Tom Beats On Dan

From Tom Foley:


In the last five days, career politician Dannel Malloy has promised over $300 million in new spending and has promised to block binding arbitration reforms that could cost local taxpayers millions more. He has not said how he will pay for this spending, but his only choices would be massive spending reductions elsewhere in the budget, or tax increases.

“With his plan to create another government agency to oversee state ports, and a set of promises he made in a secret call with the teachers’ union, Dannel Malloy this week has essentially promised higher taxes to the working families of Connecticut. He also said he plans to be ‘an activist governor.’ Given his record of big spending, borrowing and higher taxes in Stamford, we know what that means,” said Justin Clark, Tom Foley’s campaign manager.

“Tom Foley has a plan to balance the state budget without raising taxes. His economic plan will provide employer’s incentives to create more jobs and get our state headed back in the right direction. Dannel Malloy is offering Connecticut voters more of the same. He has spent the week pandering for votes by pledging to spend money you don’t have, as if it is his own. It is a tired old formula used by career politicians to collect votes and stick you with the bill.”



  1. How will Dan pay for things … probably much like he did in Stamford, CHARGE IT! Take a look at the bonded indebtedness of Stamford before he became Mayor and when he left!!! And as for those endorsements from labor … he knows he has to cut State workers. They are lemmings to the cliff not to realize it. Time will tell!!!


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