On a night Ned Lamont crushed Mayor Joe Ganim in the Democratic primary for governor, unofficial returns show Ganim winning Bridgeport in many city precincts but Lamont taking higher tax areas such as Black Rock and the North End. Dennis Bradley is the unofficial winner over Aaron Turner for State Senate 2,989 to 2,467 while incumbent Charlie Stallworth survived a tough challenge from Shante Hanks in the 126th State House District 1,145 to 1,037.
Unofficial returns show Lamont blasted Ganim in Black Rock 522-163, a product of the revaluation two years ago that led to a major tax increase in the neighborhood. Ganim had sizable wins in heavily Latino and African American precincts in the East End and East Side such as Dunbar 292-170, Harding 226-90 and Marin 264-89. Ganim also won Wilbur Cross 357-192. Ganim also won the absentee ballot count 699 to 340.
Overall in Bridgeport Ganim collected 5,009 votes, Lamont 3,703. Lamont received 42.50 percent of the vote, a respectable showing in Ganim’s city.
Ganim performed poorly in New Haven where he spent numerous days campaigning. He congratulated Lamont on his overwhelming victory. Lamont now faces Republican Bob Stefanowski, the surprise GOP primary winner, in the general election.
One thing is clear from these returns, Ganim has major work to do in the higher tax neighborhoods as he faces his mayoral reelection next year.
Bradley won many of the same precincts as Ganim, including absentee ballots, in the 23rd Senate District that covers the central, east and south portions of the city and a piece of western Stratford.
“This is a statement of Hispanics and blacks coming together,” said Bradley about his win to replace a retiring Ed Gomes who supported Turner. “The message of love won over the seeds of hate. We are moving Bridgeport and Stratford forward.”
In April, Turner filed an SEEC complaint against Bradley accused of an inappropriate financial overture to a Stratford mayoral candidate. Bradley denies the charges.
Bradley lost a primary to Gomes two years ago.
The Stallworth-Hanks contest was close on the machines with Stallworth holding an absentee ballot advantage.
Republican Ethan Book won his primary over party-endorsed Luis Colon in the 128th State House District. He now faces Democratic incumbent Chris Rosario against overwhelming odds.
Republican John Rodriguez defeated Casimir “Caz” Mizera for State Senate. He will face Bradley in the general election, another insurmountable task given the Democratic registration advantage in the district.
Follow statewide primary results here.
Cable news is reporting the Ned Lamont is the winner.
Hand Stevie A his mop!
*** NED is the winner!***
o wow lamont is up in bridgeport so far lamont 307 ganim 302 in bpt so far
Associated Press calling it an overwhelming Lamont victory..
precinct numbers from bridgeport??? gaming is losing in bridgeport right now!
Thank you Black Rock for kicking Joe Ganim’s Ass!
Bradley? Really? Must have been Lydia. He is such a smarmy a$$wipe. He could not have won any other way.
Can’t wait for Need Lamont to save Blackrock 🙂
SA, Pathetic…..all your words during the campaign, in number greater than you criticize others for….and your attempt at humor today….not silly….not absurd….no belly laugh either. Find a happier group of folks to hang with, maybe?
Black Rock is part of Bridgeport and will need to join with other neighbors to find salvation. It can overcome attempts to divide and conquer such as you have joined. Maybe Ganim returns to the playbook to locate Plan B? And what do you do, follow the leader, the one who scored 84% of the Democratic votes in a summer low turnout primary?? Your Plan B? Time will tell.
John, I admire you for taking the time to respond to the reptile, however, it falls on deaf ears.
Lisa, He’s not a reptile he’s an Albatross.
Yeah John, don’t waste words of wisdom on a dumb ass.
More importantly John, now that your fanclub has been reduced to the simple. On election morning I was at work at 545 am .. at 830 ish I went to Fruta Juice for breakfast. Mary Bruce was shocked I was at work. You sat 3 feet from me and never said a word.. do not ever address me on a public blog when you are incapable of addressing me to my face. All of your candidates lost. Have the common decency to congratulate the winners! And please do not ever address me on this blog of haters and has beens..
We were in the same restaurant, weren’t we? You saw me. Where was your greeting…..O holier than thou… as long as you put out drivel about your political life, and never talk about priorities and problems of all of the people, I will use your words as fodder.
What is it about congratulating winners with you? In Bridgeport, the lack of trust in absentee ballot voting plus the low voter turnout says less about winner success than you state. And for you to use “common decency” as a behavioral standard when your posts disrespect so many and deal with important political processes as if this were a Homecoming King or Queen pageant in high school.
“Haters and has beens” is your assessment of those who post here?? I will tell you once again to look in the mirror. What do you see? A person holding a political position still? Does Ganim2 need you any longer with the extent of discrediting you have been through in recent months? Perhaps you need to find a local institution of faith, fall on your knees before a community of the faithful,and confess how off base you have been politically in the past, show remorse (plus tears) for your transgressions, and ask forgiveness? Time will tell.
Turner ‘turned’ away.
What about Bob? 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptmP1lziJw4
This was the most I knocked on doors in Thomas,Hooker since 2015. I only walked the sections that were flat and did not have alot of inclines and stairs.
Two of my team were dealing with serious illnesses and did some work during the petition drive, but nothing after that.
I was against Nessah, Monks, pony-tail guy, Barr and Lydia’s people.
We beat Dennis by 100 votes on the machimes and about 50 AB votes.
Thomas Hooker was Ganim’s third best school in 2015 where he beat Mayor Finch by 150 votes. I am excited to report that with minimal effort on my part, Ganim lost THooker to Ned Lamont
Aaron Turner won the 138th District.
I hope to be 100% soon.
This message is to Anthony Paoletto who publicly stated “ding dong the witch is dead,” the “witch’ is alive and gaining my health day by day.
All I can say about the absolute drubbing Ganim received is “ding dong the witch is dead”.
At 9:00 am, it was only myself and a neighborhood teacher at Thomas Hooker School. I counted 13 poll standers for the opposition.
You know you’re effective when they put up an army against you. There was some really poor behavior by Stallworth,Ganim,Bradley, and Hanks poll standers. Most of them were not residents of THooker or the 138th District.
A Stallworth parishoner started telkibg voters I set a car on fire. Hanks poll standers were saying it too. I wasn’t even on the ballot and they wasted time talking to voters about me. Again, that’s when you know you’re effective.
I get such joy getting under the skin of anyone that is associated with the corrupt DTC.
It was a bad day for Aaron, but a good day for the 138th District, Ned Lamont, and my team.
My goal is to do everything I can to defeat Joe Ganim in 2019.
What Maria said is an understatement. The man who is the Stallworth parishioner interrupted Maria who was talking to a voter about Arron. Maria nicely said to the man she was engaged in talking with the voter. The man said “Well I’m talking now” in a very rude and sexist sort of way. Many of the same “paid” Ganim “thugs” also came out for the DTC race – they don’t live in the 138 and cannot say why they support their candidate(s). Some were downright loud and obnoxious. I am sorry Aaron lost, but ecstatic Ganim was humiliated in Bridgeport and state wide!
Congratulations to all of the candidates that ran and to all that got off their asses yo support them!!!! I want to congratulate the candidates that I supported, Dennis Bradley, Charlie Stallworth, Woodin and Tong. I am very sorry for the city of Bridgeport that Ganim fell short. I am sorry that the city of Bridgeport missed a moment that could have changed the course of Bridgeport. I guess Black Rock believed a Greenwich resident could and would put Bridgeport first more so than the Mayor. That we will never know as Eva and Joe joining together could have proved a most different outcome. Jim Fox, not sure what you did if anything to help Ned Lamont but if you are happy I am happy for you. I worked very hard as well as a huge amount of supporters for various candidates. I am proud of all the winners and those that fell short. I am a fan of Eva, Shante and Aaron. But I am proud of those I supported. Joe Ganim put Bridgeport in a positive light up and down and across the state. I am roud of his effort and admire his tenacity. I continue to believe that Bridgeport’s best days are ahead of us and Ganim will do great things. I also want to congratulate Jahana , a strong black woman with outstanding credentials and support for becoming the first Black woman in Congress in Connecticut. This was a great moment tonight for this candidate.
Steve, here is the reality. You have little to no credibility.
You posted that you walked Nob Hill with Dennis and that everyone loved Ganim and Dennis. The reality is Dennis and Ganim both lost Thomas Hooker School.
You wrote about how you were going city to xitu and that everyone loved Ganim He recived 19% of the vote statewide.
You simply laxk any level of credibility.
Steve, you are such a help and supporter of the candidates you identified above, however you have repeatedly spelled one of your candidates names incorrectly. It is “Wooden” not “Woodin.”
Steve,you seem to be blaming Bpt voters for not electing Joe and then have him “save Black Rock” or whatever. Even if everyone in Bpt who voted went for Joe, he would have still lost by over 100,000 votes statewide.
Steve, Joe is a convicted felon that stole from the very people who put their trust in him. He got re-elected here because the man is a good speaker and fooled people into believing he would set Bpt on the right path again. Instead, what did he do?, he used us again,he never wanted to be our mayor, Joe used us for a stepping stone for HIS goals,to become governor.Virtually ignoring Bpt for the last year as he crisscrossed the state campaigning. Steve if YOU truly cared about Bpt, you wouldn’t want Joe as our Mayor.
Is it 2019 yet!
Stevie A. Someday I’ll tell you what I did for Ned.
Lolololololol lol Jim Fox, probably what you and Bob Walsh did for Bob Keely!! Btw.. the city of Bridgeport would appreciate it if Bob Keeley would pay his numerous parking tickets!! He is not VIP and his tickets are many.
Steve, that was hughly inappropriate. You are a city employee discussing a residents parking tickets on OIB. Inappropriate.
Harvey, let me update your numbers a little, if you gave Joe Ganim EVERY VOTE in Bridgeport 8900 votes-New Haven (74% to 26%) 8900 votes and Hartford (76% to 24%) 5800 votes Joe Ganim would still have lost by 100,000 votes.
Again Ron, great information!
Stevie does it because he ate the brownies.
Maria, Your lost your town seat because of Nob Hill. You walked B
No Hill and said NOTHING positive about Arron Turner. You just trashed Dennis Bradley. I realize your whole world is Hooker, time to expand your horizons and. Bradley won, Stallworth won and you lost. I don’t think my credibility has anything to do with it. Bradley had an amazing team and I understand that you will be in for a battle for the BOE.
Oh dear, Steve.
I lost my T.C. seat on March 8th after having major back surgery on Nov. 6th. I did mot knock on a single door and only drove door-to-door to get signatures and ABs.
I didn’t lose my seat to the opposing team, I lost it to Mario Testa.
Mario Testa constantly compliments me because he spends time teying to figure out how to defeat me. That isn’t because I’m a slouch, it’s because I am effective.
Mario organized a massive operation against me for T.C. with many city employees, poll standers, drivers, soft sheeters,phone bankers, directing BPD,and city employees to get out to vote against me.
And with that massive effort I was defeated by 6 votes. Unlike what just happened to your gubenetorial candidate, Joe Ganim, I didn’t lose by a massive landslide of 81%.:)
Regarding your other assertions, of course I highlighted why my neighbors should vote for Aaron Turner. I also provided dactual commentary about Dennis Bradley whuch included his abysmal attendance record, the investigation into bribery, his $100,000 donation from the wealthiest woman in the world who is against the middle class, the poor, public schools, a living wage, health benefits, etc.
Clearly my strategy worked because Dennis was trounced at Thomas Hooker School.
As far as Stallworth, I simply told my core supporters that both Stallworth and Hanks were poor choices and I would not vote for either and
and I recommendes they not vote for either. Some heeded my advice and some cast a vote anyway.
Since I did not support either candidate, Stallworth did not defeat my candidate because I had none.
As far as the battle I will face next year, what’s new. 🙂
Harvey, I didn’t think Ganim would win Statewide. Of course if the entire city was engaged and supposed Joe he would not win Statewide. Ganim is a fighter. I admire his tenacity and I only hope Lamont or Stefanowski take care of Bridgeport. I do not regret any of the time I invested supporting Mayor Ganim and I would do it again. I am not interested in what anyone’s opinion on whoI support. I respect all of the candidates and thank all of them for taking their time to run!!
Go get them Bob, clean up Hartford. SMBH 🙂
Really? I was thinking more in the line of “2022”
🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_61IZp_RNYg
Because we all know Joe’s a fighter. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/joeganim/videos/1035239239994613/
Hoping if Ned somehow wins this thing, he’ll offer Joe somekind of job in Hartford and Joe gets the hell out of here.
Harvey you and others act like Bridgeport was all the that before, during, after, Joe mayoralships. No one, not even the dynamic afrocentric duo and the NAACP communication director JML praised our police force getting body cameras and dash cams, in fact some thought is was premature or at least a priority. This episode was on point about Bridgeport becoming just a pack of wild dogs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B-f7bsWUMQ
Robert T.
You appear to criticize several people including the NAACP for failing to “praise” the Police Force for getting body cameras and dash cams. As a member of a Coalition of Bridgeport residents, such devices were displayed from several sources about 4 months ago that were to be tried out by a small and select group of officers who would then comment on features they found favorable and vice versa. Since then I had not followed whether there were a decision, a purchase, and training sessions to put this electronic gear into use. Have you? Can you point to the procedure the PD officers will be trained to and expected to practice? Has that been made public? Have all of these steps been followed, with some positive results? And the cost has been?
You see, the PD has had problems with their internal technology in recent months that has been updated, but reports that are due to reach City Council are not in evidence, so when technology is the subject, it is good to know whether we are talking about the future or the present.
Also, I have heard reports that all members of the force have protective vests that they are directed to wear. Yet I have listened to more than one current officer talk about fears including injury from a bullet, but also telling me that they do not always wear their vest while on duty. What is the truth of this matter. Gear purchased but not used? Are you interested in the BIG STORY or just want to be present for the opening of the gifts? Time will tell.
What is the big story, JML. Have you informed the captain about what you have learned about officers not wearing their protective gear, so he can take decisive swift action like what was being demanded it the recent racist text gate? Did you, the coalition, and the NAACP ask the CT Post or OIN publish an open letter about your concerns regard this insubordinate offices failure to wear the proper gear and demanding action and punishment? JML dash cams and body cameras technology has be in existence for decades. So please tell me why you, the coalition, and the NAACP were not on the forefront in demanding this technology? It wasn’t until till two boys got shoot, and on killed to get any movement on body and dash cams. so we can know what happen and not just take the officers account. JML I don’t know at what stag the force is at in regards of purchase, policy, procedure, or training for the cams. but I also I’m not part of the coalition or communication director of the NAACP who speaks at every council meeting with red boots. Maybe you should ask the city council next time you address them with your red boots? I’m sure the cost would interest you and those red boots. Please tell me the price tag for preventing an unjustified unnecessary death of a unarmed black man or just an American citizen for that matter, considering cops shoot and kill far more whites. Time will tell, but will you regarding my ?
JML, leave this guy alone.
Still SMH. I guess David wasn’t the “poor bastard” I thought. Miss calculation on walter 🙂 So it seems it will be Ned VS Bob. Good Job Dan. 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfHFleVUb_M
Maybe now Joe can redirect the energy he used in running for governor these past few months into taking care of the job he was elected for – running the city of Bridgeport!
If you recall, Dollie and Ralphie Fonseca ran with the corrupt machine in the 138th DTC election in March.
She came to vote yesterday and as she walked by Nessah Smith she put her right hand up to Nessah and yelled “you are the biggest back stabber, Nessah”
Then Chris Anastasi and Kevin Monks tried to talk about Ganim at the 75 ft. Line and she threw both hands above her head and atarted yelling “Lamont,Lamont”.
As she exited Thomas Hooker School she made an L shape with her fingers directed at Kevin Monks and yelled “you’re a LOSER,Kevin”.
I know fitst hand how unhinged she can be, but it was not okay.
O heard Dollie was on your team??????
I have had ZERO interaction with the Fonseca’s and would like to keep it that way.
So strange that Ganim won the absentee ballots by such a large margin. Did he get help from the Police Chief too?
Mayor Ganim’s biggest supporter said this on October 20, 2015. It was true then and it’s true now right Stephanie A?
I am dead set against another Ganim Administration riddled with corruption, greed and Mario Testa. I felt after 11 years of Ganim the people have had enough. I figured after he destroyed the reputation of the city, the city had enough. I figured it took two administrations to wipe away the black eye given to us by Ganim, the people would have learned. They did not. We have two weeks to educate. Joe Ganim has done an amazing job while enjoying $500 bottles of wine, fancy clothes, home enhancements, cash in his pocket to let the little sycophants of Bridgeport think he was one of them–he isn’t a snob, just a wealthy suburbanite who hasn’t paid a dime in taxes to Bridgeport for 15 years. He will meet and greet anyone but always go home to the comfort of his Easton home.
Thanks Don, as I’ve been saying they only support those who hold a position and never an outsider, Mario and Joe are the greatest thing around until they lose. Every town and city in the State of Connecticut except Bridgeport voted for Ned Lamont with big margins.
Lennie, thank you for your acknowledgement of my Republican campaign win in the 128th. However, due largely to factors including Christopher Rosario’s voting record over four years, the odds for winning in November are not only not overwhelming, victory comes within range !!
Ethan Book, after you lose what will you do?
Now I have been advised or warned regarding responses to RT and SA. Thank you for your advice. All I am trying to do is to inform with a piece of info here, an observation there, an essay with some conclusions, etc. You have been a reader and writer yourself.
When we cannot understand another citizen in this forum, do we have much hope, in general. Red boots that represent negative Balance Sheets and Operating Statements have been remembered but not the purpose? I have talked about OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT and HONEST for years now. Does it help? Secrecy and accountability cannot co-exist!! Time will tell.
Warned? I’m not the black plague. Seven? Maybe. 🙂 JML It’s more question with you then informing. Besides Time is never going to till if no one pick up the fights. Hence #whyisittakingsolongforcams Inform me when the force gets them. PS we know all about your informative take on honest, openness,accountable,and transparency, We check the in box. Move a long. 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NNOrp_83RU
JML, you know that it’s ok to have different viewpoints but certain people are really not trying to advance a topic and that’s their right but John I know that you are very serious when you address a topic but…
I don’t even understand what Teixara posts. The grammar is so bad and their a lack of logical thinking as he tries to prove some type of point but who knows what it is. Then there are the countless spelling corrections. And the countless YouTube posts. I don’t even try to read his posts.
My post is not perfect but at least it’s understandable.
There “LIES” the problem, If you don’t even try to read my post you are not going to understand them. PS My grammar is impeccable(ISH)