This could drive a person to drink or to a shrink.
Once allies, now mayoral foes, Joe Ganim and John Gomes, at the urging of WPLR’s Chaz and AJ’s toy drive, regaled the crowd to the tune of Sonny & Cher’s I Got You Babe. If Cher needs a hysterical laugh this certainly is it.
Ganim and Gomes were gifted with the game Rock Em Sock Em Robots. Ganim won via absentee ballots.
No word if Gomes will appeal.
One way to get media attention wiithout campaign expense, certainly.
But are either of them ready for “prime time”, musically?
Assume that Lennie will report on the result wise for the gifted kids of Bridgeport?
The opponents are announced…..the punches come in flurries…..a “block” becomes loose…..applause!!
It’s entertainment folks. Not a source for practical info on what Mayoral candidates will do, and toys do break and become forgotten, but in Bridgeport the schools have so much ability to get better. Why not attend to that, at least for a moment? Be an informed voter when in January for the Democratic Primary, in February for the Mayoral election and also in March, look for the date, for Democratic Town Committee voting. Time will tell.
To be fair politicians become broke and forgotten too. with every losing election 🙂
John, folks know karaoke is entertainment through some songs do have a profound sense of internal info, emotionally speaking. They can be quite educational, and moving too.
A box of AB’s would have been more appropriate!
Who was Cher? 🤣
John, M this song for you. You know that time thing you got going on? 🙃
Of course, it was a forced apology. Considering. A, Wanda/Mario were covertly working against G2 and for team Gomes/Ricci. B When G2 out AB them for the W. They threw Wanda under the bus and leaked the video in an attempt to gain support for a W in the general, and or, a new primary/general. 🤔