Mayor Joe Ganim and Congressman Jim Himes were joined by other local officials and developers regarding demolition progress at Marina Village, a $200 million South End revitalization project led by Stamford-based JHM Group.
From Jordan Grice, CT Post:
While there is still work left to do, residents of Marina Village will no longer have to pass a trove of blighted properties that have plagued their neighborhood for years.

Though developers and the housing authority missed their July deadline, the next round of demolition of decrepit buildings in the public housing complex has begun, making way for long-awaited progress on the next phases of redevelopment of Marina Village into the new Windward Commons apartments.
“It’s so important that everyone here understands and realizes that this is what we’ve been living around and this is what we’ve been living amongst for so many months and so many years–and now it’s coming to (fruition),” said City Councilwoman Denese Taylor-Moye, who represents and lives in the public housing complex.
Full story here.
What is the tax abatement deal for JHM Group with this public housing complex and what is the breakdown of City residents and blacks and Hispanics hired for this project?
Perhaps Ron Mackey should contact his city council member who was quoted in the CT Post article. I’m sure she thoroughly reviewed the agreement with JHM Group when she voted in favor of it.
Before i got on the city council Bill Finch tried to give them a 40 year taxes abatement on the old FPV site it was shot down. I will be paying close attention to this ONE! RON i guarantee it won’t be business as usual and with the major changes in the ordinance on the small& Minority Business Enterprise a few months ago and with the hire Bridgeport Residents we just passed we will see big changes i promise you that!
So they are going to rebuild what…the greens…..why not a nice seniors facilities
or a 55 and older
They’ll builkd a nice apartment complex for young urban professionals replete with a gym, a Starbucks and free wifi.
now your talking
lol…minutes from downtown anD ALL THAT ENTERTAINMENT
how about UB building some more and really convert that to a small college town
I read that a proposal has been made to put two ice skating rinks downtown. Will we give then a tax break like we give Wonderland of Ice.
You’ll wonder why we are doing this.
2 ice rings for every neighboring town but Bridgeport to use.lmao….hummmmm……Not 1 of the high school in Bridgeport I believe Stratford as well DONT HAVE A HOCKEY PROGRAM
A chicken in every pot, a TV in every room, a skating rink for every neighborhood…
Maybe Joe’s into skating.
Figure skating or skating on thin ice.
Coach T., I don’t know if you’re being facetious or not, but I agree with you. I grew up in Yellow Mill Village, public housing, my parents had six children and needed affordable housing to start them off. We moved as soon as that happened to give others an opportunity to do the same. Pressure should be put on the burbs to help Bridgeport with those in need of safe, affordable housing. We shouldn’t have to keep perpetuating these needs, and they are needs; let’s focus more on seniors, and turn Bridgeport into a City that draws a younger population. We seem to keep the developers of this type of housing very well-off and enjoying their fortunes in the likes of Greenwich, New York, etc. Have you ever, with the exception of Phil Kutchma, ever heard a developer say they live in Bridgeport.
never…..and what I usually speak is what I truly mean
I have mentioned many times on OIB, a former BHA Director shared with me the mission statement from the charter of Yellow Mill Village. It cited the mission of public housing as “to provide clean, affordable housing for the workers of Bridgeport”.
Public housing, regardless of the pleasant sounding names, has become the housing component of a failed social-welfare system. Few of its residents are ‘workers’.
Bridgeport and other cities are saddled with Federal laws requiring they maintain units of public housing, most of it provided to unproductive multiple generations of residents who live in it for their lifetime at taxpayer expense.
This is not revitalization. This is perpetuation of a failed system.
I agree with everything you said…except that this type of development is necessary because it changes the dynamic of concentrated poverty because new developments are mixed income. Also, this new development will not be managed by BHA. In regards to public housing which was created by an act of congress in 1937 to provide housing for workers, it’s usage changed in the late 60’s and early 70’s during the war on poverty. Like most things government related, good concept…poor execution.
*** Your dead right there,”generations”and the cycle is not getting any better with the lack of experienced skilled workers, a continued failed public schools system, drugs & alcohol addiction at earlier ages, higher cost of living with mainly minimum paying jobs that don’t cut the muster with just 40hrs. Its a cancer that has plagued many in the inner cities & neither political party or self-help organisations in the poor & lower income communities have been able to really find and make the impact that’s been needed to slow-down or stop the negative cycle unfortunately.***
*** Ms. Moye has spent her time on the city council as a rubber stamper so anything the city’s pitching, shes for! Lets hope things work out for the best is all I can say. ***
You’re right Tom. This failed system prevents rejuvenation, gentrification, etc, of the entire City. Change what is no longer working and we attract a generation motivated to invest in Bridgeport by working here, purchasing homes and paying taxes, and most importantly change the aging political base that exists. They will bring energy, new ideas, and professionalism to the existing political system.
Lisa, I’m in agreement with you and Tom White. Lisa change can happen here in Bridgeport and we can attract a generation motivated to invest in Bridgeport by working here, purchasing homes and paying taxes by hiring only Bridgeport residents for starters with the fire and police departments. Once manufacturing departed the City to go overseas and to move to southern states right here in America the City didn’t try to retool that lost. The two biggest portion of the City’s budget goes to the fire and police departments and the largest part of that goes for salary and benefits, well let’s make that happen now instead of waiting for that golden goose of a casino in Bridgeport which will never happen.
My family moved to PT Barnum Apartments when it first open in 1950 and there families who were there when moved in and they are still now. The rent that they have paid they put out enough money to own the entire building that they live in if that rent money was going towards a mortgage. Public housing was setup for family to reside there for 5 to 7 years so that they could get on their feet while working and paying a lower rent and to gain experience and seniority on their job so that they could move out and either rent or to purchase a home but instead public housing has become a warehouse for housing the poor.
I agree with that assessment.
The city of Atlanta has opened the gates to the motion picture industry. Property in poor neighborhoods is being purchased by developers. The poor folks are being moved out to create condos and mcmansions for the swells.
Says Black Rocks #1 skell
You need to see a doctor, get a prescription to kill the bug that crawled up your ass.
This was started in the Finch Administration as well.