Himes On Obsitnik: Contender Or Pretender?

Democratic Congressman Jim Himes in an eblast fundraising pitch says Republicans have “a big, red circle around Connecticut’s Fourth District” in the name of his GOP opponent Steve Obsitnik. Himes is dialing for dollars to try to make sure the GOP contender is a pretender. Check it out:

I work with Republican members of Congress from all over the country. I seek common ground and reach out across the aisle to get things done for our district and our nation.

Yet, I suffer no illusions. To them, the election is like a high-stakes game of poker. In 2012, Washington Republicans aren’t going to simply sit back and let the chips fall where they may. They want to hold onto power, and they’re willing to go all in. That’s why they have a big, red circle around Connecticut’s Fourth District.

Last week, they they tried to raise the stakes here in Connecticut. My opponent was named a “Contender” by the National Republican Congressional Committee. They’re propping him up. Help me call their bluff by chipping in $50 today. Your contribution is essential if I am going to be able to show the GOP strategists that their new “Contender” is more like a pretender.

My opponent is doing nothing but raising money, and he’s trying to make the case that he can contend in November. It’s up to us to make sure that when November comes, he’s looking in the mirror, lamenting “I coulda been a contender … I coulda been somebody …”

Some of this will depend on the November turnout in the state’s largest city. Himes benefited from the Barack tsunami in 2008. We’re in a presidential cycle again. Is Bridgeport as pumped for Barack? And how many goodies will Himes announce for Bridgeport this summer? For more on Obsitnik, visit www.obsitnik.com.



  1. Will Jimmy Himes and Stevie O be at the OIB party tonight?
    We can settle this in the parking lot at the Black Rock Yacht Club? Or is it the parking lot at the Black Rock Yacht and Skateboarding Club? Or do they even have a parking lot?
    Oh well. Maybe Sully and Auden can have that kiss and make-up moment tonight.


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