There’s something about funeral home directors that can be a bit disarming, maybe because of the nature of the profession. Stay calm when everyone else is cracking up. Board of Education member Andre Baker who wants to challenge Democratic-endorsed Ernie Newton in an August primary for the State House, has a bit of that touch. The funeral director always seems composed to the point you wonder if he has the fire in the belly for politics.
Baker’s reticence about this decision to challenge Newton, a lightning rod politician with a strong following in the East End irrespective of his past and current legal challenges, raises questions about how Baker will assemble the financial and organizational effort to take out Ernie. Baker made his mark as an independent voice on the City Council before winning a school board seat last year. Baker was no supporter of Mayor Bill Finch while a member of the council. In fact, he supported Mary-Jane Foster for mayor in 2011. But a couple of school board votes simpatico with the mayor’s education agenda has some anti-Finch folks wondering about Baker who says he casts votes based on what’s good for the kids. And Newton, who’s not beyond appealing to anti-Finch voters, claims the mayor’s behind this move, and Hartford politicians as well who loathe Ernie’s return to the state legislature.
Republican Leo Redgate was among the city’s famed political funeral directors. Leo’s contacts went deep into state Republican politics. About 35 years ago Leo was a member of the city’s Civil Service Commission during the era of the sweet-and-sour Democratic Mayor John Mandanici, an A&P store manager who was a pretty good storekeeper of the people’s money. Mandy was the closest thing the city ever had to Archie Bunker in charge. If he didn’t get his way he’d let you know. Heck, Mandy would let you know prior to not getting his way.
There was that afternoon when Mandy was unhappy about a Civil Service decision. As soon as the news reached the mayor’s office, Mandy barged into the Civil Service room during the commission meeting screaming prehistoric noises. He called out every commissioner who torpedoed his plans.
Mandy’s face was just inches away from Civil Service Commissioner John Kennedy: “You’re a dummy … a dummeee!” Mandy drew out like a note from a trombone. Kennedy returned fire, “And you’re an ignorant ass!”
Mandy wasn’t finished. He saved the best for last for Leo Redgate. Looking directly at the funeral home director Mandy bellowed, “Leo, no matter what I say to you, you’ll always get me in the end!” Leo just smiled. Mandy did an about face and walked out the door.
Will Andre, the funeral director, get Ernie in the end?
I’m amused by people on this webzine calling for independent thinkers in Bridgeport politics, and then whacking them around when they don’t vote the ‘right’ way. I also have no way of getting a temperature on the East End. Closely knit neighborhood. Tends not to be enthused by most candidates. Feelings on Ernie run so hot. On paper, Andre is a credible challenger. This could be fun. This is going to be linked with that state senate race somehow. Where are those guys in this?
Baker should cremate Newton.
Lennie–shouldn’t your headline read “bury” Newton, not “get?” Either way, I sure hope he does.
Is Dave Hennessey still on the BOE? I hear he is an astronaut, just taking up space. Dave, when I knew you, you had an opinion on everything; get elected to public office and all you do is take up space. Do the job or leave.
*** Mr. Baker just seems to have too much on his personal and business plate right now in my opinion to consider running for State Rep. I would like to see him run for all the right reasons without the political pressures and time constraints that appear to be present in his life right now! However, good luck to Mr. Baker in whatever road he chooses to travel. ***