The signature hunt is on for candidates to qualify for the September 10 primary. A variety of office seekers are scouring neighborhoods to petition onto the ballot including two Republicans for mayor, Ethan Book and Dishon Francis, who hope to challenge party-endorsed John Rodriguez for mayor. The deadline to submit signatures to the registrar’s office is August 7.
From J-Rod’s Facebook page:
In 2018, I had the honor to represent you as the State Senate Candidate in the 23rd Senate District. This race alerted me to the many problems that the people of Bridgeport must confront on a daily basis. I have come to realize that the fight must go on and my battle to transform Bridgeport for the sake of its citizens must continue.
This November we will have an opportunity to dethrone Mayor Ganim and the corrupt Testa machine that continues to suck the life, energy, and future from the people of Bridgeport. During his last campaign in 2015, then-candidate Ganim vilified Mayor Finch for the following:
A. Inadequate educational system
B. An abysmal job creation program
C. Ridiculously high taxes
D. A lackluster economy
E. Demanded an honest, transparent governmentMayor Ganim has not delivered for the people of Bridgeport.
The five issues listed above must be addressed and corrected. It will be a demanding challenge for all of us. Let’s move forward as one and finally put this corrupt regime out of business!
“Mayor Ganim has not delivered for the people of Bridgeport.” Really? None of figured that out until he posed for photos in front of a shuttered deli.
Bridgeport’s next mayor, Republican mayoral candidate John Rodriguez.
It is astounding that the Republican Town Committee insiders landed Rodriguez for its endorsement. He never even formally announced his candidacy until the day of the party caucus while behind the scenes he had been asking members to support him. There were never any open forums or debates for Republican candidates. I was not allowed in the meeting when the party Decision was being made. He refers to a lackluster effort that he made last year as Republican candidate for State Senate and then gives old sound bites of Ganim’s campaign against Finch, that without explaining any plan or platform for addressing the old sound bites. He attended the party convention as a presumed member yet he hasn’t answered my question of whether he has satisfied the attendance rule. As I was allowed in the meeting after the party decision and when he gave an acceptance speech, I heard him mention that in his 2018 Senate campaign, he spent a lot of his own money. I hereby publicly ask him how much personal money he spent and on what. What Rodriguez is doing well reinforces my decision to primary, that as the best candidate for Mayor with a sound plan for turning the City around!
Oh boo fucking hoo, Ethan. You didn’t get the nomination because Mr. Rodriguez is better at retail politicking. It’s nearly impossible to comprehend what your saying through a mouthful of sour grapes. If you were worth supporting you would have been nominated.
Derek, it’s precisely the kind of situation for which the primary process is established !!
P.S. Derek! Rodriguez didn’t get the Town Committee nomination for what he has done, but rather because he’s an insider. He is a plug candidate who was arranged as so because Chairman Garrett didn’t want me to have the nomination. Garrett doesn’t deal with loyal party opposition.
Still sounds like a case of sour grapes, Ethan. You weren’t entitled to the nomination.
Derek, I not sure what sour grapes are. It appears to be a dismissive term for one who doesn’t agree with the intermediate outcome of a matter.
Ah, no, Ethan. It is a colloquialism that means “Criticism or disparagement of that which one cannot have. The phrase originated in one of Aesop’s fables, in which a fox that cannot reach some grapes deems them sour and therefore undesirable. “
Did you read that, Ethan? “Criticism or disparagement of that which one cannot have. The phrase originated in one of Aesop’s fables, in which a fox that cannot reach some grapes deems them sour and therefore undesirable. “
Describes you to a tee.