Republican Rich Deecken, who faces incumbent Marilyn Moore in the general election for the 22nd State Senate District seat covering all of Trumbull and portions of Bridgeport and Monroe, shares in this commentary “Bridgeport’s delegation must insert themselves into the negotiation process, and ensure that, instead of a piecemeal approach, nothing less than a comprehensive rewrite of Connecticut’s gaming laws–including an open, competitive bidding process for casino gaming licenses, as well as passing enabling legislation for sports betting–takes place as soon as possible.”
From Deecken:
Governor Malloy, eastern Connecticut and Hartford legislators need Bridgeport’s help in passing legislation that would allow the Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun casinos, licensed off-track betting establishments, and the Connecticut Lottery Corporation to offer sports betting.
Since the US Supreme Court’s recent ruling allowing states to establish regulations for sports betting, Connecticut has not acted on this opportunity. Legalized sports betting require enabling legislation from the Connecticut General Assembly. Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun assert that they already have the exclusive right to sports betting in Connecticut under their Class III gaming license in their existing compacts. However, state Attorney General George Jepsen has issued a legal opinion disagreeing with the tribes.
In the 2018 session, the State House narrowly passed HB 5305, a bill that would establish a competitive gaming process in Connecticut. Unfortunately, senators from southeastern Connecticut and Hartford fought the legislation from reaching a debate and vote in the State Senate before the end of the session.
While Governor Malloy, the tribal gaming monopoly, and their legislators in southeastern Connecticut and Hartford would claim that the issues of competitive gaming and sports betting are mutually exclusive issues, they are not. While Class III gaming currently exists within the respective compacts between the State of Connecticut and the Mashantucket Pequots and Mohegan tribes, the landscape of gaming in the tristate area and New England has changed significantly since the compacts were signed a quarter-century ago.
Massachusetts has recently passed comprehensive gaming laws, and multiple casinos are scheduled to open in the Bay State within the next year, providing competition to the Connecticut tribal casinos that have enjoyed exclusive gaming rights in New England for more than two decades. Connecticut cannot continue to address changes in the gaming industry in a piecemeal approach as it has done for years.
Now is the time for comprehensive gaming reform, encompassing both sports betting and a competitive bidding process for awarding casino gaming rights. Bridgeport’s legislative delegation must demand that a complete rewrite of gaming regulations–not simply awarding casino licenses or allowing sports betting–must take place, and the delegation should be actively involved in the ongoing negotiation process.
While these negotiations on sports betting take place, consider this: is the current state senator from District 22 actively involved in sports betting negotiations and advocating for Bridgeport? When Bridgeport’s state representatives achieved victory in passing competitive gaming legislation in the State House, the current state senator was not present with the rest of the Bridgeport delegation at their meeting with representatives of MGM. This picture is worth a thousand words. It is important to note her absence, the inability of the State Senate to call a vote on the House casino bill, and her support and affirmative vote for the tribal joint venture casino in East Windsor in 2017. Is this all a coincidence?
Fear has crippled our leaders and it has led to poor decisions for the past 25 years. The tribal gaming monopoly has now become too big to fail. Despite years of declining slot revenues and future projections of declining revenues from the Pequot-Mohegan fund, we continue to wilt to the demands of the state gaming monopoly in southeastern Connecticut and settle for less money. Protectionism does not work, and the tribes will now face imminent competition from the Springfield casino which opens on August 24, 2018, and a casino on the shores of Boston Harbor in June 2019.
Sports betting is not yet an exclusive right of the tribes. Bridgeport’s delegation must insert themselves into the negotiation process, and ensure that, instead of a piecemeal approach, nothing less than a comprehensive rewrite of Connecticut’s gaming laws–including an open, competitive bidding process for casino gaming licenses, as well as passing enabling legislation for sports betting–takes place as soon as possible. This is a golden opportunity for Bridgeport to reassert itself as a state powerhouse in legislative affairs.
I think it is time that we bury this whole idea of a casino in Bridgeport. The economic demographics just don’t support it. The entire Northeast is getting saturated with casinos and with MGM buying space in Yonkers and another casino being built outside of Boston means diminishing returns in the future for all casinos. If a casino was built in Bridgeport you would see a repeat of the CT/Indian casino business. Big numbers in the beginning. Bridgeport civic leaders need to get over this casino dream and look at other alternatives. IMHO,Steelpointe should become a mix of free standing retail and mid to high end waterfront housing. The Christoph’s should go back and beg Walmart to reconsider Steelepoint. They can approach other retailers. Some housing can be built right now.
As for the big picture,we need to remember that the sports gambling issue is on the horizon. I also think that online gambling is not that far away. More factors that work against “bricks and mortar” casinos. Casinos are going to be like the rise and decline of shopping malls.
Marilyn Moore voted against Sports Betting when it went before her Finance, Revenue, Bonding Committee!
Grin…Was that before or after the SCOTUS decision on sports gambling?
Frank, before SCOTUS. However, the Committee voted 32-16 in favor. Public Safety 13-12 and Judiciary overwhelming voted in favor.
Grin,thanks for that info. The SCOTUS decision changes everything and the next governor/legislature is going to have to address the sports gambling issue. I have a vague memory of a special legislative session after the SCOTUS decision but I think that died on the vine.
Frank, It hasn’t died on the vine. It’s still ripe for picking. To quote JML: “time will tell.”
It just died on the vine!
Wait Till Next Year!
We should not let the tribes have the sole rights to sports betting. Huge mistake.
Agreed! Sportech, the OTB provider bought out the state system, through its predecessor , for 20 million dollars in 1993.
We shouldn’t have to give the one-red-cent.
As for Deecken,he needs to say something or anything to get attention. Looks like he got some attention from OIB. 😉
He’s got my Vote!
The Political Steering Committee at BlackRockCTUSA.com has endorsed Rich Deecken (R) for State Senator in D-22 because
Democrats like choice and
Deecken represents a better choice for voters in that region.
You don’t have to change parties, just change your mind.
Democrats for Deecken.
Make the switch.
Trumbull-ites can’t vote on the Political Steering Committee on BlackTockCTUSA.Com. Opinions can be posted here on OIB or even Facebook regardless of where one lives. Deecken is sure to win considering Local Eyes analysis of the Ganim gubernatorial bid. ;/
Local Eyes’ analysis of the recent primary made Ganim the best choice. I wrote several pro-Ganim posts and Bridgeport was the only city he won.
Frank Gyure, when you know more about Bridgeport politics than I do, use these pages to assert your superiority.
Paul,I have to admit that you give great advice about gardening.
A Republican running for office in Bridgeport? Well I’ll be…
Hey…I remember when Nick Panuzio(R) beat the incumbent mayor,Hugh Curran(D) by 9 votes.
Mayor Len Paoletta was a Republican too.
Kid, stranger things have happened. He has to use the time left wisely, profile himself and his position on legislation that would benefit Bridgeport. It may be time for new blood and thinking, affiliation should not be an issue when choosing the better candidate for Bridgeport, and of course Trumbull and Monroe.
Lisa, are you suggesting that after a scant two terms in the office of the Senate that Senator Marilyn Moore is now old blood and old thinking? How many terms did you serve on the council at the pleasure of Bridgeport resident’s. I’m thinking you served quite a bit more that two terms and I’m equally sure that you never felt the need for new blood and new thinking with respect to you. You know I love you Honey, but on this we are in opposite corners. Smooches.
During her
scantentire term, has Senator Moore ever served while Connecticut had a balanced budget?If not, tired thinking and old blood are fantastic reasons to replace her position.
Marilyn Moore is not a compromiser-she’s a capitulator. She reaches a conclusion by making concessions and her voting record proves it.
This is what happens when your driver becomes your on-the-spot campaign manager. This is Bridgeport. We don’t wait until Labor Day.
(I wonder if she has a campaign manager)
Donald, I understand what you’re saying and I respect you enough to appreciate your feedback on my comments. I meant no disrespect or criticism of our present state Senator. As a once long-time, local elected official, I found it beneficial to keep an open mind and to realize not everything said about me, good, bad or indifferent, was intended to be literal. In fact, it kept me humble most of the time. That’s a virtue difficult for elected individuals; I included. Our present State Senator must also use her time wisely, take nothing for granted, especially when it comes to her own “Back Yard.” Those words of wisdom were taught to me when I was young, before holding office: they came from a man I admire and respect forever, Charlie Tisdale. Visibility and hands-on are a necessary component when competing for an elected position. The truth be known, the Senator’s challenger will need a “Hail Mary,” to prevail, but I’m an old war horse, I take nothing for granted.
Put the bottle down Paul and take a nap or eat a Snickers bar, you’re talking stupid again.
Uh-uh. Slander!
You’re the one lacking value in this conversation.
If you’re trying drive me crazy, you only have a few more miles to go!
It is surprising that Rich Deecken is not getting any support from Republicans. No surprise there. It would seem Moore should have no problem . After all, the Black community is in her pocket. Or is it??? Rich Deecken seemed very at home at the P.T party 2 weeks ago. Not easy being a white Republican reaching out to the Black Community. At least he made the effort. Moore was a no show. I do know that Mr. Deecken is a fine candidate and we should all be grateful he is running. Usually the local Republicans put up anyone with a pulse and do absolutely nothing to help themselves or support their candidate. Mr. Deeckenmay be strong in Trumbull and Monroe.the posters and signs that read Democrats for Deecken could work for him the way it did for Moran. Bridgeport went for Ganim. Those people may resent her lack of support for Ganim. Bottom line, I have not heard one negative comment about Mr. Deekhen from any intelligent voter.
Yard signs don’t elected candidates, the PT Barnum reuion cookout didn’t push Joe Ganim to victory.
You are correct Mr. Mackey. Most likely Marilyn Moore will win all of PT. So so back and relax. I have been told she is very popular there. The PT Barnum reunion was a party for the residents and not an attempt to win Ganim the election though he clearly won Bridgeport. I am sure the people that live there respect Moore for not showing up.Deecken certainly has his work cut out for him that’s for sure.
Steve, CLEARLY, what a joke, the closest race in the entire state between Joe Ganim and Ned Lamont for governor was right here in Bridgeport where Ganim won 58% to 42% with less than 9,000 total voters for the biggest City in the State. It was 80% to 20% statewide and Rich Deecken will feel the backlash of 45 just like all of the other Republicans in districts with large cities like Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven.
Ron I will say this, Tim, a Republican, won Trumbull for his party, not to mention Monroe, This is not a Bridgeport election where a Democrat always win. You like to inject race in most of your post. When Day said white people love Moore, she is going to need white votes to win. PT is for from the final say in this race and the rest of Black Rock is pretty white. Lisa knows this could be a hard race for Moore.
D22 is NOT only in Bridgeport, but all of Trumbull is in D22. Why would you dream that Rich Deecken would put Bridgeport first?
He is just the next sacrificial lamb that the TRTC has convinced to run and lose. Certainly Senator Moore had no problem slaughtering Elaine Hammers of the Trumbull Board of Finance and will put away Deecken of the Trumbull Planning and Zoning Board.
Rich is a nice guy, a teacher at the failed Bassick High School and a damned good one. If you elect him to the state senate, then the students at Bassick will be deprived of a good teacher for many school days and the the underfunded/broke Bridgeport Public Schools will have to pay Deecken’s salary and benefits and Kelly Educational Services to provide substitute teachers as well. This will not make the new principal happy, or Maria P or many Bridgeport taxpayers.
Deecken’s Trumbull P&Z plate is full with proposals for three large apartment complexes and the Westfield Mall that wants to reinvent itself with zoning change and proposal for hundreds of apartments.
Deecken has a commitment to the people of Trumbull who elected him to serve a FULL term on P&Z not to be diverted by a hopeless run for state office.
For those of you casting snide remarks about Senator Moore not having a campaign manager in place. I was with her Monday night at the TDTC meeting. A manager is in place, but as the campaign will officially kick off right after Labor Day there is no fiscally sound reason to name and start paying that person now. After all Senator Moore qualified for the state public campaign financing and is being prudent with our money. This does not mean that work and planning is not happening, just that it does not yet require paid staff.
Marshall Marcus….Thank you for the info about Rich Deecken because I was going to ask ….Who is Rich Deecken?
A democrat, currently elected to the Town Council in Trumbull, is running for State Representative. Announcing just a few months after being elected to a 2yr position.
She was elected to serve the Town of Trumbull as well. Not to be diverted to a “Hopeless run” for state office.
#1 I don’t live in her state rep district
#2 unlike Bridgeport, she is not drawing a check for being in the council
#3 I have no idea if she intends to stay on council if she wins
#1 Oh, so you don’t care just because you don’t live in her district. You do know that Town Council members serve the entire town as do State Reps. They may be elected to districts but every decision they make or vote on effects everyone.
#2 He is not drawing a check for being on P & Z; not at all sure what that has to do with anything.
#3 You know as well as I do, the RTC would call for her to step down as they did with Rutigliano on the BOF when he was elected.
#1 I stated that I don’t live in that state rep district, because my focus is on defeating Rutigliano, the enemy of the working person.
#2 Council members in Bridgeport receive 9K ‘stipend’ and you should expect mopre of their time than from a true volunteer council person, such as we have in Trumbull
#3 I don’t give a rat’s ass about anything the RTC calls for, I’m not a member. They endorsed Tim and lost all cred with the public
#1 you seem to not care about much that doesn’t fall in your back yard. Rutigliano is hardly the enemy of the working people since he employs over 300 of them. Anyone who has been paying attention and listening to David in Hartford knows that. I realize it’s a Dem talking point, but in this case it is misplaced. However this is a conversation for another thread and has nothing to do with Rich.
#2 Just because Bridgeport Council members get a stipend does not mean they give more of their time or their effort. They just drink from the well.
#3 and while I agree the RTC’s endorsement of Herbst was disappointing, it was not a surprise. And quite frankly, I doubt they ever had any credibility with you. But what’s good for the goose is good for the gander and Ashley will most certainly be asked to step down should she win, which I doubt. I understand all too well, the time commitment of a state representative and she will not be able to serve as a Town Council member to her best, trying to do both. Therefore she should not have run at all if this was her goal. Something the Dems made very clearly when the shoe was on the other foot.
Marshall Marcus or Ron Mackey, I have a slightly worn beautiful red sweatshirt that says Marilyn Moore Senator. I wore it for 8 hours in front of Winthrop School and have worn it many times to anet Fitness..if any one of you is interested. I would be happy to gift it to you. I believe it was Stacy Zimmerman who gave it to me after Gage Frank was no longer there. It really is a nice Sweat Shirt
Hey Steve,,,I’ll take that sweatshirt. I’ll wear it when Senator Moore opens her campaign headquarters.
Frank – Get me contact info and it would be my pleasure to drop it off. It really was a nice sweatshirt and has been washed many times. Get me contact and I will take care of it!
Its official. A member of the Democratic Town Committee has come out publicly for a Republican.
What can be done to strip him of his Town Committee seat?
Bob, all that can be done is to attemnpt to vote him out. Not all DTC’s have a prohibition in their rules against endorsing a candidate of another party. Bridgeport does not.
I do think it is hypocritical as he came to Trumbull to cast his vote as a BDTC delegate for Senator Moore in the nominating convention.
When there are D candidates running I oppose, I simply keep my mouth shut, don’t work for their election and vote for someone else in the election. I would not publicly endorse the opposition candidate to someone I voted for at the nominating convention. That’s just plain tacky.
Marshall Marcus you are correct I did go to Trumbull to vote for Marilyn Moore. Things change- Thanks to Ron Mackey and Donald Day and their constant rant year after year about Anthony Musto and Moore – I realized I need to get off this train- I will listen to al candidates. Being a Democrat does not guarantee Moore my vote. Unlike you- I listen to all candidates and your rationale against Richard Deechken is just plain ridiculous. I think he could be very good for Bridgeport and may just serve my purpose better than the woan whose name appears on the sweatshirt that Frank Gyure wants but neglected to share info so that I could get it to him.
Bob Walsg, sad you can not vote in Bridgeport. The good news for Moore is you can stand in front of a school wearing a Ned Lamont sticker and a Moore sweatshirt and be as effective as you were for Bob Keeley that lying sack of shit that owes the city money. Perhaps you’d like to pay his parking tickets.
Steven…. I pm’ed you yesterday on your personal FB page via FB Messenger.
@Steven Auerbach
You are stating things that are false and of which you have no evidence:
“Being a Democrat does not guarantee Moore my vote. Unlike you- I listen to all candidates”
I listen to all candidates, and don’t vote party line tickets.
I am not without knowledge of Rich Deecken and think he does a good job on P&Z that doesn’t mean I want him for State Senator.
I have seen the list of candidates that will be on my ballot this November and I am not voting straight party line. There is a non-D who does an admirable job and I have no reason to vote against that person’s reelection. BUT, as a DTC member, I won’t publicly support the Non-D and won’t speak against the D running. I was at the nominating convention for the D candidate and abstained.
In fact I can’t remember the last time I voted an all D ticket, certainly not in all the years I’ve lived in Trumbull. Our Town Charter has minority representation, no one party can have all the seats on a Board or the Town Council, my council district has 5 reps, you can only vote for 4 from one party, Same goes for the BOE and BOF, you can’t vote for all one party to run the boards.
I vote for the person i think will do the best job.
That said, I certainly would not vote for a candidate who thinks Trump is doing an A rated job…That lets out all the Rs who ran for Governor in their primary this year.
As for Senator Moore, I was not an initial supporter 4 years ago , she earned my support by what she has done in the State Senate and her responsiveness to constituents. Again, her position is not all about Bridgeport, it’s about three municipalities and the state as a whole.
I would like to hear details from each of the candidates for the 22nd Senate seat about their legislative agendas for Bridgeport and the rest of the 22nd…
When will there be a forum at which the public can ask questions about our state-related concerns?
@Jeff Kohut
I don’t speak for Senator Moore, but am repeating what she said at the August TDTC meeting.
She is not kicking off her campaign until after Labor Day. Personally, I’m glad and have had enough of campaigns that start ages before the election.
Therefore, don’t expect any announcements of scheduled events such as a Q&A forum before then.
As long as the budget is running a deficit and The GA is in recess, the campaign to restore fiscal sanity is underway!
Marshall Marcus has become my crosstown political nemesis and he shows all the signs of a tired and entitled status quo.
Trumbull Democrats are content to be the piggy bank for Moore as she serves no purpose to the residents of Trumbull. She sure likes their checkbooks though.
Trumbull Dems are not Senator Moore’s piggy bank. She qualified for public financing through small donations, mostly from Bridgeport. The dems in my household all contributed the $5 min as we do for most dems running in our district.
And that’s the only time Trumbull sees her. Trumbull hasn’t had a real senator in years.
you’re full of it. Senator Moore is regularly in Trumbull. She appears at public functions, is in Town Hall working with the administration in terms of grants and funding, has held public meetings for citizens, etc. Why don’t you subscribe to her mailing/email list and you’ll be notified of her appearances. I’ve seen her in Trumbull 8 times in the last 3 months and I don’t attend many of the things she has been at.
Watch it Marshall, your temper is showing. And what makes you think I don’t keep track of our dear Senator? Do you have any idea how many people I hear from weekly, that have written to her and get no response? or called her office only to be ignored?
She did however call my father-in-law when he had a problem with his trapping license. Not exactly life altering and something I guess she thought she could handle. Although Representative Rutigliano’s office had already done so by the time she got around to making the call.
BTW, please excuse the gfg handle. It was from years ago and I just never changed it. You know how much I dislike hiding behind things, and I never believe in saying anything on line I would not say to your face.
You have known me long enough to know I’m very familiar with the subjects and persons that I choose to speak on. And watching and working, or I should say attempting to work with, the Senator on a daily basis in Hartford for a year and a half, gave me far more incite to her than I anticipated.
Standing at polling locations and talking to active Bridgeport Democrats that are from her district gave me great incite. And just being a more than normally politically active resident in Trumbull has given me enough incite to firmly say, she’s lots of fluff, when she wants to be, but does little of substance unless she needs or wants something in return.
As far as her most recent visibility, although she may not be officially kicking off her re-election campaign, we are in campaign season none the less.
Cindy Penkoff……………..
I called gfg a troll. One you fessed up and used your real name, troll does not apply.
I don’t agree with you at all in terms of Senator Moore. Your alternate facts about her using Trumbull Dems as a piggy bank are laughable. She’s running on the public financing program, having raised the required amounts in small donations from individuals, mostly from Bridgeport.
I was at Bassick High School today, it is in terrible shape, I’m sorry Rich has to teach under those conditions, but he is dedicated and effective in the classroom. I think he would better serve his students by being there full time.
This is not a new position, I have always opposed anyone drawing a taxpayer paycheck from drawing a second taxpayer paycheck.
We were in state primary campaign season, not election season. Senator Moore had no primary so was not campaigning. Some of your party have their lawn signs up in Trumbull illegally now. It’s more than 45 days before Election Day and more than 5 days since the primary…but why should they follow the rules?
Senator Moore’s signs will go up in Trumbull when it is legal, not before.
You and I will continue to disagree, I’ll continue to call out lies and Republican Alternate Facts such as your piggy bank comment. My temper is even, I do not consider someone who has not yet reached 65 to be of advanced age, even if you choose to sling age comments.
Marshall you are just all over the board on this. If you have a problem with signs in Trumbull, the only new item you have touched on here, just make the appropriate call. Don’t whine about it. The rest? Just repetition.
This thread is like the 4th or 5th time, Steve measures a candidates viability on whether they attended a PT reunion picnic or not.Lol ponderous.
He needs his vision corrected.
Harvey, thanks, plus he doesn’t like the idea that he didn’t see Senator Marliyn Moore walking with Ned Lamont at the PT Reunion as if Bridgeport is her only district and it wasn’t good enough that Senator Ed Gomes was at PT with Ned Lamont. Hi Steve, what has Mayor Joe Ganim done for the residents of PT Barnum Apartments?
Joe Ganim has done nothing for the residents of PT. The main use of PTis a source of votes for Testa
Frank, that’s right, Mario would give out a few part time summer jobs and hired some for elections but no permanent jobs.
Because she was not there and neither was Ned Lamont- Mackey are you just stupid or something?
Hi Steve…I’ve got another question for you. How many community meetings has Mayor Joe Ganim had compared to Senator Marilyn Moore? I define community meetings where elected officials come to a “community center,”stand before their constituents for an hour or so,spend some quality time with their constituents and answer questions or concerns. I am NOT talking about PR events.
Sorry Frank, this thread is about a candidate that has very little name recognition , Richard Deechken who supports a casino in Bridgeport. Ganim is the Mayor. Maybe if you came to council meetings and press conferences you could be informed. You wanted the sweatshirt or not- I was sincere if you do not want it I will use it to polish my shoes. I will not be knocking on doors for Richard Deechken, I will not be making phone calls for Richard Deechken . I am certain the Republicn Party will do nothing as usual for a quality candidate like Richard Deecken. I will not wear a button that says Democrats for Richard Deecken and I will not wear a sweatshirt with Richard Deeckens name on it. But the word on the street is the Repubican canddiate for Governor is doing well in the polls and Stefanowski just may come to Bridgeport, Trumbull and Monroe and endorse Richard Deechken. I will vote for Ned Lamont unless Stefanowski tells me what he will do for Bridgeport. I would like to wish Marilyn Moore and Richard Deecken the best of luck. I look forward to the debates. I have had many conversations with Mr. Deecken over the years and he is a very qualified candidate. I am not sure he has Marilyn Moores oratory skills but perhaps what he lacks in charisma he makes up in substance.
Steven…I pm’ed you yesterday on your personal FB page via FB Messenger. I do not put personal information on public blogs.
Steve get over it, Ned Lamont didn’t have the oratory skills of Joe Ganim or his charisma but he kicked Joe’s ass. Then you make this dumb comment, “the word on the street is the Repubican canddiate for Governor is doing well in the polls,” what a joke, Steve Marilyn Moore will win so get over it.
Yes Ron- the word on the street is she will win . So sit back and relax and continue giving your commentary. Not many people know Rich Deecken but I will tell you what GFG aka Cindy Penkoff is a breath of fresh air on this blog..
Off Message: the new restaurant Vibe that opened in the old PT Barnum Pub IS EXCELLENT. Please come downtown and see all of the activity
For once in recent memory, I agree with SA, Cindy Penkoff is a refreshing participant.
The unique thing about Rich is he actually cares about Bridgeport. As a teacher there, someone who spends a great deal of time in this community; he loves the city and wants nothing more than to see it thrive. His volunteers, are from Bridgeport. Many of them his students and former students.
Moore on the other hand, cares about politics. She doesn’t talk to the people of Bridgeport when a decision needs to be made on a vote, she talks to party leadership. She serves party leadership.
I have heard more complaints from organizations in town about her lack of participation and representation since she has been in office than almost any other legislator.
Aren’t you tired of having someone that is merely a puppet for party leadership? Wouldn’t you rather have someone with his own mind, his own thoughts. All of which are geared toward his entire district and how they can work together?
My suggestion is to invite him to as many events as possible and talk to him. I guarantee you will be impressed. He won’t tell you what you want to hear. He will tell you the truth and what you need to hear. Then he will tell you how you can work together to achieve it, not just disappear into the Hartford sunset never to be heard from again, until he needs your votes. Marilyn already has that covered and how it that working for you?
Rich is no sacrificial lamb for the RTC either. He volunteered for this run because he knows he can do better for Bridgeport. Call me naive, but isn’t that what having a Senator should be about? Not the person looking for her stepping stone to Mayor?
Rich Deecken is the real deal. And those don’t come around too often.
“Marilyn Moore is a puppet for party leadership” ????? LMFAO
Who is gfg? Or is that misspelled for “gag.” A puppet for Deecken
Aren’t you a breath of foul air. And yes she is a puppet for party leadership. That is why she was just appointed to Chair a committee she can’t even vote on. It pads her resume. Malloy’s little gift to her for being such a good little soldier.
“He volunteered for this run because he knows he can do better for Bridgeport. Call me naive, but isn’t that what having a Senator should be about?”
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s about doing better for the whole district (and state) NOT Bridgeport.
Well since Moore has never done a thing for Trumbull or Monroe, except collect donation checks, Rich is already ahead of the game on representing the entire district.
gfg, nothing but a lying troll
Lost of new grants and bonding for Trumbull and its senior citizens secured by Senator Moore this legislative session.
Kee spreading alternate facts like asshole Trump and his minions
You really are getting nasty in your advanced age Marshall. You should be very careful who you refer to as a troll.
I have far more experience with Ms.Moore than you do.
Marshall Marcus aren’t you just so sweet worrying about kids at Bassick losing a great teacher.
Why is is ok for Jahana Hayes to run for Congress or former Senator and Central HS teacher Andre’s Ayala to serve as senator? Could we have another double standard you think is appropriate? Seriously, you don’t give a flying fig about those kids as it pertains to Rich’s position. And he can do so much more for them in Hartford by working to improve their surroundings. Their neighborhoods. Their economic positions.
If you want to level the playing field, the mantra of so many, you need to put people in Hartford that are ready, willing and able to do the work to make it happen.
Rich is an actual role model to these kids. From classroom to Hartford. He shows them how to not just talk about doing, being and creating better. He shows them. And if we are ever going to change Bridgeport and build it up, we need to change the people who represent it. People who are not content with the status quo.
I’ve known Rich for 10yrs. I have watched him grow and become that man that we can be proud of. The man we feel good about supporting, not because he is a Republican, but because he is the right person at the right time.
I don’t know Hayes or Ayala and don’t live in districts they represent or hope to represent. I don’t believe anyone should draw multiple public payroll paychecks.
If Hayes wins she would have to resign her teaching job as the US House is a full time gig. I would have objected to Ayala being State Sentoar for the same reasons I oppose Deecken, BUT since Deecken is running in my district I voice my opinion.
BTW, I’ve met Rich and he is a very nice person. I’ve never met Ayala or Hayes and pass no opinion
GFG – You are a very refreshing , articulate and passionate voice on this blog . Clearly you are a very shart in=dividual that must be working on Richard Deeckens campaign. You did make a comment that I have to question. To imagine Moore using her position as a stepping stone to Mayor is quite laughable – Maybe to Walsh, Mackey, and Day– But Day doesn’t live in Bridgeport and neither does Walsh . That leaves Parisi, Parziale and Pereirra. Good luck with that goal. Back to Deecken, Maybe he can get Bridgeport Kid who was a staunch supporter of Republican Rick Toores .
A word to the wise Mr Richard Deecken, You will never win Bridgeport– The democrat has to loose- The way Bucci lost to Moran. Bridgeport loved Congressman Christopher Shays- Yes there is hope for a Republican .
I always thank all candidates for taking the time to run for office. Best of luck to all of the candidates..
Bridgeport knows that they have a strong candidate with Dennis Bradley- Don’t Like him? to bad isn’t it. Get over it! He is not in my district. I get to choose between two candidates Richard Deecken who has no name recognition and Marilyn Moore a great speaker.
ALL candidates use their position as a stepping stone for higher office. Congressman Christopher Shays was a progressive northern Republican who I voted for most of time until he made his sharp turn to become one of Newt Gingrich conservative supporter. There is no hope in Bridgeport for any Republican supporting President 45 and the new 45 Party that has replace the old Republican Party.
GFG is also dead wrong claiming that State Senator Marilyn Moore is a puppet to Democratic leaders-either at the state level and especially at the local level GFG has lost any credibility by making that one statement and proves that GFG does not know Local or state level politics.
Frank, gfg is not worth your time replying back to, they are a coward and scare to use the name that their mother and father gave them.
Steve Auerbach – gfg – sorry about the change. GFG was used when I signed on this blog years ago and I just never changed as I do not spend much time here.
I’m not working for Rich’s campaign. I have known Rich for 10 yrs and truly believe he is the best candidate to run for a position in Hartford representing Bridgeport, Trumbull and Monroe in a while. That being said, I am a huge fan of Elaine Hammers and David Pia as well. All of them running for the right reasons. Unfortunately that is not enough in Bridgeport.
But, Rich brings something else to the table. Relationships with the younger voters in Bridgeport. Those he believes are truly the future of this city and should be. They need a leader in Hartford that gives them a chance. He’s done so in the classroom and hopes to do so in Hartford.
As far a Moore vying for Mayor, that was the buzz in Hartford. Don’t be surprised if Joe gets primaried next go around. We shall see.
I also agree with you regarding the lack of help Rich is receiving from his own party. Whether that is the parties doing or his doing, based on history, I don’t know. I would, however, love to see him hit his stride in Hartford and prove that his passion and his vision for the future of Bridgeport are truly achievable.
My son is 20 and a really tough Libertarian. He had a 90 minute sit down with Rich and was more impressed by him than 99% of the candidates he has spoken with since he was 11yrs old.
But thank you again for the acknowledgement.
“Marilyn Moore is a puppet for party leadership” ??? Frank, gfg is either extremely ignorant to Bridgeport politics or he’s a troll whose objective is to spread misinformation and lies to see if it sticks in the minds of the weak and ignorant.
Reminds one of that ignorant president 45, doesn’t it?
When a particular party takes the governor’s office, the governor becomes the party leadership. SO yes, she is a puppet of party leadership.
Rich Deecken, will be the puppet of governor Stefanowski if they are elected but we know that nightmare won’t happen.
You obviously know nothing about Rich. He has never been a puppet for party leadership. It’s why he and Tim and Jack for that matter, were never on the same page in Trumbull. Rich listens our of respect always, but then makes the decision he believes is best based on what he hears from his constituents and the law or in the case of P & Z where he sits, the rules.
FYI,,,Since this thread concerns gambling etc. The Black Rock NRZ will be holding a community meeting/presentation and MGM will be there to speak to the public. The event will be on Wednesday,September 5,7-8:30 pm at The Burroughs Community Center,Fairfield Ave,Black Rock. All are invited. (Now,if I can only get that Moore sweatshirt from Steven Auerbach,I’d be proudly be wearing it at the meeting).
I will get it to you I promise!
Former District 2 Councilwoman Cindy Penkoff, you seem to be an angry white woman. I’m left wondering how a white lady who has benefited from white privilege for 55 years became so angry. Just saying, just wondering.
Donald Day, what a strange analogy you have for someone you do not know. But I won’t engage in your racist taunts. It’s not were I choose to spend my time.
It’s not productive but so very expected and sad that you would choose to go that road vs a civil and “tolerant” conversation about the actual topic of this thread.
But then again, I see alot of that. Staying on topic seems to be difficult here.
Cindy Penkoff, so I take it that you won’t be voting for Senator Marilyn Moore.
so gfg is Cindy Penkoff, former member of the Trumbull Town Council and was recently a paid aid to a Republican state legislator in Hartford.
I don’t often agree with Cindy’s political views, but know she works hard and does her homework and we both can’t stand Tim Herbst. Cindy still wears the tire tracks from when Tim through her under the bus.
To set the record straight, my comments about Rutigliano, the enemy of the working person, are mine, not Dem talking points as Cindy accuses me of using.
Dave is/was a paid restaurant industry hack who went to Congress to testify against raising minimum wage. He fought raising restaurant workers minimum wages here in the CT house as well. I won’t dine in his restaurants because of this.
He does NOT employ 300 people. The establishments in which he is a partner (Minority shareholder, I believe) employs xx amount of workers.
The best thing I can say about Cindy, is that she is involved, I wish more citizens were. I often see her at Town meetings and she she is a prolific writer of letters to the editor. We have a friendly political opposites relationship, which is how life should be.
She’ll probably support Deecken, I’ll support Moore. Campaign season in Trumbull has traditionally kicked off after Labor Day, many of us are tired of endless campaigns, are happy to wait
Marshall I’m not sure if I got a compliment or as close to one as I will get from you.
No, the tire marks are long past gone. I did what I knew was right and have no problem living with all of it. We all choose the wrong people to trust at least once in our lives. Luckily they do not have to be lifelong mistakes if we so choose. And punishing ourselves about it is non-productive. The only people that seem to want to hold on to it are the Democrats in Trumbull.
But that has nothing to do with this thread or article and really should get back on course.
Rich will be a breath of fresh air for this district and something it desperately needs. So yes, I will be supporting him. Knowing both candidates as well as I do, he is most definitely the best choice to help steer Bridgeport onto a new path with what we all hope, is a brighter, more positive future for the next generation. Someone people would prefer to keep things as they are. It suits their personal and/or political agendas. I prefer someone who I know will work for change.
After all, isn’t that our job. To leave things better than the way we found it?
Now, getting back to the discussion at hand.
I don’t think the idea of a Bridgeport casino should be abandoned. I also think retail and high end residential, as stated above by Frank Gyure, is a great idea. However, you are not going to get them to buy into that location without someone like a MGM coming before them and making the kind of commitment, both financially and economically, to the city first. Someone has to lead on this and anchor the revitalization. Very few business entities are willing to make that happen on their own.
Why should southern CT be left out in the cold on this? The Indian casino’s are going to take a huge hit from Springfield and with population density in our area and the surrounding areas, this could be a huge win.
You can get here by train, bus, highway and water. Boaters would now make Bridgeport a necessary stop as they travel the coast. Dedicated ferries will bring patrons from “across the pond”. Bridgeport could become a viable destination. And it doesn’t sit isolated out in the woods someplace. 😉
One of the state reps I was speaking to recently said, a build up of jobs in Bridgeport could help with traffic on 95. Those people currently traveling down county could have jobs closer to home, not just with the casino, but the companies that would now be willing to invest in the city.
I was very impressed with their presentation; the time table, the job generation and the entertainment aspect of it that would also feed into the existing venues, making them more viable.
Now none of this happens overnight, but with the time table they have set in the Bill as written, we could see some major changes to this area within 5yrs.
Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth.
Cindy Penkoff, what’s so strange about my analogy that would lead you to the classic white response, “racist taunts.”
May I suggest that you reread some your posts to see the anger in some of those or would you like me to point those out to you. Cindy, I think you are suffering from White-Oppression Complex which is a new syndrome that surfaced in the past few years. One of the most noticeable symptoms of WOC is the belief that people of color, black feminists, gay and transgender folks, and people who haven’t made Jesus Christ their Lord and savior all came together to concoct a nefarious plan to persecute white people. I don’t, we don’t and you probably could too better if you knew better.
You are a strange person Mr. Day and I assure you, the anger is in your head. I would, if I were you, re-evaluate the voice you are reading with. And again as someone who does not know me, you could not be more off base. When you can be civilized and stick to the subjects at hand, maybe we can have a conversation, until then, I won’t be responding again.
Cindy Penkoff, thanks, the less we heard from you the better.