What’s in your stocking for Christmas? For Bridgeport another $1.3 million to stock up for development projects, courtesy of outgoing Governor Dan Malloy who has just a few weeks remaining in office.
Malloy on Wednesday announced Bridgeport will receive $725,000 for the remediation of the “Civic Block” located at 1162-1216 Stratford Avenue, 618-648 Newfield Avenue, and 25-55 Revere Street to prepare the site for 35,000 square feet of commercial space including a grocery store.

In September a local developer with deep roots in the East End joined Mayor Joe Ganim and other officials to announce plans for a build-out that includes a grocery store, Optimus Health Care facility, a pharmacy, restaurants, hair salon and laundromat, all adjacent to a new library for a food-desert neighborhood hungry for jobs, construction and amenities. Anthony Stewart, the managing partner of city-based Ashlar Construction has joined forces with Bridgeport Landing Development, operators of the Steelpointe Harbor redevelopment area, as equity partners for the $7 million investment.
Stewart told OIB on Thursday that the remediation portion of the project will take about four months. He anticipates groundbreaking for the Gala Foods grocery store around July 1.
Malloy also announced on Wednesday $600,000 to Park City Communities, the rebranded Bridgeport Housing Authority, for the abatement, demolition, and remediation of Marina Village located at 400 Iranistan Avenue to prepare the site for creation of 150 mixed-income residential units as part of Phase 3 of the Marina Village project.
For background see here.
Wednesday’s announcement is in addition to last week’s State Bond Commission approval of $15 million for Bridgeport infrastructure projects, see here.
Hmmm…maybe the East End/Side grocery store will really happen. That IS good news.Thank you,the “ever-evil incarnate” Dan Malloy. When is the ground-breaking? Btw..Bridgeporters are still waiting for the ground-breaking of the Majestic Theater/$400 million dollar project and the Downtown Ice Rinks.
Is it possible to delete the double remarks?
Heyyyy…. City Council Person Ernest Newton. Has Gala Supermarkets signed any papers contracts etc. TIA.
OHHH..Really… July 1. Close enough to the mayoral primary. How convenient.
I’m working off my cell phone but there is an article in the CT Post that Exact Capital is facing a deadline within a week. I have to get to my pc to copy/paste the article.
Which ground breaking are you referring to? I believe there will be twenty is so. One every other week between now and the mayoral election.
With just enough joining off time to let the project die before It gets to close to the election that people actually think something will be built.
I really would like to put together a “scorecard” of the redevelopment projects under Finch and Ganim. Most of of the ribbon cutting where Ganim et al used their big scissors were started under Finch. The only thing that I know where Ganim is involved is the BPT Harboryard/Stadium/Amphitheater and the math on that seems to be quite fuzzy. That tent better hold up as the winds come off LI Sound. It ends up like the taxpayers of BPT end up paying.
Dribs and drabs… What is one of the private sector axioms about business success concerning “undercapitalization?” If we look at investment in Bridgeport by government and the private sector, it can only be described as “tentative” and undeniably inadequate for the creation of real momentum and success… And so it goes with the latest chump-change offered from the turned-out pockets of Hartford/DC to Connecticut’s largest city… Nothing more than a slick, political ploy to create propaganda opportunity and appearances while guaranteeing failure (and a waste of money…). (Now: if all of the dribs and drabs were consolidated into an efficient use for the creation of a serviceable Congress Street Bridge — or, perhaps, permanent police substations at indicated locations, along with a community-policing applicable, citywide, video surveillance/street security system….)
Jeff, I’m in agreement with you, promises, promises, promises.
Dream, the impossible dream!
Btw..I don’t think we’ll be hearing much from Steven Auerbach. The Ganim Administration has put a muzzle on all city employees. Lennie,Mr Journalist,what do you think about the Ganim muzzle.
Of course a “muzzle” has been put on Steve, plus he can NOT post while on duty during work hours for the city like he has been doing in the past. Nobody is missing Steve’s kiss ass comments about Mayor Ganim and Mario Testa.
Good afternoon Frank Gyure,
For the record, I am welcome to post on OIB as I feel like it. I am on my lunch and I am entitled, As for the “Muzzle” , They only want appropriate associates talking to the press. Not like the old days when 4 reporters from the Bridgeport Post would be combing City Hall looking for a story.
Ron Mackey would adhere to a muzzle, me, not so much.
Happy Holiday’s to all! Best regards, Steven.
Thanks for the reply.. Mr. Steven Auerbach.
Speaking of the old days with four reporters, was that a time when such media coverage pulled out the story of corruption at City Hall?? Or did it take something more to discover the personal schemes that would enrich the few at the expense of the many taxpayers??
What is it about a skeleton crew of media reporting, not necessarily in depth and often erratic, that causes Mayor Ganim to provide a 2018 ‘update’ to WWII statements about “loose lips, sink ships”? Perhaps Lennie could provide a column inviting readers to submit entries as to info they wish the City would routinely provide that would allow taxpayers to better trust what is done with their funds.
For instance when two articles appeared recently discussing the Shotspotter technology allowing police to locate sites of gun firings in the City, in the first it had Chief Perez telling us that a grant (Source and amount?) plus asset forfeiture money provide so it “doesn’t cost the city of Bridgeport a dime”. Mayor Ganim in the second release mentioned $400,000 for the first year and also that grants and other funds will be used. So how did I overhear that the Chief’s support was for a contract with an expense of $1.5 Million? How many days, weeks, months or years must pass to discover the details of the City commitments? Time will tell??
We are all welcome to post on OIB as we see fit, Stevie. It is Grimaldi’s show, not yours. If you don’t like being called on your bullshit stick to Instagram.
Happy holidays.
That would be the nicest Christmas present of the year. I can just see him seething about a post and not being able to say a thing. One can only hope.
About time for the grocery store. Thank you Gala Foods for investing in our city.
Make no mistakes about this, the reason that Mayor Ganim came out with the new City rule about City employees NOT talking to the media without permission is because of Steve Auerbach. Steve spending too much of his work time making comments on OIB. To many people would reply back to Steve and talk against the mayor in their reply to Steve.
Make no mistake Ron Mackey, Mayor Ganim may have sent out that memo because of Steve Auerbach , yet here I am feeling on top of the world and very optimistic about the future of this city and there you are- nowhere!
Steve, you should feel on top of world after being GIVEN a City job with no competition. You have shown that kissing the ass of Mario Testa and Mayor Ganim pays off, congratulations Steve, keep kissing their ass and stay off of OIB on City time and taxpayers dollars.
Ron Mackey , Thank you for your post . You Focus on Marilyn Moore and I will focus on everything important to me. Not sure why you are hostile and jealous but it is not commendable. I can not even write a simple post without insulting comments. Does anyone in your world pat you on the back for your comments?
I forgive you and wish you well. We are all entitled to our opinions. We are all entitled to support the candidate of our choice. At least I thought so.
Steve, please, don’t forgive me. I understand why you hate Senator Marliyn Moore, she kicked your guy Anthony Musto out of office and your guy Bill Finch got his ass kicked, we all know how much ass kissing you did with those two. Supporting your candidate is one thing but to kiss up like you, nobody does it better than you Steve.
Steve doesn’t kiss, he sucks.
I think that comment was inappropriate and homophobic. Is Lennie going to allow these comments to continue????????