Foster To City Council: Regulate Strip Joints

Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster issued a letter to the City Council advocating regulation of adult entertainment businesses. From Foster:

Foster Urges City Council to Regulate Adult Entertainment Businesses 

Bridgeport businesswoman and social action advocate Mary-Jane Foster, who is running for mayor, released the following letter today:

Members of the Bridgeport City Council

I am writing in strong support of the proposed ordinance that seeks to both limit and regulate sexually oriented businesses in Bridgeport as authored by Councilmen Walsh and Baker.

As someone who has spent nearly two decades volunteering as a victims advocate to prevent and reduce violence against women with the Center for Women and Families, I have witnessed first hand the devastating and often overlooked negative impact that these businesses have on the communities in which they exist. Left unregulated, these businesses:

· Are associated with an increase in sex-related crimes against both women and men;

· Create disruption by causing excessive noise, parking problems, and the potential for the performance of sex acts in public places;

· Contribute to the deterioration of surrounding property values and the increase of blight;

· Decrease the quality of life for residents living nearby, especially children, as well as the surrounding businesses, schools, religious institutions, public parks, and libraries; and

· Present a health hazard to both the workers and clientele who patronize these establishments as well as to the general public through sexually oriented materials that are discarded on streets, in parking lots, and on residential property.

I urge the Council to enact the ordinance proposed by Councilmen Walsh and Baker, designed to regulate sexually oriented businesses in Bridgeport and in so doing, preserve and protect the health, safety, well-being, and quality of life in our most vulnerable neighborhoods.



  1. This is why Bridgeport could use some Foster Care. One of the members of an LLC petioning zoning on 6/14 is a known pedophile.

    Joel? No Sunny! No Bunnies!!!

  2. MJF:
    There is so much more to get excited about rather than strip clubs! If the budget is not addressed that may be the only revenue the city can count on.

  3. charlie,
    I respect what Council members Walsh and Baker have proposed. And I endorse Mary-Jane Foster’s support.
    Several weeks ago I wrote on the subject of what sexually oriented businesses: (SOBs) created for the City economically. Granted this is indoor entertainment so the buildings housing such businesses are already on the Grand List. Personal property taxed for business use does not add significantly to the Grand list. So where is the revenue you mention?

    Second, how will new businesses look at the significant number of such businesses located here relative to neighboring communities? What is the reason SOBs don’t look to the suburbs to locate? What are other local governments missing about the attractiveness of such business? So will we lose any economic development activity if we don’t have more SOBs?

    Third, we need to consider the other side of the budget issue. What is the cost or expense of SOBs in a City relative to other types of service businesses that might be encouraged? My mind turns to the observation more criminal activities occur in such areas. So will we need to increase public-safety budgets? That is not helpful.

    You like strip clubs, I guess. Good for you … a supporter of real performance art … however since you have brought the financial viewpoint into it I think you need to tell us how our budget today and into the future is assisted by ignoring the ordinance language offered.

    1. B2:
      I am not a devotee of strip clubs, however I am a huge supporter of the individual’s right to choose rather than have a government hack dictate their behavior. This is especially true when the hacks have the moral authority of drug dealers. The politicians present and future should concentrate on fixing the economic Titanic that is Bridgeport. This silliness is a diversion that can not be tolerated when we are in such an economic strait.

  4. charlie,
    How do you suggest we get the Bridgeport Titanic officers to attend to business all of a sudden when they think they are doing fine? In 2009 they got assistance from the State to smooth things over because things were so dire in Bridgeport, yet wasteful budgeting and spending continue (but no tax increase). And major obligations get shoved aside easily or hidden. So where is the “magic” that will focus all attention? You know I have been writing about it. Train wreck or shipwreck? We may need to get there, once again, to create the attitude, reform the structures and interestingly be supervised by a State government that appears to be letting this administration off the hook once again. When we hit, there should be no political lifeboat or personal flotation device for those who participated in the charade being played out now. It will drown the City again. What say you? If you asked most voters in the City, will they be happy with living an illusion all is OK because taxes have not risen? Or do they want to choose to know the real story? I am interested in your answer, as it may indicate what the candidates are facing …

    1. B2:
      A vast majority of people in the Park City do not pay taxes, so they have no stake in the game. Property taxes be it real estate or car taxes are avoided by not registering the car or since rental arrangements. These are the people who vote by party rather than people. It is very unfortunate but the only way to change this attitude is to bring pain. When some city entitlements are withheld or limited, then and only then will the people change their attitude. The other and more drastic way will be when business leaves the area with people jobless and no government assistance.

  5. BEACON2,
    “We’re just the dance band on the Titanic, I swear by God to thee the Iceberg’s off the forward bow won’t you dance with me.” This is just one more tempest in a teacup. This city has all the degradation it can handle in City Hall & annex. I really hate to quote a Reagan much less Nancy but here it rings true. “Just say no.”


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