Don’t ya just love blackmail photos? Well, at OIB you never know when a photo will come in handy. A sampling from the party at Captain’s Cove, courtesy of Con Filardi and Sly Salcedo. (Warning, clicking on a picture gives you a full-sized version.)

Sly Salcedo, left, and Joel Gonzalez conspiring to thwart District Leader Mitch “The Switch” Robles’ hand-picked candidate Eze Santiago for state representative.

Jonathan Kantrowitz, guardian of My Left Nutmeg, talks bipartisanship with Bridgeport Republican Town Chair Marc Delmonico and his bride Barbara. Hey Jonathan and Marc, no deal cutting without me!

The ultimate blackmail photo. That’s Bruce Hubler smiling, but gritting, “Lennie, not so close.”

Republican State Sen. Rob Russo tries to blarney wily Tom Kelly. TK had Robbie so dazed and confused that the senator switched to club soda.

Now we’re talking. I’m sandwiched by East Side District Leader Marilyn Middlemass and Mother Goose, aka Dottie Guman, vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee. Don’t mess with Mother Goose.

The legendary Gino, as in Gene O’Neill, left, with the grand dame of Bridgeport’s Democratic Party Johanna Dorgan. Hey TK, get your hands off! And Gino, what’s in the envelope?

Good grief, Gino and TK again. Watch out, Sly.

Captain Charlie Coviello, Barb Delmonico, the biggest Yankee fan on the planet, and big Marc Delmonico who pours concrete for a living, the perfect profession for politics.

The legendary Three Amigos, from left Chico, Sly and Joel. Hey, Sly, watch your pockets!
Spring showers bring May flowers.
This morning I saw a brand new Iris growing in my backyard.
But it wasn’t a normal Iris — it was a Local Iris (wink).
Here’s why I’m writing:
July 30, 1965 is the day The USA started inflating its currency to pay for things like Medicare and the Vietnam War — Congress never appropriated money to pay for those things. That same day, the wheels needed to jumpstart globalization were put in motion. Today, America has $9 trillion debt mostly owed to overseas governments. Defict spending and the resulting inflation have backfired resulting in the destruction of America’s industrial base – the impact here in Bridgeport is painfully obvious.
O.P.I.C.s or one-person internet companies are a way to get that money back. Not everybody knows how to create their own income but thanks to factories-without-smokestacks that’s starting to change. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of happy people. At present, they all live in Bridgeport.
Local Eyes- Iris Eyes Are Smilin’:)
Hey Local Eyes, Did you find your lost drink? I think Charlie Coviello snatched it. Remember, to Keep your Local Eyes on your Drink next time.
Did you guys see how muscular and strong Mark Delmonico looks. I will not be picking any fights with him.
I remember Barbara when she worked at City Hall, did Fabrizi can you Barbara? That’s what happens when you don’t go along. You’re in good hands now!
Local Eyes,
The destruction of America’s industrial base and the impact it’s had on Bridgeport is more complicated than you suggest.
Deficit spending and the resulting inflation are certainly issues. There’s been too much spent on too many questionable initiatives at all levels of government (local and national), with Vietnam and Iraq being two horrific examples. But I think there’s a more insidious process at work.
The loss of our industrial dominance goes hand in hand with the loss of our competitive edge… whether as a nation or as a city. Simply put, others have figured out how to DO things and how to BUILD things better, faster and cheaper than we can. Change has passed us by. We’ve forgotten the power of invention and innovation.
Lack of innovation, and the inability to deliver real value to a customer, are what corrode a business’ competitiveness. Same applies to industries and even to cities. If a company offers you a better product at a more attractive price, chances are you’re going to buy it. If a city offers you attractive and affordable housing, compelling educational and cultural opportunities and a government supportive of business growth and quality of life issues, chances are you’ll want to live there. Competitiveness…offering superior value…is the key.
O.P.I.C.’s could certainly be part of the solution. Intellectual content (knowledge) is the primary engine for growth and positive change. Although Bridgeport’s industrial prominence is clearly in its past, the future holds plenty of opportunity.
What the city (and the country) needs is someone with vision AND the right priorities. Someone who can recognize an opportunity and develop practical strategies to achieve it. Unfortunately, that’s a solution (the right leadership) that Bridgeport has found difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.
O.P.I.C.’s might indeed be part of a solution.
Lennie – Clever use of digital technology, inserting my look-alike next to you. Two more rounds of golf if you’ll hit the delete key and destroy the evidence!
Bruce Hubler has been identified as a walking, talking HUMAN GROWTH STOCK — if IDEAS were a country, he’d be The President.
TK is SO FUNNY that tv networks are competing for his new pilot called Council of Humor with Tom Kelly. Let’s hope the advance money isn’t enough to lure him from his job at City Hall.
So Joel has become un Republicain? Is retard…no?
Local Eyes- Thanks for the kind words. However, surely you must jest about me working in City Hall. I wish Bill Finch would give me a $600.00 advance on my taxes. I’m a big fan of O.P.I.C.’s and Bruce Hubler.
In fact Local Eyes there could be a great opportunity for some one to get in the computer recycling business. Turning an environmental nightmare into an environmental and economic gold mine.
Tom Kelly: I was wrong. A quick look at the Bridgeport web site reveals that you are not on the City Council. Nonetheless, I hope your new tv show is a hit. is already recycling computers in metro-Bridgeport — they’re doing a fine job.
Open apology to State Senator Russo — I took advantage of the web’s click-culture. You did nothing to antagonize me – I’m sorry, I was wrong and I apologize.
Finally, I didn’t take a test before joining this blog – maybe my admission was a mistake (gulp).
joel g are you gonna vote for McCain in Nov?
Local Eyes,
Sorry, I left something out. Bridgeport’s demise was accelerated by corruption, hubris and greed. Not to mention, gross incompetence as well.
Those are tough barriers to overcome when you’re trying to attract honest investors, and remake the image of a city. Perceptions count. It’ll take some aggressive marketing and true success stories before Bridgeport regains momentum. Today’s challenging economic times certainly aren’t going to help.
On a more positve note, investment capital($$$) always flows toward innovative leadership… and market opportunities based on compelling trends and demographics. All Bridgeport needs to do… is show it has both!
Hi all, its nice to see what some of you on here look like! if I had been able to come I would have done everybody’s hair and make-up for the photos. Looks like you all had a good time.
Great article on John McCain, love him or leave him, by Trumbull’s own Matt Bai in the New York Times Magazine. It may be read at www Matt was also featured this morning on “This Week with George Stephan…..ous?” Matt is one of the good local guys who have made it good and never forgets where he came from. He wrote the highly acclaimed “The Argument” Billionaires, Bloggers, and The Battle To Remake Democratic Politics, in 2007.
You sound like a candidate.
You sound like a candidate.”
Sounds good to me!!
Sorry I missed the soirée at the Cove. Anna and I stole away for an exciting couple of days in Devon. Maybe next time.
Gossip Of The Rialto!
“Anna Goes Yahooy!”
Anna and Yahooy were holed up and on the lamb for a couple of days in the Liberty Rock Motel in Devon. Yahooy being the gastronome that he is couldn’t pass up the launching of the new McDonald’s Chicken sandwich located next to the “Rock”. Anna was spitting feathers that he didn’t take her out to the Bridgeport Flyer Diner on Bridgeport Avenue in beautiful downtown Devon. She also took a pass on Yahooy’s offer of a Mr. Softee saying she preferred her ice cream hard like her men. Yahooy was last seen melting down Naugatuck Avenue.
City Kitty said, “If I had been able to come I would have done everybody’s hair and make-up for the photos.”
Kitty, what kind of hair styling would you have done on me?
donj, I’m most definitely voting for McCain. In fact I’m doing something I’ve never done before, I’m not splitting my vote, I’m voting down the Republican row.
Calling all Republicans. Have any of you seen “The Obama girl song” on Youtube? Check out the bod on that chick! She has over 12 Million hits and counting.
I’d like to produce “The McCain Song” in response to the Obama song and others out there. I’m getting pressed for time as the days go by and I’d like for the Local Republicans to contact me and I’ll tell you how we all can be part of this fun and clever way to raise awareness for our Next President John McCain. Call me at (203) 345-9597. Now go to youtube and control yourself.
Claude Balls, Use your Brain, Vote McCain!!!
Tom Kelly thanks for the link to the New York Times Magazine article on McCain. Very well written!
OK Joel – you got me on that one, I’d skip the hair (since there isn’t any) and maybe just a little mascara!!! 🙂 I think I’ll go on Youtube to see that video you mentioned.
Here is the link to the Obama girl’s song and video.
Here’s a funny video regarding a local state rep. who seems to be mathematically challenged. No wonder the state has a deficit.
6×4=28, I wonder what she (DebraLee Hovey) would say, if asked, what’s 4×6?
Good one Up On Bridgeport, I see you are “Up On The Capitol” too.
I watched the Obama girl on youtube, and if she’s serious – Mrs. Obama has a problem, although I think it’s just a publicity stunt.
City Kitty how would you like to appear on the McCain video? Call me, I don’t bite!
Attention Lennie Grimaldi:
Lennie I would like to know why is it that the City Council’s minutes are not posted online with the City Council Agendas?
What good is posting the agendas if there is no way to know what was said and done, if anything at all?
Joel – thank you very much for your offer to appear on a McCain video, that’s very flattering. 😉 But I’m a diehard democrat and I just can’t take you up on that offer. Besides, I can’t sing either.
joel you’re so funny you mean to tell me joel you think that McCain would make a better president than Obama you’re nuts man Obama is going to get well over 70% of the vote in Bpt. joel why all of a sudden you just love republicans???
Joel Gonzalez lives in Devon.
donj .o.e.l Are you involved with the democratic machine fixing the votes and absentee ballots? I’ve always split my vote. You do know what a vote split is, do you? What would your numbers be, if McCain choses Colin Powell as his Vice President?
If you had a leak in your basement and you needed a plumber, would you call a novato with no tools who is still trying to learn to turn on a soldering torch or would you call an experienced and proven plumber with the right tools?
Yahooy come over to 909 Maplewood Avenue and we can drink some hot yahoo chocolate milk. Don’t waste your time looking for me in Devon.
City Kitty the Obama Girl and a small group did the Obama video for fun. She is an aspiring singer and actress and in an interview she said she did not do it because she supports Obama. Did you see the John Edwards phone message video to Kerry? I’ll post it here in a bit, I’m sure it’ll make you laugh.