Will The Pleasure Be Back For The Election?

Received this from Bridgeport Harbor Master Robert Scinto (not the developer):

Planning is in high gear and we hope to ferry people to the island in spring 2011.

Morgan Kaolian had shared an aerial photo with OIB he snapped several days ago showing UI workers replacing utility poles on the peninsula. If you’re Mayor Bill Finch: Yeah, baby, let’s get Pleasure Beach open for next year’s election!!! Part of the plan is transporting folks to Pleasure Beach via water taxi. From where? Awaiting further details.



  1. I heard the mayor is re-proposing his container-to-barge-to-truck idea combining water taxis for Pleasure Beach. He is also going to have a hotel on the island called the “Barge Inn.”

  2. So while employees with decades under their belt are getting laid off, Robert Kennedy’s girlfriend sits at the front desk of public facilities collecting a paycheck. Where is this $ coming from? Sources say it may be being taken from the seasonal acct. The seasonal acct is where they hire seasonals to fill potholes and do roadwork. Could this be the reason the streets are a mess? Mismanagement of funds is going on all over this city!

  3. (In the spirit of TV re-runs, I thought I’d re-post this)

    Remember Lily Tomlin? She was the lady jokester who mimicked the telephone operator? She had the standing line “one ringy dingy, two ringy dingies ….”

    Let’s play …

    (One ringy dingy, two ringy dingies)

    “Hello, United Illuminating Company, may I help you?”

    “Why, yes! This is OIB, prying open the juicy stuff. I have a question!”

    “Well, by all means, sir. What is your question?”

    “Well my OIB posse wants to know how four UI trucks got over to Pleasure Beach when the bridge is burned out. And then they want to know why new lighting fixtures are being installed. And then, what is the United Illuminating Company planning on illuminating? Can you illuminate us on this dark issue?”

    Why, yes, Mr OIB, sir, I can. The United Illuminating Company is on Pleasure beach to illuminate ___ ___ ___.”

    And that’s how it’s done.

    Does someone need a quarter?

  4. *** City budget is short $8 million, city jobs freeze (?), more city layoffs to come, no Gov. (FEMA) approval for storm coverage, Remington fire & demolition of buildings, continued city lawsuit cases being lost, increase in crime & arson cases & O/T but the city has money to invest @ Pleasure Beach & new city depts that really bring in no city revenue. Top off with political city employees who should be fired but still have their jobs. Hello! Will the local media & city voters wake up? Not in Bpt. *** FORGETABOUTIT ***


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