Who Wants Pie? Firefighters To Deliver Free Pizza To Promote Fire Safety

From Bill Kaempffer, public safety spokesman:

Mayor Bill Finch and the city Fire Department again are partnering with Domino’s Pizza in an effort to save lives through the city’s free smoke alarm program. On Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014,  city firefighters will be delivering pizzas ordered from the Main Street restaurant. If the customer can show he or she has working smoke detectors in the house, the order will be free. If they don’t, the fire department will install free smoke detectors on the spot–and the customer’s order will be free.

WHAT: SafeAsleep Campaign Offers Free Smoke Detectors–and free dinner

WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014 at 6 p.m.<

WHERE: Domino’s Pizza, 2308 Main St., Bridgeport CT

WHO: Mayor Bill Finch, Fire Chief Brian Rooney, city firefighters

Over the last decade, the department in partnership with non-profit RYASAP has installed more than 42,000 free smoke detectors in city homes.

“Our smoke detector program has absolutely saved lives,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “We know of at least 200 cases where people were alerted to a fire in their homes by smoke detectors provided and installed by the city. This program is an investment in keeping kids and families across our city safe, and it’s money well spent.”

The fire department has an educational campaign promoting the program. Firefighters visit schools promoting fire safety and SafeAsleep and urge students to ask their parents if they have  working smoke detectors. The department also has door hangers letting people know that the city will come to their homes and install detectors without charge.

“This program is about keeping people safe,” said Chief Rooney. “And some people  get their dinner for free on top of that. We want to create awareness. The hope is the neighbors will come out to check out the commotion and schedule appointments themselves for free smoke detectors.

Any city resident wanting a free smoke alarm can call 203-335-8835.



    1. Bond Girl, I think major chains get to write off the costs of community contributions as opposed to a San Remo, Massimo’s or Mario’s having to swallow the full costs. I am sure the City is not paying for the pizza.

  1. I know I am anti-everything (bad) but to knock a company for doing good works is even too much for me. Domino’s would not be a national chain if people did not buy their product.
    PS Steve, San Remo, Massimo’s and Testo’s can write this off just like Domino’s.

    1. Andrew, I do not think there was anything in my post knocking Domino’s. Having been in management for Home Depot for 11 years I can only state the obvious. All stores were allocated thousands per year to contribute to community activities. San Reno, Massimos and Mario’s I am certain do not have the same ability. I could be wrong, but I am not.

  2. Thanks to the Fire Department and Domino’s Pizza and all those involved.

    I don’t know what type of smoke detector is being given out but in the past the City giving out only one type and that is the “Ionization Detector,” that is the most popular smoke detector but not the best. Please take the time to watch this video, it may save your life.

    “Popular smoke alarms may go off too late, experts warn:”
    www .today.com/id/49214422/ns/today-today_news/t/rossen-reports-popular-smoke-alarms-may-go-too-late-experts-warn/

  3. Lennie, why was this story moved way over here? It was the third story Wednesday, ahead of the stories here, were you asked to move it because the video is very strong against what Mayor Finch and Chief Rooney are saying and doing by giving out the type of smoke detectors that give residents a false feeling of security?

  4. Ron, no one asked me to move the news release because of the video. The video is certainly relevant given the subject matter. A request was made to time the announcement of the promotion closer to the time of the event. I had inadvertently loaded the story before its time so moved it down in the queue. I moved it back up today (Thursday) as the event unfolds.


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