Former Mayor Joe Ganim and certainly his campaign strategist loved a piece of audio former Republican House Leader Larry Cafero spewed at the Democratic-controlled legislature a few years ago, they fleeced it as a voice-over for a video attack on Mayor Bill Finch. Nothing like being original, eh? Was this the work of Ganim strategist Bryan Walensky? A campaign that will spend $300,000 is too cheap to hire a professional voice-over?
The 3:04 mark of this video features Cafero’s pronouncement that found its way as the voice-over for Ganim’s video hit on Finch.
CT Post reporter Ken Dixon has more.
But Larry Cafero, the former longtime House minority leader who’s back in private law practice in Norwalk, was thoroughly surprised when Ganim’s first attack video against Finch included audio from Cafero’s loud, emotional criticism of Democrats made on the House floor back in 2012.
“The irony is I used those words against the Democratic majority and this guy is using it in 2015 to run against another Democrat,” Cafero said Wednesday morning. Here is the original Republican ad targeting Democrats from 2012, for you audiophiles.

Ganim isn’t the only one guilty of political plagiarism. Bill Finch used Ganim’s ploy of spending city funds to enhance his own political fortunes. It didn’t work. We all know Bill Finch is a dumb ass. His cabinet members make all the decisions that make Bridgeport work for “everyone.”
“Nothing like being original, eh?” Lennie, when are you going to start “being original?”
Here you are eight years after taking OIB to the next level after the Fairfield Weekly and you are putting up stories from the Connecticut Post. Are you ever going to get off your ass and do other things than searching for OIB advertising like doing your own reporting? Try doing what the creator of Doing it Local does and do politically related investigative stories. Did you read Cafero’s comment? Sounds like he doesn’t see this as having his material stolen or swiped. He sees the irony. I kind of see you are for the first time trying to score points with Republicans and grab some advertising from them. THIS ONE ORIGINAL POST, EH?
Cracking the Ganim code
Old style: identity theft; new style: premeditated voice theft. Conclusion: strategies involving robbery sometimes result in political defeat.
Rumor Mill: what do all these people have in common? Answer: they’re all Ganim Defectors. They didn’t take an oath or make a promise, they just changed their minds.
www <– these people who have nothing to do with this campaign.
But you’re different. Make the switch and become a Ganim Defector.
All I want to know is did Joe Ganim help a white supremacist? If so, he sure as hell does not have my vote. I got the mailer yesterday, wow!
Finch launched a huge whisper campaign regarding MJF’s connections to the KKK last time. It says more about Finch’s fixation with the KKK than anything else.
It’s an insulting and blatant attempt to manipulate the minority vote.
donj, do you feel the same way about Auden Grogins?
Joel Gonzalez // Sep 2, 2015 at 4:32 am
Remember when one night in the town of Cheshire CT, two white males invaded the home of a family of four (three females and one male). The mother and two daughters were killed and the house was set on fire. The husband managed to escape and survived.
One of the killers was provided with a public defender. The lawyer provided by the state was a woman, State Representative 129th named Auden Grogins. She could and should have refused to represent that scumbag killer. She surely knew taking a high-profile case would give her name recognition. Today she is a judge. Where was Bill Finch and his opinion on this? No problem with Grogins representing such a scumbag.
The KKK used to burn crosses (Steve loves that visual), burn churches down, and burn people and/or their homes. That era of terror is over. It’s the KKF (the Ku Klux Finch) we need to pay attention to. They don’t burn homes. They’ve helped to create underwater properties and an economic condition that causes homeowners to suffer financially and many more will lose their homes. The weapon used is the ballpoint pen. Beware the KKF.
Ron, that was genius!
Do you feel the same way about Joe Ganim? He stole $800K from the people of BPT, took Steel Point off the tax rolls using a pen and eminent domain. Gave the BPT mall to HCC taking that property off the tax rolls. He lowered the grand list by millions transferring the tax burden to homeowners and future mayors.
donj, stop talking stupid. Do your research! I can’t believe I’m actually responding to your post!
donj, the painfully short answer is yes, he was a paralegal working for the firm defending the white (trash) supremacist. The long answer is, everyone is entitled to a fair trial and equal protection under the law. And yes, Grogins also defended a lot of guilty criminals. As much as we may not like seeing unethical, morally reprehensible people benefit with good legal council in America, this is one of those cases where one must sit back and really think about the freedoms and rights we all to some degree benefit from. Not an easy task when people running for office come from a profession where the ability to earn a living might not sit well with their personal belief system, but they are bound to uphold one of the principles this country was founded on, equal protection under the law. I hope this helps you understand a bit about the why. Running for office in Bridgeport is not for sissies, that’s for sure!
PS, I could never vote for Joe, and not just because I am a registered Republican. I do not need to judge him, a court of law already has, and most recently his professional peers have.
On a plane flight to a California horse farm, Jennifer Buchanan engages in a conversation with a male passenger sitting next to her. It turns out they are both traveling to the same area in California and are taking the same connecting flights. They have so much in common and share the same interest and are both single. Jennifer and the man both feel like they’ve been swept off their feet. They exchange phone numbers and agree to talk about setting a date and maybe go horseback riding, a passion they share. Six months after meeting and having a beautiful and wonderful time so far, the man proposes to get engaged and marry her in the very near future. Jennifer wants to think about it and makes it clear honesty is one of the most important qualities she expects of a man, especially one she is going to live with. As more time passed, the man was very honest about his past. His ex-wife was a truly good woman. She divorced him after finding out he had been sleeping with other women. Jennifer had already crossed that line with the man and it was the best ever. Jennifer is in love with this man, but a divorce court judge has already ruled he committed adultery, his professional peers in corporate America have judged him too.
Jennifer Buchanan decided to reject the man’s proposal and break all contact with him. Until this very day, Jennifer takes five baths a day and spends at least an hour scrubbing herself down. Broken-hearted, the man went on a drinking binge and one day his body was discovered in the parking lot of the horse farm they went to on their first date. A note was found in the car and it read: Forgive me my love Jennifer Buchanan. To the authorities, please secure the items I left on my office desk at home. The man left a copy of his will leaving all his belongings to Jennifer only. On top of the will he left the wedding rings he purchase in anticipation of his future marriage and the beginning of “a fresh start.” The will also included a beautiful horse ranch the man would point to during some of the rides he had with the love of his life.
Ah Joel, you have written my happy ending. Gotta go take another cleansing shower or two after reading this. To your point, I am sure you left out the man was having a fling or two on the side while professing true love for me.
Why is it then we have so many sissies getting elected? So many to the point the mayor can grab one of the sissies on the neck and the sissy plays it down.
DTC endorsement, vote Democrat or die, one-party rule, easy to manipulate and control comes to mind.
donj, it is not about whether or not Joe Ganim wears a sheet or supports a sheet or wipes his ass with the sheet. It is about the future of this city. It is about our changing image. It is about economic development as our only ticket to reduce taxes. It is about Pleasure Beach, new schools and parks, it is about restored pride. It is simply about Bill Finch. Even if you did not care for the man, you have to give him credit. A new train station will open a whole new world to a community and infuse it with life. This is the future. Finch has the support in Hartford and Washington. Ganim has no support and cannot promise anything. Problem solved!
Bill and Dannel are peas in a political pod. I’m sure Larry Cafero would have been glad to narrate the Ganim piece de novo. But why pay for what’s already in the public sector and not copyrighted? People use the “read my lips” admonishment (“no new taxes”) of Bush #1 all the time. I actually think Larry was probably really flattered by the clever use of his words in picking off another bird of a similar feather. (There was no idea stolen. No false attributions, of any sort, made. Unlike the vile KKK piece vomited out by the idiotic PR people of the Finch Team.)
Nice little clip. Sums things up nicely.
The “read my lips” admonishment (“no new taxes”) of Bush are public domain as the president is a public employee. MLK got paid every time his image showed up on a T-shirt while Obama did not. I am glad you and Joe think Larry Cafero would be glad to work for free. Is this an example of the ‘living wage’ jobs you are always harping about? Or is ‘living wage’ only pertinent if you are not the one paying it?
Funny thing. All the images in the clip are messes Finch inherited from the Ganim years. The fabric store was there when Ganim was mayor. It does sum things up nicely. In CT’s largest city all Ganim could find was three images of urban decay. That is not that bad. I can find more than that in Greenwich. A tiny tiny town with a grand list that dwarfs BPT’s.
Back in 2012 I had already switched back to Democrat. I’ve always admired Cafero and was always impressed with his speeches. Truthful and powerful ones to say the least. It is no secret Lennie is a true bleeding-heart liberal and as such never or very rarely posted comments and speeches like the ones made by Cafero unless they were made by Democrats no matter how stupid and full of bullshit they were.
If stealing Larry Cafero’s words is the best Joe Ganim can do, he really is in trouble.