Finch, Boston Mayor Address Illegal Guns

Following a recent gun buyback program, Mayor Bill Finch and Police Chief Joe Gaudett on Thursday were joined by Boston Mayor Martin Walsh and Police Commissioner William Evans to discuss efforts to curtail gun violence in their respective cities.

Violent crime has been on the rise in many cities across the country. In the closing days of the September 16 Democratic primary, Finch has become a visible presence on issues such as public safety and economic development.

“Community policing works in both Bridgeport and in Boston,” said Finch. “We need to continue community policing. We need to keep working on it through outreach from the police and the clergy to the youth that may be prone to violence like what we’re doing with Project Longevity and Streets Safe.”

Finch and Walsh are both members of Everytown for Gun Safety, an organization to end gun violence and build safer communities.

“It’s important for collaboration and to share best practices,” said Walsh. “When we’re talking in the room about the Bridgeport gun buyback program that has taken significant guns off the streets. We have a program in Boston as well and we’re looking to re-energize our own program.”

“There are too many guns out there,” said Police Commissioner William Evans. “We continue every day to take guns off the street through gun buyback programs. But we all agree that we have to be on the same page so guns aren’t flowing freely into our cities.”

Finch’s gun buyback program was launched in 2012 that he says has resulted in more than 1,000 guns off of the streets. The most recent program resulted in 127 weapons being turned in.



  1. Things are that bad, Finch has to bring in the mayor from Boston. Mayor Walsh had better find a way to get rid of the snow up there than to come here to help this loser.

  2. Walsh is no great shakes as a chief executive. This is just one more lame attempt to shore up the rapidly declining political fortunes of, of, of … Gee, what walks with a limp and quacks? I know, A LAME DUCK!!!

  3. Will GANIM AND FOSTER THROW THEIR SUPPORT BEHIND RICK TORRES? WILL IT HELP? Last night showed the contrast between Finch and his two main opponents. Mayor Finch as well as Torres, Daniels, Barr and Taylor had shown support for the community supporting the debate.

    Foster and Ganim had better things to do!

    1. Steve, you were talking about the debate last night, well, “FaithActs is proud to host this important forum, where each candidate will be able to explain how he or she would improve education for Bridgeport’s 23,000 children,”said Bishop Derek Calhoun, Senior Pastor of New Vision International Ministries and FaithActs’ board chair, in a statement. Steve, was the debate about education and what great points were discuss about education?

  4. … And Ganim is a convicted felon.

    They posted a video of a meeting discussing the fact there are too many guns on the street.

    If Captain Obvious and Captain Hindsight had a love child, it would be Bill Finch.

  5. This is just a lame attempt to confuse the voters and make it look like I am supporting Tax Bill Finch.
    Make no mistake about it. This Walsh has no use for his Tax Bill!

  6. Bill Finch is a liar. He lied at the forum last night and avoided directly answering the questions posed by the moderators. Foster and Ganim had “other commitments” but that’s just so much bullshit. Ms. Foster should have been there to make her case to the people of the city of Bridgeport. Television and radio appearances only go so far.

    Bill Finch left through a side door immediately after the event. Guess he had to run home to watch Nick Toons.

    1. Amen. Whereas Finch and Ganim want the job because they don’t have the work history to do anything else (the former has been fired from six other jobs he finagled through political connections, the latter a disbarred attorney and crook) and Foster is inspired by ego, Rick Torres is motivated by altruism.


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