Dunn Released To Home Confinement, Following Time In Federal Lock Up For Role In Police Chief Scheme

After 86 days, one quarter spent in isolation due to a dubious Covid protocol, former Bridgeport Personnel Director David Dunn has been released to home confinement to fill out his four-month prison sentence for conspiring with ex Chief Armando Perez to rig the 2018 top cop test.

When Dunn, 73, surrendered to the prison facility in Schuylkill, Pennsylvania he was expecting assignment to the federal camp reserved largely for first-time, non-violent offenders. Instead, he spent the first three weeks in 24-hour cell isolation, as part of the prison’s Covid protocol, irrespective of being fully vaccinated. Welcome to Schuykill.

Last week Dunn was released to a halfway house in Hartford where he was immediately assigned  to his home in Stratford strapped with an ankle bracelet to track his movements. He requires permission to leave his home for shopping and medical attention, etc.

In sentencing Dunn in April, U.S. District Judge Kari Dooley said Perez’s role was far more “egregious.” Perez is serving his time, sentenced to a year and a day, in the Gilmer Federal Correctional Institution in Glenville, W.Va.

Dunn’s loyalty to political protocol bit him hard in this case when he conspired with Perez to wire the 2018 test for top cop in his favor including question advantage and eliminating the requirement that all applicants hold a bachelor’s degree. The inside job placed Perez, who also received testing assistance from two police subordinates, among the top three finalists that allowed Mayor Joe Ganim to select him for the five-year appointment, under City Charter regulations.

Why did Dunn do it?

He was being a loyal political soldier and as the judge pointed out he derived no personal benefit. Dunn says he thought that’s what the mayor wanted, based on Ganim’s long-time friendship with Perez, irrespective of no contact with Ganim asking or ordering him to make it easy to select Perez. Dunn says he had no conversation with Ganim during the selection process.

Dunn has also completed $300,000 in restitution payment. When his time is officially completed, he will spend two years on supervised release, a form of probation.



  1. No matter what Dunn said,tell me who believes Joe never,directly told,requested or got word through someone else,for Dunn to help Perez? You can’t convince me Perez asked Dunn to help him cheat,and Dunn cooperated without knowing for sure he had Joe’s blessing to do so.

  2. U.S. District Judge Kari Dooley said Perez’s role was far more “egregious.” Judge Dooley, you are absolutely incorrect with that observation! Pérez never asked for the questions instead he was called by Dunn and offered the questions! Pérez was complicit in this because of the actions of disgraced and arrested former Civil Service Director David Dunn. Had Dunn never called Pérez (he) would have come out at the bottom of the list and merely been replaced.

    Arrested and disgraced former Civil Service Director David Dunn violated the public trust, the office of Civil Service and the time honored tradition of fair play when it comes to employment. Judge Dooley failed to take into consideration that this couldn’t have possibly been the first time that arrested and disgraced former Civil Service Director David Dunn did this and was just unlucky to get caught his first time out. We’ve been saying this for 12 years that this was going on at the hands of arrested and disgraced former Civil Service Director David Dunn. That’s a damn shame Judge Dooley as was your sentence of arrested and disgraced former Civil Service Director David Dunn, a damn shame!

  3. This arrested, disgraced felon, former Civil Service Director David Dunn violated the public trust, the office of Civil Service but U.S. District Judge Kari Dooley had absolutely no concern about the Bridgeport City Charter and Civil Service, because if Judge Kari Dooley did have a understanding the Judge would never had pointed out he (Dunn) derived no personal benefit. Here are the personal benefit that Dunn received, a yearly salary over $100,000 plus benefits for eleven years in the Civil Service position as the “Acting” Personnel Director, this position calls for a Civil Service nationwide exam but nether Mayor Ganim or former mayor, Bill Finch ever called for tested there by violating the City Charter and allowing David Dunn to make over a million dollars by not having a nationwide exam. It’s obvious that Dunn owe Joe Ganim big time. Judge Kari Dooley and the FBI were only interested in federal issues. Dunn had the testing company Randi Frank to change the exam and to give Dunn the answers for the exam which is in violating of professional standards. How in the hell can anyone trust any civil service exam after 12 years of David Dunn, by the way Mayor Ganim when will you call for a nationwide search for a Personnel Director? Judge Kari Dooley, thanks for nothing.

    1. Good luck? I wonder how you mean that? I noted that you were silent on Defilippo’s arrest. You were a supporter of his. “If it doesn’t make cents, it doesn’t make sense”.

          1. I still am a supporter of Mike. I was in his store last week. BTW- Innocent until proven guilty. Good luck Mike!

            Three Cheers!!!

    2. Tom Kelly,
      Is that your most clever posting on this subject? Even when you know who the “shitters” in this case are? And why they did what they did, in the face of the Charter, “best practices” and knowledge of Federal investigations?
      The behavior you discuss in the past tense, was in the present tense when it occurred and the ‘defecators” were caught in the so-called acts. No one had a baggy to contain it, nor a walk around or a step over that worked for the City itself, or the voters in the City or the taxpayers, so that pride in the City might be possible, much less maintained.
      How many folks understood that Dunn was so overdue in acting years? How many understood the fact that for many of those years the Chair of Civil Service resided out of the City and registered to vote elsewhere? And how many understood the “unofficial” role played by the DTC leader in personnel issues? Look what happens when you know and step over the mess!! Time will tell.

  4. Oh yes I know you’re still his supporter. This is why Bridgeport is the shit hole that it is. Not realizing corrupt politicians and “businessman” and standing by while they rape the city in their various different ways is one of those reasons.
    Good luck with that.

  5. In a Connecticut Post article by Brian Lockhart – Aug. 23, 2021 that pose a lot of unanswer questions that needs to be answered right away.

    The article states:
    “As for the hiring of a personnel director, that process, which is being overseen by a consultant, marks the first time in over a decade during which City Hall sought a permanent hire for that important role. Dunn served as acting personnel head since 2009.”
    My questions are, what consultant is overseeing the hiring of the personnel director, how much for the consultant, who made the decision to hire the consultant?
    The article also said, states: marks the first time in over a decade during which City Hall sought a permanent hire for that important role. Dunn served as acting personnel head since 2009.” This shows that Mayor Ganim and former mayor, Bill Finch plus all of those City Council members during their time in office turned their back on the City Charter and allowed this corruption to happen. All of a sudden now there’s the call for a new Personnel Director.

    The City has people serving in Acting positions with no call for testing for those positions, the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Health Director, Personnel Director and Labor Relation Director, the City has never had these many heads of departments vacant at the same time. There MUST an investigation but who is going to call an investigation, Joe Ganim.

  6. So many questions and not a damned answer.
    The Director of Public Health is traditionally a political hack. By looking at Lisa Morrissey and the now New Haven Director, I my humble opinion, they thought they could change that and when they found out they couldn’t they left.
    The City aka Joe Ganim and Mario fill as many jobs as possible through the Health Dept. if qualified that’s OK. But most of the time they’re not qualified or are high maintenance employees.
    I am sure that the council did not question the previous two directors and the new candidate could have the qualifications but their definition of “qualified” could differ greatly from what Joe and Mario want. To quote JML “time will tell.” To quote Bob Walsh”the spots on a leopard will not change.”

  7. The same can be said for Civil Service Director / Personnel Director / Whatever Director.
    The last qualified and by the books Civil Service Director was, in my humble opinion, Ralph Jacobs. He may have been to much by the books for many in City Hall but he was legitimate.
    You can loosen the reigns a lot easier than to tighten them.
    But again Joe and Mario didn’t want any reigns at all. Hire who I say, when I say or else just doesn’t cut it.
    The purpose of Civil Service is to hire the most competent candidate possible. City residency could be a qualifying condition.
    Hiring whomever the mayor says is not.
    So again are you happy with whomever Joe says to hire or are you demanding competency along with known and approved qualifications to fill the job?
    Again JML would say “time will tell”. I would say “knowing this city, if you give an inch the mayor will take a mile.”

  8. As far as the Police Chief and the Fire Chief go, there should be no short cuts to the top, period. This is a matter of life and death, no exceptions. Do you really trust your life in the hands of someone being promoted or hired because that person will do what Joe or Mario want???
    Please. There is no room for poor judgement.
    Demand excellence. Accept nothing less.

  9. And Ron is right. The consultant should be someone who is beyond reproach. They should be hired by members of the unions and city employees who have no interface with the position and no direct role in hiring or promoting individuals.
    To quote JML “time will tell.” Bob Walsh “ if you have to wait for time to tell, it’s probably to late.”

  10. Where’s Ed? “Director of Accountability and Ethics.” Hello? Still hauling in 6 figures? What do you do Ed? Busy days? Doing what? Please tell us taxpayers just what you do for us every day? I won’t be holding my breath. How much are we paying for your fed pension? What was your actual pay for 2020? Don’t be shy man, you got a swell gig. Let’s hear the deets? Ed, hello?

  11. Ed Adams! Another taxpayer funded bullshit job that has done absolutely nothing for the city of Bridgeport- Contributing to the shit hole that it is. How about that grin? Care to opine or are you friends with him also LOL!


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