Fredericks In New York Post State Of Mind, Leaves Connecticut Post

Bob Fredericks
Bob Fredericks give thumbs up to the New York Post.

It was a helluva three months for Bob Fredericks in his return to the Connecticut Post as managing editor–storm Sandy, election coverage and then helping direct Hearst Connecticut coverage of Sandy Hook shootings–but the veteran journalist says his heart may be in Bridgeport but his head is in Broadway. On Wednesday he completed his short stay back in the Bridgeport newsroom opting to return to the New York Post as a senior writer where the pay is better without the administrative, personnel and management issues associated with a managing editor’s slot. Fredericks leaves with praise for Hearst reporters and editors. Hearst is the parent of the Connecticut Post.

Fredericks, who lives in Black Rock, had an impact returning to the Connecticut Post where he had prior stints as a reporter and editor. He redirected staff to produce more coverage in Bridgeport and surrounding communities. Fredericks loves reporting the news, but not the stuff that goes on behind the scenes to manage a staff. So he has liberated himself back to just cranking copy for the New York Post where his chatty writing style is a fit for coverage of celebrities, mobsters, politicians and hedgefunders.

Hey, how many guys can say they worked for a guy named Hearst and a guy named Murdoch? No word yet on Fredericks’ replacement.

Fredericks, in an email to OIB, writes “Hearst gave me a great opportunity and I’m thankful, but I’m heading back to Midtown to write for The New York Post, a gig I loved and missed. The CT Post remains in fine hands with Bobbie (Roessner, executive editor) in charge and some terrific reporters on staff. You’re sure to see continued improvement down the road.”



  1. Three months is not necessarily a long time, unless perhaps you are having to hold your breath. But it has been long enough to attribute some stories that have gotten covered and/or covered in such a way by the CT Post that it had to be purposeful or directed.

    I like to think Bob Fredericks was responsible for some of this execution. That is necessary for this community where acceptance of whatever rolls out of City Hall is ‘situation normal,’ but far from ‘condition healthy, wealthy and wise.’

    Come to think of it, the loss of a Managing Editor needs attention more than the longer absence of a Bishop for the Diocese of Bridgeport. A good editor has enough independence and courage to ask necessary questions and to expect good answers. A good editor has the character to follow up wherever a story goes and to employ necessary resources.

    In these times by way of contrast, an ordained man, ontologically raised to a position above the remainder of Catholic Christians, with a desire to rise further practices political skills, develops relationships with the wealthy and comfortable, and may be busier with daily coverups of sins (by those who pledge obedience to him) where current revelation of such wrongdoing may prove to be criminal in nature or at least certainly scandalous.

    Freedom of the press! Religious freedom! Two critical American freedoms. We can only hope the people who hold these responsible positions may find their highest calling in pursuit of the truth, for without the truth the community cannot heal completely from that which is suffered. Time will tell.

  2. I am a newspaper junkie and like many, had been very unhappy with the CT Post. Thought they were just “mailing it in” for quite some time. It seemed to me all their CT papers were profitable even with scant editorial, so why invest in editorial?

    With the new team in place for a while now, they seem to be hitting their stride. They seem to be successfully working out having reporters on CT stories that can run in Greenwich, Stamford and Bridgeport.

    I think Bob Fredericks was a part of that plan. Hate to see him go. Regardless, the paper is demonstrably better the past several months and I expect this will continue.

    Best luck to Bob.

    On another note, with no doubt in my mind, he would be slashing John Marshall Lee’s copy to shreds!


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