Dignified, intelligent, thoughtful. Outgoing Superintendent of Schools Aresta Johnson will bring her skill set to the University of Bridgeport with an eye on harvesting city students for college.
On July 3rd, a collection of school board members past and present saluted her service at a luncheon at Ralph & Rich’s Downtown. Basketball legend John Bagley, Maria Pereira, Ben Walker, Sauda Baraka and Howard Gardner were among them.
Dealing with city politics and the disparate personalities on the board is no walk in the park. The good news is Aresta Johnson won’t be far away.
That position wasn’t any piece of cake. Good Luck!
It was such a great “thank you” lunch. We had great conversation, some became emotional, and we certainly laughed alot. I mean alot!
Dr. Johnson is such a class act.
I asked Dr. Johnson about some staff vacancy positions and she shared the following:
” I received a text from Mike Testani this morning asking me NOT to fill several administrative positions.”
I said “are you joking? What did you say?”
She texted him back stating she could not do that as she was the Superintendent through July 30, 2019 and wanted ensure that the Board understood she was not not negating her responsibilities.
We all started it was the appropriate response.
The “highly unqualified” Mike Testani texted back that he would change her appointments after she left.
Howard said it perfectly. “clearly Testani is classless.”
John Bagley, Maria Pereira, Ben Walker, Aresta Johnson, Sauda Baraka and Howard Gardner, now that’s what you call a “All Star Lineup” for education for student of Bridgeport, you knew that their main interest was their concern and their love for the betterment of every Bridgeport school student and not for the head of the Democratic Town Committee, Mario Testa and Mayor Joe Ganim.
As predicted, the favors for his close ones starts now! Can’t wait to see this circus unfold. Maria, please keep fighting, you’re one of this school districts only hopes.
Dr. Johnson is going to be missed. She did a damn good job in this City. Too bad you don’t miss your well until your well runs dry. People who fought against her are now acting like she was so great. You are a hypocrite. So sad they ran this good woman away.
Ms. Thompson,
Dr. Johnson and I are fine. We had a long talk after the passing of her father. I had no idea she was dealing with the illness of her father.
I apologized to her profusely and repeatedly. She accepted my apology.
I doubt you have any meaningful relationship with Dr. Johnson. You are on the outside looking in.
* don’t miss your water until your well runs dry