The Mayor’s Wish List

The city’s legislative delegation, less one because of Chris Caruso’s resignation to accept a state position, conducted a public hearing at City Hall to field the wish list for the current General Assembly session. From Mayor Finch:

Mayor Finch Shares City’s Priorities for Upcoming Legislative Session During Public Hearing at City Hall

Mayor Bill Finch appeared before the Legislative Delegation’s public hearing, held Monday, Jan. 10 in City Council Chambers, to share the City’s 2011 Legislative session priorities.

Preserving funding to the state’s largest City, along with exploring and advocating new revenue streams to increase funding to the state’s coffers are two of the major points in the City’s legislative priorities list.

“Preventing harmful funding cuts to the City programs and continuing to demand full funding of state PILOT’s is crucial to keeping the City’s budget on track in these difficult economic times,” said Mayor Bill Finch.

In addition to preserving state funding and advocating for new revenue streams, Mayor Finch urged the delegation to support the following priorities:

• Advocate for bond commission action to address flooding, environmental remediation, economic development and public works projects such as reconstruction of the Congress Street Bridge.

• Promote and pass legislation to provide government incentives for sustainable projects such as solar, wind and geothermal power.

• Continue school construction progress – Discovery Magnet will open on time in January; the Interdistrict Magnet High School faces its last hurdle in Trumbull in late January, and there are four more school building requests in the pipeline, including a new Harding High School and renovations at Dunbar, Black Rock School expansions and Central High School. 

• Continue to advocate for comprehensive property tax reform to eliminate the regressive nature of property taxes including providing alternative municipal revenue services and funds from income taxes.

Mayor Finch also congratulated former State Rep. Chris Caruso on his new appointment to the Department of Economic and Community Development, and recognized him for his strong record of public service and his commitment to the people of Bridgeport.

The Mayor also extended congratulations to local legislators named to leadership posts, including: State Rep. Andres Ayala, who was named the Transportation Bonding Chair of the Finance, Revenue & Bonding Committee; State Rep. Auden Grogins who was named vice chair of the Planning and Development Committee; State Rep. Jack Hennessy, who was named Chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee; and State Rep. Ezequiel Santiago who was named Vice Chairman of the Labor and Public Employees Committee.



  1. Mayor Bill Finch is a man of action. Today he’ll be hosting a meeting with newly minted Senator Richard Blumenthal. Topics include the Congress Street Bridge, Steel Point, jobs and Economic Development.

  2. Unconvincing words characterize the personality of Joel Gonzalez.

    He’d rather let others do the heavy lifting while he criticizes them for not “getting it.”

    His long streak of writer’s block will continue until he has something worthwhile to contribute.

    Expect lengthy delays.


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