It’s been a long journey from a hot August summer into the cool of the October autumn, but Tuesday night, following a court-ordered new Democratic primary, City Councilman Marcus Brown cemented his hold on the predominately North End 127th State House District defeating long-term incumbent Jack Hennessy, according to unofficial returns.
Brown blew out Hennessy with the walk-in vote larger than the August numbers, with more 60 percent of the vote covering three precincts, backed by the city’s political establishment that coalesced against anti-vaxxer Hennessy, his Campaign Manager City Councilwoman Maria Pereira, as well as operatives whose race card and gay bashing backfired.
Walk-in and absentee ballot votes show Brown with a commanding 635-499 lead over Hennessy, according to unofficial returns, covering the Winthrop, Blackham and Read precincts.
As city campaigns go, this one hit modern bottom with Hennessy followers trying to persuade North End voters at doors to stick with the 72-year-old white guy against the 30-year-old new guy who happens to be black and gay, showing them pictures of Brown with his white life partner Tom Gaudett who also serves as campaign manager.
Hennessy, senior member of the city’s legislative delegation, and Pereira failed to understand the incumbent’s disconnect from the district’s changing demographics of what was white, now more brown and black.
Pereira viewed Hennessy as nothing more than a vessel to build a future power base against the city’s Democratic establishment that closed ranks against her bellicose rhetoric. On Tuesday Brown leveraged more than 40 political insiders, including a number of City Council members, to persuade, pull, encourage and drive voters to the precincts. And they did it with glee, even those outside the district.
When you break bones, poke the bear, insult, ridicule; be careful what comes back around.
Two operatives who know their way around, former State Rep. Chris Caruso, a two-time mayoral contender and Bill Garrett who introduced Hennessy to city politics 20 years ago loathed the changing direction of the incumbent. They showed up together at Blackham School precinct to vote.
When votes were counted in the August primary, Brown had a five-vote lead, triggering an automatic recount. Brown swept the machine vote but the absentee ballot charge organized by Pereira kept it close.
In a strange turn of events during the recount, nine ballots were misplaced, handing Hennessy a one-vote advantage.
Brown ran into court. Superior Court Judge Barry Stevens ordered a hand recount of all the ballots. Brown received a two-vote lead.
Hennessy filed a counter claim, alleging four absentee ballot applications were signed by relatives of the electors.
Stevens ordered a new primary, declaring it was impossible for him to certify a winner.
He gave both camps less than two weeks to organize a new vote, a strange decision considering all that entails a vote pull.

The Brown camp engineered a formidable turnout in the do-over primary.
Hennessy will occupy a November ballot spot on the Connecticut Working Families Party line, but Brown is the overwhelming favorite, as the Democratic standard bearer, to represent the district.
How “Convincingly”, Lennie?
Let’s see what Hennessy’s campaign manager has to say:
Well, Speedy, Brown won the walk-in vote with more than 60 percent.
So Brown wins Hennessy’s seat ad State Rep. Yet everyone is calling Maria the loser. I always knew elections were more about the candidate manager than the candidate. I am just surprised there wasn’t more congratulatory praise for Tom Gaudett. Tom congratulation on your win. 🙂
Port’s Brand of Crisis
P.S belated congratulatory to Joe’s campaign manager Danny on his historic victory
Good Job.
As always, let me depart with the Prophet Eminem. Nice JOB people. SMH
More of (Lennie the shill) esoteric Horse-Shit!
I’ll hold my congratulations on the wedding and the race until November 8th, it took the entire DTC to pull Mucus Brown over the line, lets see what happens on Nov. 8th?
Jack and Maria, had 82% of the Ab votes…… great job!
Maria this tells me, the DTC is Scared- Shitless of you!
Sonny, he had nothing close to 82 percent of ABS. Hennessy lost by double digits overall. Brown won the machine count by more than 60 percent of the vote. Pereira wanted this fight and she got her butt kicked. Awful messaging, no ground game, pissed off supporters who fled to Brown. You call that great job?
Every city employee and member of the DTC was told to work on the Mucus Brown campaign and that lives in the 127th was told to vote for Brown, pissed off supporters like Bill Garrett and State Rep. Chris Caruso fled to Brown, Ones who forsakes their own party or their principles; two renegades; Mario and DTC has been kicking Caruso’s Ass for years, that’s how he lost 90 lbs, they always agree with the last flucking person they talk to. It was good that Jack and Maria kick them out as will, the flucking turn coats!
Maria did a great job, she should run for Mayor and stop the corruption!!
Sonny, bring it on. I’d love for Maria to run for mayor. Let’s see…I’ll give her one precinct: Hooker, her home school.
Final thoughts. To Jim’s point, It would be a sight to see Maria run for mayor.🤣
That being said since this election has become more about Maria than Hennesscy the candidate. Traditionally, you would say it’s over and the D wins, but Jack is a known long-time D representative and there is a sense of conservative/independence in that part of North End. So I wouldn’t assume Browns ducks are all in a row to Hartford.
It’s baffling to read that a race/LGBT negative card was injected into this race, but if there’s a long-term play aimed at the general for votes outside of the traditional D voting block, coupled with Maria’s AB Game. I would still be apprehensive. Maria is not like most Port candidates/players that generally rely on the D machine/endowment to political office, as the inside game. There’s more of a fight/challenge with her.
While I still place Brown as the favorite. I wouldn’t sleep in Maria’s. She seems to put in work to get out the vote/AB JS
My conspiracy theory could stand in November’s election. It could come down to ABs. There is a caveat in November. This is a gubernatorial year so expect more traffic flow from conservatives/R
To Tom’s credit, he seems to put in the work too. So it will be interesting to see how this ends up. Tom vs Maria JS
There seemed to be a lot of Port political support going against Maria, I mean Hennessy. 🤣 Minus a few not-so-jubilant people in the room, Mario seemed to be less than jubilant. Just an observation, could be wrong.
At any rate, I guess there’s some movement on the bridge.
Peace out, see you in November, I guess.🤣
My bad,
P.S what do you mean God don’t like ugly. Did Jesus heal a leper. 🙂