Backed by incumbent Ed Gomes, Aaron Turner has filed paperwork to follow his former boss’ footsteps to represent Connecticut’s 23rd State Senate District which covers about two thirds of Bridgeport and a portion of western Stratford. Others are interested in the seat such as school board member Dennis Bradley and former local NAACP leader Carolyn Vermont.
“For me, this is bigger than just a run for state senate,” Turner stated Wednesday. “This campaign represents the people of Bridgeport who have shared in the pride, as well as the challenges, that comes with being born and raised in this city. My family faced many of the same issues that kids in Bridgeport and Stratford are facing today, such as parents having to work two, three jobs to makes ends meet, a woefully underfunded public school system, and the constant presence of violence and drug abuse. Despite these challenges, I went to UConn and came back to work in public service after graduating. I know what makes this district great, and I want to be a leader in helping our community build stronger together, and to fight for policies that will positively impact our people.”
Turner’s former boss Gomes says Turner has his full backing. Gomes, 82 years old, announced several weeks ago he will not seek reelection.
“Aaron Turner is a man of integrity, intelligence, and high moral character, and I am incredibly proud to see him step up and run to succeed me in representing the 23rd Senate District. Even though Aaron was my aide in the capitol, we really worked as partners to deliver the best possible results for the district, and I saw him grow over the time we worked together. His family goes back generations in Bridgeport and I know that there is no one who knows the needs of this city better, and who would work harder to help our people as Aaron.”
Turner it appears will also enjoy the backing of Bridgeport Working Families Party activists. Gomes was propelled to victory in a 2015 special election running on the Connecticut Working Families Party line after the resignation of Andres Ayala who had been appointed chief of the state Department of Motor Vehicles.
“Aaron represents the next generation of thoughtful and passionate leaders that we need in this district,” said Sauda Baraka, chair of the Bridgeport Working Families Party. “Senator Gomes has been an excellent Senator and I know that Aaron will build on his legacy with fresh ideas and a vision for the future of Bridgeport and Stratford that will help shape where our city goes in the years to come.”
Turner is an Employment Specialist at the Workplace in Bridgeport. Prior to that he served as Gomes’ legislative aide. Turner serves as Governmental Relations Chair for the Greater Bridgeport NAACP. He is a Bridgeport YMCA board member. Turner helped organize police accountability rallies in Bridgeport following the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases to promote awareness regarding the wrongful deaths of people of color in the United States.
In 2016 he helped revive the Greater Bridgeport Young Dems whose membership has sparked renewed political activity in city campaigns.
Aaron, you got my support and you could not have had a better mentor than Ed Gomes, someone who speaks truth to power and who is honest and keeps his word.
http://www.aaronforsenate.com to donate
I excited!!! We agree 100% on something! Aaron for Senate
Eric Alicea, ‘m sure that we agree on a lot of things.
Aaron, You are a very fine candidate in a field that have 3 very interesting candidates. Having Ed Gomes behind you is a pretty good endorsement. I have worked with you and think you are a qualified and class act. I am glad I do not have to choose between the 3 candidate in your district as I have respect for all of them. Good luck on this amazing Journey and Thank you for running.
Ron Mackey, I am glad we agree that Aaron Turner is a good candidate. But, I do have a question for you. You Questioned Eric Alicea and how long he has lived in the 139th for his DTC race. Now , to me it doesn’t matter if he moved there 2 weeks ago. Aaron is a new addition to his current area and district. He lived in my neighborhood and I think it was wise to move into the district of Ed Gomes. I know that AAron has been a great asset to Ed Gomes and I am certain has learned many things. The other candidates are also very well connected and it should be an interesting race. I am gload I do not have to choose but I always speak about you with respect as you know!
gload – glad
Aaron Turner..you just go for it and you may find many friends throughout Bridgeport to help you. ESPECIALLY if Dennis Bradley gets involved. A lot of people are waiting in line to teach Dennis Bradley(and his firmer patron) a lesson.
former… firmer is completely wrong.The pizzamaker is getting old.
Frank, you’re a pizza maker?
Hi Lennie.. I can’t make pizza but I can cook a mean Hungarian Stuffed Cabbage. Let me know if you are interested.
Frank can you cook Chicken paprikash and is there any place in the area a brother can get him some. Back in the day when I lived in Black Rock I use to go to the Kossuth Club every Wednesday and grab a large.
Donald Day..I will get back to you. My recently deceased Mom was not happy with the chicken in the supermarkets. I guess I to find out things on mt self. When I perfect Chicken Papkrish.I will let you know. We meet each other on OIB enough times so i will keep you in mind.
Donald, Michele Torres makes it from time to time at Harborviewmarket for lunch. More than a few native Hungarians say it is excellent. The Kossuth Club – that was the deal of the century for lunch!
Thanks Jennifer, I’ll stop through tomorrow and see what’s up. I haven’t had it since the Kossuth closed and I’m missing it.
Liscio’s up near Treeland has good stuffed cabbage. If your ever in the city, try this place.
Have some Strudel, too!
Rye Ridge Deli in Westport features a few Hungarian items on the menu.
There’s a wonderful Hungarian delicatessen on Kings Highway in Fairfield. Proprietress makes his own smoked sausage. Highly recommended.
Thank you Frank, Jennifer, Derek and Grim R, I’ll will check out each one of your suggestions. I had a friend send me a text about the Goulash Place in Danbury that features an extensive Hungarian menu.
Donald Day…Something new has popped up in Fairfield. It’s on the grounds of the Calvin United Church of Christ,901 Kings Highway East Fairfield Ct. It is called “Hungarian Bistro.” It does have a Facebook page under “Hungarian Bistro.” It seems to be open select days and hours. I though I saw a sign just posted that said Weekend but The Facebook site says Friday but I really don’t know. The church is a longtime Hungarian Church and they used to have frequent festival but this seems to be a more of a weekly set-up. Two phones were listed 203-414-6037 or 203-345-1114
I don’t live in the district, but wish I had Aaron running to replace my State Rep. He’ll be a fine addition to the House. I’ve got to know him during the past political year and he’s a fresh face with a great work ethic to serve the people of CT. I’ve already made my contribution to help him reach the State Funding requirement.
This young man seems to be a much better choice than some of the other names mentioned for the seat. He knows the job & the players up in Hartford and can hit the job running. Good Luck to Aaron.
*** Quick comment on this GOP & Trump political release of the Nunes memo of classified info. A Trump card for Trump & the GOP by no means to discredit the Mueller investigation on Russia & President Trump, etc. The memo, A small piece of a puzzle that will only lead to more guessing and assumptions about a plan to discredit Trump thus giving the President the opportunity to fire Mueller & anyone else in the FBI or DOJ that he feels is not loyal to him. You want the truth then release the entire puzzle and not just a small part. Never have I seen a new president in office be involved in so much political B.S & negative press as Trump. More to come I’am sure! ***
Today Feb. 1, 2018 is “Black History Month and is no better topic on OIB than who will replace Ed Gomes as Connecticut’s 23rd State Senate District.
Origins of Black History Month:
The story of Black History Month begins in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.
That September, the Harvard-trained historian Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by black Americans and other peoples of African descent.
Known today as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures.
In the decades that followed, mayors of cities across the country began issuing yearly proclamations recognizing Negro History Week. By the late 1960s, thanks in part to the civil rights movement and a growing awareness of black identity, Negro History Week had evolved into Black History Month on many college campuses.
President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
Watch these kids deliver the breaking news we… – Because of Them We Can by Eunique Jones
Lennie, has Dennis Bradley and Carolyn Vermont filed paperwork to represent Connecticut’s 23rd State Senate District?
Ron, spoke to them this week. They both say they’ll have something formal to file and announce within two weeks or so.