News release from state legislative delegation:
Representatives Ezequiel Santiago (D-130th), Andre Baker (D-124th), Charlie Stallworth (D-126th), Jack Hennessy (D-127th), Christopher Rosario (D-128th) and Steve Stafstrom (D-129th) are pleased to announce approval by the State Bond Commission of funding for improvements to the Klein Memorial Auditorium facility in Bridgeport.
Representative Ezequiel Santiago worked to introduce the bonding request and champion the item through the process over the last few years, culminating in today’s approval.
Bridgeport Legislators said, “The Klein Memorial provides an important venue for cultural and social programs that enrich lives throughout the greater Bridgeport area and the state. This is a great investment that will increase access and earn returns in a number of different areas.”
In addition to a rich variety of performances from orchestras, plays and other services, The Klein offers the only tuition-free after school arts program in Bridgeport. $2,650,000 was allocated to the Klein for the installation of an elevator, technology improvements and code required improvements.
“All of us at The Klein are extremely grateful to Governor Malloy, our chief sponsor Representative Ezequiel Santiago, Representative Stafstrom, and the other members of the Bridgeport delegation. This funding is an investment by the State, and we proudly accept the responsibility to apply it toward the betterment of Bridgeport. Additional thanks to Mayor Ganim and his administration who have generously offered their encouragement and support,” Laurence Caso, Executive Director, The Klein.
The State Bond Commission approved the funding in a meeting held on Tuesday, November 15th. The Klein Memorial funding is on Bond Commission Agenda Item #28.
Excellent. The Klein is one of the best assets in the city of Bridgeport. Our Symphony is one of the best. Kudos to all involved in bringing this funding to our city.
Am I the only one who finds it strange our two independent State Senators are left out of this story completely?
Hit that one on the head, Steve. Two major, wonderful assets that need to continue to be nurtured and sustained. Having these particular assets provides important indications the city might yet survive and prosper again.
A tip of the cap to all who work for, work at, volunteer their efforts to, and otherwise contribute to the activities currently scheduled for the Klein. A special thank you to Laurence Caso who stirs up lots of activities that call the Klein their home, especially those that culturally enrich youth in our communities. Caso has increased the utilization of the facility from fewer than 50 days per year to more than five times that level. Incredible. He smiles and generally stays away from the limelight, always sharing with others. Will that behavior be a model for others in the City? Time will tell.
STAMFORD–A new teen center at the Boys & Girls Club and improvements at the Yerwood Center are among projects that will be funded by nearly $6 million in state bonds that legislators expect to be approved next week.
Upgrades at the two community centers, which will cost $4.4 million, were among the statewide projects that Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, a Stamford native and former mayor, chose for bonding. The State Bond Commission is to allocate the money Tuesday at the state capitol.
*** The Klein is a jewel on the west-side of Bpt. that should be looked after by the city & state. Its attractions & great location which is easy to get to & exit have entertained many for years & hopefully for many more to come! ***