Lamont, Ganim: Ban Production Of 3D-Printed Guns

Democratic gubernatorial candidates Ned Lamont and Joe Ganim issued news releases on Wednesday calling for a ban on 3D-printed guns.

News release from Ned Lamont:

Ned Lamont, endorsed Democratic candidate for Governor, during a press conference today called for urgent action to ban the production and sale of 3D-printed guns, which is set to begin today after the Trump administration reached a settlement with Defense Distributed in June which allows the organization to publish plans, files and 3D drawings of guns.

“The recent settlement by the Trump administration that permits the production and sale of 3D-printed guns puts the safety of all our residents at risk. We need to stay vigilant and keep our laws up to date with evolving technologies. As Governor, I will ensure Connecticut remains a national leader in the fight against gun violence. Voters deserve to know where Republicans stand on allowing these untraceable firearms to be produced and sold in our communities,” Lamont said.

Lamont said if elected, he is committed to working with the legislature to ban untraceable firearms and 3D-printed guns. During the 2018 legislative session, House Bill 5540, which would have banned untraceable “ghost guns” was not called for a vote in either chamber.

“Background checks and serial numbers are not required when purchasing a 3D-printed gun. It is imperative that we pass legislation that bans these untraceable firearms and also mandates that the receiver for assault-style weapons be made of metal. This would not only make these guns more detectable but also prevent someone from 3D printing critical pieces needed to construct a fully functional assault-style weapon,” Lamont said. “We cannot sit idly by. Republicans and Democrats need to stand up for the safety of all Connecticut residents and demand common-sense solutions.”

Lamont, joined by other statewide candidates, also toured Hartford Public Library’s YOUmedia Center to see its 3D printers and discuss the value of teaching students to use it and build new skills.

News release from Joe Ganim:

Bridgeport mayor and Democratic candidate for governor Joe Ganim today renewed his call, first made in April, for a state ban on guns that can be made with a 3D printer, also known as “ghost guns.” Ganim also called for a federal ban on such weapons.

In April, Ganim pledged to ban ghost guns with an executive order if elected governor. Ghost guns are untraceable weapons that are made of plastic, with the parts created by a 3D printer, or can be ordered as a kit and assembled at home. They have no gun registration number on them.

“It is unacceptable that these untraceable weapons are still not banned on the state or federal level,” said Ganim. “As governor, I will sign an executive order banning such weapons. The Connecticut legislature had a bill pass the Judiciary Committee to ban ghost guns this past session, but it didn’t even get a vote on the House floor.  We must ban these ghost guns before the streets are flooded with these untraceable weapons, which would create a nationwide public safety crisis.”

A federal judge yesterday issued a restraining order that temporarily bans the release of blueprints that would allow anyone with a 3D printer to manufacture plastic untraceable guns. Mayor Ganim says this is just a temporary reprieve.

“Without state and federal laws with some real teeth to them banning ghost guns, these plastic untraceable weapons could fall into the wrong hands with the click of a mouse. I urge immediate action by the Connecticut legislature and Congress to show some leadership and actually bring a ghost gun ban bill for a vote at the next available opportunity.”


One comment

  1. *** Talk about an out right assault on American public safety & Homeland Security! This is a job for Congress to get involved early before this wild-eye idea picks up momentum using the constitution as a buffer for its defense. Lets post American know how about nukes, special military weapons, NASA future Info. on space program, U.S Intel Intelligence, etc… Better yet, how about putting Trumps personal tax info. out there for the whole world to see, no? ***


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