If You Yell Loud Enough They Might Hear You

Who says one person cannot make a difference bringing a complex financial issue to light? OIB reader John Marshall Lee (BEACON2) has written, poked, prodded about the city’s financial debt. Was anyone listening? The CT Post featured a front-page article in its Sunday edition about the “Ocean of unfunded debt,” the causes and history. Would the Post have featured this story so prominently without Lee pushing the issue? Is there a Marshall Plan to fix it? From the Post:

The election of Bridgeport’s next mayor is still up in the air, but whoever occupies the City Hall annex suite will inherit hundreds of millions in underfunded pension costs, long-term debt and unfunded post-employment benefits.

Hearst Connecticut Newspapers teamed up with former U.S. Comptroller General Dave Walker, a Bridgeport resident and founder and CEO of the Comeback America Initiative, and Ernest Almonte, former Auditor General of Rhode Island, to conduct a review of the city’s finances over the last decade.

Read more: www.ctpost.com/local/article/Bridgeport-s-finances-A-little-progress-in-a-sea-2187358.php



  1. John Marshall Lee has been posting here for almost a year. He has detailed the lying and covering up by this administration as it relates to the budget.
    I know he has tried and tried to get members of the council to look at his paperwork and they all have blown him off. Great job by John Marshal Lee.

  2. Read that article very carefully. Then go back and review John Marshall Lee’s exhaustive research on how Bridgeport arrived at this state of fiscal ill health.

    Without a massive change in the way this city is run, the best view of Bridgeport may soon be through a rear-view mirror!

    1. Thank you, John Marshall Lee. Without your persistence, I would not have started to grasp the totality of the problem. It is a huge problem that will require creativity and transparency. I am much better off knowing the problem than the illusion we have balanced budgets and an excellent Fitch rating. We need charter change creating an Independent Board of Finance with specific charter requirements for experienced financial members, not political operatives. They need to meet bi-weekly at first to get a handle on everything fiscal including the city auditors annual Audit and management letter. We need a new OPM and Finance Director. We need an internal audit staff. We need a sea change in the ways to generate revenue. Thank you Keila and the Post for allowing Keila so much column ink to lay it out for those who don’t read OIB. We desperately need Mary-Jane Foster. Vote Row B.

  3. It ain’t over, ’til … it’s over … or the fat lady sings … or the voters have their say. Tuesday can be the start of positive change.

    Budgets, debt, obligations, finances, City practices congruent with City Charter, ordinances and Statutes, these are all part of the underpinning and structure of good governance. We have not had open, accountable or transparent processes for so long it is hard to imagine what that would be like.

    Whatever happens on Tuesday the “unfunded debt” expose points the way to:
    * Increased public attention to all things financial, possibly indicating more dedicated participation in public meetings, rather than just hearings, how about some speaking too, with timely responses?
    * Hiring and placement of “internal audit staff” promptly as communicated by all Finch budget and accounting procedures. Just one example of publicly talking the talk, and privately, out of public view, eviscerating the staff and going without. After all, if there is no internal auditing, there is no one with access to the current information and therefore no one who can raise an alarm, ask a question, or expect a timely and credible answer on behalf of the public!!!
    * What has the Management Letter by Blum Shapiro, the City outside auditor, said about City financial matters and practices in recent years? Where has that been shared? Why has the CT Post not asked for this document? Taxpayers fund the City and fund the audit. Why do we not ultimately receive the administration’s report card? Would Finch still be holding onto his A?
    * Call a Charter Review group together. Read and consider the Charter and all Ordinances. More than a few are ignored. Some need strengthening for the support of change in the City. Some can be dropped, perhaps. A few may confront the technology gap necessary to make them happen.
    And we need to structure and authorize a Board of Finance to carry out municipal money oversight. That is for starters.

    The work is not finished. But a lot of the information is in view. I have not been a crank, although being generally ignored, can sometimes make you cranky. And the comments I make are not personal, but general to the positions in City governance, whether elected, appointed or assumed, that have brought us to this moment in time.

    Wake up Bridgeport. Tuesday is near. And Wednesday the work will require doing, whatever the voters decide. Time will tell.

      1. I guess you are the only person I put to sleep with this info today. Too bad. Perhaps you need a physical exam. Kind of like the City needs a full scale, drill-down auditor’s review with the latest tools to discover the full extent of behind-the-scenes manipulation of City finances.

        Jo, six months ago people were pulling the ZZZZZZZZZ bit, but if you read today’s CT Post you will realize it takes some space to cover the multiple problems. If you are not interested, stay asleep. Too many people have. Perhaps you live outside Bridgeport? Perhaps you own nothing taxable in Bridgeport? That would account for your sleepiness, or sloppiness in using your mind. The financial subject is obviously in play, lots of people asking good questions. Outrage in the air, if you change the ‘t’ to a ‘c’ you can spell courage, and all you can do is sleep???

        If you are a City dweller, you must have a really safe position that causes you not to think about what is going on. The ZZZZZZZZZ you present will not be your snoring, nor will it be an insect set to bite you, but rather the sound of an auditor’s chainsaw to look at what has been kept out of the public eye, and even that of the City Council meetings. That planning and execution has been coordinated by a handful, and soon it will be embarrassing in the extreme. Time will tell.

        1. jo1986 must be a member of the city council. The budget bores them and they don’t understand it so they don’t ask any questions. As long as Sherwood is cooking the books and telling them everything is okay, that’s all they care about. We are all in for a rude awakening when MJ takes over and we see what is really going on. Thanks to Beacon we have a good start.

    1. BEACON2 // Sep 25, 2011 at 11:13 am
      It ain’t over, ’til … it’s over … or the fat lady sings … or the voters have their say. To your posting

      It is well worth the weight of your words, and the wait to examine your words so as to be able to put truth to the numbers that now reveal the morality of this administration as well as the deceptive practices that put the current and future budgets in financial peril for Bridgeport. The Foster administration is ready to deal with this crisis.
      Thanks, B2.

  4. I have never been critical of B2’s writings. Quite the contrary. I do not think he is cranky nor do I think his verbiage invokes the laws of diminishing returns. I think his observations have awakened some of us to the fiscal assault and battery we have endured under the current calamarian rule as well as the abuse we have suffered from 40 years of DTC dominance.

    I am especially interested in the report from Blum and Shapiro. I regard that firm to be preeminent and skilled in their work. I would trust a Certified Audit report from them and rely on their opinions.
    I am concerned, however, I have not had an opportunity to read their report. I recognize it is not Blum Shapiro’s responsibility to publish the report to the public. It is the city’s responsibility. I am entitled to see that report on the same day the city receives it. I pay for that report. That means I have a “vested” interest. It is fundamentally illegal for the city to not provide the report including the management letter. This is not a matter of tort, it is criminal, pure and simple.

    Mary-Jane Foster is abundantly clear on this issue. She has indicated a Certified Audit report will be made public, including the Management Letter. More importantly, Ms. Foster will make public the operational analytical plans emanating from the Management Letter which shall remediate the issues identified for correction.

    That’s why I intend to vote for her on Tuesday. I deserve to live better than I do. She is my best shot at making Bridgeport a better place to live.

  5. Notice to all the unions that endorsed Finch: the City’s finances are a sinking ship. If Finch wins this election, he will come right back to the unions, shake us down and demand more concessions and threaten us with more layoffs. MJ, on the other hand will rid the City of the politicos who have been raping the City for decades. MJ and John Gomes will clean house–can’t wait to watch.

  6. Ms. Foster has some great minds on her side. John Lee and John Gomes to name two.
    If only the good people of Bpt knew all there is to know.
    A Foster cabinet would have the MJ minds and the Gomes strength to clear the debts and sweep this dirty city clean of scum.

  7. Finch got caught with his pants down in church. Finch was at an East End church passing out the flyer, done by Ralph Ford with the dead senator’s money. Someone got up and called him out saying Finch is trying to tell people Obama supported him and MJF supported McCain. MAJOR LIE YET AGAIN! He and Wood went for Clinton, Finch said a black man couldn’t be President. I heard that with my own little fly ears. MJF gave over $85 thousand to Obama while Finch gave to Clinton.

  8. flyonthewall, are you serious, “Someone got up and called him out saying Finch is trying to tell people Obama supported him and MJF supported McCain.” Was that really said? Well, two of the mayor’s biggest supporters have their church in the East End, Rev. Kenneth Moales who is the treasurer for the mayor’s campaign to get re-elected and State Representative Charles Stallworth who is also a supporter of the mayor.

    flyonthewall, do you know if it happened at their church?

          1. I wonder what Rev. Bennett preached at Mount Aery today. Ron Mackey, do you know? Isn’t that your church?

          2. city hall smoker, I was not at church today but I do know Rev. Bennett did not perform the two services today. One thing I do know, Rev. Bennett will not tell anyone who to vote for and NO politician is allow to speak during any church service.

        1. These reverends are no people of G-d, they are just political hacks who believe they deliver votes and get special favors. Black voters can think for themselves. Mary-Jane Foster has many black supporters and they need to get out there and set the record straight from these lowlife losers! That would be Moales and Stallworth so we aren’t confused about whom I am addressing. It is shameful and I hope G-d gives them what they deserve. Their lies are scandalous and an affront to everyone, not just the African American community. These people need to be thrown out of their churches and answer to their flock. They are disgusting.

  9. Finch was a big Hillary supporter. I thought that was well known.
    In private moments Finch is in no way a friend to the black churches. He just figures drop enough cash and they will vote for him.

  10. Vote Mary-Jane Foster come Tuesday. I already voted by ab. I have told a load of family and friends to vote for Foster. All my family is voting for Foster and friends are going to vote for Foster.

    1. Finch supports Lieberman. Safety first.

      Unfortunately, he might have been correct, the same way a broken clock is right twice a day.

      Obama won the election, but is losing the support of small donors and the progressives. He lost it by playing it safe and hoping the big-money people will support him.

      National bloggers are small-money people.

  11. The only solution to the gigantic clusterfuck that is Bridgeport’s financial state: raising taxes. I know it’s not a popular idea but it’s the only way out of the mess. That, and sell off all the property the city owns and doesn’t need.

    1. There is a third option I have referenced on occasion. We seem to be paying each year for more personnel than we have working for us. I can point to several positions that have been budgeted in more than one year, but are never filled. That is money that is spent somewhere. Ask you Council person about it. See if they know. They have voted on it for multiple years and yet have no clue? Hard to believe, isn’t it? But if you find it credible, then you realize the finances are way over the Council’s pay grade. But that is the way we are organized and being handled. And with technology as yet not fully implemented, just see what happens when CitiStat gets to work and shows efficiencies. There is more “waste” in our City operation than can be put in bins, whether green or blue. Financial sustainability has not been Bill’s strong suit for sure. A wasting four-year term.

      1. Beacon, you will find some depts are desperately in need of additional staff; IT being one of them. Once you rid the City of the non-essential (political) positions, there will be money for the needed positions. The director of IT is totally unresponsive to the needs of city depts. The inefficiency there is tremendous. That’s just the beginning.

        1. I have been preaching for years you cannot use the position of IT Director as a payback for political favors. If we are to restore financial stability to this city, accurate management information is an essential component. No financial executive can present factual financial data without data that is retrieved quickly and accurately. There has never been a IT Director in my experience who could do that job right.

  12. I am seriously perturbed by the calling of a candidate or anyone for that matter a ku klux klan! The church is a sacred place, the altar is sacred! What the hell is wrong with these people? Lord have mercy upon them when they dare to take God’s house for junk like that. I’m seriously perturbed about that stuff. And there are lines you don’t cross! Ignoramuses!

  13. Mayor Finch has my vote at Central High School on Tuesday. Foster is like Obama, full of promises and all about change. I trust Bill Finch over Foster. I voted for John McCain and Shays a few years ago because I do not want fools running our country. Bridgeport, let’s not make this mistake again and vote for someone who says change. Vote Finch.

    1. There is absolutely NO COMPELLING REASON TO VOTE FOR BILL FINCH. He is under investigation by the State Elections Enforcement Commission for campaign finance irregularities that look suspiciously like money laundering and mail fraud. Even if he wins the primary (which is becoming more and more doubtful by the day), he will most likely be forced to resign from office to avoid criminal proceedings.

      Let’s not forget Mario Testa is allegedly behind the absentee ballot fiddle, sending Lydia Martinez to an old folks’ retirement community to “assist” the residents in filling out the ballot. Oh, and then there’s Ezequiel Santiago going door-to-door in a secure apartment building, offering to personally deliver their ABs to the town clerk’s office. Most likely he would’ve examined the ballots and delivered the votes for Foster to a document shredder or a bonfire.

      Mario Testa’s AB operation is going to get him into serious trouble. Mark my words: this is the last go ’round for the terminally corrupt Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee.

    2. NORTH45, you are confused. It was Chris Caruso who ran against Finch under the banner of “CHANGE.” Caruso lost because Bill Finch promised everyone a 600 dollar rebate. Did you get yours??? Did that bother you? Finch is so arrogant he thought he would remain a senator and run the city. Well, now we know the city is run by Adam Wood with the help of Mario Testa, Finch probably could have remained a state senator. Maybe he would have come out against a jail in the Beardsley Park area a year sooner. Where was Finch when the nephew of Mario Testa attempted a zone change so he could build another Sacred Heart dorm in a North End neighborhood? One thing for sure, another four years of Finch whose “shit” btw doesn’t stink–it’s true–ask him!; we will have a nice new apartment complex nestled into a nice North End neighborhood where Testo’s restaurant now stands, housing college students from Sacred Heart. BTW we love the students and appreciate their spending money in our city and helping small businesses, what the North End residents do not like is Sacred Heart buying up properties to house student with four-plus in each home with four cars and changing the “flavor” of what were once quiet serene neighborhoods.

  14. Hearing from more and more DTC members they hope Mary-Jane wins. Although most of them are afraid to speak up, they are fed up with all the bullshit. They are embareassed by the absentee ballot fraud and have no use for people like Lydia and Americo. Also heard Mario is behind the AB scam. He needs to win by any means. This is so funny (not really) because Mario has no love for blacks and hispanics yet he uses them to win his elections.

  15. jo1986 and NORTH45,
    The State of Connecticut provides assistance in resume preparation for all newly enrolled unemployment benefits recipients. Plan ahead. December will be here before you know it.

  16. I’m hearing around the neighborhood a certain City Councilman is not happy with some of my observations concerning him. Get over it, pal. Number one, there is a document called the United States Constitution. The first amendment of that document guarantees the right to free speech. Number two, if you have thin skin you should’ve demurred when Mario’s district lackey came a-calling. You hold elected office. Public criticism goes with the gig. If you can’t take the heat …

  17. Well it’s almost over, two days to go, two days until Bridgeport starts down the right path with a new leader.
    I have worked at MJF’s headquarters for a long time and have been involved in politics for a long time. I have NEVER met as many caring people as I have at MJF headquarters. From Steve Auerbach to Sue to the Bush family and to a ton more too numerous to point out.
    These are people giving of their time and energy and working towards a common goal, a better Bridgeport.
    This is what I have spent my life dreaming about, blacks, whites, hispanics, rich people and poor people coming together and forming lifetime friendships. This is what I dreamed my city would become. Let’s get out and vote and make this a citywide reality.
    To all the volunteers I have met I say thank you and it’s been my privilege.

    1. It’s been our privilege. Teamwork is the only way you can bring a city together. Hitting the streets is the only way to know if you have made a difference. I think we all have and on Tuesday the 27th the people can decide for themselves. I believe in Mary-Jane Foster. I believe we are going to hit this out of the ballpark! Thanks, tc.

    2. It’s been a privilege to work beside you and your lovely wife, tc. To everyone involved in the Foster campaign, I say it’s been a real pleasure, and I am so glad I met you all!

  18. I was entering times I was in Testo’s kitchen when very racist words were used but I used names at who they were directed and I was not allowed, I was apparently censored by the wizard of blog. I was there when they were said, but even though I was there they did not think twice of what they said. That is why I wonder why blacks and Latinos support the machine for the small morsels they fight amongst themselves for like dogs from their masters.

    1. bpt guy, you are not the only one who has heard racial slurs in the kitchen at Testo’s. Shame on Ralph Ford, Lydia and Americo for supporting such racists. They use their own people to keep a party in power that looks down on them.

  19. They were talking about Sybil Allen and Jimmy Holloway; who do you think is in the kitchen?
    tc, your dream has been the dream of many Americans. Not all of us are racist bigots, more of us are dreamers of your same wishes than there are racist bigots. It’s just when they say those racist things it hurts more, we have to change them with overwhelming goodness. This was M. Ghandi’s, Rev. King’s and many others dream. Long Live The Dream.

    1. I can see Finch and his cronies must have gotten to you again. They do watch this blog, you know. They must have seen you thought their ludicrous attempt at annihilating the competition was a travesty of democracy, and called and begged you to reconsider. YES WE REMEMBER. Such a shame, you seem like such a reasonable person. Vote for Finch, go ahead, but trying to tout his virtues is pretty useless around here.

    2. NORTH45,
      You don’t have any substantial and/or valid criticism of Mary-Jane Foster. Dragging President Obama’s name into it only proves you’re ill-informed.

      Bill Finch is a liar and a crook. The SEEC is going to investigate Bill Beccaro’s political action committee, the one Finch “donated” $46,000 to. They will see it for what it is, a wash-and-fold operation for unspent campaign funds. Even if he wins the primary, an event that is becoming more and more unlikely with each passing day, he will be counting hisself lucky if he’s only forced to resign. In that likelihood Tom McCarthy would assume the mayor’s office. Tom McCarthy couldn’t find his own asshole with a roadmap and a flashlight.

    3. Foster by at least 270 votes, more like 1100 mandate! Sorry NORTH45, Finch treats his constituents in the less affluent areas like idiots and thinks the more affluent areas have their heads stuck up their asses. We have seen enough green signs. The potholes are everywhere every turn you make off of a paved road! Vote Foster.

    1. Kate Breslin doesn’t have anything to worry about. She’ll go back to whatever it is she does up in New Britain. Finch is the one with problems. He’s probably trying to figure a way to get clear of the wrath that’s about to set down on him. Mario Testa also. Remember, Mary-Jane Foster wrote to SOTS Denise Merrill imploring Merrill’s office to send observers to Bridgeport on Tuesday. The letter was copied to the Chief State’s Attorney’s office. They haven’t responded, which is okay. The State’s Attorney’s office may send their own investigators down to Bridgeport and catch Mario’s minions in the act. Good. He belongs in a prison cell. I’ll settle for seeing his power greatly diminished.


  21. Yes, the sweet smell of success is in the air and it indeed belongs to Mayor Finch on Tuesday. All your whining and negativity will bite you on the a**. Carry on, folks …

      1. I’m a woman … get over it. Not that it matters what you think, it’s protocol on this blog to insult anyone who isn’t a fan of the Foster Follies. Enjoy it while you can, it’s all over but the crying for you come this Tuesday.

        1. What I really don’t understand about you Godiva, is why you seem to think this whole mayoral race is about winning it. There are so many in Bridgeport who don’t think the Finch Administration has been effective and successful at representing the best interests of the citizens in Bridgeport, that I don’t really understand how, if Finch theoretically was re-elected, he could have a successful and productive next term. TONS of citizens don’t want him. It would be about him retaining his salary and keeping the political machine alive. How is THAT in the best interests of Bridgeport? You DON’T EVEN LIVE HERE. Why should you even care, other than the fact maybe you are on the political machine’s payroll? If Finch wins, it’s rigged and not representative of the fair application of democracy in the City. It’s not about winning, it’s about giving the people of Bridgeport the same rights many other Cities seem to enjoy. THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE OUR OWN MAYOR.

          1. Amen, Zena Lu. Godiva and Mary are confused and angry about personal issues and have taken to expressing their feelings here.

          2. Let’s face it Zena, both sides are in it to win it, and the bottom line is the people will ultimately decide. I don’t know why you are under the impression I don’t live here. I initially attempted to express viewpoints but there’s no room on this blog for anyone who dares to support Finch over Foster. The insults and slurs tossed at me and others were nothing short of vulgar and that does not bode well for anyone. You must remember many people read this blog and seeing those postings was a real turn-off for many, and they might feel what was posted was indicative of your candidate’s platform. I commend you for your civility.

    1. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol. It’s the sweet smell of Finch’s “Sh**” IN THE AIR. Remember, it doesn’t stink. And all of his sycophants will be crying. How sad the Police Union did not support a sitting mayor. The good news for Finch is most people are not yet aware. The bad news for Finch is they have no confidence in his leadership as well as the Bridgeport Education Association. That is really sad for a sitting mayor. WTF! How do you explain that to your constituents?

      1. You can lol lol lol all you want for now. But we will have the last laugh. The Police Union endorsement isn’t saying much, they may serve and protect Bridgeport, but sadly for you–and your candidate–the majority of them don’t live here.

        1. And none of the rank-and-file members of the unions that endorsed One-Term Bill are going to vote for him. I expect him to keep a happy face. Why is it necessary to send a pseudo-female into a blog to make snide remarks?

      2. Don’t waste your time, Steven. They are just logging on to stir things up. The Dolly Sisters don’t have anything to say in Finch’s defense. Can’t extoll his virtues; he has none. So they engage in personal attacks on other bloggers. The acts of a desperate campaign. This primary is going down to the wire. It will be close but Mary-Jane Foster will prevail because there are many more people who do not want another four years of a mayor who lies to them and engages in money laundering. Many more people who do not want a mayor beholden to a corrupt political machine headed by a racist pasta cook.

          1. Carolanne Curry dubbed them the Dolly Sisters. I know they’re a couple of limp-wristed pansies …

  22. 635 people voted at Black Rock between Bill Finch and Caruso. Let’s hope we get 635 voters or more back to the polls in Black Rock. I have seen some Finch signs pop up in Black Rock. I wish we can get a 200-vote win there, I don’t know how likely that is though, but we need to win there by 100 or more votes. I voted by ab this time good luck to Mary-Jane Foster on Tuesday. You have my vote. Now can we get some predictions on how much voters you guys think will turn out on Tuesday?

  23. It will be a tight race, down to a photo finish for sure. MJF will prevail. The absentee ballot operation is going to be Mario Testa’s Achilles heel. Even the mere appearance of impropriety will be more than enough to bring the scrutiny of law enforcement.

  24. *** Surprised the CT Post hasn’t gone out of business yet? Seems about 50%/50% on actual readers who either buy the Post or read it on the web from time to time. The rest can’t afford it anymore due to the economy & lack of real community coverage by the paper due to cuts. Plus many voters seem out of touch on what’s really happening in the city nor do they care! DTC is a great example of the voters being out of touch year after year. *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

    1. Mojo,
      You are correct. tc and I brought info on Pension Plan A, OPEB and debt from the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – 2010 to the CT Post offices in mid-spring. At that time we understood there was some interest in delving into the subject. The results were CT Post(ed) yesterday. Those who read the Comics, the Classified, the Sports as well as those who don’t buy the paper will be no wiser about the fiscal position of Bridgeport. And while the Post endorsement one week previously did not talk about these financial problems, the Post has allowed the failures of the Finch administration to continue to be regularly and frequently reported. At least that is open and accountable on their part.

    2. I read the Post online. It’s free and the old editions aren’t piling up in the corner of the kitchen. More than a few people read the paper for the classifieds, the comics and the sports section (maybe page two to learn if a friend or neighbor was arrested). Human-interest stories too. (Back in ’72 there was a story about 31 days of rain in the Philippines blamed on the theft of a statue of Jesus. It was the only story most people read that day.)


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