Daniels For Mayor Receives National PAC Endorsement

News release from Lamond Daniels:

Democrat Lamond Daniels, running for Bridgeport Mayor as a petitioning candidate on Line F of the November General Election ballot, today announced that he had earned the endorsement of The Collective PAC, the nation’s largest political action committee dedicated to increasing Black political representation across all levels of government. The endorsement adds to Daniel’s growing momentum as Bridgeport continues to grapple with the fallout of an alleged ballot-stuffing scandal that has engulfed the current Mayor’s campaign.

Founded in August of 2016, The Collective PAC has endorsed and supported hundreds of Black candidates over the past five years and have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels across the country. The organization works to rectify the underrepresentation of the Black community in elected seats of power throughout America.

“What Bridgeport residents need now is a City Hall defined by competence, integrity and experience, and that is exactly what Lamond Daniels is offering the voters,” said Kevin Olasanoye, The Collective PAC’s National Political Director. “Lamond has unmatched municipal experience and unquestioned integrity, and he will make history as Bridgeport’s first-ever Black Mayor. In a city that is 80% people of color, that kind of representation matters.”

“In our uphill fight against Bridgeport’s entrenched political establishment, an establishment that has left too many neighborhoods and families behind, I am proud to have earned the support of The Collective PAC and to be able to add them to our growing coalition,” said Lamond Daniels. “From housing to schools to jobs to public safety, we know that the current status quo is failing our families. If we want a better Bridgeport, this election is our best chance in years to chart a new course and help our entire city move forward – especially our communities of color which have been neglected, ignored, and passed over for too long.”



  1. Question. there is talk that Lamond Daniels is just a Ganim strategy to split the vote because some of Ganims major funders or supporters are also supporting Daniel’s. is this true? I want to hear the opposing arguments before I vote.

    1. BptPorter,
      There is always “talk”, some trash, some plain rumor or musings, and some actually true. If there is a continuing low turnout, where most folks who seek suffrage, are eligible, registered, and fail to act on Election Day, there is a strong possibility of splitting the “vote”.
      But if non-voters who do not know whom to trust and are disappointed with absentee ballot issues, in and out of judicial review, take a close look at a candidate who lives in town with family, including kids in public schools, who has professional training in social work and understands the needs in an urban community with major needs of the poor and vulnerable, who has years of experience and responsibility in municipal governance, and has shown the energy with a smile necessary to lead, then they can return to the polls, use their voice and vote, and change the leadership locally. Uphill climb? Certainly, but only requires citizens with the vote to cast their vote to see courage, competency, and caring in the Office of Bridgeport Mayor. Time will tell.

  2. It’s highly unlikely. If that were the case Daniel’s would’ve been in the primary for G2. Probably the same reason Moore didn’t make it on the primary ballot. Gomes was heavily financed for the primary against Joe

    A more probable assumption is they are hedging their bets while hoping for one over the other and a bigger slice of the taxpayer’s money. Considering Mario isn’t for Joe, really never was, even against Finch. Along with Wanda stuffed the Box for Gomes and Holier-than-thou, 20000 shade of AB ballot, Gen Now.

    It is safe to say it is just the political players without financial burdens/struggles playing in the Political sandbox. Try to play nice people.


    Just theory people, Good luck Port Jesus is rooting for you. 🤣


  3. “Question. there is talk that Lamond Daniels is just a Ganim strategy to split the vote because some of Ganims major funders or supporters are also supporting Daniel’s. is this true? I want to hear the opposing arguments before I vote.”

    Robert Teixeira and JML covered most of the counterargument bases here. As Robert said, the Ganim supporters that are throwing money at Lamond are probably hedging their bets against a highly-tainted candidate in Joe Ganim, who is perceived as untrustworthy and who has produced far too little tax-base growth and socioeconomic improvement in his 20 years in office — and has twice badly damaged the city’s reputation through court-proven criminal activity and now through the alleged illegal voting activities of his cronies…

    Furthermore, it is far more likely that Lamond will pull more Ganim voters to his camp than Gomes voters — although there is Gomes’ past as a long-time Ganim official, difficulty with the law during events he has hosted on and off his troubled business property, and now apparent inappropriate behavior with the absentee ballot process involving his campaign. So Lamond will draw from votes from both camps, with most of those votes coming from the highly-soiled, administratively unfocused, secretive, and highly unproductive — and destructive — record of the 20 years of the Ganim Administration.

    Now combine the above reasons to vote for Lamond Daniels instead of the unattractive Ganim-Gomes option pair, with the very attractive qualifications and untainted background of social worker/counselor, 2-city department/program administrator background of family man, Lamond Daniels, and you have him taking the Democratic vote, Republican vote — and especially the INDEPENDENT vote on November 7.

    Hit the RESET BUTTON for Bridgeport’s future on November 7! Vote Row F — Lamond Daniels — for Mayor!

  4. Jeff, I didn’t say Ganim supporters who are throwing money at Lamond are probably hedging their bets against a highly-tainted candidate in Joe Ganim, who is perceived as untrustworthy and who has produced far too little tax-base growth and socioeconomic improvement in his 20 years in office — and has twice badly damaged the city’s reputation through court-proven criminal activity and now through the alleged illegal voting activities of his cronies… 🙂

    BptPorter made the claim there was talk that Lamond Daniels is just a Ganim strategy to split the vote because some of Ganim’s major funders or supporters are also supporting Daniel’s, and asked if it was true.

    I made a hypotenuse theory it was highly unlikely because if a strategy to use Daniel to slit the Gomes vote it would have been applied in the Primary. 🙃

    However, if you want to make the claim G2 is a highly-tainted candidate, who is perceived as untrustworthy and who has produced far too little tax-base growth and socioeconomic improvement in his 20 years in office — and has twice badly damaged the city’s reputation through court-proven criminal activity and now through the alleged illegal voting activities of his cronies. It is your right, but to be a man and stand on it. Don’t put words in my mouth. 🙂

    Although I don’t think you should lump G1 and G2 political careers together. While perhaps Joe damaged the city’s reputation through court-proven criminal activity G1 when uncontested, election after election. JS


  5. Hi, Robert. I did not intend to put words in your mouth — I simply meant to use your assertion (which I agree with), that the Ganim supporters donation to the Daniels Campsign were “hedging their bets” in their support of Lamond Daniels. Since your statement is posted prior to mine, your words would already be known and checkable. I presented a rationalization as to why Ganim supporters would feel the need to “hedge their bets” by supporting Lamond Daniels.

    I apologize. I should have taken more care to make sure that my words wouldn’t be perceived as coming from you… I did not intend for anyone to perceive the latter…🙂🙃🕊️

  6. I hear you, you used my assertion to express yours, apology accepted. 🙂

    While my words were prior and checkable that’s not how things work to the simple minds of voters. 🙂

    BTW I wouldn’t characterize it as, hedging their bets. More of a long shot if anything. A more honest assertion is to say just placing a bet. When you are in the political box and depending on the seats it is just entertainment, without it, there is no game The player/candidates may change but the game stays the same.

    Democracy is a Journey. Don’t stop believing, Most of the political players may win, may lose, perhaps sing the blue, but for most in this game they’re just paying their taxes to the game. 🙂



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