One comment

  1. May I offer my personal compliments to you, likely similar to many in the public who are silent, for your communication efforts of the past year. Yes, you have come before the community, in person on programs, or informally at events, as well as formal ceremonies to celebrate longterm professional service in the Department or informally at faith, school or sports events. You always seem to have something positive to offer as well as a readiness to listen and provide a future invitation. And you do it under circumstances of critical department understaffing and initial serious delay in labor contracting delay from the past over which no current officer had responsibility.

    At the one year mark your focus on Public Safety and Traffic Safety, by the numbers is commendable, and your Community Engagement actions will bear fruit in the minds of those who have watched officers from all department levels participating. What is very different and commendable is a focus on Wellness issues of those who serve. Many hours of service including basic and overtime, and attempting to grow each officer through extra learning along their career path while replacing lost experience through retirements, indicates some pressure points experienced.

    You do make room for your fellow officers to “show their stuff” and take pride in their professional development. Thank you for your vision and for showing us what excellent attention to professional development can produce in spirit, productivity, and a sense of public service. You have demonstrated in your first year of Public Safety leadership that my frequent statement, “TIME WILL TELL” can be very true and real for the benefit of all.


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