It was peace, love and understanding Monday night as the 90-member Democratic Town Committee by acclamation voted to accept roughly 400 delegates to various nominating conventions taking place in May for state and federal offices.
No one jumped out of their seat to slap Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa across the face for insulting someone’s wife. There wasn’t enough time. The chairman simply said we can be here all night or make this quick. It was presto, bango and done.
The meeting started shortly after 5:30 p.m.. It was done before 6 p.m. The chairman was placing the finishing touches on all the delegates lists. When available we shall post them.
Delegates enjoy their 15 minutes of fame because they can maneuver the direction of elections via endorsements.
The political skinny Monday night?
— Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Herron Gaston is clearly poised for the endorsement for Connecticut’s 23rd Senate District, the seat occupied by indicted incumbent Dennis Bradley who did not attend the Monday session.
— Does Bradley have the nine delegate votes necessary to wage a primary? Open question. If not, he’d have to petition his way onto the ballot, scouring thousands of verified signatures at a time he’s scheduled for a late May trial. Good luck with that, assuming his trial is not delayed once again.
— Bradley occupies the seat once held by City Councilman Ernie Newton who may have nine votes if he decides to primary.
— Mayor Joe Ganim, who spoke to the troops early before heading off to the UConn game at Total Mortgage Arena, worked the insiders greeting retired Superior Court Judge Carmen Lopez, a member of the town committee and potential mayoral rival. The mayor’s a good pol and judge a fine listener. Where it goes, who knows?
— Former Health Director Maritza Bond, a candidate for CT Secretary Of The State, eagerly seeking a statewide endorsement, has support among the local delegation. U.S. Senator Chris Murphy is rallying Governor Ned Lamont on behalf of former staffer Meriden State Rep. Hilda Santiago to replace retiring incumbent Denise Merrill. How will this shake out?
This meeting tonight is an example of the Democrat machine run by Mario Testa, there was no discussion. The 90-member Democratic Town Committee by acclamation voted to accept roughly 400 delegates chosen by Mario to various nominating conventions taking place in May for state and federal offices. the 90-member Democratic Town Committee by acclamation voted to accept roughly 400 delegates to various nominating conventions taking place in May for state and federal offices. At those different conventions in May the 400 delegates will vote for who ever Mario tells them to vote for.
Lennie, the commentary section is down. Seemingly I believe because of the one-sided, political allegiance Bullsh!$t is starting to permeate its aroma.
Consider a page from NY Post’s, OIB’s personal Page Six, on the hot trending topic, be it entertainment or otherwise. Like the slap heard around the world, Will knows Chris didn’t right his performances, just like actors don’t write their lines in a movie. Rock acting skills never win him an Oscar. 🙂 He’s no Denzel. Was it was part of the show? Chris set the stage and braced for the slap. Chris Rock knew it was coming. They are performers.
They say art imitates reality. So what gives for such a performance? That matrix can be deep, and there are plenty of assumptions being discussed. Personally, with the current trend of wokeness being offendedness, in our cancel culture. Comedians/comedy has been increasingly under fire for their performances. A far cry from the days of Richard Pryor, Don Rickles, Red Fox, Sanford and Son, and Carroll O’Connor, Archie Bunker, in All in the Family. JS
As always, I depart with the Prophet Eminem.