and ‘bitcoin’ in your omnibus survey above, didn’t you? Pyongyang thinks it is a democracy, too. Time will tell.
Please, best interest for what’s best of Bridgeport. I noticed you didn’t answer my question. PS not that I have anything a hockey.
You ought to enroll in a remedial ESL class. If you have to rely on visual aids you’re not getting the point across.
against hockey
What question? You’re rambling diatribe against Ron, Bob, JML, Ernie and myself was a bit confusing. English is not your native tongue.
I haven’t the time nor the patience to watch a bunch of You Tube video clips.
Maybe you can find the patience to as Ron,Bob, JML. or Ernie where my question lies. Hopefully they are more intelligent than you and able to read my native tongue.
I could be wrong, but who says Foxwoods can’t open up a casino in Bridgeport. Moreover what hurts the tribes bottom line? The gain of 25% of the slots because of a broken pack that they give to the state or the Federal Government granting another tribe recognition to open up a new resort casino near Foxwoods and Mohegan or even Bridgeport?
You ought to take an ESL course, Robert. Your posts are not easily understood.
Not fir kack of intelligence in my oart. You just don’t know how to exoress yourself in American Standard English.
By the way, what was your question? You went off topic more than once.
You’re right Derek, the Indian tribes will never let this happen nor can the State afford to lose the gaming money from the tribes. The state relies on 25 percent of slot machine revenue from the Mashantucket Pequots and Mohegans to help balance its budget. That meant $265 million in the most recent fiscal year. Who’s replacing that money should MGM decide to build and the State decides to break its contract with the tribes?
MGM says the projected taxes from its Bridgeport facility would total almost $1.6 billion to the state from 2019 to 2023, more than either of the current casinos would provide, but analysts said it’s difficult to judge that claim without knowing at what rate casino earnings would be taxed. MGM representatives did not say on what proposed tax rate they were basing their predicted returns. Roy Occhiogrosso, who is representing MGM, last week said the company did not “want to negotiate the rate in public.”
It’s not happening people not now or later. MGM is trying to protect it almost 1 billion dollar investment in Springfield. Much like the wool that Bob Kraft pulled over the eyes of Connecticut when he wanted a new football stadium and used Connecticut with the promise of relocating here. That didn’t happen and this won’t either.
This is just a dig-and-pony show.
Donald Day..just remember that the CT Indians casinos were paying $400 million a year just a few years ago. Now,it’s close to mid 200 million and all forecasts are that that number will go down. The CT Indians will be facing a cash crunch pretty soon.
Remember the guy in charge is one of our “home growns” and really cares about doing good for this city.
Past tense, Bob. If he was really interested in “giving back to his home town” he would make the pitch himself. Instead he sent a well groomed lacky.
TBK considering you say how you have the best interest of the city. it seems not if it involves a Casino. The tourism aspect maybe self contained. but so is every office building, United bank is self contained. besides a few lunch eateries during lunch time and happy hour. It the Jobs it brings to the community they are the ones build and bring up the city. It’s the city businesses that from a resort casino as will. Bridgeport motto . “We have the city best interest only if it suite our interest. if not we have no interest”
to build, that will benefit, The City’s best, suits. 🙂
Building will benefit the well connected suits, not the people of the city of Bridgeport.
This is a bait-and-switch scam. MGM Resorts has a hotel nd casino proposed for the Springfield, Massachusetts, area (Agawam if I’m not mistaken). The Connecticut gaming tribes are on board for a casino in East Windsor, which would be in direct competition for gambling dollars. As Mr. Day pointed out Robert Kraft used a similar ploy with the New England Patriots when he wanted to build a new stadium. He started talking to officials in Hartford and Connecticut Pats fans got all excited until the Commonwealth of Massachusetts came around and that was the end of that. The Mohegans and Mashantuckett Pequots will NEVER allow a casino to open in Bridgeport. The tribes have the state of Connecticut contractually bound until the next Ice Age.
As I posted earlier Casinos are self-contained universes. Hotel rooms, retail shopping, gambling, live entertainment, the whole ball of wax. MGM is promising 2-3000 permanent jobs and 5700 construction jobs (most of which will be filled by out-of-town union members) which is good for the local economy but it will not produce the kind of end results that are promised and desired. Very few of the casino patrons will bother to venture into the downtown area. Those that do will not have anything positive to say about the experience. (Let’s face facts here, Robert. Downtown Bridgeport looks like a disused Hollywood backlot.)
If fixing Bridgeport is a pet project of the CEO of MGM why did he send a well dressed corporate lacky to make the sales pitch? I am inclined to question his sincerity.
Derek, Jim Murren has been to Bridgeport to pitch this project. His mom lives in the city. He will be returning. Uri Clinton is quarterbacking the proposal, as he has done for several other MGM projects.
The Tribes will never allowit to happen.
Hey do you want to know where MGM also had a casino? Foxwoods. It’s not just the competition. It’s the market as well. Again it’s not just the state. It’s Federal government. It’s a waste of time trying to debate you on this matter. You have no real interest in Bridgeport as a whole. Based on your comment about the CEO of MGM, clearly your bias on Bridgeport and its future are insincere. PS The CEO did make a sales pitch to the city when it was first announced. You’re insincerity of having the best interest of the city is a fallacy. Period.
You only percieve that I am “biased” against Bridgeport because I don’t agree with you, Robert. Steven Auerbach had the same attitude: “F you ain’t with me you’re against me.”
I’ve seen the effect casinos have on locl economies. Atlantic City is a hellhole unless you’re pissing away money at one if the casinos. All the neon, scantily clad cocktail waitresses and overall glitz looks fabulous. The rest of the town hasn’t been changed. There’s still poverty, welfare, drugs, crime and hopelessness.
If it walks like a duck quacks like a duck. It’s a insincere duck. Attacking my ESL skills. That’s original. It seems like when I challenge insincere bias and insincere arguments my writing skills are attacked. You still didn’t answer my question. I know you read it and it was was with my beat ESL skills. So you understood it too. Just avoiding it. PS your “ELS” are not that great, but it wouldn’t matter because your arguments are bias, baseless, and insincere. Regardless what language it is in.
No Robert, YOU opened the door. I responded in kind. Din’t insult people if you are thin-skinned.
You are right, your ESL skills are beat, beat to shit.
So you’ve stepped into Stevie Auerbach’s shoes, become the resident snark on OIB?
City Hall has been giving away the town, for decades. That’s why there are dozens of abandoned factory buildings clogging the skyline, real estate that cannot be taxed because of abatements that were passed out with no consideration of the long term economic and environmental effects. The city is an environmental disaster, toxic chemicals contaminating the air, water and soil. The public education system is a failure. Building a casino or an amphitheater will not remedy the deeply rooted socioeconomic and environmental problems plaguing Bridgeport.
You have the unmitigated gall to question my sincerity? Fuck off, Robert. Fuck all the way off. There is more to the picture than you are willing or able to see. Move to Shelton. Steve Auerbach needs company.
Before you question my sincerity why don’t you give us an explanation how a casino will fix Bridgeport, fix all the problems we have here. The crime, the environment, the failed public education system, the political corruption, the high property taxes, the absndoned factories and warehouses slathered with decades of graffiti. Sum it up for us, Robert. Squirt some oil on the brain cogs and astound us with your dazzling intellect.
The Bridgeport Kid // Oct 22, 2017 at 2:34 pm
The Tribes will never allowit to happen.
Let’s say MGM gets the casino in Bridgeport, it will take two years to complete, now how will the State off set those two years of no cut from Tribes casino money? The State will never get that money.
It’s rather complex. The tribes will want a piece of the action. That will take months to negotiate. Given Bridgeport’s political environment more than a few palms will need to be greased.
If Bob Murren is so dedicated to fixing his hometown he would be talking about the socioeconomic issues you and I have been concerned with, the endemic political corruption.
Who said a casino will fix all of Bridgeport Problems. That is why I say you are insincere about having the best of interest for Bridgeport. It’s not the job of a Casino’s to fix Bridgeport’s Problems. Has United Bank fix the city’s problems or any other company here in the Bridgeport? TBK you talk about socioecomomic don’t you think the jobs and revenue form a casino will help with it. again it a waste of time with you, TBK. I’ll let you know how my ESL class are going.
So you don’t care about any of that? You just want a casino and the rest kf the city can go to hell. That’s what you’re saying.
Again insincere, It’s the city governance to fix and manage the city. It’s not like this city has fortune 500 companies kicking Bridgeport’s door down to invest and will provide 1000s of jobs and revenue to the city. You talked about the corruption in the city Please answer my question. I will provide it again since you seem unable to find it but first do you remember this
The Bridgeport Kid // Oct 22, 2017 at 3:35 pm
Before you question my sincerity why don’t you give us an explanation how a casino will fix Bridgeport, fix all the problems we have here. The crime, the environment, the failed public education system, the political corruption, the high property taxes, the absndoned factories and warehouses slathered with decades of graffiti. Sum it up for us, Robert. Squirt some oil on the brain cogs and astound us with your dazzling intellect.
How is this MGM’s fault? What I found ironic was pull another on of your post to say this is what casinos did to Atlantic City.
The Bridgeport Kid // Oct 22, 2017 at 3:01 pm
You only percieve that I am “biased” against Bridgeport because I don’t agree with you, Robert. Steven Auerbach had the same attitude: “F you ain’t with me you’re against me.”
I’ve seen the effect casinos have on locl economies. Atlantic City is a hellhole unless you’re pissing away money at one if the casinos. All the neon, scantily clad cocktail waitresses and overall glitz looks fabulous. The rest of the town hasn’t been changed. There’s still poverty, welfare, drugs, crime and hopelessness.
What’s even crazier is I can pull another post say it doesn’t matter what company comes to invent in the city because it won’t make a difference so just move out of the city.
The Bridgeport Kid // Oct 22, 2017 at 3:18 pm
City Hall has been giving away the town, for decades. That’s why there are dozens of abandoned factory buildings clogging the skyline, real estate that cannot be taxed because of abatements that were passed out with no consideration of the long term economic and environmental effects. The city is an environmental disaster, toxic chemicals contaminating the air, water and soil. The public education system is a failure. Building a casino or an amphitheater will not remedy the deeply rooted socioeconomic and environmental problems plaguing Bridgeport.
You have the unmitigated gall to question my sincerity? Fuck off, Robert. Fuck all the way off. There is more to the picture than you are willing or able to see. Move to Shelton. Steve Auerbach needs company.
Then you wonder why I say you are insincere about having teh best interest of the City.
Back to my question. “TBK, do any of the guidelines put any controls on the Mayor’s Office on the amount of years the Mayor’s office can offer on tax abasements? PS stooping to Steve’s level of name calling when you said Steve is a sheep in a pink tutu. Or Steve’s a “STUPID ASSHOLE” and he can’t have a ‘informed rational discussion” says a lot about you and your “INFORMED” “RATIONAL” “DICUSSION” ”
Again it a waste of time on one level but productive for my ESL class. Class dismissed.
You must be using The Force. There’s no logic to what you’re saying. If it is up to the municipal government to address the sicioeconomic problems then the municipal government should and ought to recognize those issues well before entering into negotiations with a developer. Doesn’t matter if it is a casino, an amphitheater or a widget factory. In the case if MGM, a corporation that has a lot of money to spread around, City Hall should be asking “What are you going to do for the people of the city of Bridgeport?” I have the best interests of the people of the city of Bridgeport at heart but you are unable, unwilling or just incapable of seeing that. It is insulting that you say I do not.
Many of the people of the city of Bridgeport have been living marginal lives because the school system failed to provide even the most basic life skills, there are few employment opportunities for young people, the environment is hazardous, hopelessness and despair are too prevalent in the city’s poorer neighborhoods, taxes are way too high and there’s not much bang for the buck. What I and several others want to know is how much Mr. Murren is going to do to for his hometown. We want to know if City Hall is going to ask tough questions.
Stop using Google Translate. It distorts the meaning and is inhibiting your ability to comprehension of American Standard English.
Derek, excellent and right on point. Let’s see the wannabe governor, Joe Ganim, makes these same points his concern.
Like I said the city should get a extended public work force and equipment, From the casinos. Broken window theory. I find every every business that don’t have a freshly coat of paint on their shutter and garbage in fort of their business.
A. You seem to be avoiding my question. B. Most of the school funding comes from the Federal government. Are you suggesting MGM takeover our school board, Maria will put up a fight, to fix our failing school system?
“Just don’t ask what the city can do for you,ask what you can do for yourselves” From what MGM has been saying it will being in decent paying jobs, for skills the failing school system provided for the city’s residents, benefit, as well as revenue for city. Casinos are the greatest bang for the buck, for the challenges this city faces. You are correct in saying casinos are self contained for the most part only other entertainment venues or venues that targets out-of towners or city companies that do business with the casinos. The casinos have nothing to do with the decay of the city. How the a city develops has everything to do with the local government not the the CEO of corporation. Are you going to blame Mr. Murren for a 40 year tax abasement that put more pressure on city residents? Stamford has been booming with out a casino, yet so has their crime and some what of decay. Since you will not answer my questions. Will you at lest give us some tough questions that needs to be asked to Mr. Murren on how to make Bridgeport great again?
You’re A, misinformed and B, slow on the uptake. I’ve answered your fucking question about a dozen times in this thread.
Where? since you answered it a dozen time one more time can’t hurt. Did the council put any restrictions on the Mayor’s office in the guidelines to prevent the abuse of tax abatement like the one for 40 years. It’s a simple question? Forget about it. The answers is yes. Does anyone find that Ironic. I pose this question. What are people more up set about the council abdicating a vote on tax abatement or limiting it to 10 to 20 from 35 to 40. Things that make you go HMMMM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK5zqikbfUw
You are correct in saying casinos are self contained for the most part only other entertainment venues or venues that targets out-of towners or city companies that do business with the casinos will see a financial impact from casinos. The city will gain exposure. There will be entities that will tray to profit from casino that will have a negative impact. That is what you want your government to stop. things the will decay the city.
I’ve articulated my observations and concerns throughout this thread and several others. Everything I wrote today could be drafted into an outline. I shouldn’t have to reiterate the socioeconomic maladies troubling Bridgeport, least if all to someone so obtuse.
Derek, stop running down these rabbit holes of Robe, his questions are not about anything important.
LOL Stopping 40 year tax abatement is not important. Why because you can’t a race to it?If you try I think you can. 🙂
You are right, Robert’s questions are a waste of time. He gies around and around and around. Where’s he’s headed not even he knows.
He’s heading to his ESL class, care to join me? After trying to read you posts I concluded English is not your native tongue either. Classes are Monday’s and Wednesday’s at 6;00 PM at Housation
your, Housatonic 🙂
Kid, Ron is right.
I know that, Lisa. I’ve been goading him.
socioeconomic is solely not Bridgeport thing. All you really did throughout this thread was say there’s problems, and there’s problems in trying the remedy the problems.So why bother trying to solve the problems, and when the City Council does solves the 35, 40 tax abatement problem, that everybody said it was a problem that hurts city taxpayers, are now saying solving the problem is a problem. Thing that make you go WTF
It’s obvious now, Robert. You are merely stupid, just a stupid asshole that thinks he knows everything. Go away, crawl back under your rock.
By the way,
I never look at the You Tube links you post. Why waste time watching a video that is completely irrelevant to the topic, let alone more than one. Fuck that. Your commentary is rambling, disjointed, contrary and just plain pointless. You sign onto OIB only to agitate.
I bet you ride the short bus to school.
Ha Ha The jokes on you. I was so special. They didn’t even let me ride the short bus 🙂
Must’ve been the stench of self importance. Deodorant doesn’t work on that.
Anyone needs so many visual props to explain himself is a fucking moron. What do you normally use, sock puppets?
Admit it Robert, youdo not know the meaning of the word “socioeconomic.” If you did you wouldn’t be mocking me.
If you are so unhappy with America you ought to catch the next boat back to Cidade dos Condenados, Brazil, or wherever you came from.
I only use sock puppets for the truly stupidity.
So the You Tube links are for the merely stupid?
Robert, Contrary to one of your posts above, the Federal Government does NOT contribute significant funds to the Bridgeport school system.
Opening the doors and maintaining a safe environment, providing equipment, fixtures and utility backup, and paying for personnel of all categories including Superintendents, counselors, teachers, fiscal personnel, coaches, etc. in most years is paid by State 75% and local 15-20% with the Feds coming in with the balance and the biggest area is $14-15 Million for food programs-nutrition for 100% of the youth.
Don’t know why you missed this basic economic fact and stated the contrary in error but the reality of difficult budget times in Hartford is making our local BOE task even more difficult than customary. Time will tell.
Don’t bother. Mr. Texiera logs on only to argue and annoy. I’m guessing he didn’t get enough quality time with his Tickle Me Elmo doll…
My bad, State, Federal, local, it’s all part of the same “Democracy”
Well Roberto,
If you are so unhappy with America you ought to catch the next boat back to Cidade dos Condenados, Brazil, or wherever you came from.
Oh stop it, Robert. You’ll give yourself a nosebleed.
A You Tube link is not a reply. I don’t bother to look at them.
I’m not mocking you. You are mocking yourself every time you make a post. And for your information I didn’t come on this thread to argue with anybody. I question their integrity and sincerity about having the best interest of the city. Your handle fits you. You are a kid, Your comments been nothing but childish, PS why would I want to go to my homeland? I been doing so well in my ESL Classes though. Good day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpAJFU288ME
I’m not a “kid,” you ignoramus. I’m 58 years old. The handle is a pun on Western slang.
You don’t know the meaning if the words “sincerity” and “integrity.” Guess the instructor has gotten to that vocabulary lesson. Keep up the effort, Robert. One day you’ll mangle the English language as well or more offensively than your fellow Trump supporters.
At any rate I’m ignoring you from now on. You have nothing constructive to contribute to the blog, what with your challenged English language skills and behavioral health issues. Just keep spouting off. At keast we know you are not roaming the streets offending passers by.
The bottom line here is MGM is trying to protect its investment in Springfield’ Massachusetts. The promises made bout 7000 jobs, over a billion dollars in tax revenue, etc., is all just so much bullshit and flash. According to a story in the Post,
“New York state in 2013 signed a law allowing for seven casinos to be built upstate to help spur economic growth. The initial results have been underwhelming… ”
It takes years or casinos to produce the kind if results MGM’s Uri Clinton has been promising to the folks on the East Side.