Snow Emergency Declared

News release from Mayor’s Office:

In anticipation of the pending snowfall that is due to impact the Bridgeport community, Mayor Joe Ganim is declaring a snow emergency for the city to take effect at 8:00 PM today, February 12thDuring a snow emergency, residents must move their cars off posted snow emergency streets and heed alternate side of street parking on all other streets.  Snow emergency streets are marked with white signs with red lettering. A listing of snow streets can be found on the City’s website at

The City of Bridgeport anticipates snow will begin Tuesday morning ending Tuesday afternoon.  The storm is predicted to bring 6” to 12” of snow conditions that could occur.

For more information, visit

Emergency Operation Plan is in effect with enforcement of No Parking on Snow Emergency streets to ensure that plows and public safety crews can clear the streets. On all other non-emergency streets, residents must heed alternate side of the street parking: February 13th is an ODD number day; therefore, residents should park on the side of the street with addresses that are ODD numbers.  After the snow emergency operation plan goes into effect at 8:00 PM on February 12, 2024, vehicles that are not following parking restrictions will be subject to fines and towing.  The easiest way to tell the ODD- or EVEN- numbered side of a street is to check the street address of buildings. If the address ends in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) then that building is on the ODD side of the street. If the address ends in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) then that building is on the EVEN side of the street.

Snow Emergency Parking Lots – In the event that parking is not available for residents on non-emergency streets, Snow Emergency Parking Lots will be open to the public for parking which include all school parking lots in their district and the Health Department parking lot at 752 East Main Street.

Parking in the school and City parking lots listed will be permitted and must be removed by Tuesday afternoon:

  • Geraldine Johnson School
  • Cesar A. Batalla School
  • Jettie S. Tisdale School
  • Hall School
  • Central High School

Vehicles Towed for Public Safety Enforcement – Owners of vehicles that do not comply with the parking ban on emergency streets or alternate side of street parking will have their vehicle towed and incur a minimum $130 towing fee.

Sidewalks/ Driveways – Commercial and/or residential owners who push snow into the streets or do not clear snow on the sidewalks in front of their buildings are subject to a $100.00 fine per ordinance for each incident.

Adopt a Hydrant – residents are encouraged to clear snow and make a path to a fire hydrant in their neighborhood to assist the Bridgeport Fire Department in case of fire or another emergency.


Plowing – Bridgeport Streets within the City are prioritized to clear major travel routes first. This allows public safety vehicles access to most parts of the City. The initial plowing activities also provide most residents with a clearing within two to three blocks of their homes and most destinations in the City. Other factors include locations of schools, hospitals, major commercial centers, and other facilities with large public interest. For snow plowing issues, call 203-579-3800.

Any plowing issues or concerns can be reported using the mobile application Bridgeport 311.

Operation Care – To help protect the homeless population from unsafe temperatures, please call 2-1-1. The homeless Outreach Team has begun contacting the homeless population to connect them to shelters such as Prospect House, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, and Alpha Community.  For any homeless issues, you can show up at 650 Park Avenue for assistance.

Public Facilities – February 13th

Transfer Station – Closed

Parks – Closed

Golf Course – Closed

Sanitation & Recycling- will resume on Wednesday.


Snow Related Emergencies

During the storm, residents may call the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center hotline at 203-579-3800 with any snow-related emergencies or email pictures to:

If residents suffer a loss of electricity, please call the United Illuminating customer hotline on 800-722-5584. Both numbers are for 24-hour emergency service.


Immediate danger to life and health issues call 9-1-1.

For the latest updates and information about the snowstorm, residents are asked to check, local media and follow the City of Bridgeport on Twitter and Facebook.



  1. Lennie, by today, I want you, Joe Ganim, Gregg Dancho with Bart and his whole family to meet me on Lenox Avenue. You all better bring snow shovels and get ready to shovel the the West Side you bunch of foolzls:

    Joel Gonzalez says:
    February 2, 2024 at 1:22 pm
    Lennie, when is thi bullshit superstitious stuff gonna end? Wasn’t this Prairie Dog elected mayor of Beardsley Zoo? If he or she was elected mayor, it’s a fucking lie.
    I’ll be impressed when Dancho asks the Prairie Dog: What exactly is going to be the average TEMPERATURE from now to May 3, 2024? We’ll get hit with storms very soon. JML, don’t put away your Red Boots just yet.


  2. Take a step back in time, for a moment, “Was the use of the “f—“word sanctioned in the past? If so, how has it become normal today?” Lennie, when did this transition become normal?

    Joel, A snow day is likely appropriate to raise the subject of the historic Red Boots, which I still have in my office and have even brought to a meeting this past year. Size 10 red rubber boots to keep your feet dry when you are stepping in something you wish avoided? At the time we were questioning financial facts that were harder to discover than today perhaps, but currently unaddressed to the public and still not met in Mayoral speaking or alternatively, a Mayoral conversation with questions from the public and answers from the Municipal leader.

    The boots were lettered by black marker, O.B. for Operating Budget and B.S. for Balance Sheet. It was the B.S. that created public notice and laughter. Still appropriate because financial balance sheets continue to have three sections that record Assets, Liabilities, and a Balance, if positive, called Net Worth or Surplus but when Liabilities exceed the Value of Liabilities overseers are ready to use the term Bankrupt.

    Why do I raise the subject today? Would you believe me if I tell you that nobody on the City Council has a record of what our City Assets, are individually worth, when separated from Federal Assets (like certain HUD housing), State Assets (like Court Houses) and private or commercial residential for profit or non-profit properties including Vacant land. They likely can point to the debt or interest as part of the Budget preparation, but not the values and distribution of land and buildings that receive public services from all departments in the City and which taxpayers support. Why not know the identity of those who benefit but may not be paying a share for the benefits? The Part Time Acting (4 years) Tax Assessor expected to be able to deal with this question after February 5, but I have seen no response yet.

    Ganim with OIB help continues to frame a glowing picture of development in Bridgeport in the past 8 years. But nowhere is there a CARMAX report to tell you how much less than face value is the celebratory OIB narrative above when the dings and dents, missing fender, leaky transmission, failed power steering along with bald tires are accounted for fully. Why not refernce the Charter, look at the actual value picture, run the totals, and post it for readers? Time will tell.


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