Connecticut’s 128th House District has just two precincts, Marin School on the East Side and Geraldine Johnson School that serves voters in the Hollow. The two precincts combine for roughly 7000 registered Democrats. The Republican registration is just over 400. The unaffiliated vote is just under 3000. The ballot line-up for the November general election in these precincts is Democrat, President Barack Obama, U.S. Senate Chris Murphy, U.S. House Jim Himes, State Senate Andres Ayala and State House Christina Ayala. The Republican line-up, President Mitt Romney, U.S. Senate Linda McMahon, U.S. House Steve Obsitnik, State Senate Casimir Mizera, State House Manny Baraguas. Much has been made of the car accident involving Christina Ayala Wednesday night. There was an accident, she panicked, she fled the scene, she has apologized.
Despite the accident Ayala is an overwhelming favorite to win election in November. If this were Black Rock, the West Side, the North End where voters are far more engaged in news outlets and turn out in significantly higher voting numbers it might be different. Christina defeated her primary opponent Angel Reyes with 63 percent of the vote on Tuesday. Connecticut’s Working Families Party that is offering two candidates for Board of Education in a September 4 special election, John Bagley and Barbara Pouchet, is now contemplating placing Angel Reyes on the ballot in November. Lindsay Farrell, WFP state director, says a formal vote to endorse has not yet been made.

When Angel, a Dominican, heard the news about Christina he called OIB the other day to complain that Ayala supporters, many of whom originate from Puerto Rico, smeared his campaign ethnically. Angel, ethnic politics still occur over there? You bet, he said. Ayala supporters say Angel’s making up stories. Angel sounded bitter. He may get another crack at Christina in the general election, but it will be an uphill battle. The Ayala family, be it Tito, Christina’s father, or Democratic Registrar Santa Ayala, Christina’s mom, or cousin Andres, coming off a fresh Tuesday win for State Senate, have worked these neighborhoods collectively for a long time. They know their peeps.
Running a campaign to defeat Christina on the basis she fled the scene of a car accident won’t be enough to take her out. Had there been a fatality or serious injury it would be different. The charges would be severe. If Christina has the right lawyer to handle this and continues to show remorse, it will go away. Her opponent or opponents will try to make sure it doesn’t.
*** Let’s make it interesting at least, now that some OIB critics have already given Ms. Ayala a failing political grade, no? *** RUN ANGEL RUN! ***
Nobody seems to be interested in a ‘hit and run driver’ running for office. Who cares? She’ll win by a mandate. Qué lástima!
The only regret Ted Kennedy had after his car accident on Chappaquiddick Island that killed Mary Jo Kopechne was it prevented him from becoming President of the United States. While admittedly this is minor in comparison, the apology rang hollow. Christina Ayala’s behavior after the accident she caused speaks volumes about her character. Maybe her behavior won’t affect the outcome of the general election, but it should be a vital part of the opposition’s assessment of her inability to perform the duties of a state legislator.
Buried on the op-ed page of the rag known as the Connecticut Post is this (from thumbs up and down) …
Thumbs down to Bridgeport state representative candidate Christina Ayala, who won the Democratic primary Tuesday night in the 128th District, and is now facing several charges after police said she fled the scene of a car accident Wednesday night. The would-be legislator was charged with evading responsibility, failure to obey a traffic signal and failure to renew her vehicle’s registration and was released on a promise to appear in court. Police said Ayala fled the accident scene and was eventually flagged down a few blocks away by a person who had witnessed the accident and pursued her. Dicey behavior, allegedly, for a person who wants to make laws for the rest of us.
*** What’s next, “off with her head?” *** Queen of Hearts Club ***
No Ralph … she should just remove her candidacy as she has demonstrated she is singularly unqualified to represent anyone in a public venue.
*** She’s not the only one running, no? Let the voters decide, there are not a few who don’t live in her district who smell blood! ***
The only thing Angel is good at is making up stories. If you can get him to tell the truth about anything you’ve really accomplished something.