UI’s Proposed Rate Increase Rejected By State Regulators

The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority on Friday rejected United Illuminating’s proposed rate increase of $131 million over three years, authorizing instead an increase of roughly $23 million, an average hike to customer bills of about two percent compared to current levels.

From Mayor Joe Ganim:

“I would like to thank the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority for approving a final decision, rejecting The United Illuminating Company’s proposed distribution rate increase. This ruling helps to alleviate families and households in Bridgeport that have been distressed by recent rate increases on electricity. Ratepayers in Bridgeport have had to manage the financial strain of paying a substantial amount for electricity rates that are excessive for the average household in our City. I am thankful that this will leave our residents with a peace of mind, knowing that rates will not remain at a dramatic increase and will no longer act as a large burden within Bridgeport.”


AARP Connecticut applauds the final decision by Connecticut’s Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) to reject United Illuminating Company’s rate increase request. An approved increase would have significantly raised the cost of electricity for Connecticut ratepayers, who already pay the highest retail electricity price in the continental United States.

PURA denied the rate increase request of nearly 15% over three years after a lengthy regulatory proceeding and hearing from thousands of AARP members who live in the 17 towns serviced by United Illuminating.

“The proposed increase would have been another hit to customers who are already facing soaring energy costs as well as high inflation on many necessary consumer goods, impacting the state’s most vulnerable households,” said John Erlingheuser, AARP Connecticut Senior Associate State Director. “We encourage PURA to continue to thoroughly scrutinize the performance of all utilities when considering future rate increase requests.”



  1. “’I would like to thank the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority for approving a final decision, rejecting The United Illuminating Company’s proposed distribution rate increase. This ruling helps to alleviate families and households in Bridgeport that have been distressed by recent rate increases on electricity. Ratepayers in Bridgeport have had to manage the financial strain of paying a substantial amount for electricity rates that are excessive for the average household in our City. I am thankful that this will leave our residents with a peace of mind, knowing that rates will not remain at a dramatic increase and will no longer act as a large burden within Bridgeport.’”

    No! — at several levels. The first level of “No” is that there is an obvious grammatical gaffe with respect to the use of the word “alleviate” with “families” as the direct object. Alleviate should have been used with respect to the appropriate direct object of “financial stress” — although the families of Bridgeport, in particular, and the UI catchment area, generally, might be “alleviated” (lessened or reduced”) by the granting of ANY increase to their UI bills… (Electricity is significantly cheaper just about everywhere else in the US… Energy costs and taxes are just two, very valid reasons for Bridgeport families to consider moving out of here…)

    The second level of No! is that this ruling doesn’t reduce the financial stress on Bridgeport families. There is still an increase in rates that will significantly INCREASE the financial stress on Bridgeport families!!! Truly, after the rapacious fleecing of UI customers allowed by PURA with respect to the “fuel cost adjustment” granted to UI for the winter season (and lasting into July, despite fuel-price during that period), there should have been a large rate decrease for UI customers. Certainly, there shouldn’t have been ANY increase… So; why is the Mayor celebrating?! He must be celebrating the INCREASE! (And why is that?! Keeps the value of his UI stock higher?!) (Did any high-level UI employees, or the employee’s union make any donation$ to Hizzoner’s re-election campaign?!)

    The third level of No! is that this RATE INCREASE will not leave our residents with any peace of mind regarding energy costs! Our rates are oppressively high and are set to go higher. Any rate increase is “dramatic” to Bridgeport families trying to make rent, mortgage, and property-tax payments…

    Otherwise; one has to wonder about why UI always manages to keep its “normal profits” illegally high, year after, despite being a statutorily-regulated utility. Why is it that the “the media” — especially the CONNECTICUT Post — has failed to explore the amount of Connecticut utility stock owned by the Governor, GA, and PURA members?! If the “regulators”/regulator families and business partners are allowed to own stock in utilities such as UI, that could explain why there are always high profits for UI (et al.) and high dividends for their shareholders….

    And again; it must be stated that the Mayor’s celebration of a rate INCREASE for UI must be examined, in regard to its appropriateness and any underlying ethical/legal conflicts…

  2. In the third paragraph the following parenthetical statement — (and lasting into July, despite fuel-price during that period) — should have read (and lasting into July, despite fuel-price REDUCTIONS during that period)…


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