On a beautiful day, Bridgeport turnout at the midway point of voting was running ahead of the last presidential cycle four years ago when 52 percent of registered electors voted. Many voters waited in line for an hour to cast a ballot. Others report the line was so long they left to return during off-peak voting times, if they return. Not sure where you vote? See here. After polls close at 8pm, state results by community will be posted on the Connecticut Secretary of the State website here.

The city ballot order is President, U.S. Senate, U.S. Representative, State Senate, State House and Registrar of Voters.
State Senate candidates by district:
22nd State Senate, incumbent Democrat Marilyn Moore, Republican Elaine Hammers.
23rd State Senate, incumbent Democrat Ed Gomes, Republican Mike Garrett.
State House races by district:
124th, incumbent Democrat Andre Baker, Republican Jose Quiroga.
126th, incumbent Democrat Charlie Stallworth, Republican Anthony Pizighelli.
127th, incumbent Democrat Jack Hennessy, Republican Ruben Coriano.
128th, incumbent Democrat Chris Rosario, Republican Ethan Book.
129th, incumbent Democrat Steve Stafstrom, Republican Peter Perillo.
130th, incumbent Democrat Ezequiel Santiago, Republican Melissa Borres.
Hopefully Lennie is gonna give us precinct results for this election.
donj, if Lennie doesn’t then your local Trump for President Headquarters will and you can always get the results from the Bridgeport Town Clerk’s Office at City Hall. By now you should be an expert on election results by district because every election you keep asking for the same results.
🙂 Ron Mackey, I was just thinking the same thing.
Can anyone explain to me how Rosa Correa wins a position as Registrar of Voters as a petitioning candidate? If she receives more votes than Santa Ayala or Linda Grace then does she secure that post? I’m confused.
Yes, Rosa Correa will secure a spot as a registrar if she receives either more votes than Santa Ayala or Linda Grace.
Until fairly recently, Hartford had a Democratic, Republican and WFP registrar.
Thank you.
Go, Rosa!
I voted at Cesar A. Batalla School and before the polls opened at 6am there was a long line almost out the main entrance. There was a steady flow of voters coming in and that’s something I’ve never seen before at this voting site. The monitor could have done a better job with telling those in line where to go. There were handwritten signs you could barely read. Voters thought the signs were directions if their name started with a certain letter to get into that line but the sign said what letter do you live at. Voters showing up that early are on their way to work. Voted for Hillary Clinton and the entire top line.
759 voted at Black Rock school by 9:45.
Must be an important day. Joe is wearing a tie.
I drove Senator Moore around today and while in Trumbull we were told every polling place there had over 2000 voters and this was at 2pm.
Huge turnout at Black Rock School. I was voter 2,157 as of 5:39pm. Wow!!!