Ganim: Keep The Momentum Going, Gomes Would Crater Bridgeport’s Progress

Two weeks from the Feb. 27 special general election, Mayor Joe Ganim writes in a commentary a John Gomes mayoralty would knock out city progress.

Last year, Bridgeport experienced more legislative victories in Hartford than it has in a long time. These victories included millions more in state aid, the largest increase in school funding in decades, $15 million in bonding for the Arena, a significant commitment of bonding money for flood-control projects, funding for a new Winthrop Elementary School, and much more. These successes were the result of Bridgeport voters sending the strongest state delegation to Hartford that we have seen in a long time, and the fact that the delegation fostered an extremely collaborative relationship with my administration to aggressively pursue the city’s legislative priorities. Together, we demonstrated an unprecedented level of unity and strength that earned the respect of our state’s leaders, and the people of Bridgeport saw great results.

So, would this positive momentum continue if John Gomes were elected Mayor? Let’s take a look at the facts.

Last week, John Gomes came up to the State Capitol for the opening day of the legislative session. On his social media pages, Gomes claimed that he was in Hartford to advocate for legislative reforms regarding elections. Yet, in his entire time at the Capitol, he didn’t engage a single member of the delegation on this issue or any other. Perhaps John Gomes’ avoidance of the Bridgeport delegation reflects his lack of tangible relationships with state officials and the fact that none of them support his campaign for Mayor.

More importantly, it is no secret that the almost nonexistent relationship between John Gomes and Governor Lamont has now been irreparably strained after Gomes’s campaign has blasted and criticized the Governor over and over again in press releases, news conferences, print publications, and social media. Then, in an act contradicting all of those criticisms, Gomes while at the Capitol wasted no time running up to ambush the Governor in the hallway for a surprise picture in front of the television cameras–a picture which Gomes later publicized on Facebook and in emails to supporters.

This flip-flop leaves us all wondering how Gomes really feels about the Governor and what the picture was meant to accomplish. Nevertheless, even a disingenuous attempt to cozy up at this point is too little, too late. And I should note that immediately following the picture, Gomes didn’t even have the courtesy to come into the House chamber to hear the Governor’s address.

Ultimately, while Gomes’s attacks on Governor Lamont might be politically convenient in the context of this campaign, it is short-sighted and ignores the realities of effective governing. While I have a great working relationship with the Governor that has yielded great results for you and the needs of our city, we can be assured that a Gomes administration will not fare as well.

And to make matters worse, in a move that has us all scratching our heads, John Gomes supported Republican candidate Jayme Stevenson over Democrat incumbent Jim Himes for U.S. Congress in the 2022 federal election just as he was launching his campaign for Mayor. It’s unclear whether this was an “I’ll help you if you help me” arrangement, or if Gomes genuinely prefers the Republican agenda in Congress.

Needless to say, this is a mortal sin for a supposed “Democrat” who wants to be Mayor of Connecticut’s largest city that won’t be easy to forgive and forget.

These are just a few examples of the bridges Gomes has burned recently. I could dedicate an entire op-ed on his lack of relationships with most members of the City Council, or the damage that was done when one of his chief surrogates Maria Pereira called Chief Porter a “Pig” and the honorable men and women of our police department “piglets.”

So, what will happen to Bridgeport under a Mayor John Gomes? Let’s be honest. A Gomes administration would set Bridgeport back big time after years of progress and would really weaken the city’s ability to get the state and federal investments that we need to get Bridgeport to the next level of development and economic prosperity. Under John Gomes, city hall would be on the outs with everyone.

Campaigns, by their nature, sometimes cause candidates to make some waves. Unfortunately, Gomes has chosen to make waves with the very people who have partnered with our administration to move Bridgeport forward. I am proud of the work that we have done to bring home resources to Bridgeport and build relationships with local, state, and federal leaders who truly care about Bridgeport residents and the future of our great city. Elections have consequences. Let’s keep the momentum going, because too much is at stake.



  1. The Ganim narrative is so full of nonsense he wishes it was true!
    John Gomes will open the books and see who’s benefiting from Joe Ganims 8 year tax surplus, while claiming to hold the line on taxes!

  2. So; the Mayor says —

    “…Ultimately, while Gomes’s attacks on Governor Lamont might be politically convenient in the context of this campaign, it is short-sighted and ignores the realities of effective governing. While I have a great working relationship with the Governor that has yielded great results for you and the needs of our city, we can be assured that a Gomes administration will not fare as well.

    ” And to make matters worse, in a move that has us all scratching our heads, John Gomes supported Republican candidate Jayme Stevenson over Democrat incumbent Jim Himes for U.S. Congress in the 2022 federal election just as he was launching his campaign for Mayor. It’s unclear whether this was an “I’ll help you if you help me” arrangement, or if Gomes genuinely prefers the Republican agenda in Congress.

    “Needless to say, this is a mortal sin for a supposed “Democrat” who wants to be Mayor of Connecticut’s largest city that won’t be easy to forgive and forget…”

    OK. So John Gomes doesn’t kiss the Governor’s ass… But YOU do and, in return, YOU get political cover for your administration’s criminal acts (election fraud +), a caste of bumbling municipal-official characters (including unrepentant accused and convicted felons), as well as more empty promises from The Man, Himself, that can be used as faux, election-time announcements of more BS projects that will never come to fruition, even as we turn blue holding our collective breath (those of us that haven’t vacated this poor, exploited city), still waiting, AFTER 20 YEARS, for the huge, tax-base increase/TAX RATE/TAX BURDEN DECREASE + living wage jobs (that you have repeatedly promised) to come to Bridgeport… And what does the Governor get out of this relationship? Miraculously discovered bags of Bridgeport ballots on an election night not going his way?! Bragging rights for rescuing a dying city, per pictures of two big-time, elitist bullshitters against a facade of tax-less, job-less development in a truly dying city?!

    SO, JOHN GOMES NOT PLAYING THE POLITICAL BS, PISS-ON-BRIDGEPORT-AND-CALL-IT-A-GOLDEN-SHOWER game actually makes him the HONEST BROKER in this most Byzantine of Bridgeport Byzantine political election cycles… His failure to kiss the Governor’s ass can only help us in the long run — it will force honesty and affirmative action for Bridgeport in Hartford — not more bullshit photo-ops and maybe some token workforce housing for Stamford…

    And, as far as John Gomes “dissing” Jim A-BRIDGE-TOO-FAR Himes and supporting a rival from another party; why shouldn’t he?! That’s a mayor’s job when our Congressman is shuffling the deck on our city and sending Bridgeport money to Stamford!… Jim and Company send billion$ to Stamford and can’t seem to get the money to fix one essential bridge in Bridgeport — even as they have our inland shipping channel declared unusable by the ACE in order to save the money it would take to give us back a new draw bridge like the one that Bridgeporters used to enjoy watching as it allowed commercial shipping up the Pequonnock to bustling factories and warehouses — when we were a prosperous and respected city…

    No; Jim Himes, and you, and Governor Ned, et al., have the “mortal sin” for being part of the racket that diverts Bridgeport money even as it promotes the stealing of Bridgeport votes (election rigging) to benefit the Gold Coast/suburban political-economic domination of Connecticut at the expense of its long-suffering cities…

    The City of Bridgeport needs fresh political blood that hasn’t been tainted/co-mingled with that of the political vampires of the racist-elitist-dominated State Democratic Committee (of the Gold Coast/suburbs) hierarchy that feasts off of the political and economic blood of the people of Bridgeport and other impoverished urban centers. To the extent that John Gomes isn’t completely owned by the elitist wing of the Connecticut Democratic Party, he is the better choice for Bridgeport mayor on 2/27/24…

    Go, Mr. Gomes! Never bow and scrape to the lying elitists in Connecticut government/US Congress who use our mayor’s blessing to keep us powerless and “barefoot and pregnant” used only for the purpose of serving the zoning prerogatives and lifestyle of the Connecticut Oligarchy and their municipalities…

    Joe. Feel free to use your Easton address — where you actually live… Retire from politics. Open up a home real estate office in Easton specializing in marketing bargain Bridgeport properties… You’ll make Million$! (You already have!)

  3. Jeff you ignore all the progress that the Ganim administration has made and villainize Joe Ganim while you sugar coat all the misdeeds of John Gomes.
    I hereby decree you are no longer Jeff Kohut. You are now by your own deeds known to all as Jeff Ko-Nut.

  4. Joe McLaine,
    When you reference “all the progress that the Ganim administration has made” will you list such for those of us who attempt to stary informed about actual acheivements rather than photo op moments that create expectations?
    Speaking of “villainization” , which is brought to sand-box playground levels daily on OIB, rather than calling out duties, responsibilities, and performance per the Charter, Ordinances, and laws of the land by any one aspiring to gain or retain leadership municipally, isn’t your reference to an informed long-term writer a cheap attempt at irrelevance and dismissal?

    McLaine argues facts for Ganim 2, likely in vain,
    As oft pictured Mayor creates expectations, not gain.
    No proud record to share, only status quo to explain.
    Hopes remain, while rain flows down the drains!!!
    (That could be under a Congress Street Bridge?)

    Ganim2 does not enjoy questions from the public, which could be an opportunity for him to inform and educate a public thirsty for participation, facts, and authentic representation. Why is that? Time will tell.

  5. JML In Websters dictionary your picture should be the explanation for pompous ass. You try to project yourself as a noble and knowledgeable person yet you always expect people to explain themselves to you. I’m not your child, I’m not your lover, so don’t expect an explanation for anything from me. You don’t like Ganim. If you believe that his administration has not made any accomplishments then you truly do have your pompous head up your pompous ass. You act as if you are a champion of equal treatment, but seem to be ignoring many negative
    things about Gomes. So remember I don’t owe you any explanations, pull your head out of your ass long enough to let that sink in and just don’t ask.

  6. Furthermore you pompous ass I am not arguing,I stated fact. As a true know it all you should know a statement of fact is not an argument. Now you can put your head back where the sun doesn’t shine and admire your ridiculous red boots.


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