Juvenile Detention Center Withdrawn, Plus: Troll’s Slur Against Brantley

Saturday update

: Gov. Jodi Rell pulled the item from the State Bond Commission agenda to approve financing of a juvenile detention center for girls on the Upper East Side.

State Rep. Chris Caruso took the lead to oppose the Virginia Avenue location. As neighborhood opposition mounted other pols piled on.

News release from Mayor Finch:

Mayor Finch Thanks Governor and Bond Commission for Removing Planned Virginia Avenue Facility from Bond Agenda

Mayor Bill Finch today thanked Gov. Rell and the Bond Commission for listening to the City’s request to remove the planned Virginia Avenue detention facility from the bond commission agenda.

Mayor Finch sent Gov. Rell and members of the Bond Commission a letter on Thursday (Oct. 29) requesting that the facility be removed from the Bond Commission agenda, which was slated to vote on the $15.7 million project today (Friday).

“I want to thank Gov. Rell and the Bond Commission for listening to our request, and giving this planned facility more thought before it moves ahead. The community needs to be involved in the process, but more importantly, we need to make sure that all options have been explored before this goes any further,” Mayor Finch said.

The Mayor also spoke to several members of the Bond Commission and Legislative leadership as late as Thursday night to urge them to consider removing the plans from the bond agenda.

News release from State Senator Anthony Musto:


Bridgeport – State Senator Anthony Musto (D-Trumbull) today issued the following statement regarding the withdrawal of requests for state bonding for the construction of a juvenile detention facility for girls in Bridgeport :

“I’m glad to hear that Governor Rell withdrew this proposal from the Bond Commission meeting this month in response to letters from me and other city representatives. Ever since she announced this project earlier this month, area residents have expressed concerns to me about how it will affect their neighborhood. It appears that little, if any, community outreach was done prior to picking this location.

“We have a serious problem with keeping our young girls in adult prisons, and a pressing need for facilities of this type in the state of Connecticut . We also need to bring jobs and investment to Bridgeport and to clean up the site of the proposed facility regardless of what else happens. In the end, it will be up to the Governor alone to determine the location of the facility. But the concerns of the community must be fully addressed before this project proceeds any further. My colleagues and I expressed as much in correspondence with the Governor’s office this week.”

Michael Voytek, chairman of the Committee to Ungag the People, writes that Musto has reinvented his position. See remarks below:


I am a resident and also happen to be an attorney. I have recently moved back to Bridgeport to care for my parents and to establish my law practice. I have always deeply cared about this City and its potential–so when it was announced by Senator Anthony Musto that $15 million had been secured from the State to put a juvenile detention center in a residential area of Bridgeport’s Upper East Side and how good this was for Bridgeport, I was shocked. I knew that this was not good for Bridgeport and it was more of the same of undesirable development for our City.

To quote the Senator’s press release dated October 20th: “I’m glad to hear that this project is moving forward in Bridgeport, and I thank the governor for this investment in our city. Fifteen million in construction work taking place in Bridgeport is welcome news in these difficult economic times.” Well no more than 10 days later, Senator Musto completely flip-flopped on the issue. In his press release issued on October 30th, he says: “I’m glad to hear that Governor Rell withdrew this proposal from the Bond Commission meeting this month in response to letters from me and other city representatives. Ever since she announced this project earlier this month, area residents have expressed concerns to me about how it will affect their neighborhood. It appears that little, if any, community outreach was done prior to picking this location.”

The point here is that Senator Musto does not only represent Trumbull and Monroe in his current position, but also Bridgeport. This matter clearly shows just how out-of-touch Musto is with the very constituents he is supposed to be representing. He should have either known his Bridgeport constituents would be against this or should have asked them before touting this as “pork” for Bridgeport. He changed his tune regarding the detention facility after he got caught trying to slip it in Bridgeport. He should have done his own “community outreach” to the citizens of Bridgeport prior to viewing it as a legislative “accomplishment”.

On some of the crime dramas on television when a lawyer confronts a witness who has made conflicting statements, the lawyer asks the witness which time he was lying–because it is impossible that the witness was being truthful in both instances. This is a means by which an attorney impeaches the credibility of that witness. So I ask: “Senator Musto, which of the times were you telling the truth about the detention facility in Bridgeport and why were you for it before you were against it?” Senator Musto consider your credibility impeached–at least with your constituents in Bridgeport.

Michael T. Voytek, Esq.

Bob Walsh’s Phone Call

Okay, I spoke to Evette Brantley Saturday afternoon about the alleged racially charged message her City Council partner Bob Walsh left on her cell phone.

Evette is black. Walsh is white. I asked Evette to release the message for OIB readers to listen but she was reluctant to do that pending a review of the circumstances by the City Attorney’s Office.

But here’s what happened: Evette was part of a City Council contingent that visited Miami to review the project work of Steel Point Developer Robert Christoph. Walsh did not go to Miami and railed publicly against his council peers for going. He thinks the city has sold the store in this deal.

Other council members say it’s a good deal, particularly in light of the current economy. Walsh’s call to Evette came shortly after a council committee approved the contract between the city and developer a few weeks ago.

Both Walsh and Evette, neither voting members of the committee, attended the meeting and were able to ask questions. In the phone message, according to Evette, Troll tears into Evette for joining the Miami tour and not taking a stronger stand against the developer during the committee hearing.

Walsh does not use the N word. He does, however, place special emphasis on the word “massa” drawing out a racial description that Evette interpreted as slave girl to the (master) developer.

Evette Brantley and Bob Walsh have generally been political allies for several years. Walsh is totally anti-Bill Finch while Evette will pick and choose the issues.

Evette played the phone message to a number of council members including Council President Tom McCarthy who suggested that the City Attorney’s Office review the circumstances and make a recommendation (or not) for a sanction against Walsh. No one knows what that would involve.

In the past couple of days the issue has taken on a life of its own. Walsh has broken a lot of bones on the council over a variety of issues and some feel it’s time for him to get his ass kicked.

The bottom line for Evette is this: she’s hurt, angry and feels insulted by Walsh’s words. Walsh did leave a phone apology for her that she says was half hearted.

Troll could not be reached. He is vacationing in Hungary. I’ve known Evette and Walsh for 25 years. She feels hurt and betrayed by her council partner. Walsh is bright, can be a big pain in the ass and diplomacy is not always his strength. But Walsh is not a racist. He screwed up. He said stupid stuff. He should apologize to her in public.

Statement from Mayor Bill Finch and City Council Leadership Regarding Alleged Racist Statements

Mayor Bill Finch this week was made aware of a tremendously offensive racist comment made to a member of the City Council by another member of the City Council in the form of a telephone voice message. Today, he joined City Council leadership in referring this matter to the City Attorney for a full investigation.

“My administration has a zero-tolerance policy for racism of any shape or form. We will not tolerate racist remarks from any elected official or City employee–period. The City of Bridgeport is known for its welcoming attitude toward members of any race or ethnicity. If a City employee or elected official has made a racist or bigoted remark to another employee or elected official it will be promptly investigated, and dealt with accordingly,” the Mayor said. “I find these comments completely unacceptable and this conduct unbecoming of any individual, particularly one of our City’s elected officials.”

“Council leadership [Thomas McCarthy, Carlos Silva, president pro tem and Richard Bonney, majority leader] was notified by one of our members about a voicemail that was received from a fellow council member containing alleged racially offensive comments. Upon hearing the tape of the voicemail, council leadership met and determined that the content of the message was of such a serious nature that it demanded a full and complete investigation by the City Attorney’s Office,” said Council President Thomas McCarthy, D-133.

“The Council and Mayor are united in their stance against any racist or bigoted comments or behavior, and will take any and all action necessary to ensure that City business is conducted in an open and respectful way,” said Council leaders McCarthy, Silva and Bonney.

This Is It

Here we go, final weekend before Election Day.

How will the library referendum go?

Can the two Working Families Party candidates for Board of Education  Sauda Baraka and Maria Pereira pull an upset? They’re out there working.

Will turnout hit 20 percent citywide?

I’m keeping an eye on these hot suburban races in Trumbull, Stratford and Shelton. OIB has lots of suburban readers. What are you hearing? In Trumbull Democratic First Selectman Ray Baldwin is being challenged by Republican Tim Herbst. In Stratford another Dem incumbent Mayor Jim Miron has his hands full with Republican State Rep. John Harkins. And in Shelton can Republican Mayor Mark Lauretti hold off Democrat Chris Jones?

The Sucker Shot Rule has now taken hold. What the hell is that? It’s something that was passed down to me more than 30 years ago (yikes) as a cub staffer at the old Bridgeport Telegram. That means no low blows, no shots to the kidneys, no needles in the eye of an opponent this close to the election. You wanna say he’s a bum; okay, no problem. You wanna say he slept with your dog? Forget about it.

Jim Callahan, a former political reporter for the Bridgeport Post-Telegram, is familiar with the Sucker Shot Rule. He, like me, worked for the predecessor of the Connecticut Post and was also editor of the late great Bridgeport Light community weekly newspaper. Jim’s been reconnecting with the Bridgeport scene through OIB. Like all political junkies he has his take on the OIB mayoral poll conducted by Merriman River Associates. I asked Jim to share his point of view. See here:


I’ve been away for more than 15 years. A community is not static; it changes. Voter turnout is way down in local elections from my day. Republicans are virtually absent. The 2008 presidential, however, was where it should be–minus the Republican vote.

With those qualifiers, I think I can comment on the Merriman poll. Based on the rotten Republican vote in 2007, it makes sense to stick to the Democratic vote in 2007 for a snapshot in 2009 of Democrats. It’s a Dem card game.

If you are Mayor Finch, there is something of a problem. If you are a Democratic opponent, there may be an opportunity.

Finch is only half-way through his term. If he were on a two-year term with six months to go he would be in very deep trouble. As it is, he has plenty of time to clean things up. The four-year mayoral term was boosted for decades by the business community and some good government types to relax the community. From the voter returns, it looks like they’ve been mixing heroin into the flu shots.

Bridgeport voters are grumpy in the best of times. Hey, it’s no secret that local government sometimes does not quite–how shall we say it?–work. At least not very well.

From the poll, voters are not suffering a grand mal seizure–yet. The symptoms are there, however. If that happens, a pol could stick a fistful of tongue depressors into the mouth of the body politic and end up with broken sticks in his hand. And you can guess what the voters will do with their end.

The mayor’s been around long enough to know that. The one-on-ones against various opponents should be mildly troubling. State Rep. Chris Caruso is actually up. He lost narrowly last time. Every politician who reads a voter return sheet will know where both are strong and both are weak. In a one-on-one primary, it should be advantage Finch as incumbent. We need to end this paragraph on the word “should.”

What is fascinating is the poll return for former Mayor Fabrizi and former Mayor Ganim. Both (no kidding) left office with problems. Are voters just grumpy, or are they really that nostalgic? Bridgeport voters can be a very–forgiving–crowd. However, I don’t think Johnny Fabs or Little Joe can stand a primary hammering over their sins.

As for the rest, Rep. Ayala is obviously on the way up. Judge Lopez is a very well known quantity to insiders. I’ve never seen Ayala campaign. Lopez is pretty good. All of the rest of the above are good with people. You can’t poll that. You’ve got to see it and it is subjective.

The 43 percent positive job performance number for Finch is not terrible. That balances off the “direction of the city” number which is going the wrong way for Finch. That may mean some people like Bill but think he’s doing a bad job as mayor. This poll was not sophisticated enough to answer that question–only to raise it.

At 38 percent, the property tax issue is not good. It’s even worse when you add in the people citing taxes under “other.” It’s even worse when you throw in jobs, the economy and other pocketbook issues. That’s always been the killer shark around Bridgeport. The fin is in the water.

I’m not covering any of these guys so I can say it: The first one who says he can lower or control property taxes should be treated like a scoundrel.

Ganim got a ton of help from Gov. Weicker in the 1990s, but it doesn’t sound like the city has done much since. That’s the question. What else is going on? Your Steel Point, if it goes through, won’t provide significant revenues for 10 to 20 years. What else is going on? Say, in Remington Woods?

Callahan has saved his stink bomb for last. I call this the “dead girl” vote. Going into one election, the rascally Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards said: “The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.” In other words, Edwards knew his lock votes and no one could shake them.

Lennie threw all seven potential candidates into one jambalaya in his poll. Well, the incumbent mayor’s lock vote is 27 percent. That is his “dead girl” vote. The rest was split. A large number of candidates usually favors the incumbent. But if one of the pretenders come out of the soup, NOW we have a primary. Finch’s dead girl vote is only 27 percent. I’d argue that is low.

Tea Politics

Intrepid road warrior Connecticut Bob, who gave Ann Coulter a hotfoot at her Tea Party rally in Bridgeport while Cougar Rodgerson gave her a speaker blast, shares his latest video about angry politics. Cougar is well represented. {running time: 13:59}

For more Connecticut Bob, check out his blog at connecticutbob.com

News release from Rob Russo campaign

Hypocrisy Alert: Lobbyists Host Fundraiser for Himes

Candidate Himes Criticized Lobbyists, Congressman Himes Takes Their Money

Fairfield – As a candidate for Congress Jim Himes criticized lobbyist influence in Washington, but now that he is a member of Congress, Jim Himes is playing the lobbyists game.

In 2008, the Himes campaign said, “Chris Shays cannot bring solutions to Washington when he is in the pocket of lobbyists.” On Monday, October 26, 2009, Washington based lobbyist power couple Tony and Heather Podesta hosted a breakfast fundraiser for Jim Himes.

“Jim Himes cannot bring solutions to Washington when he is the pocket of lobbyists.” Rob Russo said. “In a short time, Jim Himes has become more focused on pleasing Washington lobbyists than on serving the voters of the fourth district.”

Insurance companies opposing any health care reform, utility companies opposing climate change legislation, and SLM which opposes student loan reforms are just a few companies represented by these lobbyists that have a stake in many issues facing Congress today.

“Jim Himes shows he is just a typical politician who follows Nancy Pelosi 95% of the time and takes thousands of dollars from DC based special interest groups. Fourth district voters deserve better.” Russo added.


Himes Campaign Press Release “Realtors Prop Up Shays” 9/23/2008 www.himesforcongress.com/press_release/realtors_prop_up_shays

“A Culture of Business as Usual” New York Times 10/25/2009 www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/us/26iht-letter.html

Cat’s Meow

OIB friend Michele Mount aka MCAT is a candidate for a town council seat in Monroe. See her video ode to Monroe Dems here:



  1. *** There might be a chance for an upset in one of the local races, however Bpt is still about 85% Dem. with the rest split between Republicans, Indep’s. & wannabes which doesn’t amount to anything much, especially with 11% “local” voting turnouts without a Mayor’s election. No, Bpt voters will continue to always vote for a political party instead of “good” local individuals regardless of party! It’s Bpt’s doomed destiny, that is written to be. Just examine the candidates’ resumes past & present, their past contributions in the city or their districts. Their views on local issues in the city & state in general? Voters really don’t know & candidates are not about to talk about it, especially if the media’s not asking! Why? Bottom line, no one cares ’til the shit hits the fan & it affects them. So the revolving political entrance & exit keeps seeing a lot of the same people, family & friends over & over again, good or bad with the city going nowhere! ***


    WHY? Absolutely zero resources to pay for it. Amounts to nothing more then a huge tax increase. Just to add services to a system that is already adequate is irresponsible.

    Not one of the suggested “allocation sources” can possibly sustain a mandate of funds in perpetuity. I’m surprised at Salcedo for thinking so.

    Can you imagine suggesting that money used for drug intervention be reallocated to a library?

    1. I think you all misunderstand the point of the Library Referendum. There is no need to overextend the budget to fund the library. What the State Statute does is designate a certain mil rate to the library. That is all. It can be the same amount of money that it is now. It is just designated to the Library, and not subject to budget cuts or reductions. Each year the city council will have to designate a mil rate to the library. It could be as much as it is or less, the point is once it is designated, that is what it will be for that FY. No cuts. And it will be the library board who will decide how it will be spent. It is an excellent thing, as the council has enough on its plate to decide how funds are spent citywide. And if the library doesn’t run well on the rate designated, it is the responsibility of the Library Board, not the City Council. The Library Board answers to the state laws.

      1. That’s an interesting viewpoint. You should call Salcedo and explain it to him. Salcedo reminds me of the character in that Tom Cruise film … “Show Me The Money”!!! That’s all he cares about.

        The referendum is hopelessly doomed because it is indeed a tax increase. The huggers claim that there is sufficient “Phat” that can be gleaned to accommodate the library mandate. Said “Phat” is actually budget components that Salcedo doesn’t believe in. No matter how this gets sliced, what the library gets; some other department will lose. Since The Philistine Phool Phinch is too stupid to put an equitable allocation plan in place, no budgets will be reduced so the money the library would receive will come from additional taxes.

        This is nothing more than a pollyanna ill thought out Hail Mary. I spent more than an hour at the Burroughs yesterday. I did not notice any service problems despite what appeared to be a high-use period of time. There were actually vacancies at the computer bank. I found all of the novels I wanted and was given one that I had requested that was returned ahead of time. The staff was small but adequate. The library functioned well.

        I’m voting NO because the library is making do with what they have. When we have more, Salcedo will be working for me and Hubler as we lead the charge to make sure the library gets all available deserved resources.

      It annoys me when politicians try to take credit for things that they had virtually no role in accomplishing. Recently, State Representative Chris Caruso single-handedly took on the Governor and stopped the State from putting a juvenile detention center in a residential section of the Upper East Side. He did this by calling on Attorney General Blumenthal to investigate whether the State Department of Public Works and Department of Children and Families circumvented applicable laws by fast-tracking the placement of the facility in Bridgeport. All the credit on stopping the detention facility ought to therefore go to Caruso. When he heard about the State trying to slide the facility into Bridgeport, he took action. He went to the appropriate State officials and members of the Bonding Commission to have them take another look at whether this ought to be put in a residential section of our City. He was successful yet again in championing the people’s interests! He is the one who alerted the Johnny-come-latelys such as Finch and State Senator Musto that this was not good for Bridgeport. Now Finch (who knew about this project for over a year and yet said or did nothing to stop it) and Musto (who was for it before he woke up and was against it) are trying to make it look like they each played major roles in stopping the detention facility for now. I know first hand that this is not the case. Caruso got those two players involved. They are now simply trying to get on the Caruso bandwagon and trying to stand with the people they ought to have been representing all along.

  3. REJECT a permanent, annual tax increase based solely on library expenditures.

    Vote NO on NOvember 3rd. and ENJOY the current system, which offers many choices.

  4. Therein lies the rub. I DO support the libraries; fiercely. You will find me standing right next to Hubler when a private fund raiser is organized.

    I am, however, adamant that mandated funding be denied because the concept has no ability to perpetuate. That’s not hard to understand even by certain OIB bloggers. It amounts to nothing more than a basis for tax at a time when taxes are already outrageously high and that Philistine Phool Phinch has crafted deals with unions for future pay and benefits without regard from where such promised funds will come.

    Our future, as dictated by Don Calamari and Timpanelli, is not hopeful. We must take radical steps to ensure that life as we know it now does not get worse. This is no time to make further spending commitments when there is no hope of corresponding sources of revenue.

    I’ll be returning a couple of novels to Burroughs at lunch time. I will be graciously received and efficiently attended to. There will be ample opportunity to utilize the facility to all that is available. What is available, in my opinion, is adequate; barely adequate indeed, but adequate.

    I’m voting NO on Tuesday. I genuinely think all of you should do so as well. It’s a badly conceived idea brought by people insensitive to the reality of fiscal appropriateness.

  5. A standing for ovation for JIM CALLAHAN …

    “From the voter returns, it looks like they’ve been mixing heroin into the flu shots.”

    Jim, please, I beg you not to give Sylvester Salcedo any more crazy ideas like mixing heroin into flu shots.
    I’m praying you don’t come back and suggest mixing heroin into the swine flu shots. Oh my god! Lennie please delete the swine flu part. Hurry before Salcedo reads it. Lennie! LENNIEEE!

    Jim, loved your analysis and I’m glad that Lennie has provided us with the opportunity to read an article from you.

  6. I’m going to re-post this comment ’til 11/3/09

    Joel Gonzalez // Oct 29, 2009 at 10:55 pm

    I attended the Board of Education Candidate Debate at Messiah Baptist Church tonight 10/29/09.
    Sauda Baraka, Maria Pereira, Raul Quiroga, Pat Crossin, Bobby Simmons, Juan Hernandez, and Nate Snow were all present. Leticia Colon did not show up. About 20 minutes into the debate, Mitch (the switch) Robles walked in and whispered something into the ear of the event moderator. I’m sure he came to bring her excuse slip in a verbal form.

    I enjoyed the debate and I took score as each spoke to decide who did best in my opinion. Two of the candidates spoke very well and showed that they have what it takes. The two were Pat Crossin and Nate Snow. Others where very impressive–Maria Pereira, Juan Hernandez, and Raul Quiroga. Bobby Simmons and Sauda Baraka fell very short for two people who have been on the BOE for the last four years. They went as far as blaming John Ramos, the mayor and City Council. On the question of the dropout rate, they would not even admit to some blame. They talked about wanting to do this and that when they had four years in which they could have done them.

    If I could vote for 5 of the candidates they would be:

    Nate Snow (spoke like a pro)
    Pat Crossin (he’s got what it takes)
    Juan Hernandez (he understands student issues)
    Maria Pereira (has a good grip of parental participation)
    Raul Quiroga (more potential than Simmons/Baraka)

    Pat Crossin was good at clearing the air in the room. There was a question about whether or not the city and the BOE worked together as they should. Pat mentioned a Budget and Appropriations with the BOE back when we were in the council. The BOE always bitch about the city not meeting with them, Pat chaired the Budget and Appropriations Committee and a meeting was scheduled with the BOE. We waited the day of the meeting and no one from the BOE showed up. Weeks later, BOE supporters showed up during a City council meeting with signs to scream at us and demand more money. I remember these events clearly. The top candidates on my list are:

    Nate Snow
    Pat Crossin
    Juan Hernadez

    1. Nate Snow is a phony. He has only lived in Bridgeport for 2.5 years, quit teaching at age 25, and has never even voted in the city. That’s right–not even last year. Who is this guy? Why does he think he’s qualified for anything more than babysitting my kids when I’m out at the movies? Let’s send him back to Texas.

  7. “Can the two Working Families Party candidates for Board of Education Sauda Baraka and Maria Pereira pull an upset? They’re out there working.”

    When you say “they”, do you mean the candidates or WF volunteers? I had a volunteer at my door last week. Yes, they are all working. What hurt Pereira with my vote was that she is running with Baraka. Working Family and Baraka aren’t out there telling voters that everything that Baraka is saying she will do or would like to do, could have all been done the last four years that she served on the BOE. Working Family should had found and searched for other people to run under their banner. If I could have voted for 5 candidates, Pereira would have been among them.

    Can Working Family pull an upset? Sure they can! Have they been honest with voters as far as Baraka is concerned? “NO”.

  8. FYI–the increase the Library is asking for amounts to $30 per $100,000 of assessed value–or $2.50 per month–a yes vote is not increasing taxes by $7 million.

  9. You have painted a highly inaccurate picture of the total cost of library services especially when future applications to cost increase is considered. It is dangerous and reckless to establish a basis point as the pollyanna library huggers seek.


  10. This is a very Serious Public Warning:

    This morning, John Slater was feeling sick. He went to his doctor and it appears that his has the swine flu. John is very concerned that he may have spread the flu even further. John has been knocking on doors speaking with people and shaking lots of hands out there, predominantly in the Black Rock area. The official results of tests will not be in until tomorrow; considering the symptoms he is getting and the facts mentioned above there is a high possibility that it’s the flu. Please pass this information to anyone you know.

    Thank you all.

  11. yahooy it is not a joke. It is very serious. I have been in contact with Slater for 2 months now and I have reason to be concerned as a diabetic. There are lots of seniors that John has been in contact with. One important question I asked him was if he’d been kissing babies like pols normally do and the answer was “NO”. There are other dangers that this incident has made me think about and I’m now taking steps to make sure that my concern is heard. I’ll keep everyone in touch.

  12. I’m Baaack! When John Slater notified me about the possibility of having contracted the flu, my mind started processing this in ways I haven’t felt before. One horrible scenario came to mind. The election is days away and thousands of people will be going to the polls.

    When we go to vote, we have to touch doors, tables and most of all some sort of Pen or Lever. Imagine people with a virus touching these surfaces and objects unbeknown to others and themselves.

    I e-mailed Marc Delmonico and requested that he call the Governor’s office to let them know about this serious possibility. I went to the Bridgeport Health Department and spoke with Valerie Sorrentino who is in charge as Dr. Evans is on vacation. Valerie will be notifying mayor Bill Finch and Santa Ayala about the issues, points and concerns I raised. I notified the CT Post about my concern and dilemma. I still have a few bases to cover regarding campaign materials that John Slater may have come in contact with. Thankfully they are very few as I and John Weldon have most of it. The last time I had contact with Slater was at Two Boots on Tuesday I believe. But I made a dumb move when I touched his door handle earlier today. In the event that I get the flu and die, all I ask from OIB is to have a special section of all the comments I posted and those posted aimed at me. I forgive those of you for all the hurtful things you wrote about me ahead of time and for those that I have offended or angered, I don’t apologize.

  13. *** Great pitching duel in the Bronx last night with the Yanks finally getting to Pedro in the 7th with some lucky hits from Matsui & Teixeira. A.J. was on his “A” game pitching form for the Yanks & basically shut down the Philly Bats for 7 innings, with ace closer M. Rivera coming in to put the finishing touch needed to seal the win! Next game (Sat.) is up for grabs since both pitchers are “very hit-able” with the type of offense both teams have, especially Hamels for the Phillies. Hope for a good indian summer day & night for game #3 of the M.L.B. World Series. *** And last but not least, vote “yes” on #1–the Bpt Library Referendum on election day & “no” on question #2. *** Exercize your right, ’cause your vote counts! ***

      1. *** Since there are only 2 questions, I believe the voters if interested will be able to figure it out! But as usual, thanks for your always accurate corrections concerning the Nov. 3rd election’s questions. *** Also, if calling it like I see it & giving it back 2fold to undercover spineless creeps that enjoy disrespecting “OIB” bloggers simply for a difference of opinion makes me a questionable racist in their minds, who cares! *** As far as the rumor about Councilman Walsh verbally blowing his top on a phone message to his district partner; I would have to hear both sides of the real story first before making any comments. But I’m sure that any political remarks coming from those that don’t care for Mr. Walsh in general will not hesitate to want anything less than his head on a silver platter! *** City politics can get very stressful & disappointing @ times, especially with fellow political legislators, constituents, political parties & the admin. in charge. *** Time will tell. ***

  14. Now back to the “Juicy Stuff”.

    This looks like a Juice Clam of all Juicy Clams. Ready?
    Racist and sensitive comments are common here at OIB. Mojo is the king as Local Eyes has crowned him. But Mojo may have a competitor if what I’m about to post is true.

    There is word that Mary Evette Brantley has filed some kind of hate crime complaint against Bob (the Troll) Walsh. As I understand it, Bob Walsh left a message on Brantley’s cell phone containing insulting racist language or material. I hear that mayor Bill Finch will be releasing a statement regarding the phone message. There is no word as to whether Finch will also call Mojo. This makes me wonder if in the near future, Lennie will have to change the OIB name to OIRB–Only In Racist Bridgeport.

  15. Note to Chris Caruso: Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Virginia Ave and upper East Side residents as it relates to the proposed detention center.

    1. Lennie, 3:00p.m. update? Is OIB on California time?
      I’m not sure If I beat you on the posting as I’m looking at the time. It doesn’t matter as I knew it was a matter of time before the Bob Walsh allegations reached us.

  16. Note to Caruso:

    Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the people of the city of Bridgeport. It is comforting, very comforting to know that at least one elected official has not lost sight of his party’s ideals or the reason he was elected.

    Have you considered running for mayor in ’11?

    1. Bob Walsh is not a racist! I spent 6 years sitting next to Councilmen Bob Walsh. He is a passionate man when it comes to carrying out his elected duty. Bob had arguments and disagreements with Liza (Honey) Parziale who served with him back then.

      Each district has has two Council menbers and at times one would like for your partner to vote along with you, especially on big-issue items. I’d like to hear the recording myself.

      Hey Lennie, why don’t you get Brantley on the pol pod and have us listen to the content of the audio recording. From the CT Post report today, it doesn’t say that Bob Walsh used the “N” word. Lots of people feel that the majority of the council give the appearance of being enslaved to the mayor. It was the same under Fabrizi and Joe Ganim.

  17. Yahooy:

    Finally, you are in good company.

    Just got home and sorted through today’s mail … received a beautiful, full color 6″ x 9″ postcard mailing from my own Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, Marie Hoffman, Treasurer. **Vote for the Democrats** … Vote “No” on 1 mil Tax Increase (Question 2) … Board of Ed: Leticia Colon, Pat Crossin, Bobby Simmons; City Sheriff: Mitch Robles, Dennis Scinto, Willie Murphy; City Council: Lydia Martinez, Manuel Ayala …

    Let’s see that finally adds some much-awaited numbers to my Latino/African-American/Filipino leaders count … I’ll add Leticia Colon, Lydia Martinez, Manuel Ayala and Mitch Robles as “Latino NO leaders to the library”, Bobby Simmons as an African-American NO leader to the library”, and I’ll have to award more honorary Filipino status to Pat Crossin, Dennis Scinto and Willie Murphy (I don’t know Willie, but it’s always prudent to throw him in the Filipino pool, when in doubt!) as No to the library leaders.

    Election Day minus 4 days.

    Come out, come out, some more Latino and African community leaders (elected and self-appointed) wherever you are and show us your “big” political leadership cojones. Don’t sit on the fence for much longer … only four more days!!!

    Once again, it’s not a tax increase, it’s a tax reallocation. Real leaders should not be afraid of taking on a tax reallocation challenge in a political debate … calling this referendum question a tax increase is weak, and PURE PUSILLANIMOUS POLITICS.

    1. “… Bobby Simmons as an African-American NO leader to the library …”

      Salcedo, I got a similar “paid for by the Democratic Town Committee” Vote row, well! I can’t say it.

      It appears as if Bobby Simmons is against referendum #2.

      But, wait! I attended the Thursday night debate of the BOE candidates and Bobby Simmons said he is in favor of referendum #2–the library question. This was the first question made from the questions asked by the public. Pat Crossin did say he was against referendum #2. Before I forget, in Pat Crossin’s picture, he is standing with a “Brick Wall”. Maybe that’s a sign of what’s to come on the B.O.E.

    2. Sylvester:

      If this isn’t a tax increase but simply a “tax reallocation”, where is the reallocation coming FROM? Please identify the source(s) and the amount(s).

      If the “real leaders” are going to be responsible for this “reallocation”, please identify them so I’ll be able to sleep soundly knowing my TAXES will not go up.

      Lastly, since members of the Library Board are appointed, not elected by the voters, will you personally assure me that future appointees will be better stewards of my “reallocated” dollars than the mayor and members of the city council?

      1. “If this isn’t a tax increase but simply a “tax reallocation”, where is the reallocation coming FROM? Please identify the source(s) and the amount(s).”

        Mr. Hubler, I’m sure Sylvester and 99% of those involved in our education future–past, present and future–do not know where–and why– are the best places to take money to re-allocate to the libraries. If Salcedo knew, he would have done so. He did mention the police horses which is a good place to go to for money.

        During the BOE debate this past Thursday at Messiah Baptist Church, Pat Crossin mentioned a most likely place–the BOE funds– But, he did not say why perhaps due to time constraints.

        In the event that referendum #2 passes and the city finds itself having to choose between reallocation and a 1 mil increase, I’d reallocate and I can perhaps present a better reasoning as to where from, and why I would reallocate such funds, if I were on the city council or on the BOE.

        I would look into the BOE funds like Pat Crossin suggested or implied. As I had mentioned in the past, most of our schools have libraries and lots of BOE money and infrastructure space is used up to fund and operate the school libraries. Are the school libraries serving their purpose? How much more classroom space can be created if we eliminate some, most or all the school libraries? Schools are open only 180-plus days, while the Public Libraries are open when schools are out on weekends or vacation periods. When students graduate–if they go that far–their needs and desire for knowledge doesn’t or shouldn’t stop there. The Public Libraries are the best place to get that knowledge, as after they graduate they can’t go to the school libraries.


        Juan Hernandez (R) is running for BOE. Sonia Vishno is the mother of my late son. Juan Hernadez’s mother Mary is one of Sonia’s aunts. Sonia and Juan are cousins. Juan Hernandez and I are family. I saw Juan Hernandez grow up and I know him better than most in Bridgeport politics. Juan has grown and changed physically to the point that I didn’t recognize him. During last Thursday’s debate, he asked me if I remembered him and told me who he was. The name Juan Hernandez rang a bell since I first saw him and heard him in the Republican Town Committee meetings. It’s a small world!

  18. Mojo remains the undisputed king of cool. He’s got personality, attitude and style.

    Joel makes his bid to become the second newsmaker at OIB. He’s a role player who understands the value of a good story. His future appears bright.

    Meanwhile, The Bridgeport Kid forgets to genuflect and loses his chance at an autographed menu.

    Seen on a T-shirt in downtown Bridgeport:

    BE LIKE yahooy
    VOTE NO on NOv. 3

    REJECT a permanent, annual tax increase based solely on library expenditures. REJECT The Alpha Plan. REJECT special treatment and favoritism.

    Vote NO on NOvember 3rd. and ENJOY the current system, which offers many choices.


    A FederOIB probe has been launched. The probe started days ago and it is believed that Lennie Grimaldi is the target. The investigation has to do with why Lennie Grimaldi did not include the name of Councilmen Bob Walsh in a political poll that was conducted and paid with funds attained from OIB advertisers who conduct business in the City of Bridgeport. The investigation is also trying to find out if Grimaldi committed a race crime against Walsh who is white.

  20. Joel Gonzalez:

    How quickly you forget. During the period that your FederOIB Probe was launched against said Lennie Grimaldi, your alleged victim (one Robert Walsh) has been bestowed with extended honorary Filipino status. Accordingly, no race crime can ever be committed against him. He is raceless and raceproof. He is a none of the above in most racial profile form checkoff boxes. He’s Filipino! Ergo, Grimaldi is innocent, in a Filipino sort of way.

  21. This is how I will be voting. Voting no to question 1 voting yes to question 2. Voting a Republican line for Board of Ed, voting a Democratic line for city sheriff, voting for John Slater and undecided about the other race.

    1. Hi donj! How’s school, kid? Bridgeport Kid, not meant for you! I’m sure you’ve been busy trying to keep up with college work. I heard your parents got mad at you and told you “School first and OIB second.” They know best, listen to them! I’ve been trying to keep these bloggers at bay while you were gone. I can tell you that no one dared to say shit about you. They fear losing a finger as they are aware that’s the penalty for an attack on donj when he is not looking. By the way, you need to make a correction on your Obama myspace page.

  22. I have to give the attorney general props for helping delay that no-good center. Shame on Anthony Musto I wish some Democrat gives him a primary. Why don’t we put the center in his backyard and see if he enjoys it? As a Musto voter I have to say I am very upset at the job he is doing. Jim Himes is doing great, Obama is doing great but why can’t Musto do the same thing? Vote Musto out!!!!!!!!!

  23. THAT SOUND you’re hearing is 50,000 OIB FANS and their goblin counterparts cheering Lennie as the founder of OnlyinBridgeport.com

    C’mon, even spooky ghosts can make a little noise!

    speaking of which … here it is … ghost alert:

    Prepare for The REVERSE SUCKER SHOT RULE. Hey, this is Only in Bridgeport, right? Things happen here that don’t happen elsewhere, right?

    Get your freakiest mask on and try to figure out who ya gonna call?


  24. I am not a big fan of Bob Walsh but I do find the timing of the mayor’s announcement in keeping with his treatment of enemies or of people that oppose him. Releasing his letter on Friday is wrong especially when it was known as early as this Monday.
    Putting out a press release and not saying what was said by Walsh is also wrong. It allows for a lot of speculation and rumors.
    If Walsh did make racially charged statements to Brantley then he should answer for it and answer immediately.

  25. I actually like Walsh. I think he is the one voice that can turn the Calamarian rule into a true democracy. Once he figures out how to do that, we will have a true “effective” advocate on the council. Obstructionists like him and Caruso who vote no with no offer of compromise and can-do attitude make me ill at ease. Both of these guys are doing us as much good as they could be.

    Now … I’m beginning to think that this racist flap is a Calamarian setup. The buzz at R & R’s last night from supposedly a high ranking Calamarian lawyer type is that a minor slip of the tongue is going to bury the troll. He supposedly heard the alleged voice mail but would not relay its content except to say that careers have been snuffed for less.

    Troll … I promise you this. If the Calamarians have set you up to get you off the council by fabricating a mountain out of a minor mole hill, I will renounce my anonymity and start kicking some Calamarian ass. These bastards have gone too far this time.

    On the other hand, if you did make a racist statement, I will demand that you quit.

  26. Did you ever notice that everyone not from Bpt in general are always privy to this and that secret concerning Bpt? In other words it is time for the citizen voters of this “secret” place to be informed. I suspect another bullshit charge to be leveled or invented against The Troll in order to toss him.
    Mario when you throw the spaghetti against the wall to see if it sticks, throw a few ideas too, like where is the BOE audit? Where are the unpaid taxes of DiNardo? Who are all of the city new hires, while other city workers gave up their time and pay to help pay down our debt? Current city workers got suckered into your scheme and you don’t care at all, walk on them!
    I don’t know why or what you have against the city, but just stop it.

  27. *** You kick ass? Ha! (LOL) *** Please, you’re sounding like “B/K” now, however it is Halloween so you just might be wearing your “HULK” mask? *** “HULK SMASH”! *** (LOL) *** How about a tag team, HULK & WONDER WOMAN? *** Or HULK, WONDER WOMAN & (C.H.S.) as FALSE FACE? *** Trick or Treat anyone? *** Your turn, heroes! (L.O.L.) ***

    1. Mojo, I don’t have a Halloween mask. I don’t need one. What I do have to scare people shitless is a Vote Rafael A. MOJICA sign of the many that you left scattered around. I can see it now; people running scared and hundreds of people calling 911; people giving me apples with razor blades in them; and I’d expect some poison candies. LOL …

  28. I have not heard the tape of of Bob Walsh’s comments to Evette Brantley and until I do I will reserve judgment on whether or not they were racist. However, I do need to say the following:

    I have known Bob Walsh for over 25 years as both a political ally and a personal friend. In that entire time I have never once heard him say anything that could even remotely be construed as racist. Quite the contrary, Bob is most often quite outspoken in his support for people who have been politically marginalized and disenfranchised both here in Bridgeport and in the country as a whole.

    Now, my friend Bob can also be very abrasive and at times a royal pain in the ass. In fact, right now I am more than a little pissed off at him for opposing the much-needed Library referendum. However I find it very hard to believe that he has suddenly turned into a flaming racist and I would hope that people will look at the entirety of the man’s record and give Bob the benefit of the doubt at least until all the facts are out.

    I, for one, still consider Bob a friend and a huge asset to the city of Bridgeport.

  29. Why would a so-called racist like Bob Walsh be the first white Bridgeport elected official to step up to the plate during the Presidential Primary cycle to support Barack Obama? Think about this one!

  30. Calling Bob Walsh a racist is like calling yahooy a communist.

    Where was Bill Finch when a prominent elected town committee official, and city bond counselor, called Dottie Guman a “Fucking Bitch” on the phone? C’mon Bill, you are going to have Mark panel a grand jury investigation?

    Bill has become a “me too” on the Girls Juvie Joint. Reminds me of Joe Ganim when he all of a sudden was against asphalt plants after the Governor ordered the statewide moratorium on building such plants.

    I guess it’s appropriate that the Circus is in town this week.

  31. Holy shit I just met Joel Gonzalez when I was coming back into Bridgeport near the movies. I was the passenger in the car he said vote with your head and I gave him a thumbs up!!!!!!!!! Vote Slater!!!!!!!!! Joel Gonzalez you are a hero in your own right you stand up for what you believe in. John from Black Rock who are you voting for?

  32. donj–As my OIB anonymity was blown a while ago I have decided, at least for this election, to state publicly that I am strongly supporting a yes vote on the library referendum and not commenting on any of the other races.

  33. *** The Halloween (HULK) mask reply was meant for Yahooy not you Joel. Stop being so damned nosy no one cares about your personal feelings about politics nor all the made-up “I did this & that B/S”. Really, get a life man you’re a joke! If you feel you did a good job while on the council acting a fool yelling “Fuck this, no one’s going home ’til you vote for Mishall Redimar for my partner in the 131st” to fill the 6-month vacancy. While siting on a chair in the middle of the council area in front of then Mayor Ganim looking like a fool, then more power to you! You were an embarrassment that night as a councilman & as a representative of our district. Also, whenever I saw your picture concerning any political function, you were always in a sweatshirt & jeans! Nice appearance, also if indeed you did do something good while a council person, you don’t have to toot your own horn so much, it should be on record in the city clerk’s office (Black & White). ***

    1. I never used the “fuck” word during the conduct of my duty. Her name was Michelle Retamar, the same women who was the treasurer of Ezequiel Santiago the man that defeated you in the primary and election. Retamar was chosen to replace Alberto Negron by the full body of the 131st Town Committee district and I wanted that selection to be carried out the same way other replacements were made before. There are no chairs in front of the mayor’s seat in the council chamber. The suit doesn’t make the man. The mayor had tried proposing a dress code. Pat Crossin dressed the same as I did. Pat Crossin, myself and others who dressed casual did not think that a suit was needed for meetings of a few hours max. We didn’t get paid for our work, the stipends could not be used for laundry cost or buying suits. Today, you can drink alcohol all day at Mario’s and pay with stipend money.
      Am I tooting my horn a lot now? Let this be on the OIB records in Black & White.

      1. *** There is a long table & chairs just below the Mayor’s podium where he sits in the city chambers. The P&Z comm. sits there during their meets. And you did curse & complained about the vote being a sell-out! I was there and everyone on the council @ that time will probably say the same. No need for me to make up stories like you do. Also depending on the occasion, one dresses the part, it’s got nothing to do with a Mayor’s dress code it’s how you carry yourself in public. Every occasion is not a jeans & sweatshirt affair! But I didn’t expect much but the same old make-believe stories & excuses. Happy Halloween! ***

  34. *** Joel, it’s time to start acting your age & not your I.Q. You don’t throw stones if you’re living in a glass house, past or present! *** No local political party really wants you nor do they need your help or professional political advice. Grow up, time to smell the coffee. ***

    1. I’m 44 years young; never took an I.Q. test; and I live in a tree. I don’t worry if a political party wants me or not. I choose what party I will register under if any. If I want a party post or position, I will ask. If I’m turned down and I decide to challenge, I will do so. If I lose, no big deal! I have my own mind with great ideas and perspectives. I don’t need a political appointment or elected position to initiate change, progress, and be vocal on issues important to many. Any political individual or group who fails to seek or refuses my offer of assistance is simply making a foolish decision. I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a Toys ‘R’ Us Kid. I’d rather smell the roses and drink the coffee.

  35. www .centerforgreenbuilding.com/index.html <–
    located in Bridgeport, they make New-Era products for the home.


    What do I like about Bob Walsh, Mojo and Sly Salcedo ?

    Answer: they’re all Brothers-of-the-Blog

    What do I like about yahooy ?

    Answer: nothing

    We all do weird shit, right? Bloggers love this night
    tonight, I’m a human exit sign for Halloween
    does that make me a champ-on-the-ramp?
    let’s find out …

    1. Yes donj, I will be at Longfellow in and out during the day and pulling out voters. Before some people come here blogging that I’ve been blogging during morning working hours in past days, let me disclose that I have taken two weeks vacation to help Weldon and Slater.

      I could have been in Puerto Rico where my cousin has a 38-footer waiting for me to go to the Virgin Islands and Vieques. This election is more important than going on this trip. The boat and my family will still be there waiting until I can go there.

  36. And another thing do you think Slater can pull it off? As you know I made a bold decision this year and I am voting Republican for the first time. Me my father and mother and sister are voting at around 6pm for Slater at Black Rock school. I am usually a morning voter but as you know I go to school in another sate so I have to wait until the afternoon when classes are over to catch the metro north to go to Bpt. That is how much voting means to me.

  37. *** Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you dream as you look at the stars! And take 2 weeks vac. to pull out voters for local candidates that belong to a political party that wants no part of you? Wow! I’m so impressed by the “individual” local community input & putting one’s family on hold, for 2 people that have a small chance of winning! *** Delusions of Grandeur? *** OH WELL, To Each His Own I Guess! *** Have Fun! *** Congrats to the Yankees on win #3 tonight, tomorrow it’s the Phillies turn, I hope. ***

    1. *** Your mother says the same sometimes; but the apple doesn’t often fall too far from the tree as you know sonny boy! Get lots of treats or just tricks @ your local Gay Spot last night? On second thought, don’t bother answering that, I know you’re sensitive by your blogs. *** (lol) ***

  38. I’m expecting a decent turnout at Black Rock school and Longfellow school. Black Rock school between 800 to 1,000 voters I expect to cast a ballot on Tuesday. In the 2008 election 2,300 votes were cast at Black Rock school. I expect 300 to 400 votes to be cast at Longfellow on Tuesday. In the 2008 election 1,150 votes were cast at Longfellow school. John Slater wins but by a very very slim margin. The key will be Longfellow I always say forget Black Rock school and worry about Longfellow my reason is John cannot make Marty run up the numbers there he has to keep it to a 75 vote margin.

  39. *** If the weather holds out on election day, maybe 20%? However, if it’s chilly, windy & rainy, expect 11% turnout for this local, same as usual, all for 1 & none for all, election! *** Yet maybe just enough voters to pass the library referendum, good luck! ***

    1. Mojo is correct here, actually. One of the few times in his life, but never mind. City Council seats are filled by retreads and puppets because no one gives a shit. Most of the voters have been overcome with apathy and cynicism. What’s $9,000.00 times twenty? $180,000.00 you say? 75% of that, $135,000.00, usually ends up in the coffers of a certain pasta joint on lower Madison Avenue, a pasta joint owned by none other than Don Mario Testa. How does this municipal largesse benefit the people of the city of Bridgeport? It doesn’t.

      I don’t quite understand this concept. Usually bribes or kickbacks or payoffs are given to the elected officials. Unless, of course, the elected officials are beholden to the pasta king for helping them get elected to a moribund legislative body. There are some new faces up for placement; all of ’em look as though they’re bought and paid for.

      I’m voting on the referendums this Tuesday; for city council, my response is “Fuck it …”

  40. Mojo understands what it means to produce more than you consume. Savings makes people think better. Debt makes people think worse. Pensions reduce the need to save and make pension managers’ performance all the more important. Let me be clear: you cannot do what everybody else does and expect success. In my world, pensions would be eliminated because that would increase the savings needed to guard against life’s uncertainties and eliminate the kind of panic we’re in now.

    Mojo could be poolside in Florida but his work’s not done here yet.


    The latest posts from The Bridgeport Kid are downright depressing. We need a new drug to combat the sense of political emptiness that accompanies his feelings of disenfranchisement.

  42. Local Eyes
    Pensions are bad???
    If you lived in Bpt. I would ask you to vote for the library 1 mil.
    You really have a lot of reading to do, also on your med bottle, it might say take one a day and things will make sense to you.
    Get reading!!!

  43. Denese Taylor-Moye and Leticia Colon (D) 131st District, have accomplished a feat that Mojo could not in 8 years in the City Council–they got Mojo’s street paved. The section of Wordin Avenue between State Street and Railroad Avenue is as smooth as Obama.

    We hardly hear about the positive things that takes place in Bridgeport neighborhoods. I’ve mentioned a few and I’m sure that they are not the only positive things or improvements that have taken place. It’s only fair to give mention and credit to those who may be responsible for the improvement.
    It has been days since Wordin Avenue was paved, one would think that Mojo would have taken his time on OIB to tell us something positive–give credit–about the elected officials responsible for his street getting paved. On Behalf of all Drivers and Residents Much Thanks to Finch and the two Ladies representing the 131st. Mojo, this justifies my attempt to replace Alberto Negron with Michelle Retamar. I always believed that a woman could better represent the district than the men interested in the post.

    1. *** The 131st councilpersons & Finch had nothing to do with the street paving, it’s been on the back burner list for a while since it is a main artery to & from I-95 & Wentfield Park. Stop guessing & lying too, your attempt to replace Negron who had moved to Waterbury? Yeah right, you had nothing to do with it! It was the town commitee’s call as was the second pick Eva Canales who was also denied by the sitting council for Anderson Ayala. Plus, your seat in the upcoming election was going to Mary Bruce who ended up having a stroke & was not able to run! You were being put out to pasture as payback for all the great things you did! ***

  44. “… He should apologize to her in public.”

    Lennie, if the offense was done over the phone, an apology should be done and accepted over the phone.

    “Walsh did leave a phone apology for her that she says was half hearted.”

    Did she expect flowers with the apology? Lennie, why didn’t you ask to hear the apology? I’d bet that if Bob Walsh makes a public apology using the same words and tone, she would accept it as a full-hearted apology.


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